Ever notice how defensive White people get when you remind them of what their ancestors did to us? Hmm.
Ever notice how defensive White people get when you remind them of what their ancestors did to us? Hmm
You have to say it online because you'd never NEVER say it face to face to a black person.
>Ever notice how defensive White people get when you remind them of what their ancestors did to us?
They're called liberals.
Taming the world and bringing civilization to indigenous people, all around the world.
Evil White Man, amirite guise?
my ancestors didnt enslave you, mooncricket… the jews did that. also that isnt an mlk quote… and i called one of you a nigger straight to his face the other day - seriously, this nigger was blocking the doors to a convenience store trying to sell his "mixtape", (which were actually cd's) i tried to kick his ass but he ran off.
You saying that any culture untouched by White people is untamed?
And disease, forced conversions, firearms, and culturally mandatory employment along with it.
music to my ears, jesus imagine acutally being a non-white lol
Yes. There are still cultures to this day that refuse to establish contact with us. You know how they live? In the fucking jungle!
I say we brought, knowldge, tecnhology and culture to those people. We did a good thing.
Ever noticed how defensive Niggers get when you remind them what our ancestors did to them?
Gorillas and Chimps also live in the jungle. Are you saying they'd be better off in zoo's?
My ancestors are Irish you stupid nigger cunt
Then why are you replying? This thread is about White people.
I'm saying they are the same thing nignog
It's almost like people take exception to being held responsible for things they didn't do.
It's also as if people looking for favors for bad things that didn't even happen to them seems stupid and unfair to everyone else that probably also has ancestors that suffered in various ways.
Replace White with Jew and that pic will be correct
Why don't you tell us mooshie?
lul. So much lul.
African cities are developing faster than cities in Europe or even America. White people are trashy and invent too many laws and they complain too much.
Seems to me like having a good time is more important than building endless concrete jungles and pollution factories.
That's a valid point
Maybe you should research what the word ancestor means. I'm not related to any of those fucktards in America that bought those nibbers from those skypes.
maybe we used to
not anymore nigger
you are a kike puppet
pick sides soon
Most black dudes I've known have been pretty cool. No different than anyone else. Some are awesome people, other's are just plain trash.
You better leave the neighborhood. I'm going to shoot you from my window.
This is true. Some of my best friends are black. But when you meet pure-bred blacks its a whole new story. Blacks that have never been in much contact with whites while growing up, nor have white or asian blood on their veins, are a whole new experience. Try it sometimes
Yes, actually. It's much safer for the animals, no food scarcity, but coming from Africa, you wouldn't know food scarcity, and they don't have to go through any stupid mating rituals, they just throw a pretty good female at the male to have its way with.
Wait, why the fuck am I describing Africa? Dammit, we really need to stop giving you nigs financial aid.
Idiot nigger. Your grandparents got it rough. You lazy cunts get handouts
Reminder that MLK's most popular speeches were written by white men. Segregation only ended because (((they))) wanted it to. He was assassinated because he was getting too comfy with black nationalists, and (((they))) knew that wouldn't look good.
niggers need to be hanged
Do you mean be the first race to abolish slavery and encourage the rest of the world to follow. Also we were wrong the only thing niggers are good for is being slaves.
>(((White men))) aka jews.
Fixed that for you.
I'd appreaciate it if the USA could stop pretending that their history is the same for the rest of the western world.
Having a black history month in quebec make absolutely no sense, It really hasn't been that long since we had black immigrants, plus we didn't have black slaves. We had Iroquois, who did domestic chores.
my family never had any slaves but white poeple often get uncomfortable when discussing slavery because of anti white sentiments in pop culture. In fact since we were scots irish we mightve even been enslaved, oh im sorry, indentured servitude. Nowadays slavery=blacks but the word literally comes from the word slav. White peepo. And not to mention the arabic slave trade lol. Ask me again why yall ain't muslim yet? 72 virgos, women have no power, dat oil casy, etc.
Dumb monkeys.
MLK was a communist ape whose name should be purged from written history
As I white man I'm deeply ashamed of my ancestors. They should have wiped you nigger monkeys off the face of the Earth like you deserve.
Egyptians didn't enslave kikes. In the torah, yes, but that book is full of shit.
Ever notice how defensive Dysnigger gets when you remind him of what his predecessor did for us? Hmm.
HW gave us a great site, and a first class Holla Forums board. Now look at it.
its been over a week, and i keep seeing the same fucking threads popping up.
Ever notice how defensive porch monkeys get when you remind them of what their ancestors didn't do? Hmm.
I have been here for years and see the exact same thing.
You get used to it.
Black Nazi located.