If you aren't standing with the black community by supporting BLM, Black Panthers, Uhuru Movement, etc. then I don't see how you can call yourself a leftist. Black people are getting killed by white pigs and I'm afraid I don't see a strong enough response from the left.
If you aren't standing with the black community by supporting BLM, Black Panthers, Uhuru Movement, etc...
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BLM is a sham. It's a movement based on lies and rumors. Michael Brown was just a stupid thug who got killed trying to take a cop's gun away. It's all crap designed to divide us and distract us from real economic and political issues. (and it's working)
Fuck off back to Holla Forums
This thread sounds like a bait.
Most black people get killed by other black people tho. The problem aren't white people, it's that there is no class consciousness in the black community. I'm not American btw.
The stupid thug had powder burns on his hand from when the gun went off as he was trying to take it away. He was not shot in the back of the head while kneeing on the ground.. All of that shit was lies spread on twitter and caused a pointless riot. nydailynews.com
For a second there I read "Uhuru" as "Unruhe".
The "Official" BLM organizers are fucking reactionaries at this point. They need to be shed off. There were 2k very angry people in Oakland last night that they managed to thin out and pacify with their bullshit politics of compliance and preacher pathos.
They've played their part. Aufhebung's a reckoning.
Fuck off fatty.
The anger is there but the theory is not.
They should literally read Marx.
What does linux have to do with black empowerment?
We all did.
You mean "people are killed by cops, in the US, cause it's a police state
and edgy anarkids are acting fullrevolution on their pcs and smartphones.
Ye, sorry, I'm not even 'murican so, no, I won't support racists no matter the colour.
BLM is porky as fuck at this point.
I liked the second one, but… "racial justice"? I thought proletariat had no race…
leftism is a spook either way.
I'm torn about this. I have historically been fairly decently involved with BLM protests and strategies in my city since about 2013, when Trayvon Martin was murdered, but as time has gone on - and my support for deeply triggering and problematic supremacist groups and direct action have continued - I've become so incredibly disenfranchised with BLM. Every time one of these shootings happen, it's the same pattern. There's a handful of protests (sanctioned and patrolled by the police, mind you), maybe a vigil. Maybe some malls or streets get blockaded with the same constant refrain. It's direct action lite, and none of these strategies have yielded any sort of tangible change.
Do I support the general principle behind BLM? Of course. But their tactics are almost purely ideological and demand no material transformation of existing structures that might actually stop police violence. 90 percent of it is relegated to Twitter activism. It's fucking frustrating, because they're right - this is slow genocide, but another fucking protest in a mall isn't going to do anything.
I think orthodoxy says 'no country' which can mean something different than no race
Just because we don't support or have ideological friction with nationalist/nat-lib/race-nation (as you'd say 'idpol-type) movements doesn't mean we can't be a voice of internationalism in their forums.
Lest we forget
"The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality.
The working men have no country. We cannot take from them what they have not got. Since the proletariat must first of all acquire political supremacy, must rise to be the leading class of the nation, must constitute itself the nation, it is so far, itself national, though not in the bourgeois sense of the word."
BLM is cancer. The old Black Panthers were alright i guess.
Here. Have some good old Mayakofsky.
Jesus that's macabre. I'm not seeing what you are trying to communicate though
Well, I could try to communicate that nowadays it's not the same as back then, and that by focusing on skin colour you don't deal with the actual problem, capitalism…
Or you could see it as an answer to the problem of racism in US.
I only gave some Mayakofsky.
Dude for real? Most cases of police using lethal force when they shouldn't is just that, but Michael Brown grabbed the guy's gun. The notion that he was executed is ridiculous.
Did it ever occur to you that the reason BLM picks the worst possible poster boys is so that black people will side with them and white people will side against them?
It's the structure of the modern media. Why would BLM want white people to side against them as a strategy? If that was their plan, it failed anyway.
Because the point is to divide proles.
Yes, there are bleeding heart white RIPs who side with BLM. There are also black people who don't like them. The point is to get large portions of white and black people to side against each other.
Depends on the kind of leftist. BLM is a globalist capitalist controlled movement
A lot of them are just black nationalists or capitalism worshipping liberals.
did someone kill the president yet?
he's black after all
no? they didn't?
guess it's still class struggle after all and blacks simply being historically more associated with working class and poverty
you want me to support emancipation into an inherently racist society?
you want me to pat those black liberals on the back and tell them everything will be fine eventually if they just protest peaceful and long enough?
no, go fuck yourself.
it's the black workers own responsibility to recognize his own class interest and organize in socialist movements and until then they can go whine somewhere else about "white muh privilege" i supposedly share with capitalists.
soros funds blm, so no.
not to mention, if you're white, they will want to kill you, so i guess if being ironic is your thing, go ahead, support capitalist agents…
Go do a web search for "officer killed innocent unarmed". Most of the people are white. When it is a black person they usually committed a crime yet they still get more media attention. The BLM people don't do anything right how they harass random people or blocking access to universities.If anything they are helping start a Nazi masturbation fantasy.
This is shitty bait but you aren't wrong.
nice ideology you got there buddy :^)
I agree about BLM, but the white people unreasonably killed by cops are also usually suspects. Same with victims of other races. A Caucasian meth dealer still deserves a trial.
This is how cops get away with it to begin with, they kill people with unscrupulous histories so no one will sympathize with the victim. Unfortunately, the legal system doesn't work that way for the rest of us.
No I'm not supporting Spooked Spooks: The Movement.
BLM is full opportunists and it's mostly a liberal movement. But I agree with the cause and their protesting 100%.
BLM are communists who work for George Soros. The marxist jewish have wanted to restart a black vs white Nazi masturbation fantasy for ages so they can watch both sides engage in a war of attrition while the marxists swoop in from behind and take power, with the ultimate goal of victimizing both races and making them subservient.
BLM are just useful idiots at this point.
Race is a spook.
I'm not really getting the boogeyman billionaire is pulling the string conspiracy. George Soros is a very rich liberal that happens to support many liberal movements. It's not exactly a shocking revelation.
Holla Forums are marxist jews?
this is what the alt-right actually believes
Right. But that's kind of the point. People seem to be forgetting that black lives matter equally.
People are forgetting because liberals don't want them to remember. A colorblind society means their social agenda is much less useful.
when BLM fails to achieve soros ambitions, he will move on to the hispanics, trying to inflame them against whites, just you watch. if you want to be played well then join the game, you are the pinball, not the flippers.
Or put another way, "all spooks matter equally". But this was too controversial considering the racial baggage.
Smh. You're not into anything you ducking idiot. He's a billionaire who already donates a ton of money to liberal causes – so no shit at some point he'll be giving money to Hispanic groups. He probably already is you retard.
Do you really think Soros actually cares? He funds groups that raise hell in public instead of pushing for real political change because this means they won't threaten his profits while he gets to look like a philanthropist. It's pure business.
the word filters here change the word "rayce worz" into nazi masturbation fantasy.
No, no he doesn't care. Soros is a jew addicted to power, he will love power until his last dying breath and will leave a trail of victims behind after he finally is sent to his god.
If the most glaring thing about him to you is his ethnicity, you deserve to be subjugated.
Hey pol
Yes, I did not suggest most white people or other races killed by cops were innocent entirely of any crime. I just was pointing out in the cases of most innocence most are white, obviously there being more white people so it's not surprising. Some would rather try to ignore things like that and play it off as a racism issue instead of a policing issue and flaw in peoples psyche. Some of the cases of black people being killed by cops really was from racism but much of the time I see it being due to either their actions or their intimidating larger body size and deep voice which is more present with black people.
Its not his ethnicity but his aims. Soros is on the left, Sheldon Adelson is on the right, but they do work together on a common goal which is to keep them at the very top.
its a disgusting thing when both Soros and Adelson require people to kiss their rings and tell them how great they are in exchange for donations.
what film is this?
This isn't news to us.