Can we can a thread about nanotechnology and bioterrorism in the USA and how fucking useless law enforcement is?
Go ahead, call someone and complain someone put something in your drink which made you sick and turned your dick off after it interrogated you. No one is going to listen even if it's completely possible.
The human mind is already pretty open to manipulation—just ask anyone who works in advertising. But neural implant technology could potentially open up a direct digital link to our innermost thoughts that could be exploited by hackers.
In recent months, companies like Elon Musk’s Neuralink, Kernel, and Facebook have unveiled plans to create devices that will provide a two-way interface between human brains and machines.
While these devices could undoubtedly bring many benefits, they would be networked to computers and therefore essentially part of the Internet of Things. That should immediately set off alarm bells for anyone paying attention to cybersecurity news.
There have been repeated warnings in recent years about the huge number of vulnerabilities in “smart” devices designed by consumer goods companies with little experience of or consideration for cybersecurity.
One would expect that the added sensitivity of a device set to be integrated into people’s bodies would warrant more caution. But it has already been demonstrated that it is possible to hack medical implants to harm patients, and there seems to be no reason the same wouldn’t be true of neural implants.
Ryan Ross
In a paper in World Neurosurgery last year, Oxford PhD student Laurie Pycroft warned about the possibility of ‘brainjacking’—hackers exerting unauthorized control of brain implants.
Deep brain stimulation implants are already being used to treat diseases like Parkinson’s and chronic pain, but he warned that hackers could gain control of the device and alter stimulation settings to cause pain or inhibit movement.
Even with these comparatively simple devices, a determined and technically competent attacker could carry out more advanced attacks that could alter the victim’s behavior in crude ways, Pycroft said.
Future neural implants designed from the bottom up to interface with our cognitive processes may make far more nuanced and sophisticated hacks possible. Earlier this month it was shown that a neural headset could be used to guess someone’s PIN. How much more intimate would the access be if we were talking about an invasive neural implant like the one Elon Musk has proposed?
While a targeted attack on a neural implant designed to manipulate someone’s behavior is unlikely to be worth the effort for most hackers, a bigger threat may be dumb malware that spreads to thousands of devices. Spyware could be used to access highly sensitive personal information, and a neural implant locked by ransomware is not as easy to replace as a laptop.
Perhaps, though, it’s not hackers we should be worrying about. Edward Snowden’s revelations about the NSA’s PRISM surveillance program in 2013 demonstrated wide-ranging collusion between the security services and technology companies to intercept the supposedly secure communications of innocent citizens.
It’s hard to imagine the spooks would pass up the opportunity to do the same with neural implants, and once that threshold has been crossed, it would likely be a short leap to taking advantage of the two-way nature of these future devices to subtly influence people’s behavior.
Even if you trust your government not to abuse these capabilities, the leak of a massive cache of hacking tools stockpiled by the NSA suggests they may not be the only ones with access…
Carson Barnes
How Smart Dust Could Spy On Your Brain Intelligent dust particles embedded in the brain could form an entirely new form of brain-machine interface, say engineers
Blake Taylor
The real time monitoring of brain function has advanced in leaps and bounds in recent years. That’s largely thanks to various new technologies that can monitor the collective behaviour of groups of neurons, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging, magnetoencephalopathy and positron emission tomography.
This work is revolutionising our understanding of the way the brain is structured and behaves. It has also lead to a new engineering discipline of brain-machine interfaces, which allows people to control machines by thought alone.
Impressive though these techniques are, they all suffer from inherent limitations such as limited spatial resolution, a lack of portability and extreme invasiveness.
Today, Dongjin Seo and pals at the University of California Berkeley reveal an entirely new way to study and interact with the brain. Their idea is to sprinkle electronic sensors the size of dust particles into the cortex and to interrogate them remotely using ultrasound. The ultrasound also powers this so-called neural dust.
Each particle of neural dust consists of standard CMOS circuits and sensors that measure the electrical activity in neurons nearby. This is coupled to a piezoelectric material that converts ultra-high-frequency sound waves into electrical signals and vice versa.
yeah, thanks. we can fucking read the article ourselves.
Dylan Green
I'm being tortured by this shit and framed so shut the fuck up you giant fucking nigger.
Camden Roberts Syringe Injectable Electronics With recent advancement in nanotechnology and materials science, we have been able to fabricate electronics on flexible, stretchable and 3D substrates to cover electrical functional units on soft and non-planar surfaces for monitoring, control and making smart systems. New requirements have been raised that electronics need to be implemented into objects with a minimal invasiveness followed by a 3D distribution of nano- and micro-scale sensor units in a large volume while maintaining mechanical ultra-flexibility.
Jaxson Nguyen
They still won't stop, besides that, the idiots cut millimetric strips from comic books because they believe the are drugs, all while being aggressive as i beg for cents for food and rent It is hell when an all u can eat buffet is how much can bums ejaculate inside your mother, but she denies u money because you'd get stoned so its smarter to spend it on cocaine San Mateo esquina Pasteur Cp 76090 Queretaro Mexico
It is happening right now Imagine the level of drugs on the whore that was once my mother to believe she is strong enough to kill anal show man Pepe Jamous a.k.a. Cesar as he destroys her perineum, or third fuck hole between legs, all while they attempt to blame me for screaming for help. Woman logic in Mexico, I am the aggressor, not the million march of AIDS into my mothers ass not the million march of AIDS into my mothers ass I don't know what to do They could have invited me, instead they used my mother's insanity to brand me a criminal, I am treated like less than human while actual subhumans act surprised at the sound of a voice coming from the mouth of a man All while children fuck my mother as sex for beginniners, not me obviously because porn scenes are practice…masturbation equals gang bang rape of your mother and sister. Viva Mexico I wish I was nicolas plaza or pepe jamous or efren, whore beaters that knock the teeth of women and fuck minors, children, force feed shit to your mom…excellent people, respected and wealthy in Queretaro, one drives a white jetta, another a yellow ducati, and efren just bought himself a gas guzzling green escalade, I can't purchase food
Menu Syringe Injectable Electronics: Precise Targeted Delivery with Quantitative Input/Output Connectivity
Guosong Hong, Tian-Ming Fu, Tao Zhou, Thomas G. Schuhmann, Jinlin Huang and Charles M. Lieber* *E-mail: [email protected].
†Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and ‡John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, United States Nano Letters
Vol. 15: , Issue. 10, : Pages. 6979-6984 Publication Date (Web): August 28, 2015
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b02987
Syringe-injectable mesh electronics with tissue-like mechanical properties and open macroporous structures is an emerging powerful paradigm for mapping and modulating brain activity. Indeed, the ultraflexible macroporous structure has exhibited unprecedented minimal/noninvasiveness and the promotion of attractive interactions with neurons in chronic studies. These same structural features also pose new challenges and opportunities for precise targeted delivery in specific brain regions and quantitative input/output (I/O) connectivity needed for reliable electrical measurements. Here, we describe new results that address in a flexible manner both of these points. First, we have developed a controlled injection approach that maintains the extended mesh structure during the “blind” injection process, while also achieving targeted delivery with ca. 20 μm spatial precision. Optical and microcomputed tomography results from injections into tissue-like hydrogel, ex vivo brain tissue, and in vivo brains validate our basic approach and demonstrate its generality. Second, we present a general strategy to achieve up to 100% multichannel I/O connectivity using an automated conductive ink printing methodology to connect the mesh electronics and a flexible flat cable, which serves as the standard “plug-in” interface to measurement electronics. Studies of resistance versus printed line width were used to identify optimal conditions, and moreover, frequency-dependent noise measurements show that the flexible printing process yields values comparable to commercial flip-chip bonding technology. Our results address two key challenges faced by syringe-injectable electronics and thereby pave the way for facile in vivo applications of injectable mesh electronics as a general and powerful tool for long-term mapping and modulation of brain activity in fundamental neuroscience through therapeutic biomedical studies.
Lincoln Hernandez
I've been given this shit for the sole purpose of torture so that I get seizures to the point I bleed out my fucking nose and they disabled my fucking dick. Who the fuck do I complain to?
I have an MRI of my brain lighting up with more than 60 watts of energy and no one fucking cares. The fuck is wrong with you people.
Liam Johnson
They keep telling me what to do through it's communicator and robbing me of my free will.
E.g. posting this to you is costing me my ability and free will to go work out and take care of myself.
Eli Bailey
Did I break the auto posting bot or what?
David Edwards
Got in last month. Waiting to make something.
Jason Price
This stupid shit forced me to be poor and shocks me into stupidity. It's being used for corporate espionage and imported freely because our law enforcement is really fucking retarded.
Aaron Wood
Spider tracers invented in China. News at 11. In other news your mother is raped by hundreds per night and you can't afford food as your comic books get stolen
Robert Smith
GUAJOLOTAS SEXUALES Subhuman atrocities continue as the ripped peritoneum, stretched open perineum piece of shit cum bucket is used as breadbox, literally holding food and semen inside her living skin. Irma Elide Lira Fajardo was murdered by the same people in 2003, almost Random full circle
Nolan Turner
This is clearly some robot that would know I'm a violent Mexican just recently and this would only be known federally.
You're so fucking fucked. That's why I come here. To watch.
Lincoln Clark
First time I've seen two posts like this in any thread anywhere in my entire life.
Luke Harris
More then one million responses these are the first violent tailored Spanish posts.
Easton Peterson
I only just recently got prosecuted for a violent felony because of terrorism. Fuck you people.
Colton Green
no1 puts anything in my drinks, faggot
Robert Robinson
Do you understand the true significance of this image? Remember not to squint too hard!
Dylan Murphy
Please stop programming me to be isolated and getting angry St naked women.
It makes me want to laser out np=p all over the fucking sky in Morse code
Gabriel Allen
Isolate my kw laser that's going to spell out np=p for you into the atmosphere. Kiss my ass.
Fucking pieces of shit
Chase Nelson
Are u okay?
Wyatt Lopez
Embrace the frequencies, user-kun. Because what else can you honestly do about it?
Ryan Williams
We don't know if p=np though why on earth would you do such a horrible thing?
James Brooks
Yea you don't know that. That's why it's going to be really fucked up.
Asher Gray
lol. take your meds Steven
Angel Fisher
I can't. I just found out the pharmacist is funneling the real drugs out into another place.
Carson Lopez
these are all complete dog shit and require massive, multi million dollar magnets which themselves require multimillion dollar buildings to house and run and all you get is an artifact laden blurred to shit idea of where blood is moving in the brain doing one thing relative to another. It's dogshit. We're a long, looong ways away from anything even remotely useful for non-invasively measuring human brain activity in vivo