actually yesterday I tried to make a thread and it didnt let me. He needs to raise it.
I have never had to try resubbing a thread more than twice. Either way, the limit is barely higher than anons are posting anyway, so he really doesn't even need it anymore. Dead board is dead.
>lefties can't meme. :^)
And risk having leftycuck OP post a picture of Daniel with a fidget spinner! I wouldn't even dare!!!
t. volshill
Go back to reddit.
The left can't meme.
failing board on a failing site
Jim was the big mistake
I'm not the one with a stickied attention whore thread. Your master's pucker is getting cold, you better get back to it.
Your meme is so bad that it's not even worthy of calling a "forced meme" It will never catch on. Nobody will ever post it besides you.
the left truly CANNOT MEME!
You're the one attention whoring in THIS thread!
you must be the closest a cat turd has ever come to feigning human origin.
you almost made sense.
almost is the story of your life so far, isn't it?
You are literally incapable of making something original. What's it like to be unable to meme?
You're right, all of your posts are FAILS.
So basically you're admitting that YOU ARE a failure because of dysnomia?
how to learn2meme?
"dysnomia puts the 'fail' in failure" would sound, well, a lot less accurate than your version because that means that dysnomia gives the meaning of "failure" the failing attribute.
Instead it's worded so that the failure attribute is given to the "you are" subject, BY dysnomia. In other words dysnomia has given the failing attribute to someone else.
Basically this. OP is unable to meme so hard that his meme is even calling him out on it.
I never realized how bad OP's meme was because at first glance it's bad so I overlooked it, but it just keeps getting worse and worse upon further analysis.
>not using all caps italicsred text atomic option
when i posted "how to learn2meme" i was asking a genuine question hoping for advice, tips, pointers, programs, websites to improve my meme making ability…
Do the actual opposite of what OP does and you should be able to meme fine. Onward to a greater Holla Forums!
Just give up OP. You fail too hard. The minute you were ousted as being a (((lefty))) you lost any final shred of credibility anyone thought you may have had.
Picture related, it's how many people care.
but user, taking a preexisting picture and slapping a text caption onto it is the extent of my abilities right now… should i just give up trying to meme?
Okay my son, I shall teach you to meme.
Here are some general rule of thumbs for memes:
First the conceptual.
1. truthful to some extent
it's hard to spread an idea if it's a false idea
2. repeatable
meme won't spread if it isn't spreadable. even forced memes are spreadable. OP fails so hard he can't even spread his "meme" so its not a meme, its not even a forced meme.
3. memes rely heavily on emotion
whether your meme provokes laughter, anger, what ever, it must invoke some kind of emotional response or it's a dead meme (see OP's meme)
4. memes can be complex or simple, subtle or obvious.
See this picture I made. It is a very simple meme.
Now that you have learned how to conceptualize a meme you must learn how put your meme into form.
This is done in a creative manner using your linguistic and artistic skill. The extent of your skill may very but as long as you doing memes you will eventually get better at it.
It's also good to invest in a program that has more powerful tools than MSPaint if you wish to put more effort into your memes, but just remember… even if you have a powerful tool at your expose you can still fail to make a meme, just like our very own OP of this thread.
see, this is exactly where i want to improve, in the visuals. i can come up with the concept and wording if i have a sounding board to discuss it with. but you put jim & hotwheels face on the first one. i have no idea how to do that. the text on the sign in the 2nd pic is rotated, proportioned, and aligned to the dimensions of the sign. the most i can do is a standard text box where the words go straight across - completely horizontal.
and god bless the pepe artists. i couldn't begin to draw a good pepe if i wanted to
this board died because I stopped posting I kept it alive with my dank menes
This is a very good example of a failed meme. Notice how it's posted repeatedly by only one person. Notice how there is no effort put into it and it doesn't provoke a response besides this explanation I am using to better help you meme.
It can be done easily in MSPaint because of the white background but I would invest in a bigger program like Gimp or Adobe Photoshop. It's up to you. There are slight learning curves in bigger programs and the vast assortment of tools can be intimidating at first but just play around and see what you can come up with.
You don't always even need a very powerful tool to make a good meme. Pic related it's made with MSPaint and better than anything OP will ever come up with.
fucking kek. that's the truth if i ever saw it. i've used gimp before, and the learning curve held me back quite a bit. i know it's a powerful editor, but it's also pretty complex. thanks for the input, user
The truth is what makes the meme so good. It's such a good meme that nobody would even expect that dysnomia was the one that made it.
You are welcome. meme on, my son.
yuuuge if true
That's not how Uncle memes work.
OP was BTFO so hard he stopped posting in they're own thread.
I guess I should have read the Rule voting thead.
Don't worry user, if a lot of people actually demand a recount then I will host one and let the community change it, but so far OP is the only one even mentioning it and I don't count him as a memeber of the 8ch/b/ community because he's one of the faggots failing so hard to kill it off.
Although I do have to commend his effort. If I couldn't meme as bad as OP I would have killed myself already.
Prove it by posting under board volunteer code.
If I was going to use my volunteer capcode I wouldn't waste it in the worst thread on Holla Forums.
Post under your tripcode as an alternative
Still waiting for OP to return but I don't think they can handle the bantz.
Dysnomia was a mistake tbh
bump for interest
OP was too butthurt to come back to this thread so he made another.
lets shit his thread then
I don't think I could shit it up more than he did if I tried! Just take a look at it.