Rate this girl /b
Rate this Girl
was she in prison?
No she's just a Tattoo artist.
Why a tattoo in her forehead?
You know I have never gotten a clear story out of her really about it. I hadn't seen her for sometime and we ended up getting back in touch and the first thing I noticed was the forehead tattoo. It says "Witness me" and I asked her what it mean't and she said something along the lines of "a lot of people don't pay attention to life and those around them and it was a way to draw attention to that." To which I responded "So why on your forehead?" She said she thought it looked good and added to her beauty. I didn't really feel like pushing for more then that at the time.
tl;dr I don't know why
problem glasses/10
Actually is rather racist and doesn't give a fuck about most SJW issues. She's been rocking glasses similar to those in style since forever.
Still got a good laugh though.
She looks like she'd be fun to go out with.
She's pretty awesome to go out with. And as I mentioned she slings ink for a living so free quality tattoos. Really doesn't ask for much out of you as a person. And she's really loyal. As a girlfriend I give her 10/10
Sorry about your homosexual tendencies m8.
Seems like a perfectly well adjusted and mentally stable white woman.
marry her and keep us updated
The tattoo in her forehead caused the low rating.
spic thot /10
0/10 tattooed forehead. Anyone stupid enough to do that to themselves is trash in my book.
This bitch definitely has mental health issues.
Make sure your wallet is on a chain.
tl;dr she's an attention whore
You must be new here. Welcome faggot
Lol a new faggoted transgender moron.
Been here a lot longer than you most likely
Ok kid
You just want to eat her shithole.
Wow i sure am BTFO. You normies got wit sharp as a katana. I don't know why i ever bothered challenging you.
she looks fertile
why did she write stuff on her forehead
does she often forget shit?
n\Need close up pics of asshole or cannot judge accurately.