The future for white people

In the end, everyone will be white.

After a couple of decades, all the shithole countries will reach roughly the same living standard level as America and Europe nowadays (with foreign aid of course).

Once it happens, those countries will start experience the same population decline, that developed countries experience now. The immigration will also stop, because there will be no reason to immigrate to white countries anymore.

The only problem are the jews. We will have to forcefully relocate them to Israel. Israel is basically a shithole country, that cannot survive without foreign aid, so the population of jews will also start to decline.

At this point the technology will reach a technological stage where we will be able to use cloning and genetic engineering for rapid reproduction.
The population of white people will explode, and in 100 years the white race will become overwhelmingly dominant on the planet.

How much more population will this take, I don't think you see the bigger picture?

Will they OP?
what's stopping them from doing it now, they've already got internet access. The problem is overpopulation. When Europe had too many people, they migrated to newly colonised countries, they experienced a plague and they had a world war. But in the current global political climate, is that likely to happen for the "shithole countries"?

I think the likely scenario, is that the rich will go to space Elysium/Bladerunner style, and then Earth will choke in an economic and population crisis.

This will happen within 30 years. print out this post and put it in your time capsule, because I'm calling it now.

Space is unfomfortable. Even more uncomfortable than Africa.

I see someone has failed to read On the Principals of Population. Everyone knows foreign aid is a scheme to keep african shitholes shitty so so-called charity groups can collect shekels from people back home

Very unlikely. It's much more expensive to make a city of niggers act as if they're civilized than a city of humans because you need to dump a lot more cash into security and repairs with niggers.
That doesn't work in shitskin countries for the same reason it doesn't work with rats. Look at the number of niggers in America 50 years ago and now, now take in consideration burger niggers have some White blood.
We tried that and they lied to make the whole world hate and imprison us just for existing. You can't play nice with jews.

well that post alone earns you the status of moron, so i guess you're almost right in a world where everyone hates les autres and very few are as dire a moron as you.
8ch/b is your true home and that of the other 900 faggots worldwide who share your views; so stop complaining and suck my dick

There is a REASON why sperm is WHITE!!!


Only if whites decide to rise up and actually exterminate subhumans from the planet

No they wont, even when handed first world nations, like the case of south Africa, sub species of human incapable of achieving civilization are also incapable of maintaining it.

Will not happen, see above, their populations will decrease to manageable levels if we stop foreign aid and their breeding is no longer being subsidized.

This contradicts your previous statement that shitholes will become civilized and experience population decline.

We already have the technology for cloning, its not being used due to economic and moral reasons at the moment.

Assuming there wont be millions more Chinese and Indian knockoff clones as soon as the technology is widely accepted.

Whites will die out. After our antibiotics and flu shots stop working against the mega ultra nigger aids. The nigs will take over.

There is a REASON why semen is WHITE, you racist!

how about we just kill everyone that is evil

We will all be a pecan color, close to white, but not a POC.

I can't think of a single one. Can you provide an example user?




Everyone will be white because of genetic engineering. They won't be Europids.


Nice larping fag.

Why aren't the mormons in Mexico brown yet?

Because nobody wants to fuck a bunch of retarded gringos from Utah, duh.

All I'd say is, blacks (literally everywhere) better hope Western whites don't "go extinct" because they would die off very soon after.

Because mormons only fuck each other, duh. In fact, they believe that shitskins are the product of humans breeding with demons.

I disagree. Blacks have been able to live fine in Africa in literal shit-tier conditions for centuries without Western intervention. Just look at all the hunter-gatherer tier isolated tribes in places like Africa, South America, parts of Asia, etc.; they might not be living long but they're still reproducing and propagating their societies. I'm sure the parts of Africa that have been dependent on white people will be in for a rude awakening but it probably won't take long for them to adapt to their new conditions.

they wont go extinct but their lives will significantly worsen as China takes over their countries.

But look at the level of violence in Africa, not to mention rampant disease, and abhorrent shit like baby rape. Top Ten lists of "most violent countries" routinely feature at least 4 or 5 in Africa. They would be hacking each other up with dull machetes left and right if the foreign aid stopped and their survival depended on it. Jeeze, look what's going on in South Africa. Black Africans are slaughtering white farmers. Farmers! Because it's not like they need food, right?

Do you think urban blacks have any idea of how to live a hunter-gatherer lifestyle though?

They would be the first to go if the shit ever hit the fan. Not sure if they'd just kill each other off, or if they'd perish while trying to steal from whites. Probably both.

Probably not. I still think black people, especially in very rural parts of Africa, would be fine without white people though.

Except that they'd be living in a very different world than they had been. If cannibalism became a thing, those fuckers would be done as long as guns and bullets were still available.

Is it really that much of a difference though? It's not like virtue signalling "Donate to Africa" charities are doing anything besides funneling money and building a half-assed well every few years to keep up appearances. And let's be honest; the attempts at modernizing Africa have been a massive failure. Just look at Liberia or most of South Africa. Yay, they built some shitty skyscrapers and a buildings, I can't wait for the inevitable slums to develop and make peoples lives even worse than it would be in a rural part of the country! Besides basic urban development and shoddy attempts at instilling public works (schools, a functioning police force, etc.) white people have had very little impact on the way life is in Africa. Most people in Africa still act the same their ancestors did (cannibalism included) the only difference is now instead of living in a mudhut in a village they are living in a shack in the Capital.

and a few buildings*

I know what you're saying, user, but I think without the hand of the white man to keep order, all hell would break loose and they'd be literally beating each other to death over a bag of chips.

The main thing is, there'd be too much population for the available food supply and they'd never be able to maintain or service their infrastructure (water treatment, power generation, etc.)

They don't need water treatment or power generation. As for the lack of food natural selection would solve everything; the strongest and most intelligent Africans would be able to maintain a grasp on food until the vast majority of the weaker Africans die. From that point there is enough food to go between the remaining survivors until they eventually adapt to the environment and begin a hunter gatherer society. pic related.

How's that working out for you in Rhodesia Holla Forums?

I see that Holla Forumss grasp of technology remains tenuous as usual.

