So Holla Forums, will this shooting bring about the start of the revolution? These past few months have really felt like the start of something big. CNN and the other MSM pundits already shilling for peaceful protest and gun control. Can the youth use these turbulent events to unite the working class against tyranny? I hope so. Any news related to this shooting and any other coming happenings can be contained ITT
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IT"S ON!!!!!
It's not fair to compare cops to pigs, pigs are adorable.
This, tbh
pigs are loyal and intelligent. Charlotte's web has a pig in it. No good kid's movie has ever starred a cop.
85-IQ Negroids and nu-male yuppie jewish college students vs. the white working and middle-classes, I am shaking in my boots right now!!
The sound of thunder!
Copcucks lurk for at least a few minutes before opening your dumb fucking mouths please.
I honestly believe this won't bring about the revolution but it will give us a good opportunity to once again speak out against the liberal small matters bs like gun control and the fake narrative about a war on cops that is sure to flood us now. This will be a chance to evidence the true primary role of cops in society, are going to be flooded with lies and outrage and the only true chance to turn that into radicalization is to offer our narrative.
Put your racist shit somewhere else. If anything, your "85-IQ Negroids" are firm allies of the white working class.
Nice quote
The threatening anger!
The trembling voice!
Holla Forums larps like this 24/7. We never get to do it.
Even as a nihilist, I cant deny the very real possibility that this isn't going to be the first act of direct action against the State in the coming months. This is huge. A fucking coordinated action against police violence that actually did something.
You got no choice!
Are the shooters still alive, taken into custody, gunned down, what?
those guys in Dallas don't seem to be LARPing
The seven angels!
To me it seems like this will be derailed into a conflict of black vs. white.
It appears that one of the suspects is now holed up in that parking garage, claiming to have explosives planted in the garage and around Dallas. Cops are trying to advance to him, but are being very cautious. Shooter may be wounded.
The music changes
I hope he can at least take 2 more down with him.
I feel bad for laughing at the AW SHEET part
irl footage of gunfights are always so goddamn weird. At the beginning while the cop and the shooter exchange fire you can see someone (prob a cop but still) just calmly walking towards the shooter.
man did I fuck that up or what
Oh shit he just killed the law
why am i laughing so hard at that
You people sicken me. You are no comrade if you celebrate the deaths of fellow proletarians, and peace keepers at that.
Alive in custody supposedly. For now. In the morning we'll probably find out they mysteriously shot themselves in the head several times in their cells.
t. classcuck kautsky
Why can't we have revolution without revolution :^(((
A fifth cop has died. I don't know if they was just shot or one injured earlier, but the latter is far, far more likely.
Cops are not proles but I agree with the rest. Not even out of sentimentalism tbh, just due to how silly and high school-y it is
please give us the sauce good sir
holy fuck, I almost pissed myself
The fourth died of injuries in medical care so it's probably that, yeah. The shooters are in custody.
Yikes. The grammar. I originally wrote "he was" and thought I corrected it since hey, it could have been a chick, I don't know, but I fucked it up.
One is still holed up currently, as far as people know?
Oh shit really? I've been hearing conflicting reports all night, but the last I had heard two suspects were in custody.
Just heard it on Fox News from some official who's on the phone with the anchor, and he had it relayed to him from someone else live.
Yes, one is holed up as I said, in the parking garage they're believed to have shot from. So that shooter's still in there. Cops are using special cameras and mirrors to try to get a look inside for them.
You are slowly turning black, comrade. It's a cause for celebration.
no way this is Holla Forums trying to be Holla Forums. this is Holla Forums trying to seem like Holla Forums acting like Holla Forums. that's fucking meta
Just like always the Capitalist Class will through the media and politicians edit the narrative to pin the white and black working classes as well as black and white college kids against eachother. Outlets like Fox News will paint the men killed by cops as thugs whilst supporting the dead cops and cops who killed the two men this week. White proles will watch this and run with it. Black college students will IDpol hard as fuck which will alienate the otherwise sympathetic white students who will no longer take interest in the matter.
spambots bringing the banter
I wish I could give you a better source, but I wouldn't lie about such a thing. You'll see it written eventually, I promise it. If you turn on Fox now, you'll see it on the headline thing at the bottom.
guilty as charged. I constantly play devil's advocate and argue multiple sides just to make sure people are always on their toes.
I've seen you a few times then.
Fox's headline says
Whoops. My, shitposting flag
Interview with the camo dude right after he was released.
Apparently the cops lied to him and said they had "footage" of him shooting, which is hilarious because they're trying to get him to admit to something like he was a 16 yo caught smoking weed.
I swear to you, if there was no cellphone footage of him walking around during the shooting he'd be arrested as the third/fourth shooter. You can even imagine the media digging up some anti-Cop tweets or Facebook posts or whatever in order to build up that narrative.
What a nice day to be alive.
So 11 cops shot, 1 civilian shot. 5/11 cops dead, single civilian injured but alive (and I expect to make a recovery, as I haven't heard anything about their condition so it can't be that bad). For shooters looking to kill some cops in the middle of a huge fucking protest, those are some impressive stats.
I'm very thankful at least two suspects are alive so we can get to know how they are, their backgrounds, and precise motives.
I'll bet you have.
That is literally SOP for cops.
doubt it, too many classcucks and liberals out there. I can say one thing, goodbye any semblance of gun rights in this country, this is likely to actually cause republicans to vote on gun control
Memes will be reals.
This dude could have literally fucking died if that video didn't exist. And their technique of trying to get him to "fess up" is unbelievably juvenile. What a mess.
Nah, this is like when a bomb goes off in a foreign country. Americans only care about how many Americans died. It's the same when cops die. They only care about the cops.
oh shit
wow, this is too fucking true
Make no mistake, the only thing congress is good at, is coming together to fuck us all over
Yeah I imagine but it's unbeliveably retarded in this particular occasion.
Most gun laws are only effective because people only barely tolerate their bullshit and even then a lot of them get skirted and flouted, just kept quiet about.
Watch the video I linked. Once a suspect is in custody it is the cops' job to do everything in their power to get evidence that can be used to put them in prison. It's literally in their job description to assume guilt and do everything they can to tilt the story in that direction.
Let's start guessing. Who were these guys? What were their motives? Will this actually result in stricter gun control? What happens now?
KGB agents
Destabilise the U.S
In some states that wanted it anyway
Trump will win the elections, SJW's will have used all the leverage they have, the sides will be set
Probably BLM-friendly ex-soldiers who decided to fuck up some cops. If not that, I'm really not sure. Muslim terrorism would shoot everybody, far right terrorism wouldn't be shooting cops and if they were they'd probably also want to shoot black people, and if this is genuine leftist militant action I'll be very surprised. ca use this deluge of bullshit to spread our views about cops? I think we need to be soft on the edge first of all and i just checked something else.
Who else to look forward to?
Truly ebin
Islam. Not theISIS type, but like the DC snipers.
heard they were shooting protesters too from some shit on twitter but you can't rly be certain
Bleeding hearts trying to kick back against white hegemony.
On paper, we'll get stricter gun control but it will have negligible if any effect IRL.
Next we will probably get some copycats when people realize how much more famous cop killers get than run of the mill mass shooters.
Fuck off. They killed more people over here. They're the Baltimore-DC snipers
this was pretty confusing for a moment. I thought it was saying that it's bad to shoot niggers
There was a single protester hit in the leg, doesn't fit with how they shot the cops.
No fucking way, man.
You don't just aim at a crowd and happen to hit 11 police officers and only 1 civilian. If they were shooting anyone we'd be speaking about dozens of victims right now.
honestly I don't think there's going to be more than a few people that don't shit out tearful liberal schlock instead of actually talking about why the current political environment created this kind of violent response. The left are 99% liberals now, and as we all know, liberals are cowards.
As has been stated, 12 people have been shot and 11/12 (92%) of them are cops. Police officers were by far the minority in the protest march. It was calculated against police and the civilian was likely a mistake or maybe even shot by the police themselves.
This. I'm sure the one bystander they hit was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
did you really need that
Nobody cares about Baltimore except faggots who like to say The Wire is their favorite TV show.
Yes. Gotta drive it home.
And they'll make a press release apologizing to that poor motherfucker as well. You wait.
The bystander is just as likely to have been shot by cops. One or more of the cops may have been shot by another cop.
Nah, it's like that Wire episode where McNulty manages to put a body under his departmen's authority. Once it's theirs it's theirs.
You can fuck right off with that. Last year, the world was watching us, at least for a day.
that's an extremely good civilian:enemy ratio, better than any US drone strike.
where does it speak of a rapture in the bible?
What are you talking about comrade? All of those people who got bomb were terrorists. We know because we bombed them.
very true.
they're high precision! :^)
Five dead officers now.
I'm shocked at how they didn't just wound 2 or 3 and then got killed. They have to be vets or something like that.
will leftypol ally with the pro gun rednecks in the civil war?
We can now precisely bomb a single city block!
Not if they're rightists.
They had a great ambush position and set up a killing field, it's not surprising at all that they did this much damage. It's going to be sad when they all get killed when in custody though.
Yes. Most pro-gunners believe in worker's rights, they just haven't heard the left's opinion on the subject. As long as you're not a counter-revolutionary, you're not too bad.
When the whacky right-wing retards blame Obama for this they should just say that if Obama was responsible they wouldn't have hit the actual targets
We will ally with them long enough to use them as cannon fodder and then we will put them in gulags as soon as we have established a dictatorship.
next you will be happy soldiers are dying. The police and soldiers are an organ of the state, and the state is the organ of the ruling class. While currently they are in contrast to our class interest historically police and soldiers have been among the first to join the revolution and were invaluable to the cause, as they provided military training and a force of their own, and much more. Every cop, every soldier, is a potential revolutionary.
I even have anecdotal evidence from my experience with police, since I got arrested before for party work. They always showed solidarity with me and my comrades, and always wrote the report after we've been arrested that favored us in court, and not the government who ordered them to arrest us. Many of them are socialists but are afraid to protest so they don't lose their jobs. One time the lads arresting us spent 4 hours trying to get us out of it over the microphone, but at the end they had to take us to the station.
the police, like all the other workers, are only working in their material interest. They still want to feed themselves and their family and provide for them.
you people are the worst emotional cancer, think about it in perspective for once.
Dead US troops has always made me happy, tho
Well half my family are cops or ex-cops and they are slavery-apologist-tier counter-revolutionary.
no, not if they cling to reactionary bullshit
If there's ever a civil war in the US it won't be two sides. The amount of factions would make Syria seem like an unified political entity.
It is a sacrifice necessary for the change of society. Inaction requires the death of thousands who will go without food, healthcare and hope. This is just an active version of that suffering that turns the tables.
yeah, that's why I said anecdotal. It is not really accountable for on a statistical scale and I am aware of this. But this is, again, a product of material conditions.
pretty happy when idf or Turkish soldiers die tbh. unfortunately, the main groups killing American soldiers at the moment are CIA puppets, like ISIS and Taliban. hard to celebrate reactionaries killing imperialists.
Don't try to civilize the anarkiddies, they will just babble whatever makes them feel tough until they hit 25 and turn into liberals.
And don't dignify the others by calling them Marxists. They haven't read Marx, and they don't know shit about the Panthers either.
Kek supports our cause
it's over
the devil has spoken
Get the fuck out, counter-revolutionary
violence doesn't solve anything! Why can't everyone just get along guis :(((
whichever way you look at it, this has singlehandedly restored my suspension of disbelief for FPS games
That is nothing but dumb kids seduced by power manipulated into killing each other as a path to a better life. It's just sad that these generations are being destroyed like this to be honest.
wew lad, I can't help but imagine you as a liberal with that statement.
of course it is, but senseless killing of police leads to nothing. These people are only driven by unarticulated agression, not driven by their class and material interests. What would they accomplish by this?
I am all for revolutionary violence, but this is hardly revolutionary.
violence sure shut that nigga up :^)
Why have they still not identified any of the shooters? Fishy.
This is a natural, unorganized representation of national tension. It won't remove the tension there - in fact, it will likely increase the tension - and eventually we will reach a point where revolution will be seen as the appropriate option by the many.
Yes, this is by itself not a revolution but it makes it clear that we are on the road to it. Whether that revolution be fascist or communist, I cannot tell you.
It's accelerationist at least, even if they're not aware of it. This is going to encourage police militarization like a motherfucker, which will further increase violence in both directions and wake up more people to class.
i despise Holla Forums's fascism but i laugh like a bitch in the happening threads
it's proletarian retaliation. it's propaganda of the deed.
Somebody make a "I celebrate when police kill innocent non-whites" starter pack
pic related. cop killers are sexy
you are right, I have to agree with you. To be honest I am not really opposed to the riots going on, I am mad at the anarkids and leftlibs going fug the popos XDDD inarticulately.
they are profiling people that follow orders, not murderous maniacs. Those are completely different things.
You could have just said that they profile the police and army based on subservience and lack of creativity which is a positive trait under these material circumstances, but you went with saying they recruit maniacs.
If anyone's the liberal, it's you
the whole point of class warfare is that it doesn't matter if these cops were nice guys. they're the enemy.
How strange is it then, that leftypol constantly denies race, except when people are dead
People get excited by something like this. It's fun to let out our inner Holla Forums and freak out about events that show the slow progression towards a chance for us to do something positive, even if it leads to things like us being less than regretful about the death of police.
reposting for all the liberal faggots in here
That'd just be a 1 TB folder of cuck porn.
sure, if we ignore the fact that fear of the police is one of the few things keeping the american public from going into mass riots all the time and that shooting them is likely to make them struggle to function effectively and become even more horrendous and disliked then sure i suppose that saying that police should be shot at is pure liberalism.
Moore is slowly becoming the Alex Jones of the Left.
You would have to be autistic to think we're all being totally serious about the "fuck the police" thing.
ah yes
the classic sign that someone on the Left is doing something childish and counter-productive, but want everyone else to rally around him or be considered a "liberal"
you'd be surprised by how many don't really give a fuck about your living up to your idea of what being a true communist badass is
I wouldn't speak for all the morons echoing sentiments similar to yours rn
you fags were moralizing in the first place, anarchists never present the police as anything but distilled evil against the working class, while they are simply organs of the ruling class. They are neutral. They need to be removed as it is in our interest, this does not mean that every cop should be killed just because he is within this profession.
I have met many anarchists in real life as I go to many protests, they are all but ironic.
shoot them, they stop the progress of society. But celebrating their deaths is just stupid.
cop lover get the fuck out.
they should be killed in retaliation and in revolution. I don't even see anyone saying "cops are evil" so how about you re-learn your gag reflex and stop sucking porky dick
Why is it that when it's "Islamic terror" we know the names of the suspects within an hour of the event? Why do we still not know who these shooters were?
Because in the case of jihadists the FBI are usually following them really hard and are too stupid to stop them before it's too late. These guys obviously weren't being followed too well.
oh? And what pray tell is your definition? Last I checked, it's still a capitalist shithole, one getting worse everyday. All the while the left is classcucked by liberals who whine over every goddamn thing and don't do jack shit to actually force change, most don't even vote.
Cops keep killing people, politicians keep not caring and only give each other handjobs, capitalists still exploit.
what is your fucking solution? Where is your action?
These guys can easily be muzzies tbh
to make the Left stop sounding 15
now if only you could go role-play somewhere else and help me get ahead with this task
One can say exactly the same about how the bourgeoisie stop the progress of society and yet nobody goes "But you shouldn't be saying kill all porkies, they're just doing whats in their best interest :^(((("
Maybe. They're definitely ex-military though.
I didn't. I said you'd have to be autistic to think it's all serious. You would also have to be autistic to think none of it is.
also I love how this retard asks me for my "solution" like random terror attacks are a solution to anything
if that was the 19th century you guys would be the idiots calling Marxists "moderates" for opposing individual terrorism and favoring class struggle instead
God you people are just as deluded as Holla Forums. This isn't a "revolutionary act".
Tell me what it accomplished?
lol if this was irl would you be making that whiny voice that conservatives do whenever they imitate liberals?
You're a fucking pathetic little person.
waiting 4 you to catch up
Again, it's a=okay to say kill the pork because they're our class enemies, even though it's very obvious they're doing what's in their interest at the expense of the working class, while it's bad to say kill the cops even though they're doing exactly the same thing
well shit
Or, like every previous terrorist attack against cops, it will make the general population more sympathetic to law enforcers.
so basically nothing then, let me tell you something since you're so fucking ignorant of history, the left used to have balls and actually force change, people died for the rights that labor used to have that has been stripped since then. There were literal wars fought, wars that have been wiped from the history books to make fucks like you exist in leftist circles, fucks that don't do shit but read books and theory and think that's somehow going to fucking do something.
You want to talk roleplay? If I had support from people, I'd take direct action, just like many here would, just like many out there would, but we can't, because we'd be shot, arrested, destroyed as people, don't fucking talk to me about role play, you are the worst kind of larper, the kind that pretends he isn't one.
As I recall there were cops getting shot at earlier this year. but much less before that.
People aren't sympathizing with cops more.
kill yourself faggot. go back to reddit or wherever the fuck you came from.
Of course! That's exactly that!
Which is why previous revolutionary organizations were just walking around killing people!
Source? I don't see anything online about it. He seriously didn't even try to go out taking at least one more cop with him? I don't believe it.
that doesn't describe the events in Dallas at all.
How do you know that everyone of those cops were bad? Some of them might have been corrupt but many of them are just normal people trying to make a living like anyone else. Not to mention, the entire reason the shooters did what they did was because of identity politics. Not class related politics. To think that this act is revolutionary is pretty silly to be honest. Especially when you look at the motives of the shooters.
We don't know any of that, yet
You don't pull shit off like this unless you're a marine or special forces. Also heard they employed smoke grenades.
NVM, it's true. It's on TV now.
No wonder your movement died.
It's like you're finally beginning to understand who the true enemy of much of leftypol is.
And thats not what happened here either.
Again with this "we can only kill the foot soldiers who are morally bad guys".
The bourgeoisie are going to turn people who are morally okay people against you and you are going to have to recognize that you will need to kill them.
I have to say, I'm lurking 4/k/ right now and a great deal of the people there have a very healthy hatred of cops. They're all clueless ancaps, but the point is, even a clueless ancap, in the moment of a real happening, has a better clue than the porky-loving liberals who are trying to portray cop deaths as a bad thing.
They don't hate cops, they envy them. They want to be neofeudal cops.
just to name a few.
cops still sell their labor you goddamn retard, they are proletarian by definition. This is why nobody takes anarchists seriously.
Anyways, I just looked a bit more into this, this is literally nothing but celebration of ebin cop killing, it's not even a riot, just some shooters. If anything this might be federal work to sabotage future protests by associating the groups protesting with criminal and violent activity, and it was obviously not a coordinated effort by the protesters.
Holla Forumstards could not be sectarian if they wanted because they have nothing to be sectarian about
If you knew "History" you'd know that the creation of the modern socialist and labour movements came in part as a rejection of individual behavior based on counter-productive tactics that not only alienate the majority of the population from radical politics, but also give authorities an excuse to enact even more repressive measures against us, which they couldn't do before without suffering considerable losses on that informational, propaganda and moral warfare that preceeds any radical change.
Hahaha of course, "if" "if" "if".
Amazing how every single person who keeps pushing for violent action has an excuse to not be the one doing it.
And honest to God, the fact you even compared a labor uprising like Blair Mountain with individual terrorism show what a fucking illiterate, sad sack of shit you are. This is like saying that because the Bolsheviks were ready to do violent actions in the course of a revolution they would also favor *any* violent action for THE CAUSE, when in reality they were explicitly advicing everyone against it (read Why Marxists Oppose Individual Terrorism)
We don't know why they did what they did you colossal hemorrhoid.
Any leftist worth their salt can explain that the class antagonism is all about two groups of people acting in their own rational interests that ends up destroying both.
Guess I won't be seeing you at the opera
Last known shooter holed up in parking garage committed suicide.
Did I say they weren't proles you fucking moron?
The solidarity on Holla Forums could only last so long.
We don't but I guarantee you the motive will be related to idpol. Especially considering this all happened at a BLM event.
Do you really think that most police officers see themselves as "foot soldiers of the bourgeois"? Besides, assuming you're right, what good does it do to kill a few "foot soldiers"?
Once people go out and start assassinating CEO's and bankers, than we can talk about revolution. What happened tonight wasn't an act of revolution, it was a few people deciding to throw their own lives away along with the lives of 5 officers.
We just had a serious event happen, of course Holla Forums is going to raid here after that. Just fight them off as we always do.
Just wait. You'll see.
There's so many tho
The idea of some pathetic loser with wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt and beret while dreaming of commiting random acts of violence against THE CLASS OPPRESSORS, MAAAAN calling someone else "autistic" is hilarious.
fug, RIP
Meanwhile, mods are nowhere to be found :DDD
Sleep tight based pig butcher.
Holy shit. It doesn't matter what they "see" themselves as, it's not some identity that they have to align with in order to be class enemies.
If I were to join the police force right now I would still argue that it would be in the interests of the left to shoot me despite my own solidarity with the left because I have taken up a role that is that of being the arm of physical violence to oppress the proletariat and that it is in the left's interest to attempt to dissolve and destroy this arm of violence.
Calm down, nigga. Half of it is me shitposting as all sides for my own amusement.
I hope it turns out he was a black supremacist muslim just to disappoint the losers ITT praising them
You are the cancer within leftism.
No. All the kids are interested in are gender identity, skin color, and marijuana legalization. Sex and drugs, that's all they care about.
also most of the cop apoligists are probably Holla Forums anyway.
Not probably, they are.
Also fuckin thread theme:
so that's who to blame
huh, none of those are saying cops are evil. they're just normal funposting. you're clearly a cop lover who is triggered by humor.
This is weird.
Right-wingers always show up during our discussions to go "lol they're eating their own!" but I honestly have no idea of why you think this is so bad.
When you have a libertarian and a Nazi sitting side-by-side and acting together and yet all debate is superfluous, this is the sign that your ideology is merely rhetoric masking the same class interests, which aren't yours.
what could they be?
who said anything about murdering random people? You're missing the damn point, I'm talking about the fact that when cops are killing people or capitalists are forcing people from their homes, mass firings etc can be countered by a show of force. People taking up arms ala Black Panthers, open carrying and resisting those actions, protecting people, shit like what the Bundy's did except not occupying some stupid office in the middle of nowhere. You're mistaking organized movements with random acts of violence, which I am not advocating, I'm simply seeing that people are becoming militant which is a GOOD THING, how that is directed is what's going to be important. You're coming in here and implying that you're somehow superior without really explaining why, just that we're all shitters who want to go Joker on the world.
Feel free to go back to 1870 and believing that you'll shoot every head of state until you win, but don't ruin our reputation while you're doing it.
In fact, if you could false flag as Fascists that would be great for us.
goodie bags from allah hu blackbar
You are extremely deluded. Explain to me how every police officer is a "class enemy"? Do you honestly think that police officers go out every day with the intention to just harass poor people? Do you think they sit around and rub their hands together while scheming with the bourgeois? If that's what you believe then you have truly lost any kind of common sense.
With that said, don't get me wrong, there's some shitty ones but when you make blanket assumptions it just makes you look stupid.
lol, that's extremely disingenuous. If that were the case, you might as well kill yourself but you wouldn't do that because your "principals" only go so far.
How the fuck were they able to plan this? How many days did they have? I'm certain they discussed it before, but they only had like 3 days or less to put it into motion. How in the fuck? What kind of fuckin organization?
Most likely they had been planning something for a while and got an opportunity today with the protest.
You're missing the fucking point
Just saying, that's a shit argument. Someone can be an enemy to the proletariat without actively schemeing.
Shit I fuckin hope it was an organization
like this, you fucking tard
A comment on that video
Except police are part of the proletariat. Once there's a real revolution, the one's that want to join the people will be spared. The one's that stand against the people will be dealt with but this guy essentially just played judge jury and executioner. Not to mention, there's a 95% chance that his motives weren't even class based.
Most people on this board are typical chantards, the NORMIES REEEEE sort. It's not the sort that actually wants to get anything done, I remember this board trying to organise a meet up in detroit, they couldn't even do that. The people who are calculating those murders for their strategic value in their revolution can't even manage a meet up, that should tell you enough about where the dedication is truly directed. It's r9k for those who have a worse insight into themselves, r9k has women, normies, chads as their big others.. deluded, but still truer to the point than those on leftypol who have compressed all this inferiority, all this anger into "the class enemies". It makes people into non-people, entities that are no more than representations of their hostility, the class enemy is the normie, the chad, the other as no more than a representation of the hostility that is felt towards other people.
there are bigger enemies, however. the cops are merely enforcers.
Alright, so you're for killing 99.9983 percent of cops. Maybe you're not so bad after all.
these guys are fellow proles so theyre not our enemy :^) theyre gonna join our side in the revolution!
Is there an appropriate hashtag to get people tweeting in indifference to the cops' deaths? #KillAllCops is probably too scary to most people. What's a good message to get across the idea that a cop's death shouldn't matter any more than some random black guy's death?
if a law isn't enforced it's not a law
right, I forgot you can't have a normal discussion on a 'political' board.
As I said, I got arrested before.
2/10 you may catch someone with that bait.
Alright you worthless shitwaffle.
The police exist to enforce the laws of the state, of which the state is the arm of legitimization of the ruling class of heirarchy. Seeing as a hierarchy is based upon the upper class being able to project their will and force upon the lower class while being able to direct the resources and power generated by the large lower class, it is in the interest of the upper class to keep the lower class from attempting to seize their own productive power for their own. As this will come to violence, the upper class needs to create a body of people with which to dispense violence as necessary. Seeing as they are better off not drawing from their own ranks, this violent suppression arm is best done by drawing from the ranks of the lower class themselves, and using the lower classes' own economic and political poverties to push them towards filling these roles. Hence you get the police force for the internal use and the army for use in foreign areas.
As these groups are going to be following the laws that are written by the upper classes to maintain the upper class' position in society, their very own role requires them to suppress the lower classes, even though they are among their number. This goes for both the police and the military.
It doesn't matter if the cop is some sadistic bastard who likes beating homeless people with his nightstick or if it's the nice one who buys icecream for the local kids, the role of cop that they fulfill is in itself designed to suppress the lower classes and thus they are class enemies.
Armed struggle, like anything else, is tactical. Not an end in itself. It must, then, be calibrated according to a wider strategic view that is aimed to win society over. If society as a whole disapproves of certain actions, then we avoid them.
And yes, the Panthers are a good model, but if you defend what happened today you have the wrong idea of what they were doing. Read Black Against Empire if you want to understand how much Newton and the others were adamant about never being the ones starting any violence (and here I mean actual violence of an individual against you, not in the THEY STARTED THE VIOLENCE AGAINST OUR PEOPLE BY KILLING TRAYVON MARTIN type of shit) because you shouldn't give the authorities an excuse, you shouldn't alienate others and more importantly you shouldn't fucking die doing something that will only harm your cause.
In fact, one of the main reasons why support for the Panthers diminished was due to a strategy used by the media and the government to consistently attach their names to false stories and spread misinformation about them. What you idiots want is to literally LIVE UP to the bullshit made and alienate the people yourselves, without the help of any enemy organization.
M8, I'm talking about the people celebrating the attacks. If that isn't you, then you shouldn't even be replying to me ffs.
I'm not an anarkiddy, but you're a liberal.
no, that would make it a law that isn’t enforced. like a taboo. the same people who dictate what is law dictate social mores.
I see. Well said. That's part of the reason I haven't been on this board in a week. The people here have a lack of nuance just like the people on Holla Forums. They sit around on this image board all day, engaging in intellectual masturbation while they don't actually contribute anything to the anti-capitalist movement and at the same time they praise an idiotic act of violence that won't get us anywhere.
To the rest of you dumb faggots.
If you want to advance leftism, start a cooperative or join a union. Educate people. Your edgy faggotry is just going to turn people off.
a taboo is enforced by social sanctions you nonce
Oh boy.
How about you jump off a fucking bridge instead
I didn't say leftism, I said Holla Forums.
With this person here being a prime example. He actually believes everyone shares his own pathology, or are pawns of those who do and therefor just as bad.
I'd be for killing anyone who tries to kill me during a revolution. Doesn't matter if they're cops or not but the fact is, we're not in a revolution, these guys just killed some random cops. They're not even equivalent to pawns in the grand scheme of things. Acts like this are pointless. Like I said earlier, when someone starts popping shareholders and CEO's, than I'll be impressed but all this was, was an edgy act of random violence that won't make a damn bit of difference.
We don't need these fucking people discrediting our organizations from the inside as well
right, not by cops. my point being that cops are one hand of a larger body: the bourgeoisie.
Thank god you were not in the French Revolution
The translation from the fudal system to the libral one was one of the most bloody events in history
The same price will be paid to reach communism
yes but without the cops and the state or private security or any other of those things the bourgeoisie are completely impotent
How about you actually take my advice and do something constructive instead of acting like an edgy 15 year old faggot.
So the police and military are now no longer the group which keeps law, law which is dictated by the state, which is ruled by the bourgeoisie?
shut the fuck pussy faggot
Pigs are the natural enemies of teh workers, they are not workers themselves but the private armies of the bourgeoisie.
Fucking lel
Address my argument instead of changing the subject you worthless faggot.
Are they waiting to release the names of the shooters until the morning, when everyone is awake and watching TV? Seems like it.
Violence during a revolution =/= violence during times of peace.
I know this is a difficult concept for you to grasp, but you'll have to eventually: different contexts imply different standards of morality.
For example, you shouldn't start killing germans right now and saying that you're just doing what people in WW2 did you fucking dope.
how about you follow your own fucking advice and stop shitposting on a Tibetan crab-racing forum
why appeal to violence when you have such a gift with words
yet some cops strive to serve the people, but are merely pawns just the same. going after cops instead of the bourgeoisie is nothing more than pointless.
I didn't even know you made a grammatical mistake. I just thought it was hilarious that you calling out "pointless acts of edgy violence" while endorsing them at the same time.
Can you try, for a moment, to imagine that people aren't faceless avatars of an hierarchical mechanism?
This all consuming simplicity that forms your perception of people -actual people- is not making you the person that Mr.Rogers knows you can be, but into the pathological equivalent of a narcissistic borderliner.
some revolution, /leftycucks/
I look forward to future revolutions. They will be great for morale.
yeah I guess so
I haven't been here in over a week you dumb nigger. I just wanted to stop by to see how fucking retarded this place had gotten since I left.
Luckily I'm starting a day job this Monday so I won't have much time to browse this idiotic shit-hole full of 15 year old idpolers anymore.
popping CEOs and shareholders, wouldn't do much of anything unless it was a whole fuckload of them during, or preceding a revolution.
You're next faggot.
The jailer who treats the prisoner well is still yet bound to keep him in his cell.
Absolute liberalism.
Going by this then the bourgeoisie are not class enemies either, just the "bad ones".
cutting the head off the snake isn't a pointless act of violence. The police don't represent the head.
Now imagine if Castro, who is hardly anyone's idea of a pacifist, just actually COMMITED those atrocities because "you know, the americans are the enemy man, they like, serve capitalism man".
This is virtually what you losers are proposing.
That's the point.
They're retards. What do you expect?
Peace is not the absence of revolution, you cocksucker. Peace is the absence of WAR. And we are at war. The class war is constant until the proletariat triumphs and abolishes class. You are right. In a time of war standards are different than in a time of peace. We are at war and will be for the foreseeable future.
The head of the IMF would be a good start.
Well isn't that just fine and fucking dandy. I won't miss you, and I hope a crate of metal dildos falls out of a cargo plane and crushes you on your way to work
So after a few hours of panic and surprise they get someone else to take his place and then after a year or so they have a new one.
Now what.
don't take shitposting so seriously
lol, who forced you to browse?
1:3 kill ratio isn't so bad Holla Forumsyp, and we are talking about cops in here, and not innocent people like your MKUltra freemason mass murderer Breivik who killed innocent children.
Don't trip
The same can be said about what happened in Dallas.
At least my hypothetical would would have effects on the stock market. i.e. the wallets of the bourgeois.
I work out of the home for a call center you dumb nigger.
No one. I just wanted to stop by and see the retardation for myself. I've been here since the first migration from 4chan. This place has really gone downhill since then.
The funny thing about this line is that it's exactly the sort of hacky response that I prevented against in
Anyway, since you posted Marx's pic, find me anywhere in his writings one single advocacy of violence on the basis of individual terrorism.
No no no, I'm not talking about that quote about guns that you saved or the Paris Commune thing because, like I said, these are moments of revolution. I want you to find him advocating, anywhere in the 50 volume of the Collected Works, the strategy of individually killing public officers as revolutionary praxis.
this thread holy shit
cops are trained to deal with the civilian population like soldiers are trained to deal with foreign soldiers, but holy shit anarkiddies larping like this is some revolution happening when we don't even know the ideology of the shooters.
CNN reporting one of the people in custody is a woman.
I posted his pic because he looks angrier than most leftists. He's far from perfect. People like you who fetishize theorists instead of analyzing direct action only serve to distract people from mobilizing.
in that case, I hope a sinkhole opens up under your house, and you get sucked in and drown in raw sewage
the antifa who were stabbed didn't run away
the fascists had police protection and ran like usain bolt
right-wingers keep stabbing people at demos but never seem to kill or even seriously hurt anyone
And guess what? I didn't claim that this act of individually shooting the police was going to have any kind of structural change to capitalism either, only that it increases antagonisms.
Tonight has been an amazing night but I have to sleep now
good night pig lard
We are just celebrating that pigs are dead, is that so wrong?
>people are taking this thread so fucking seriously
You guys, it's literally a Holla Forums-like happening thread. Calm your tits.
Now I'm with them too, shoved across the line which splits you.
What if things aren't as simple as you are? What if people are actual people, and not faceless pions defined by their place besides a line you imagine?
There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.
And what do you think individual violence does? People don't mobilize around moral imperatives they disagree with.
They made their choice, they chose to be soldiers for the ruling class against the oppressed and the workers, instead of choosing a real productive job an earning their living honestly and decently. Now they lie in the bead they made.
Your analysis is pure liberal garbage that relies on people being "good" or "bad" to other people rather than looking at how the structure of society influences the way people within it act. The shit that happens in capitalism happens because of the structural effects and even against the desires of the people taking place within it.
Actually, I take that back. You haven't made an analysis, you've just said "no structural focus is wrong because people have faces" which doesn't qualify as a serious analysis.
People tend to find random violence quite agreeable. If it's possible to get proles mad enough at the bourgie enforcers that they attack them spontaneously, that's a new factor that destabilizes the superstructure, which hampers its ability to maintain the base. Where the police meet active resistance, they don't go. See all the poor and crime-ridden areas where police daren't tread. The more areas there are like that, the easier it will be to advance leftism without their interference.
We protracted people's war now
I hope you have your eyes plucked out by a serial killer, than I hope he cooks your eyes and forces you to eat them in front of your own mother.
Let's look at the reaction to the attacks and see if you have a point.
Nope, you don't.
Stop trying to articulate your movie plot ideas through pseudo-Marxist language
Here's the line! There's to shoot!
The truism that people don't exist in a vacuum, that there are no pure, isolated individuals, doesn't conclude that there are only spooks, pions consisting of mechanical essences like "class enemies". Such is your pathology, forming itself as ideology. The pathology probably came first, but as history shows, it can just as well happen the other way around.
The war is in your mind, encapsulating everything that enters it. What you name as "structural focus", is the pathology of the one dimensional man who is only capable of thinking in two categories. These people, neither the workers, elites or cops have any idea of this spectrum of yours, your map is not their territority, your pathology is not their reality. What you lack is an ability to even look at something, without seeing it in the context of this pathology, this splitting. Your theory of mind has been effectively neutered.
I hope you get viciously raped by a pack of chimpanzees that escaped from a germ warfare research facility, where they had just been injected with a wide variety of exciting new plagues.
There is a difference between finding enacting violence agreeable and finding receiving violence agreeable.
Yeah, revolution can totally happen without having to attack the system! You can just sit here on Holla Forums reading theory forever and it will just happen.
Theory of mind is irrelevant to his point. If someone has you at gunpoint, the way they see the situation doesn't change that. The best anyone can do is adjust their own perception to reflect reality as closely as possible.
You absolute fucking retard, why does that even matter? The another user was pointing to you that there is STRUCTURAL context on why cops are what they are and do what they do. Their main function? To guard the bourgeoisie. If you are an enemy of the bourgeoisie then they are your enemies as well. It seems your small little mind cannot comprehend that society literally conditions people into doing jobs for the state, the army and the police.
It is you who is knee-deep in ideology assuming some sort of "pure subject" special snowflake individuality is blessed on all human kind, completely disregarding that we do as as our job or what we create is what defines us. What do the guardians of the state and the bourgeoisie create? Nothing. What is their primary function? To stop any revolutionary activity.
I'm sure George Bush finds a way to excuse himself so he can sleep at night. I'm sure he's not a faceless avatar of the evil bourgeoisie.
I'm still going to be dancing on his grave.
What in the fuck are you talking about?
I am arguing that the way in which society is organized is what causes these conflicts. Trying to say that I use the term "class enemies" which is at best a loose play on the reality of the situation is a "spook" that shows a neutered theory of mind and one-dimensional thinking is disingenuous at best.
I hope someone cuts off your dick, shoves it up your ass than sows your nut sack over the place where your dick used to be to stop the bleeding.
I win this internet argument, faggot!
*teleports back to Holla Forums*
not that it really bothers me, but killing cops at random won't ever really get you anywhere. it just alienates people; even on this "LEFTIST" board, you have people acting outraged.
if you're gonna do something like this, might as well target known problem cops. imagine how cops would start to feel if every cop who murders an unarmed guy gets popped while he's out on bail / awaiting trail.
This is the maddest post anyone on the board has made on this subject.
Most people are less outraged and more discussing whether or not it's an approriate tactic at this time.
I think I'm more annoyed with how little effort you put into that than your "argument".
I hope you have a nightmare in which ants enslave the human race and punish humans for innumerable crimes against insect kind. You are sent to a labor mine, and live long enough to see everyone you know and love collapse from exhaustion and be eaten alive. Eventually, the task of digging new tunnels for ants proves too much, and you collapse from exhaustion and are eaten by the ants. You wake up in shock, only to realize that your house in burning down. A burning beam collapses on your bed and pins you there, slowly immolating you as your bed catches on fire.
How is this not something that will be taken advantage by fascists? Iron March is practically throwing a party over this.
Dare I ask?
I'm not holding you at gunpoint.
You assume that your ideology, your frame of reference, holds true for all, and that they're just hiding it for convenience sake. This form of thinking is what I mean with your theory of mind being neutered.
Like I said before, this is the salafism of leftism. It consists solely of cliché's, phrases and one dimensional axioms.
What I am attempting to convey is that you're stuck in mental-loop, neatly ordered, and acting based on the knowledge that all else are doing so as well, like a person who only knows game theory, and sees every action through that prism. "Technological thinking" is how this can be called, a pathology that functions as a machine of thoughts, structuring them, placing them in boxes, labelling them and then projecting this machine upon all else, with others being no more than machine parts.
Don't dismiss them as LARPers, these guys are pretty serious about their activities and have connections to active fascist groups.
Oooooooh, scary! I'm quaking in my boots.
Why is it taking so fucking long for us to learn anything about those shooters.
No you stupid fuck, there is a context and a reference between an individual an the society which he inhabits.
If you are too stupid to understand that individuals identify with the superstructure that is ideology BECAUSE of the frame of reference they have in society ( a teacher, a blue collar worker , a cop etc.) an because of the MATERIAL CONDITIONS which place him in a certain relation with others and how he views them and society.
This is not a frame of reference with regards to ONE ideology, it is THE definition of ideology, that people do what they do, while they don't know why they really do it.
Because it's a false flag and they need to fabricate their existence.
Here me now, believe me later, when we actually have to fight them, while they've managed to propagandize with no repercussions.
I feel more then capable of defending myself from a few nazi autists. I'd be able to take a few down with me, at least.
surely if it was a false flag they would have done it beforehand.
To be honest, shooting cops seems like a much less believable false flag anyway than shooting a bunch of kids. I mean I don't believe it in either case but still.
God help us all if Sacramento was a sign of things to come. Hobbyist Antifa need to either harden the the fuck up or fuck off.
You're also thinking in macho-bullshit Hollywood terms. A group of people with guns beats out a individual with guns.
I'm sorry but was it antifa in sacramento who ran into their cars and drove off as quickly as possible with police protection?
Well, if they come around here, a lot of them won't be going back home.
Oh they're not all Jewish, some are cultureless, pampered, ignorant, suburbanite white kids. Also known as societal filth. Marxists. Trash. People that live solely for the acceptance of others. I guess we could just call them the niggers of the white race.
No, niggers are not allied with the white working class, you dunce. No one hates them more than the white working class, because no one is burdened more by their dependency, crime, and destruction of property than the white working class. You wouldn't know though. You like to preach from your secluded, safe little white neighborhood that mommy and daddy raised you in. Absolute filth. You have no clue what the white working class goes through in the "multicultural" hell-holes that your type created.
Probably because they didn't want to be arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. Like I said, get smart, get hard or get out, shows of bravado won't accomplish your goals.
Where's 'around here'? And let's hope so.
Nazie's are too few to be our enemies, the real enemy is the state and the police.
The police in the US has army level equipment, drones, armored vehicles an possibly with Homeland security DARPA level experimental weapons.
Nazies just like with any armed militias would be wiped out in a few days against them. The purpose is to take over the state through sheer numbers and destroy it from the inside.
Why were police protecting them?
Why were none of the Anaheim stabbers charged?
gee i wonder
Are you lost there Holla Forumsfreind? Go preach your spooks somewhere else.
Not who you're responding to, but I work in a warehouse with a lot of different people. I've got more in common with them than some suburbanite douchebag who plays Nazi in his basement or the people you described.
Yeah, explains all the >is *insert group* here white?
threads on Holla Forums, kek.
Probably because the scarpered in a timely manner.
Who do you think will be causing the most shit in the event of a breakdown of law and order?
Why did they do this? They ran like bitches because they got beat. None of the antifa ran away to avoid being charged. If you'll watch the video the nazis were being escorted by police right into their cars with their tails between their legs.
It's just a coincidence that niggers are destructive, vile, violent societal filth in every nation they inhabit. Also Comrade, you should support how the North treated the South. You are, after all, an authoritarian, establishment "rebel."
You and I both know you were raised in a white home, in an all white neighborhood, and that you grew up completely without your own native cultural influences, probably watching BET and black sitcoms, telling yourself how wonderful diversity is because the television showed you a skewed, fake reality. But you never experienced the actual reality of it growing up. You're trash.
Do you really think an armed insurrection like Syria Civil War 2.0. will ever happen in America? That shit is more unlikely more and more everyday.
The state is armed with so much weaponry that it would just crush them as soon as an insurrection happens and the paid media would just cheer on their destruction along with rest of the populace. The idea that any sort of racial conflict trumped by white nationalists would go on their favor shows you how stupid these fucks really are. Nobody would give them popular support and they would die like cockroaches by a thousand drone strikes.
The point of a real revolution with regards to our strategy isn't blindly lashing out, it's to strategically take over the state, it's institutions, an most importantly take over the means of production aka the workplace, through sheer numbers and the popular support of the workers.
I say "Comrade" mockingly when I speak with Leftist filth.
ah, yes, i am definitely the one propping up neoliberalism of the two of us
definitely not the guy diving deep into racial hatred and completely ignoring systematic economic issues that lead to our current state
Every society is pretty shitty and disgusting, some are just more subtle with their damage. You don't need to shoot a drug dealer and take his stash when you have funds to stash in the Caymans.
Holla Forums kiddies really do fuck this board up. = /.
You triggered by the dead pigs, my dear bootlicker?
Don't worry, their fate was a kind mercy , since they lived as mercenaries to the enemy. Which is what any fellow sympathizer of their kind deserves.
Oh excuse me then
Do you people have any idea how pathetic you sound? I've no love for cops but you people ITT are creaming harder than Holla Forums were Hitler to return.
Anyone else notice these polyps come out of the woodwork more often when triggered by minorities or when their favorite boots need some licking?
It’s almost as if they have no genuine concern for tangible politics and only care about spooks.
Jokes on you, pal, I live in a Mexican neighborhood and didn't have cable TV growing up.
Do you not know how trade unionism works?
go to /liberalpol/ if you are so triggered then friend, the revolution will be violent and cops will be our enemies, if you cannot accept that then you are not a real leftists.
We're creaming hard because cop violence gets excused constantly. It's nice when the pigs can't walk scot free from the grave.
How do you figure, friend? Seems like society is splintering off into their individual flavors of IdPol. I think this shooting is evidence of that.
Leave it to a filthy commie to shit on authority and heritage. You people truly have no connection to reality.
Who's? Yours?
Heritage is nice and all (I'm Southern, I know) but blindly clinging to the past is moronic. Everything changes, things die, things are born. The right's obsession with the past is akin to necrophilia.
Oh, you just like being told what to do don't you? Filthy slut.
You mean dumb shit people before me did because dumb people before them told them it's important? I think I'll be okay without.
Mind you, I don't have to be a multiculturalist faggot to have these opinions, I just don't fetishize the dumb shit you do.
But user, you want to rebel against the jewish authority and shit on their heritage.
Why should I give a shit about your authority and heritage?
It is rather strange that we have ZERO information about any of the shooters nearly 12 hours later.
This boot won’t lick itself, bucko. Don’t worry, this one’s 100% all-white American leather :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Enjoy this boot whilst I, a filthy cosmopolitan hispanic-oriental mutt, enjoy one of your white women :^)
Only a legit idiot worships authority and tradition with no critical lens.
There is good authority which springs up from the collection peoples enforcing it together through laws and direct action an there is the authority which plays by the rules of the ruling class.
Oh yeah, all the outlandish social spending (which ironically leads less productivity and debt), infringement on freedoms and privacy etc. that was spawned by Leftists evoking emotionally manipulative rhetoric about how "it's the current year" and "we should all be equal" (and by equality you mean discriminating against one group to prop up another). "Diversity is our strength, so let's protest to enlarge the government and have them infringe on our freedoms, because we're all so moral and just!" The standard of "morality" set by media and academia, both of which are heavily regulated by agenda driven groups. Yeah, you're an establishment "rebel," fighting for the benefit of Federal government growth and the perpetuation of their power over the populace. Typical Leftist filth. You're nothing but useful idiots confined in a box built by the establishment, and you'll never think outside it.
The process of blacks and browns degrading the standard of living in the US has been slower than most, because it's a big country and "white flight" and a fabricated reality on television have helped to hide the situation. What's going on in nations like Sweden right now though are examples of what has been happening in this nation on a much shorter time span. The evidence is right there. Create a welfare state and allow in the unproductive hordes of brown and black filth, and what do you get? A decreased standard of living, a drastic rise in crime, mass civil unrest etc. But it's okay, the television tells them all how wonderful diversity is and hides the unsightly reality from them. So do the cops, actually, covering up crimes from migrants from public knowledge (much like they do here with the epidemic of black on white crime). What you can't see can't hurt you, huh? "Diversity is our strength!" because some University Marxist told me so. Some University Marxist that never spent a day in the real world. Some University Marxist that never worked a real job in his life, and lives in an all white, gated community.
The fact is, Diversity has only ever lowered the standard of living in the West. The peak of every nation now suffering from multiculturalism and open borders was before the influx of non-whites. Just look at Sweden. It probably occurred in your lifetime, unless you're 15 or something. You're probably around 20 or so if you're still latching on to these nonsense…
To all you Socialists, it's an indisputable fact. Socialism only works in a homogeneous society. Hell, if our nation was over 95% white, I'd be inclined to support a Socialist model. Doesn't work with blacks and browns though. Just look around you. Look at the statistics, from welfare, to crime, to unemployment. Every nation…
Dude, come on now.
They're bandaids dealing with a much, much larger issue, that being capitalism. Fun fact - I read a great article about a person who talked to a Reagan-era strategist and the Republican platform is actually to increase government too! They want to massively increase debt and force crisis situations so that the only solution available is to cut social programs and save the rich money. They're brilliant accelerationists, you've blatantly bought it.
Another fun fact - immigration is also good for big business because it makes sure that you're constantly being competed out of a job. That's capitalism at work, baby. Personally, I feel like immigration is not a viable option due to how quickly it can be used to damage a society by elites under capitalism but if a global revolution happens immigration will no longer be a worry so. Best hope for that.
No, I don't personally care. People die every day. It's nicer when a nigger dies. That's amusing. But this I don't care much for. It's beneficial actually. Helps push more people to the Right. Also I'm not a Nazi. Nazis were Leftists like you, as much as you hate to accept that, oh educated one (I know how "educated/uneducated" have become buzzwords to your type, not comprehending the difference between debt-driven education and quality education). They just lacked your pathetic self-destructive Marxist belief system. They loved Socialism though, they just acknowledged that it took a homogeneous and unified white society to make it work. Which is true. I'm a Paleoconservative myself.
I know, but I just roll my eyes at black dudes who are obsessed with getting back at whitey with muh BBC. It's just totally juvenile and I chuckle a little bit every time.
Oh, you're into feudalism! Well tally ho lad, I hope you can find your king soon!
Should have recognized the bait sooner.
He's right you fucking retards. Leftism is all about democratizing the MOP. The benefits of socialism are immense, which means everyone will want to immigrate to your land. If you don't secure your border and keep out degenerates, they will destroy your socialist utopia. Instead you have to bring socialism to the rest of the world by force, subjugating lesser peoples until they evolve enough to accept socialism.
Not a problem if global capitalism is destroyed. I'm not for immigration because it depresses native workers wages and fuels resentment that the far right draws from to recruit from.
Literally 'stop liking what I don't like'.
Except Nazism didn't democratize shit, they rather specifically gave up any right to voting and instead had a dictator who gave great power to… can you name it, kids? That's right, big business. Good work!
Also the real reason socialism needs to be global is because any attempt can and will be ruined by global capitalism since if the majority of the world stops working under the capitalist system, capitalism will no longer be able to function.
good job nigs you bring us to glory
You claim Capitalism is a problem, then mention Neocons. Good job. No, Capitalism is not a problem. Capitalism raised billions out of poverty and gave you your comfy life.
That's true, to an extent, but it's not good for developed, first world nations, and it's worse when those people are of a different culture and race (you may not be willing to accept that behavior and intelligence are genetic, but they are). So as good as it may be for big business (depends entirely on the business), I don't give a shit. I'm all for protectionism and strict, limited immigration. That is, white Western peoples only, who can contribute to the nation. You know, like it used to be, before things started going to shit and our cities were taken over one by one and run into the gutter by black and brown peoples.
Why's that? What is this "global revolution" going to accomplish? Look throughout the history of our people (it's Holla Forums, so I assume you're white), and black and brown people. We are a people with a strong work ethic and we provide for our communities and work toward a common goal. They don't. They have different survival instincts, which drive them to behave in a community differently. Blacks especially are more tribal and primitive. No "revolution" is going to change their behavior patterns that have developed over 100,000 years. They have always and will always live the same way. Want a Semi-Socialist "utopia," then advocate for homogeneity. It's the only way it's going to work. You can literally see your Semi-Socialist "utopias" become degraded and destroyed right now in North Western Europe as the percentage of black and brown peoples rise. Less than 500 of over 160,000 migrants have gotten jobs in Sweden. It's a fucking joke. How can anyone support "muh diversity"? And on Holla Forums of all fucking places. Aren't you people supposed to be politically incorrect Leftist filth? The only way you can be politically incorrect is by opposing the establishment Marxist agenda (which is that taught in Universities and propagandized in all forms of media). The Establishment isn't just the government.
The only use of Marx by the establishment is to distort his criticisms to the point of being unrecognizable.
Huh? I don't know how you define Leftism, but I define it as authoritarianism. The only difference between them and people like you is, they were Nationalists and you're a Marxist. Their brand of Socialism was much more appealing. Marxist Socialism is horrendous, oppressive, and destructive.
I'm saying that big business is a problem, you fucking idiot. Big business is what has consistently threatened the US since the end of the Civil War. You don't like Neocons either? Guess why they are the way they are? I'll give you a hint - it's because they're paid by a certain group of people. What group is that?
Wrongo bongo. We just happened to be the first to get naval power to the point where we could go elsewhere and fuck over everyone else.
Well, you see friend, if everyone else has the ability to achieve prosperity within their own country they don't need to come to mine.
You know nothing about what you're talking about and you assume you do. The vast majority of anarchist political opinions fall under leftism. The end state of communism (in theory, if you don't mind me memeing) is the disestablishment of a state.
I don't get why Holla Forums consistently comes over here thinking they know shit when they don't and then gets mad when we don't agree with their incorrect terminology and goes back home to talk about how we're liberal faggots.
my sides have left orbit and now traverse the stars unimpeded
Nice picture. She's a product of Marxist ideals at work from groups like Feminists, which have permeated all aspects of mainstream life.
take up arms you cunts merc a porky or bourgie
4pol claims Nation of Islam. And those guys are never wrong.
make this post banner as "your brain on Holla Forums"
Why the fuck are the authorities not releasing any information about the suspects?
Goddamit, this is just like when Holla Forums goes to /a/ and stars going MOESHIT IS KILLING ANIME WHY DON'T THEY DO MORE BADASS THINGS LIKE THE EIGHTIES WHY AREN'T ALL CHINESE CARTOONS LIKE (FOTM Shonen/Seinen)
Don't care all that much who the shooters were. It was done at a protest against police brutality, so that's what it'll come across as.
The main thing is we got us some niggas taking up arms against the state. And they killed some piggies.
Yet it's not, because it has aided in creating the life you enjoy, which you hypocritically are unwilling to give up. I'm not a Libertarian, so I don't know what you're trying to argue here anyway. I support Capitalism, but I support regulated Capitalism. The thing which made the Western world rich.
Also I do know what I'm talking about, and just because you disagree with me, it doesn't make me wrong. Telling me I'm wrong isn't a rebuttal. Also I'm not a Holla Forums user. I'm a person who posts where I want to post, and I don't conform to group opinions. I get banned from Holla Forums all the time. You Lefties are more sensitive though. Say one wrong thing here and it's an insta-month ban. Say the wrong thing on Holla Forums and it's 3 days.
Oh, by the way, no. No it's not. Never will be either.
Go to bed, user. You're obviously tired.
Yes it is.
You idiots realize that this is just gonna make people want to vote Trump.
It's not like everyone in America supports BLM to the point where they would allow outright murder of police.
You dumb fuck.
Well if you can point out one Communist nation which has ended in "the disestablishment of a state" and a free society, I'll concede.
the freddy kruger effect in action comfams
Can you point out a capitalist nation that has ever ended up having a truly free market? Obviously, this means capitalism is bunk and cannot be trusted.
Theoretically impossible to achieve communism unless global.
While there are reactionaries to fight, you'll need organized means of opressing them. Whether they be nihilist death squads or Cheka.
and the website of their NOI mosque
Will 4pol ever stop being right?
You need the masses for a revolution, and the majority of Americans aren't in favor of it. If the shooters were far leftists it will do more harm than good if you ask me.
shooters were right-wing plants trying to bring Nazi masturbation fantasy ideological pol/ack cunts i suspect
dubs btw fuck 88 cunts
Just to reiterate, gross negligence is a crime and ignorance is not an excuse. Perjury is also a crime. Clinton lied initially when she said 'no confidential information'. She also committed espionage by allowing her lawyers access to top secret docs, possibly even SAP.
see the big picture bruh!!
If anything, it was to make people afraid of protesting in the streets.
No, definitely SAP. She gave them access to the server. SAP was on the server, and it wasn't marked with a header i.e. there was nothing distinguishing it from any of the other stuff on there. The most infuriating part of the hearing was how Democrats tried to paint the situation as there only being 3 emails with classified content.
I don't know why it would have that effect. If cops are getting shot while I protest that makes me feel safer. Shit, every time I see a cop or cop car in public I get nervous that they'll decide to kill me for who knows what reason. If they're occupied with some sniper (who isn't targeting me), I probably am safer.
I'll just leave this here.
That's why I'm glad this happened. Trump is somewhat of a Paleoconservative. So I welcome all the niggers and sandniggers and wetbacks driving suburban and rural whitey my way. Let's pop those bubbles!
I don't give a shit about a "truly free market." I don't want it. I'm okay with a bit of regulation. But Capitalism works, and the current developed and rich state of the Western world proves it. I'm okay with a semi-free market with some limitations to prevent the exportation of jobs to places like China. We're here, and we got here because of Capitalism. Now we need to tweak it a bit and stabilize. Not revamp the system and establish a failed system, that has never been successful. And don't mention Northern Europe, because none of those nations are purely Socialist nations, nor did they get to where they are originally with a Socialist system. They garnered their riches with Capitalism and some partially through the existence of natural resources. The more Socialist they become though, the more their economy weakens. Also, again, it all happened with a homogeneous society. The only way anything can ever work.
That's how Communism always winds up. Oppressing dissent for the sake is maintaining power. And it stays that way.
How are you supposed to do a revolution without killing many many many cops and army men? They protect the rulling class.
nationalist cunts shoot up peaceful rally; try to start Nazi masturbation fantasy.
f you lurked Holla Forums you wouldnt be be surprised at this faggotry this is an operation
I was so sure about this
But it's bad to kill Porky's enforcers when you're not on an active revolutionary mission! And it's especially bad to desensitize the proles to piggus getting smoked! They need to go into the revolution still strongly averse to cop killing.
explain how the average prole cop protects the rich, oh wait you can't
Between this and the people praising stealing luxury goods i'm starting to detect a dangerous level of chromosomatically advantaged people here.
This is literally how democracy dies. Were the headers chopped off? Cause they sure as hell would have been headed correctly when first published.
you tried.
How do you know this won't spark the revolution?
The negros are woke as fuck and ready to kickstart even a small revolution any time now
Not sure if bait.
Protecting property rights is basically why the police exists.
here let me explain. If you go and kill a banker, what happens to you afterwards?
Y'know, except for the part that we're due for another 2008-level crash in the next couple of years and it's only going to get more common until our economy doesn't stand back up. I get it, you remember when America wasn't a scary place to be and you want to go back to protectionism and regulation of big business. You want FDR. Problem is, we don't live in FDR's time anymore. If we tell big business that we're not dealing with their shit anymore and they're going to have to actually pay taxes on shit, you know what they'll do? They'll cut ties with the US and starve us out over the course of a generation. Look at how quickly our country has gone to shit this time, you know they'd be able to handle not feeding the US economy for a couple decades. That's why your ideas will never work - nothing will work unless we can take down the international capitalist system, because if we give the richest people a deal they don't like they just won't take it.
So does left/pol/ still support the shooters? The shooters who's singular motive is Nazi masturbation fantasy? The NOI's appeal among black youth skyrocked today. This only ends one way.
You get prosecuted for murder, and maybe at a higher penalty than if you killed a person of lesser stature.
I support anything that brings us closer to a state that could allow for revolution, as that's the only way we're going to get out of this. Reformism is dead.
true, so cops are protecting the rich
This should be interesting. Death penalty?
We knew the shooter of Orlando within 2 hours. We knew all about the San Bernadino shooters within 3 hours.
What is going on here?
Cops are obviously proles. It's not a feely term you can apply to the workers you like.
A prole is someone who is dependent on his wage to sustain himself.
The NOI seem full of revolutionary potential. Why not sign up?
Hey, I laughed.
I don't agree with their goals. What are you, some sort of faggot?
Yes. Here's what happened
Note: Many people initially interpreted this to mean "remove the classificiation headers so there's nothing labeling the files as classified" until Comey at the hearing yesterday said it's State Dept. parlance that means "remove any classified content, as if we were going to publish the documents." Guess which of these describes the documents as they ended up on the server.
Even though over a hundred emails contain classified information, only three have any kind of classification label. These are labeled with (C) on some paragraphs, indicating "confidential" classification (the lowest tier) on some of the paragraphs, and two of those were expired classifications by the time they were on the server. This is to say nothing at all of the deletions that took place, which Comey assumes only contained private matters and doesn't constitute destruction of evidence or obstruction of justice. Btw, the deletions were carried out by HRC's attorneys, who did not have clearance and needed access to the server to wipe it.
A CEO is a PROLE???
i really didnt want those dubs, more of a sad coincidence really
This, I'm not sure if you've seen your allies leftycucks, but I wouldn't want to be on your side when shit goes down. You're guy next to aint gonna be a provocateur agent trained like these guys, he's gonna be a sperg like you.
Technically yes. A CEO works for the shareholders.
If he's dependent on a wage, then I guess he's just a well paid one.
I don't think that many humans have ever existed, much less cops.
It's a t-shirt from a japanese noise band.
want gouge on shooters right now tbh more than anything
Doubt any of these chucklefucks in said pics even know what socialism is.
Because the law states that paper versions cannot be removed from where they're allowed to be. So she gets off on half a dozen charges on a handful of technicalities? Really fucking depressing. Sure, Trump is a bombastic retard. But Clinton is downright evil. That libtards refuse to see this is the real shit of the issue.
Because they were cops.
Anarcho-Nihilist why are you always such a dumb faggot? You always say stupid shit like that. Educate yourself.
Help leftism by killing yourself you dumb asshole
He is technically a worker, but he is not part of the working class nor part of the proletariat.
Along with cops,managers, army ,legal system, bureaucrats etc.
See non-productive labor:
I rarely post here, so you're probably not thinking of me.
And that article looks cool and all… I'm not saying cops are beneficial to society, I'm just giving a very basic definition of the proletariat.
I don't see how that's the case when we're their biggest market. We are the single biggest market on the planet. The dollar is the most trusted international currency. Right now we have the power to enforce our will on them. They don't have anywhere else to go. They can't go to China or India, because they're not strong markets yet. They're low-tier, cheap production bases. China's economy is dependent on us being their market. As for Europe, it's a smaller market and it's already peaked. It's not growing. There is literally no where else to go. It's adapt or die. A giant like Walmart might survive, but they'd be weakened tremendously. Most businesses would go under though. There's big business, then there's Walmart-tier, and they're a minority. Others can easily replace them given the opportunity (which would be given in a freer market–we don't have a free market at the moment, although again, I don't advocate for an entirely free market, because yes, it does lead to this), especially if they're deprived of the largest market on the planet. I want to retain Capitalism, but I want to regulate it. Anyway, that's it for me. My day is starting.
They are not part of the proletariat you idiot. Read some theory.
Individual bourgeois aren't interchangeable you fucking moron. Killing someone that high up would create big changes within the IMF and between it and its related organizations.
Ideally the revolutionary would study his targets first to know which heads are worth killing and which aren't, leaving the incompetent schemers and backbiters to sow discord in the IMF (or whatever) while assassinating the competent officers and managers, killing the CEOs that cooperate and work well together while leaving the ones that bicker and don't get along.
what a stupid fucking thing to say
The proletariat (/ˌproʊlɪˈtɛəriːət/ from Latin proletarius) is a term for the class of wage-earners, in a capitalist society, whose only possession of significant material value is their labor-power (their ability to work);[1] a member of such a class is a proletarian.
You see, this is why so many people don’t take right-wingers seriously. Your definition of leftism as “authoritarianism” is just as shallow and reductionist as the very similar right-wing claim that “socialism = whatever the government does.”
I could explain what “leftism” means, but I could also just tell you to read a fucking book.
The irony is that what you paleoconservatives do share with Nazism is precisely that: authoritarianism. Not just in your petty obedience to traditionalist spooks (e.g., muh heritage, social hierarchy, muh degeneracy). It is the inherent authoritarianism of private ownership—which, by the way, requires an “authoritarian” State to function, precisely because it requires the State to expropriate from labor and subsidize the private accumulation of capital. It is feudalism; in fact, at least in the U.S., modern property law is ~quite literally~ feudal land law, down to the fucking terms.
This thread raises an interesting point.
Most people use image boards to escape the rules of more popular sites. Or to share words and jokes without constant screams of "racist!".
But this thread is filled with posts that could just as easily be posted on Twitter. So, what is it that brings you to image boards?
b-but muh Republican witch hunt
hmm okay
Most work under capitalism is non-productive. Are waitresses and casheers not proles?
The imageboard format works amazingly well for the style of discussion I enjoy.
Are you goofing here, m8?
So what are the odds that the Clinton Foundation sent out a strike team to kill some cops to distract the country from Comey's surprise hearing?
Trust me, I'd love to right this injustice by sending them back to Africa with generous reparations
Imagine being so derrieredisturbed by a website you feel a need to exact revenge on it
Imagine the lowest form of existence possible
Sure, just make sure to help them set up a socialist state in their countries just as you do in your own and I'm sure it'll work out pretty well.
On some level I wish the darkies would win the Nazi masturbation fantasy, just to see you pasty fuckers get ripped to shred by your pet underclass.
Have a good time yelling "working class solidarity and "down white oppressor", all the while nigs are stomping on your face :^)
there is your answer
God, I love Holla Forums
you're looking for /liberalpol/ friend, here we believe pretty much exclusively in the class struggle because we're not retarded unlike you.
Literally zero
Class struggle is now shooting cops?
No. That is exactly what is happening right now, and has been happening for weeks. So long as you label your motivation as "because of police racism" rather than "fuck the state", its completely fine.
Fuck off, I doubt you're even a real tankie.
Police uphold the system, we want to tear down the system. This specific attack is not revolutionary, but it slowly pushes us towards proper revolution.
This is the alt-new-old-left, friend.
Has any information at all come out about the shooters yet?
What is the class struggle? I've lived on an impressive variety of wages throughout my life. Which class do I count as?
If it depends on what I was born as, I'm working class. If its how I spent most of my adult life, its middle class+
If its current status, its poverty. Who's side am I on?
So I don't know any socialist gun toting hillbillies, Your army is gonna be made up entirely of white limp wristed west coast hipsters with some reinforcments from the north east coast? good luck to ya
Yeah, and if you say you want to enact protectionism to protect fair wages within the US you'd get cheering up until the point where you say protectionism also means racial purity. It's pretty obvious that the reasoning behind a statement matters just as much as a statement itself, friend, thus why we're all here discussing class struggle instead of jerking off about how we really just need better college systems for black people.
They had guns, and they discharged said guns multiple times.
waitresses and cashiers are productive, since they are providing a service.
A CEO is part of the manager class, while a cop is part of the security apparatus, he makes sure the system runs without crime,disruptions, revolts etc.
Have you ever owned a business yourself? Have you taken excess profits due to your role as owner or manager even though you didn't do anything that important?
The class system discussed by modern media is not the same as the class system we discuss, just as the left-right dynamic we discuss is different than theirs (for instance, believing in capitalism but with a pretty face != leftism). If you want business to be in the hands of the people working and for the power of society to be in the hands of the many rather than the few, you are on the leftist side of the revolution. If you believe in consolidation of power and that the establishment system works for you, you are probably a bit on the right-wing side.
Fuck me Holla Forums is cancer incarnate.
I hope you all get aids from niggers and die.
you cocksuckers LOVE cops dont you? who else will you use to genocide your own people when you get in charge? like in almost every communist nation ever?
Your class consists solely of niggers and spics.
True working class stand in unison with white america, Trump and the police.
There is only one class worth talking about and that's the working class, don't be fooled by any divisions within it, the interests of all workers coincide.
You're retarded. How could you possibly expect doing the same thing over and over to have different results?
Cops and CEOs are also providing a service.
It might be a useless service to us, and it might be harmful to the proletariat, but that doesn't make them not proles.
This is not a thing.
Nah only the very poorly educated white Americans.
Most of the working class will never stand with union busting demagogue.
Keep your delusions until your fucking masturbation dream crashes and burns when Hillary is in power and Repubs party tears itself apart.
Working class = use the means of production (factory, farm, office…)
Bourgeoisie = own the means of production
Middle class is not really a thing in leftist theory, it's more of a normie term to talk about the high wage working class.
The manager class is the very definition of non-productive labor. It is those who are in charge of inspecting, overseeing, and directing the working class under the direction of the Capitalist owner.
I even provided you a link, but you don't want to read and just shitpost.
Believe it or not, we do exist.
i'm a gun toting socialist, you fucking slag cunt. i promise i have more guns than you, and know how to use them too (exmil) so eat my shit
Are you a navy seal?
Go home, Holla Forums, you're drunk.
I've done neither, but I don't necessarily see the problem with people doing so on an individual level. Its a government's duty to be fair for it's people. But if some random store manager can attain greater reward for less effort, then I see no way to condemn them without also criticizing myself in a hypothetical sense.
Out of interest, where do competitive fields such as sports, chess etc fit in?
How do you claim that a waitress is being productive?
Why is the waitress' service productive while the cops' isn't?
Cops are essentially petitbourgs in that the service the provide is making sure the proles are scared to damage bourg equipment or take bourg lives.
They are manager class "workers" because porker manages society through them.
nah brah
How can you claim a teamster is being productive? Why is the teamster's service productive while the cop's isn't?
Petite bourg? Really?
We're just going to use the scale of PROLE(GOOD) ———-PETITE BOURG(MEDIUM)————BOURG(EVIL)
No fucks given about actual definitions.
Cops are not petit bourg you idiot. They're enforcers. Petit bourg are small business owners (technically capitalist but not big enough to do the kind of damage as the capitalists who decide policy).
Don't know, I would say working class by default, because they don't employ people. But some say "lumpenproletariat" (along with NEETs, criminals, prostitutes etc…).
this "limp-wrist hipster" can run 5 miles and pump AR rounds into your sloppy from 400 yds
if you aren't ready to fight for the working class (body, mind, spirit) then don't spout the rhetoric. You think the far right is idle? those cunts train constantly for the hope of mercing some antifa pussy.
train yourself or get fucked
Calling competitive professionals lumpenproles is retarded. There's a reason Japan considered Go masters to have strategic value to the military. Athleticism is useful for studying what the human body is capable of.
Totally not fishy at all.
They good proles. Need mo' money for dem chargers.
I'm not in tinfoil mode yet, but adding onto the press meeting:
I'm at least glad he didn't kill himself, but sad that he died before we could know more and hear his side of things, since it's not clear that he intended to die.
It's worth-noting police swept the area and found nothing, and deem Main Street/downtown Dallas safe for the public, though it's a crime scene so folks aren't going to be allowed through yet.
From what the police chief said the guy claimed to be working alone. Also
It sure brings me a warm feeling of comfort to know that police officers have such tools at their disposal.
So the other three suspects had nothing to do with it?
I thought this was a group effort.
That's what they seem to be suggesting. It doesn't really seem plausible. For one they're saying that the trap was sprung from an elevated position, but at least one shooter was at street level.
They have one female in custody, so my fingers are crossed for a qt black militant terrorist
It's probably a Huey P.Newton Foundation/Nation of Islam connection.
So idpol as fuck, but in any case still pretty based tbh.
Answering the pigs with the violence they give daily on innocent people was the best thing for the cops to now watch their backs for the crimes they do.
Is there any reason to expect similar events in the future? This seems to be exactly the kind of thing to kick off further militarization of the police.
why are you asking this terrorist-sympathyzer moron like he's an expert?
Didn't mean to quote. Didn't want to scroll to the top to post, forgot to delete quote.
Anarkiddies are the ultimate role players, you do nothing but embarrass us
welcome to left/pol/
What ever happened to "governments should be afraid of their people"? Cops should expect lethal retaliation if they step out of line. They're supposed to serve and protect.
Funny how you say this to excuse your pet coons but think white trash with their guns are dumbfucks who should just listen to their betters.
Fuck off, Holla Forums. I don't care what color somebody is. Rednecks with guns have the same interests as other proles, and they mostly know how to handle firearms.
The profession exists to safeguard private property. A lot would have to die in any revolution, and if people are used to seeing them die before then it'd be easier.
Cops =! The state. Just targeting cops isn't making THE STATE any more afraid.
The state can't be afraid because it's an abstract idea. Cops are the ones killing people and cops can be made afraid.
That's not how it works dumbass, the more innocent the cops involved look, the more sympathy they'll build. Ordinary people will see this as an unprovoked act by a madman.
That's why any violent action should target guilty parties who do not receive punishment. This scenario is far from ideal, but it might inspire somebody to respond to the guilty parties.
Most killer cops don't kill people out of vindictiveness, it usually has to do with ingrained ideas about their role, race, and other things in the superstructure. They are playing a role. Regardless, the more they are afraid the more they'll lash out.
Cops are friends of the working class. Just remember all the times they helped out protesting against corporate tyranny and their tireless efforts to safeguard our civil liberties.
The horror this event inspired will probably do the exact opposite
That's why the relationship needs to change. People have been trying all sorts of shit for years and so far nothing has worked.
is this a joke
And of course their response is gun control, every crisis only entrenched the status quo
I should expect it by now, but damn.
this does not surprise me
So once again, you can't actually disprove any of the analysis on how parts of society are designed in relation to each other, you're still hammering on this "Nuh uh you just are only capable of thinking this way". While conveniently ignoring that a properly set up theory of societal function IS GOING TO DESCRIBE THE ACTIONS OF PEOPLE IN SOCIETY. The whole point is that all the ways people are different actually does not hold to the point where people are going to come in conflict with one another so long as they simply "keep doing their job" or are "just trying to feed their family" involves things that push them into conflict with one another. Are people capable of breaking these roles and acting outside the normal framework of society? Yes, but in many cases people get arrested for doing this and it is the effect of one person moving backwards in a crowd of millions of people moving forwards. It's not really going to be relevant to things on a macroscopic scale. Even if it's some major mover of society, the effects get ground down slowly with the passing of time by the raw weight of chance in large numbers. Eventually statistics win out. You're trying to argue that because I don't know the precise way each die is shaped that I can't predict the probability of rolling them by coming up with a formulaic approach.
nice picture. it's pretty obvious those darkies are helping the old guy on the street there. One on the left has blue latex gloves and seems to be taking notes with a pencil. Whitey there doesn't have any look of fear, or anger. Everyone looks pretty relaxed. At least shop your images to fit your narrative.
meanwhile, in the 'thousand year' reich…
I'm sad about it. I know you're supposed to fight and should fight your oppressors.
But I know this event is only going to get normalfags to push for more gun control and make average whites be even more scared of blacks.
I'm sad.