State of the Union Drinking Game

Drink once each time President Trump:

1. Says "believe me," or claims to be the "most (something good)" or the "least (something bad)"

2. Pulls out a "some of my best friends are Haitian" line, or in some other painful way denies being racist. Drink twice if he does so and then also talks about building the Wall.

3. Talks priapismically about the Republican tax cut package, or hints at the great relationship he enjoys with the GOP leadership, causing a cutaway to a mortified Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell, as each struggles over whether or not to bite his glass cyanide capsule

4. Mentions ExxonMobil, Walmart, Apple or any other corporation that reportedly is investing in America because of Trump's tax package

5. Uses the "pinchy hands" gesture (up to a maximum of three times)

6. Sniffles with suspicious vigorousness (again, maximum three shots)

7. Pulls a Kobe special and overcompliments his wife in embarrassingly public fashion in the wake of the Stormy Daniels story

8. Says something is "tremendous." Drink twice if the thing in question was totally not tremendous, e.g., "What a tremendous first year this administration had."

9. Causes a lawmaker to walk out mid-speech

10. Makes veiled/unveiled threat to North Korea that increases the chance that Guam will be annihilated before the end of the speech

11. Mentions the 702 Surveillance Reauthorization. Drink twice if you see members from both parties cheering

12. Mentions Jay-Z, Meryl Streep, Michael Wolff, Steve Bannon, "Fake News" CNN or Dianne Feinstein. Double shot for "FBI lovers" Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, "Dicky" Durbin, "Cryin'" Chuck Schumer, or "Crazy" Jim Acosta.

13. Mentions a "witch hunt." Wrap arms with your friend and "collude" to drink each others' shots if the word "collusion" is used instead

14. Mispronounces "Nazarbayev" or some similar personage. Double shot if he mispronounces Davos or talks about how much the Swiss love him

15. Mentions in admiring fashion Dr. King, Abraham Lincoln or some other defenseless dead person. Take a vote within your group to decide if Bob Dole counts


how many shots when he says "really, really"?

waitaminnit.. this is some kinda Holla Forums trick to kill us all with alcohol poisoning! we will all be dead within the first 5 minutes


Every time I see something like this, something that makes you take a step back and look at the current situation, I just laugh. This guy is the president. This narcissistic, less than average intelligence, spoiled, childish, barely literate, clown is the president. What's even more shocking is there's a decent percentage of the country that has deified him and defends him at every turn. Did I slip into a coma a few years ago?

We are in the darkest timeline.

I didn't vote for him because I'm not a hurr durr brainlet but a part of me wanted him to win so that the wreck that America has become would be exposed to all. Has not disappointed on that level..

back to leftypol faggots.

You sound like a reddit normie

Trumps approval rating is swinging between 45 and 35%. Do you think that literally most the country is leftypol? You're the abnormal one here. Accept that your daddy's dick isn't quite as big as advertised.

if you don't count the illegal immigrants, he won by popular vote AND by electoral college.

i fucking WONDER who's swinging that approval rating here? Yeah. Criminals. BTFO.

I sure do wish i could be as high iq as these intilectuals.

Where's your evidence that illegal immigrants and/or voter fraud swayed the popular vote in anyway? Seriously, give anything that points to that being the case. It's a baseless assertion. I can do it too: Trump personally voted 1,000,000 times in each state, winning him the election. Hmmm…. I guess just saying something doesn't make it true.

Not an argument, just a thinly veiled attempt at covering your own insecurities with a terrible joke.

back to Holla Forums Trumpette

it will never happen trumpcuck. you have to be able to read and understand information first and you fools don't possess the capability

Seven more years of salt.

I'm going to take a shot whenever the US president says something that will make someone butthurt tonight– not because I'm a patriotic American, but because I am an alcoholic Canadian with good reason to drink.

how many likes did you get when you posted this on facebook?

You mean dankest


It's called a superlative.

Still not an argument.

im just calling out your norman faggotry.


Nice reddit spaces.

Drink once each time an SJW:
1. Says microaggression, or problematic
2. Calls anyone they have even minor disagreement with Nazi, alt-right, or rapist
3. Pulls bullshit numbers out of their ass to support an unrealistic viewpoint
4. Mentions Richard Spencer, Sam Hyde or Anders Breivik or any other "hate mongers"
5. Name drops a friend (max 3)
6. A person with warning color hair appears in the video (max 3)
7. Conflates that something is a tenet exclusive to feminist ("if you believe [x], you are a feminist!"), or overcompliment each other
8. Overtly or candidly pushes an anti-capitalist agenda (the irony that these socialists call people they hate Nazis…), drink twice if the thing they're promoting is in fact only possible due to capitalism (i.e. technological advancements)
9. They attempt to shut down people they dislike, attempt to deplatform someone they dislike, or attempt to rally a service to do this for them (i.e. twitch, twitter, youtube, etc)
10. Uses terms like microaggression to justify their actions, or claim that they are on the right side of history
11. Mentions GamerGate or Anonymous. Drink twice if you see them make up a story about death threats.
12. Mentions Anita Sarkeesian, Felicia Day, Laci Green, Franchesca Ramsey, Brianna Wu, Randy Harper, or Zoey Quinn. Double shot if they bring up Sargon of Akkad, ShoeOnHead, Chris Ray Gun, Thunderf00t, or Milo Yiannopoulos and claim they or their followers are harassing them.
13. Conflates their opinions as factual, or their opinions opinions as blatantly false, without providing any form of proof.
14. Discriminates and/or calls out white men, heterosexual men, men in general, or makes suppositions about any man to undermine their credibility
15. Mentions in admiring fashion Karl Marx, Richard Stallman, The View or The Young Turks

hurr durr muh libtard tears!!

and yet, here you are and there he is.

Someone isn't automatically an SJW for disliking Trump.

But you are…soooooo




You DO realize Trump is your president, right?

And yet he beat a 30 year veteran of top level politics who was such a shoe-in, losing voters were actually crying when she lost. Kek.


Promoting rape culture while calling out that fascist does nothing cis-scum!



How does the dude go on tv with no-one telling him he's got schmutz all over his lips?