Intel threaten to sue over x86 emulation on arm

Intel to Qualcomm and Microsoft: Nice x86 emulation you've got there, shame if it got sued into oblivion

Intel used the 40th anniversary of its x86 architecture to warn chip rivals to mind their step when emulating its instruction set.

The reigning desktop and data center server CPU king said it would not hesitate to sic its lawyers on any competitor whose emulation tools got too close to copying the patented portions of its x86 instruction set architecture (ISA).

"Intel welcomes lawful competition, and we are confident that Intel's microprocessors, which have been specifically optimized to implement Intel's x86 ISA for almost four decades, will deliver amazing experiences, consistency across applications, and a full breadth of consumer offerings, full manageability and IT integration for the enterprise," general counsel Steven Rodgers wrote on Thursday.

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forgot the archive link

Intel = Always Jews
Everyone else = Saints

What the fuck am I reading? Why don't they sue AMD for example, if they do real x86_64 compatible CPUs?


Intel = Always Jews
Everyone else = Always Jews

mfw I studied
and do not need intel to feed my family.


x86-64 was created by AMD.

AMD, VIA and DM&P Electronics (produces embedded x86 SoCs based on SiS's technology) all hold licenses to said patents. Every other manufacturer of the 90's has either sold their line to one of those four, was acquired by them or ceased production.
Also yeah, Intel and VIA in turn are licensed to use the AMD64 extensions.

The most advanced libre x86 implementation to date only implements a 80486SX (without FPU) on a FPGA.

c u c k e d
on topic
every fucking time.

How Microsoft should solve this
Update Windows 10 so the x86 version is emulated ARM. Spite is a powerful thing, even if it gets reverted after a week it sends a powerful reminder to Intel that they only exist at MS's whim.


MS needs Intel a lot more than Intel needs MS. MS is nothing without those x86 golden handcuffs but Intel would do just fine in a world where MS was hit by a meteor as it's the most popular server chip.

X86 is indeed the most used server chip and that is because microscam has pushed x86 hardware like mad everywhere. If a risc-v chip and board came out that was cheaper, the distro to use on it was *nix, and used less power then admins would switch very quickly.

On the other hand users will almost never switch from the default OS because microshit's windoze is literally all they know how to use. They won't learn a new OS so microscam has a monopoly on the stupid and still using desktop. Yes android and apple are taking over stupid consumers but that is irrelevent. All the corperations using windows have a bribe to use it from microsoft not intel.

This thread is solely about Microsoft, Intel and ARM. You're a bit slow aren't you son?

Matching the worlds fastest processor isn't an easy task. If it was then PowerPC would still be relevant. Step out of LARPer dreamland for a second. X86_64 is king because Intel solved all of its problems and because it is quite literally the fastest architecture currently available

does not compute

Intel, Intel never changes

Is that an ancient painting of feels dudeman slaying pepe?


so this means x86 cannot be free ever?

Yes and this is the same reason anyone who cares about libre software needs to jump ship ASAP. Eventually you won't be able to run anything on intel(and possible amd) cpu's without jewtel's permission/key. Kikes want total control. So that is where the platform is going.

I didn't know Holla Forums was an anti-semetic hateboard now

lol get out kike

Yeah, I'll probably be getting an AMD processor next time I get a new computer because of this. I've always loved the quality that an Intel processor provides but this is unacceptable.

They should open source it in response

Could someone benchmark this CPU?

All AMD processors beyond 2013 are pozzed

All x86* processors beyond 1993-1994 are pozzed

Faggot your right. But that is the hardware backdoor accessible only to bios hackers and the (((TLA))). Most script kiddies aren't going to know how to abuse that or even be capable of using it. Now jewtel and amd want software/network backdoors via (((PSP))) and (((kikeME))) in the hardware too. Before just switching from windoze got you off the collection farm mostly. Now they are going after *NIX users en mass to spy on. Which means hardware mandated network enabled backdoors. Not just hardware backdoors.

The benchmark results are "it performs like trash"

user if you share links please don't share those who are shortened.
Why ?
First because is behind the cloudflare botnet and I don't want to go on cloudfare corrupted web.
Second because I don't know what is original link of it.
for example this user has posted a link, is it the one in the ?
I don't know.
Anyway please don't shortlink they are nothing but trouble.

Here's an link since the register blocks every tor connection via cloudflare

Whites don't suck baby cock.

So if Israeitel has kiked every processor they've put out, which architecture should we switch to? ARM surely isn't the way since they're kiked too. Should we go over to SPARC, RISC-V (if anything gets made for it), and POWER?

An Hero yourself, you autistic fucktard.

It depends on your application and adversary level. If your just joe blow avoiding passive data collection then an old intel/x86 proccessor with a hardware but no network backdoor is ok for you. Just encrypt your harddrive and don't use non open source drivers in a stallman style distro like libre everything including firmware of hardware.

If your a pro journalist with information that burns the asshole of the (((TLA's))) RISC-V is still not secure enough. There are attacks even on it at a hardware level(read a hardware debugger). Literally everything is fucked at a hardware level if you are ever targeted.

If you want slightly better security as a consumer slap a custom linux distro on a old power pc mac laptop(and reverse engineer all the hardware's firmware). You get portability with a tiny bit more proccessor security(read, no built in backdoors but still attackable in other ways).

Sparc is fucked like powerpc, no built in backdoors but still attackable. It's also wayyy less common and only for server grade hardware(read high energy usage low performance). Then you have to deal with very few people compiling *nix distro's for the hardware/testing it.
You can delay (((them))) but if they are dedicated enough with physical access they will get in. Same applies for /baph/ too though.

What about an FPGA? If you could prove them to be backdoor free, you can repurpose them för anything.

But hardware level needs physical access, no? Then they could just embed two microphones under your keyboard, that's good enough to get the FDE password anyway. If you use glitter nail polish for blink comparison, and always keep the laptop on you, you should be fine, no? It's also worth considering to put the boot partition+luks headers on a separate microsd card you have on you 24/7.

Ask the group how much new SPARC and POWER processors cost, Crackers.

Not if you use a touchscreen for more secure input.
You have to sleep eventually. At that point they can copy the FDE drive and brute force the data if they are desperate. Also rubber hoses apply at that point.
What's stopping them from putting a small firmware bringup hijack within the micro sdcard reader to see unecrypted data? Nothing. Hardware security is fucked in everyway possible.

If you don't mind Broadcom Wifi, IDE hard drives, not being able to watch Main Profile MPEG4, and buggy 3d on account of everyone ditching PPC before kms and dri2 became a thing, go for it.

Kike you can watch mpeg with vlc. You can replace the harddrives. You can upgrade ram. Ati/radeon have kms drivers for wayland if your stupid enough to use linux. You just are going to be hard pressed to find a supported distro short of install gentoo though.

More like "nothing beyond Windows 2000 and Debian 5.0 works".

Says the faggot who brought nothing of value.

Holy shit, I talk about shit I don't know about: the post.
nice ad hominem
It's not about not being able to watch MPEG4, it's about it only being available with software rendering, and PPC has shit performance, so expect 100% cpu usage on 480p MPEG4 videos.
Holy shit I got cancer from the amount of illiteracy. IDE is a connector for harddrives. So you can do nothing to change it unless you change/modify the motherboard, and good luck finding a mobo for PPC with AHCI.
Get out.

I forgot you shouldn't speak from experience when posting on Holla Forums. It won't happen again.

And how would you use a touchscreen to enter FDE password?

If you have it in the room you sleep, how would they get it? Bruteforcing anything above 100 bits of security (27 [a-z], 21 [a-zA-Z0-9], 19 Base85) is computationally infeasible.

They would need to open the computer for that, which would break the seal.

fuck off, commie

Read a fucking book you stupid nigger

no fku u both of you u godm damn commiesss

>Defending intellectual (((property)))

Ok bud.


Welcome to Holla Forumschan.
Now get the fuck out.


You cannot have libre software without removing the parasitic components first.

The one on the left must be Zuckerberg.

This. FOSS needs gas to keep it pure just as much as the Aryan race does.



The idea of 'copyright' and 'patents' began with the kikes declaring themselves the sole owners/chosen ones of the bible.

When was the last time a computer company used actual words, outside codenames?

Intel Jewed AMD with corporate theft user.


Yeah fuck you. The only reason jewntel is at the top is they made illegal deals with other companies.


I couldn't say that with a straight face if I worked there.

And remember goys, a socket change a year keeps the goyim in fear!

It isn't, the microarchitectures are completely different. If copying CPUs was that easy China would have a x86 clone. They don't.

not that much tbh

China doesn't want an x86 clone in the first place. They know x86 is a pile of shit and prefer to build solid RISC designs.

Yes because China has a great track record for Original™ and QUALITY™ products!

They probably considered making bootleg x86 chips because making inferior copies I all they're capable of

Well the MIPS and Alpha architectures they copied ain't original either. However, their government is not stupid and knows at least what is worth copying.

Naw, it was just too expensive to copy the "dense" instruction set of x86, that's all. They would've needed expensive fab equipment just to reliability print the wafers

can't tell if stupid or shitposting

Basically Intel holds patent on x86, but AMD holds patent on x86_64, which means that if Intel sued AMD, AMD would have to stop producing x86 processors, but then they would counter sue Intel so that Intel would have to stop producing x86_64.

So essentially AMD would have to stop producing 32-bit compatible processors, and Intel would have to stop producing 64-bit compatible processors.

It's kind of like the whole "mutual assured destruction" uneasy truce USA and Russia have right now, except it's microprocessor architecture.

Nitecore flashlights are p good


The instruction set and the layout of the CPU have nothing to do with each other. >>>/reddit/

If you switch to other architecture the jews will overtake it and subvert. The only solution to the problem is The Final Solution. We need to solve it at the basics.

Won't it be interesting option for AMD when 32-bit compatibility will no longer be important in the future?

No because backwards compatibility is the only reason the whole x86(_64) arcitectures still exist. There are extremely more powerful and less energy using proccesors made possible using powerpc and arm that could be produced. That is without stepping into risc-v territory.

But backwards compatibility is a bitch if your using windows, and annoying for some binary apps like all of AMD's gpus and many blobbed wifi and bluetooth(all bluetooth actually) drivers if using unix. The transition could easily be made for webbrowsers. But that already happened with the advent of the smartphone and googles backdooring of such. Gamers would not be so fortunete when it comes to the transition as a huge library of x86 games would be lost. What (((someone))) needs to do is make a freebsd/linux based gaming platform on libreboot/totally open firmware hardware. Then just target that for unix gaming and have everyone else switch to something else. For backwards compatibility with windows applications just hire competent devs to work with codeweavers/wine.

Everyone else can use a new OS designed for webbrowsing and securitylol yea right based off of powerpc/risc-v hardware. But you have to write a whole new OS and push people to use it something only (((they))) could do for now.

If you were an autist looking to do this you have several problems. You need to port nouveau to freebsd. You need to write libreboot firmware for a haswell based board desktop or laptop. You also need to stablize wine for usage on freebsd preferabbly without all the shitty kernel hacks. Then finally you need to write a pulseaudio implementation not dependent on freebsd kernel hacks. It is alot of work just to make it *possible* for people to switch to a more secure and stable gaming desktop.

if you wanted to create a semi secure risc-v based unix system for mobile devices you would have to figure out how to make a risc-v proccessor without jewtel coming after you. You also would need to find a way to use low energy usage RAM which is a bitch without patent trolls killing you. I have yet to find a way anywhere on this blue marbel.

yeah and let about 20 years worth of games and software vanish just like that because two companies went into an argument over instruction sets

That's the nature of copyrighted software: only authorized distributors are allowed to distribute the work. Without any authorized distributor, nobody is allowed to distribute the copyrighted work. This can ultimately mean that 20 years worth of games and software will vanish. If you don't want that to happen, the most ethical solution to this is to support the development of free software and free games. The reason is that free software gives everybody the freedom to tinker with the software and also share it with friends.

TALOS is pretty close though, right?

There is public domain lol.

In the US, the public domain is as good as non existing for anything newer than Disney's steamboat Willy.

I do agree with the notion that we can always use public domain works as inspiration for new games and other software.
