are you a bad enough dude to troll Kanasasiansians?
Trolling irl by dragging/walking on flag in lawrence ks
I found gold, dumping.
"It appears as though Lawrence needs some education on the difference between patriotism and nationalism. If we want to use a flag as a symbol for our country let’s brake down what this country is standing for right now. Currently, this country targets black lives and allows our law enforcement to murder them. This country steals land from native people, pushes them into systematic oppression, and murders them. This country treats immigrants as pawns for political gain and rips family’s apart. This country starves hard working people who are not apart of the white elite. This country exploits, harms, and kills women, trans, LGBTQIA+, and femmes based on how they chose to lead their life. This country exports labor and harms our planet with impractical wasteful policy.
This country produces hate, racism, and genocide.
You think it’s wrong for anyone to drag an American flag?
This is a country of the pure evil that is inflected on the marginalized.
Sit with it because human lives are damn more important than that flag."
not much else to do in kansas besides defending a flag I guess
wonder if that guy is a navy seal
he is posting people's bios beside their messages and most are private contractors or deployed. right now it is humorous but this just happened yesterday. if they actually find him (if /hwndu/ can find shia what can operators do?) this could be very lulzy.
This isn't very lul-worthy.
Also Jonathan should kill himself.
America: First World Shithole
I am dumping as I save without much chance to read.
that said, check last pic in this post.
"I need a gun"
"That too, arming the left has got to be a priority."
seems like that is it for now.
unrelated note: Maquis confirmed for hotheads
fuck wrong link
well fuck me anyway
no thanks
This whole thread is cringe fuck off back to reddit nigger
no u
You should report all those fags for making threats.
I'm not the flag dragger by the way. I think that guy might but who knows. I'm interested to see what happens in the next few weeks.
You can still report them anyway. It's funny watching normalfags have their precious facebook taken away.
dubs of 8, why retaliate on triggered service members? why not make pop corn?
I mean trips
Being in the military is the ultimate form of cuckoldry.
This. what a bunch of fools.