Trump is the king of the world

President Trump is a fucken Rock Star.

You spelled God Emperor wrong

Trump is a kick ass President.

Trump is a joke.

>>>Holla Forums
You're a joke

Trump is a fool

Illegal alien stfu


Stupid ass gif

dont worry i just need tro share a file
that's all Holla Forums is good for

He hates the slimes, but loves the yids, really makes you thinkā€¦


Trump is a Rock Stat Big League.

"I'm a very stable genius"
-said no stable genius ever

t. vampire

I'm a stable genius, and I commented such just last week. Thus, your premise is null and void.



Obviously, a stable genius would never even need to say that




This one looks like it was made by a Muslim

more like a fedora

Atheist rather than muslim I think.


Allegory of elections

Was thinking Fedorafag, but it called out Trump and the Church for being white, and there are very few Atheist Mexicans and Niggers

It comes from an atheist blog anyway, maybe insisting on white was involuntary



I didn't realize we had so many Haitian posters! :D

Aside from producing kek and playing golf, what exactly has Trump done either good or bad?

Trump didn't do that, the dyscordians did.

It's funny how much Feminists like this statue, given that it is a commercial for a financial product that stands in defiant opposition to economic prosperity.

Reality is irrelevant to feminism. They just declare something good because REASONS, and therefore it is. See how often they declare something "feminist" vis a vis "good" without any actual reason (reason is just: i like a thing)


Trump's coming was mentioned in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. He is our king of the world.
