How does it feel to know that you'll never be rich and famous, that you are and always will be irrelevant ?
I won't lie, it kinda annoys me sometimes, how do you deal with it?
How does it feel to know that you'll never be rich and famous, that you are and always will be irrelevant ?
I won't lie, it kinda annoys me sometimes, how do you deal with it?
>gotta hijack this threadbecause i can’t makemy own. flood warning?
ITT offering a webm/mp4 potluck
It just takes effort, unless you're a trust fund faggot or a legitimate retard/nigger (even then some people make it).
I don't want fame.
no he’s wearing a red hat.
super funny and rare to find
I was thinking about this the other day while driving. 99.99% of people seem irrelevant. As if they could die and history would not care. Nothing would change in the world.
But then I thought how foolish that could be, since everything is connected in some way or another.
And then thought again how foolish that is (butterfly effect) because it doesn't take into account degrees of importance something will have. So say a bum gets killed and has no kids and was an orphan and never talked to anyone. Butterfly effect is small as fuck.
But if prince douchebag gets shot in bis fancy pants limo? Well that's a big ripple.
I can live with being irrelevant and not famous, but I kind of want to be rich, so I can affort being left alone.
gotta catch that webm
I am both.
By not being poor and a nobody.
Now that said I have no idea why you like the famous part other than that it gets you lots of useful contacts. It also brings you crazed stalkers and gold-diggers and resentment and other problems.
I can't feel something like this because I know I'll be loved by the community that will buy my shit and make me rich
This, Dont get famous just get rich. I know famous people and i mess with them daily since I can go anywhere i want and have a normal day. I call them Cave Trolls since the only time you see light is when a camera is on them or they need to do their job. Other then those times they have to hide all the time lol.
"I pretend I'm not insignificant by pretending to be rich and famous on low traffic chan board"
That is almost sadder than OPs post, tbh.
Why you wanna be rich and famous?
I'm guessing to feel happy and satisfied.
But fame and money in and of itself is not gonna do that for you, they are just tools that can be used to make it easier for you to do the shit that makes you happy.
Stop trying to bait me into revealing who I am, everytime I do so I get harassed endlessly, I just wanted to point out to OP it is better to be rich and anonymous than rich and famous. Fame is a negative.
Money is very useful tool.
Fame really is an obstacle to happiness.
Whats it like being known yet people will never know the real you "who you really are"? You had a choice to get in and get out and not ride the fame train. Son't try to make people feel sorry for your situation famousfag.
Everyone has an effect on history, we just selectively choose who to remember.
I'm rich tbh, but gold diggers are plentiful and leeches are always asking for money. I have no idea how famous people deal with this shit to such an extreme extent.
Not only do YOU have no good threads, you have yet to make a single good POST!
Try again another day, lefty!
How so? It just happened. I didn't get on board any train, my work just got discovered, and people liked it.
It's frustrating because people always have assumptions about you that are wildly inaccurate and you try to talk with them but they can't get past the idea they have of you for the reality of you. Some people don't do this btw but the majority do, they just see you as a caricature
As long as I have my family and friends and enough money and time to relax and have a good time with them on a regular basis I'm content.
It seems like once you start pushing seven or eight figures in your bank account people more often than not become soulless Jews permanently stuck in "acquire currency" mode.
Currently a lawfag in training. I'll most likely never be rich or famous because everyone wants to be a lawfag in my country so the field is completely stagnated. I'm paying money to train as a lawfag so it pisses me off twice as much that I'm gonna be indebted, poor, unknown, and a failed lawyer.
Feels just fine. What good does all the money and fame in the world if you cant be yourself any more? If you have to hide who you really are. You can keep that shit, Im not interested.