If we all are so anti-capitalist why do so many of us continue to use brand names as generic terms? It seems more common among Americans than others but I still see it elsewhere at times. Do you think this is a bad thing that only gives more power to corporations? Or does it take power away from them? Xerox has complained to people before not to use Xeroxing as a verb for photo copying because it taints the image of their brand.
Brand names as generic terms
I consciously avoid doing it, but I think that ultimately it is a completely irrelevant lifestyle choice
It goes both ways though because when someone needs something first thing they think of is a specific brand. That is why I had to ask.
nigger it doesn't fucking matter, this is the same tier of thing like learning pronouns of special snowflake genders (read: mental illnesses) because the current terms are a lingual tradition of our society. Matter builds consciousness, you want to change this? Change the material conditions.
So yes, this can only be solved by revolution. it is needless lifestylism to call something differently because you are triggered by the origin of the word. There will be remnants of socialism in Communism as there were remnants of feudalism in capitalism, not just in the words but in every fact of life, it changes as generations die out.
it kind of annoys the fuck out of me
im mad i cant say "i need a lift" without now referencing lyft automatically
They are not the only words for things though, Kleenex is tissue for example. I am not saying people have to avoid it at all cost. I think pointing out these words being trademarked and associated with specific corporations is a useful tool to point out to common people how much their life is influenced by this system so much it even influences their language.
I feel like you speak weirdly, some of those maybe apply but I would just say:
Where the fuck are popsicles called that?
Sometimes it's fucking stupid. I mean are we really going to say "polystyrene" instead of "Styrofoam"? Are we going to say "hook and loop fastener" instead of "Velcro"?
the brand name doesn't seem any shorter than the scientific name but either way we just call them 'plastic cups'
I worded things in an odd way awkwardly trying to list as many brands as I could but all these brands are terms Americans use.
Yeah Styrofoam sounds like slang for polystyrene anyway.
They hate it or love it depending on how it effects sales but the brand recognition also gives them another excuse for bloated prices.
Because it triggers at least some of them and makes them look like idiots. I don't think Xerox would like people referring to photocopying as xeroxing when the thing being photocopied is their ass, or that kleenex would like me complaining about having to clean up my roommate's cum-crusted kleenexes.
even though this thread is the same shitty b8 as muh iphones argument
Well like I mentioned here Velcro is an example. It apparently bothers the company to the point that they have an official position that people call the product "hook and loop fastener" whereas Velcro is the brand name.
"Polystyrene" just means literally any styrene polymer. Some of them are thin and dense (think plastic supermarket bags) etc. Styrofoam is a type of extreme low density superstructure holding a fuckton of air while keeping good structural integrity. That's why you see like 1/50 the volume of gasoline chew up blocks of the shit in those "homemade napalm" videos.
t. autist
Not bait, just pointing out subtle irony and how pointing this out helps people see how much of their life is controlled under a corporate capitalist society.
Capitalism has long been a caricature of itself.