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special, really special
mewch Holla Forums
The home of basement dwelling mummy's boys fapping to pictures to their unattainable Kelly.
A board with five attention-whoring users: the owner who regularly posts selfies; some bearded faggot who regularly posts pictures of himself; a fat soyboy who avatarfags as two different ugly girls; and two occasional Reddit tier retards who can't deal with pedos, gore, or shitposting in general. I occasionally lurked for a good 3 months. Too slow for any meaningful discussion so they constantly advertise on every single imageboard out there in an effort to gain more users. They think they are "in" with /int*/ as well. Very sad display of power-hungry kids who want to create a cult following.
damn she's retarded.
we need your kind to leave and hotwheels back. tbh
It wasn't her posting