Should I buy this motherfucking lambo with my crypto gains?
Should I buy this motherfucking lambo with my crypto gains?
If you want a status symbol go for it. It's slow for the price and a huge liability but if that's you thing do it faggot.
If I were you, I'd get a Porsche or something. Italian sports cars are nice but way too flashy for me, personally.
Just get a truck or rape van you massive faggot.
Only if you have a stable income. Insurance and maintenance on those things ain't cheap. If you've got like a few million, I'd put it into an investment portfolio and then let it accrue interest for 10 or so years, while working a normal job to pay your expenses. If you still want the lambo after that, then fine. If not, well then your free to retire or whatever. If you have more than a few million, then why are you even asking.
They lose 99% of their value as soon as you buy them and they require a lot of expensive maintenance. Unless you're super rich to where losing what you spent doesn't matter, you're considering taking the bait.
buy a brown pill tbh fam
op is a nigger
yes, a blue one.
What are the black smudges? It looks as if the wounds are old but the black smudges suggest this just happened and things haven't been cleaned up yet.
Fuck no. Buy a Tesla.
Oh btw you know what everyone is just going to think of you when they see that? They're just going to think you're a fucking retard who has no clue what to spend his money on. There are so many cool status symbols you could obtain or create using a lot of money to do so and a lambo is just a really fucking lame way to do it.
Get um out!!
yes absolutely yolo, my nigga…
and then get it wrapped in holographic, and don't forget the LED's under the chassis…
thats a great way to spend your money…
Yes. It will be worth more after the tax plan kicks in and crypto goes belly up.
that's a pretty ridiculous car tbh. you can't park it anywhere in the us and hope to find it intact when you come back. the fucking tyres cost 3k each and an oilchange 10. you can't fuck in it, sleep in it or carry any serious luggage. unless you are rich enough to own this car and keep it at your villa on the french riviera to drive down to monaco for race week, then no
Like what? Fursuits?
You can buy a ridiculous custom guitar that doesn't sound any different to a less ridiculous budget guitar.
Can I buy a golden rope to hang myself with?
Yes but Satan will give you a wedgie for being a nerd.
do it and make sure you spend every single bitshekel on it so when your kikecoin dies you die with it
bitshekel kikes need to hang for increasing GPU prices
you must be circumsized
The trips dont lie, Im pulling out all my investments.
I do what the trips tell me
there won't be trios for quite a while
Just get a daki, fleshlight and a lifetime supply of beans and never leave the house ever again