We were right again.
Love, Holla Forums.
We were right again.
Love, Holla Forums.
And we were left.
Fuck yourself,
Historical Materialism.
Why do you think it's called Right and Left? Talk about wrong side of history :^)
"Those who were loyal to religion and the king took up positions to the right of the chair."
Right about what?
shooter is a nigger
has Holla Forums EVER been right about anything?
Glorious. This must cause buttmad at Holla Forums.
Most of us thought that from the beginning. Dorner's soul was guiding these brave men to glory.
We've all unspokenly suspected the shooters to be black since the beginning. It's an anti-cop shooting at a protest against cops killing black people. There are also radical leftist groups for black liberation, advocating for the arming of black people and killing cops. You really think you're geniuses for suspecting the shooters are black?
The inherently chaotic, crisis-prone nature of capitalism, that is the relentless drive for profits would lead companies to mechanize their workplaces, producing more and more goods while squeezing workers' wages until they could no longer purchase the products they created.
Anycase, Holla Forums said the shooter was black.
why is this board so pathetic? why are chan liberals so hilariously sissy cuckold?
Bait confirmed.
Nice bantz BRO haha you sure destroyed those LIBTARD cucks xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
stay mad though
enjoy your dead hideout site lmao
Nobody's mad besides you, fam
I've never heard that before!!!
What is this epic method of rage provocation even called?
Gnoming? Hobgoblining?
GOD, you are so clever, wow.
is it you again? mr Holla Forums larping as Holla Forums pretending to be Holla Forums? gotta up your game, man.
Imagine being these people, being this mad.
That wasn't me. I'm insulted that you thought it was.
luv u 2, Holla Forums senpai
You do know that Trump isn't racist against blacks, right?
sorry, fam. I'm just super skeptical of half of the Holla Forumsyp posts. especially after my suspicions about you were confirmed.
Holla Forums you were always wrong, remember the shemittah ? or whatever it's called?
you were wrong about many things I lost count.
le Holla Forums is right meme is how you feel good about yourselves, you are inbred retards. it's pathetic.
now go suck on trump's cock and then kill yourself.
kys cuck