
Would you?

No, fuck off with your female Mister Bean already.

Just watched it, really liked it. Thought I have to say, the blonde and her tits and freckles was WAY way hotter. The fish waifu aged like shit.

8/10 would breed little Dagons with

It's like they purposefully selected someone who would also look natural as a sea nymph, down to her facial structure.

Yeah, she's a perfect cast for that character. Anyway, while the movie wasn't incredible, I really loved the atmosphere. You know, the lightning and that feeling that there's something really wrong with the location they've stepped into, the anticipation of something bad's gonna happen involving some ancient shit. I haven't seen a lot of good movies that do this.

I saw Dagon, The Void, and In The Mouth of Madness recently, and they sort of have that atmosphere. What are some other ones that are great?

Lovecraft was /ourguy/.

I'd even convert to her religion. She is some sort of masonistic Jew, right?


I wouldn't, i don't care how attractive she would be, Dragon's demon, succubus,goats, any horned animal or reptile sounds a bad idea.


yep, 10/10 would impregnate, breed her, come with her and let her make me immortal and let her love me forever even if somehow i got frozen (idk why would that even happen)

does somebody have to full text? i don't remember it anymore

I'm not that hard up.

This is like the third time you've made this thread

fuck off

Try having an original thought for once. You might like it.

try going back to reddit once and for all

Undoubtably this.

he became left wing when he grew out of his Holla Forums beliefs

Letter to Jennie K. Plaiser (8 July 1936), quoted in "H.P. Lovecraft, a Life" by S.T. Joshi, p. 564

Yeah, he saw how well leftism worked in Germany and realized how destructive capitalism was. Truly /ourguy/.

For what purpose?

Uzumaki. Any adaptation of something by Junji Ito, really.


Die Farbe, Pickman's Muse and The Banshee Chapter if you want actual actual feature length Lovecraft. They are great for what they are and the budget they are working with.

Be wary of anything with the lovecraft 'tag' though, it can be good but nine times out of ten it's pure garbage because even though most of his works are good, he has become 'le spooky cthulu meme author' for normalfags.

Nice, gonna read that.

Thanks dude, I'm gonna start with that one.

Almost no one had no "Holla Forums beliefs" in White countries in the 1930s.

Many socialists, pre 1930s, supported eugenics. A desire to improve humanity on a genetic level is neither innately right-wing or left-wing, but leftists are so thoroughly kiked in their ideologies that they have totally abandoned the position, the Jews won't publish any of your hip commie bullshit if you also want to sterilize their pet negros for being, on average, basically fucking retarded.

You're in for a wild ride.

I've had this movie on deck for a while maybe I'll finally watch it


read it though, don't watch the movie

There's a movie…?

That was most of it.
I have some saved but they're either in an unsorted screencap folder, an sd card, or a flash drive.

Without a second thought. The first time I saw this movie I considered the main char a pussy. If he would've just slept with her when he first met her instead of freaking out because of tentacles instead of legs on that hot body, everything would've gone fantastic for everybody.

Lovecraft also married a jewess, and according to her account she had to remind him of that regularly as he would rant about the damned kikes and she'd say "ahem… muh vagina" and he'd say "thanks for the inspiration" real fuckinf deranged relationship…


I want to marry Silverman just to make her blush by talking about how degenerate and slutty kikes are around her.