This is what the average height looks like next to a 6'5" man.
5'8" vs 6'5"
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A woman sees everything under 6' as 5'5 anyway.
Under 6 feet and don't have a 6+ inch dick?
No pussy for you unless you have money.
That is how whores work.
You could just lie about your height, they wouldn't even know the difference as long as you are near 6 foot anyway.
this is a useful tool for me.
thank you, very much
Yeah that used to work for 5'11 and 5'10 men, but once guys in the 5'8 5'7 and 5'6 range started doing that they became a bit more skeptical so now it's "over 6' feet" not "at least 6'" that is requested.
There are some 7ft men who are pretty built. It may have been done with roids, but it certainly is possible. Just take a look at The Great Khali.
Also, how tall is the blue guy?
>tfw under 6 feet tall.
6 foot 3 inches, the perfect height. Any taller and you have to take roids or end up dying at 40 otherwise you're a lanklet.
That'll add at least 2-4 inches, manlets. You're welcome.
So, what you are saying is, that men should wear high-heeled shoes?
manlets could wear high heels, he said.
>here's me compared to the perfect height
I'm 6' 6" and I'm a low-t virgin lanky piece of shit who hasn't done anything with their life. Please preach to me how important height is to be successful.
You moron.
Lift some weights and actually try talking to girls.
Or given your height try online dating and post some pics that look like you having fun and being confident, girls will do all the hard work for you when the Search algorithm brings them to your doorstep.
When a tall person stands next to a short person, the short person looks puny and the tall person manly by comparison. This of course is negated if you're a fucking pencil.
try having myopia
what the fuck. i might be just 186cm, but fuck me that is degrading. the only time i read about serious people wearing insoles is in that hitman guidebook.
the fuck is your problem?
Why not just wear dress shoes? They come with the height boost and are socially acceptable.
be a wirdo goth some bitches will like the pale sickly thing, you have to find a niche that will work with what you got.
There's something more important than height it's confidence.
ShitStain Fail.
I hope there is a particular hell for.
Stalin was 5'5" and he managed to become the single most powerful man in history. John Dillinger was 5'7" and Baby Face Nelson was 5'5" and they were two of the most well-known bank robbers in history. Charles Manson was 5'2" and he ran one of the largest cults in the world.
Now that I think of it, there seems to be a connection between manlets and being famous for murder and other crimes.
For dogs the small ones tend to be aggressive while the big ones are calm and gentle. The same happen for humans.
Manlets easily feel dominated physically and are driven by the insecurity from their inferiority complex, this makes psychological issues which can make them somewhat evil.
For info I'm 6'6, rather strong too, and everyone tells me I'm gentle.
Like I said it's body size that makes manlets insecure, for you it's must be your dick too
The chart in pic related is based on rather old figures, it correspond to at least 10% more height now, with the tall news generations
Have you ever hit your head on a door frame?
Not on modern ones, with metric system door height tend to be rounded to 2m and it pass without problems even if not at large
They can do whatever they want tbh I couldn't give less of a fuck. The whole world is using metric. Almost every college, Uni and everything that has something to do with the international science community uses metric. NASA even destroyed a multi billion dollar satelite because they got the conversion from imperial to metric wrong (lol)
It's a retarded system just admit it.
anyone else share this feel?
i feel like i’m looking at a continent
Sure, use metric in science when accuracy matters, but for general use it sucks.
As opposed to
Imperial is just more expressive of real world things. What does the boiling and freezing point of water have to do with whether or not you need a coat?
Everybody knows exactly what you mean
We have something called "dag" here, it's inbetween grams and kilograms. So you would most likely order 90dag of meat or 12 dag of cheese
How do you decide how many dag of meat to get? Standard serving of hamburger is a quarter pound. Do you give each individual 112.5 grams of meat, measured on a fine scale? Or do you round it up to the nearest dag and accept one burger is going to be bigger or smaller than the rest? Or do you order a kilo of meat which can be divided less ridiculously?
Look buddy you are thinking too much into it. When I go to a store I get a quarter kilo of meat and it's mostly pre packaged. If I want a steak I get one that looks to be the right size. I don't buy meat for a single burger I always buy more.
Water freezes at 0° so anything below is freezing cold. Anything from 15-30° is warm, anything above that is hot. It's pretty simple really. It's a straight line that goes from absolute zero (-173°C or 0K) to basically ∞°C
Before I had internet at home I didn't even know that something other than Metric existed.
yea and just beeing your self bro
I'd say Fahrenheit makes more sense for how temperatures feel, while Celsius makes more sense from a scientific point of view. The reason I say this is that, when you're setting the temperature in your house, you can feel a yuge difference between 72F and 73F, and degrees Fahrenheit are about half the size of degrees Celsius. I imagine if I were trying to fine tune the temperature, I would be dissatisfied with Celsius, because I'd have the options of 22 (about 71 and a half Fahrenheit) or 23 (about 73 and a half).
Which yields two burgers of 125g each which is a bite more than a burger ought to have. Metric cuts off the subtleties of specific measurements for the sake of uniformity. To quote from in 1984:
The pint, the pound, the yard, these aren't American designs but hallmarks of civilization that those that devised the metric system and the big bang theory and the climate change hoax seek to destroy.
I had sex with women taller than me and I really don't care, if your entire self estime is based on your height, you might as well just wet you head and break the sealing light with it.
is 5'11 ok?
Doesnt celsius thermostats let you select fractions of degrees for just this reason?
Only if she's not wearing le heels.
Any woman who wears such damaging and harmful shoes, gets no attention from me. High heels are a health risk and fuck up your feet
It might also have to do with shorter people having more neanderthal genes, making them more prone to aggression.
America is Metric on a legal level actually. That image is retarded
The problem is that measurements happen to be important for domestic trade commerce and logistics. And since America happens to be the worlds largest economy, that comes wirh some inertia. So traditional units persisted. You can argue the government didn't do enough to promote metric over customary units, but that would've been an expense that frankly wasn't worth it at the end of the day.
Shame taller, stronger, meaner, hungrier men could be a better job than you ever can.
The dumbest thing is the US started to move to metric but stopped halfway through.
It's dumb that it's an either or situation in the first place. They're different scales for different purposes.
The purpose is the same, measuring things. You only feel metric doesn't work for something because you're not used to it. Btw, when it was invented they also attempted to make time metric as well but (obviously) it didn't catch on. Each day had 10 metric hours, I think with 100 metric minutes each.
this is what I see when you post that
"things" though. Painting everything with the same relativistic brush, ignoring the subtleties of each. Science might be great, but too large a dose of it will turn you into a filthy commie.
Fahrenheit is by far superior to Celsius. Fahrenheit is more accurate and to the point. It's spaced out through a larger spectrum.
It's better for human beings discussing the weather, but it's a pain in the ass for science.
To be honest though you can make Celsius more people friendly just by saying stuff after the decimal point. Say 25.4 or 25.7 instead of just rounding to 25 or 26.
Who does that though? No one does. When was the last time you heard someone say the temperature outside is 25.4 degrees Celsius?
For science you should use kelvins
Metric system have the great advantage of being far better for calculations, you don't need much coefficients with these units
Not using decimal system is also really painful
I forgot to add an illustration
An allegory of insecure manlets