What is more enjoyable?
taking a shit or eating
? Holla Forums
Perhaps the consumption of faecial matter would be more of your desired intent?
eating shit is pretty awesome. fresh from the hole is how I like it. none of that frozen crap for me thanks
I think it's just you and I on this board right now tbh no homo
Jesus Christ I can smell it from here
Funny how just changing the color of something can change the entire meaning of a pic.
huh? what means this
It now looks like a can of Campells Soup, obviously! I laughed out loud, and scared the cats.
ah… ok… yes, now that you say it I can definitely see the resemblance…
It is rapidly approaching endchan tier, at least here on Holla Forums. Thing is, I don't feel like "It was fun while it lasted" can even be said about this place. Dysnomia is such a fuck-up that it was never actually fun here, even when it was active.
Look at the fucking curve on that fucker
Beans, beans, the musical fruit
The more you eat, the more you toot
The more you toot, the better you feel
So we have beans at every meal!
looks like this
Stop shitposting you nigger
Why is this bitch covered in beans and… why do I want to lick them off.
Depends how good the food is.
Excellent food > taking a shit > average food.
depends on how hungry you are or how badly you have to shit