Call for a good time ;)

Call for a good time ;)

What are these phone numbers actually?
Too far apart to be believable.


their phone numbers. the father has a job that takes him far from home.

Mother is an elementary school teacher. Daughter is a thief and works at a McDonald's

i could post their address, but i'm in need of some pics of hot redheads… you scratch my back, i scratch yours.



i'm getting bored


Undesirable as fuck

Nigger lover

Please excuse me, but I must make my exit from this fine place for the present moment, for I must seek to empty the contents of my bowels satisfactorily, with a minimum of exertion.

how so?

What does that mean?

It's a tripcode, copy and paste it in the name field.

…then submit a post.

I'm new to this, why do I need a trip code?

any noods?

A tripcode is a hashed password by which a person can be identified by others.You can't private message inside a image board you can have a open message inside a thread.
Instead of everyone being anonymous you know how your talking too by the tripcode.

Unfortunately no, I only have clothed photos

then BTFO with this shit

Is she smoking a fucking french fry?

their called chips ya cunt

t. brit

Lol she's shit at rolling joints