Lefties can't meme, no matter the country.
Antifa tries to make a video
I don't read / speak cartel so I have no idea what this is.
Whoa there fella, I'm /colombia/ here, I prefer to be called "Coffee bean." whenever someone refers to me/us, not cartel, that's more Mexico's thing.
When the left is so bad at memeing they have to make a meme about their memes.
right, and anybody who criticizes you snowflakes is a leftie
Whoa there, cool it with the self projection user, stop using right wing terminology too.
You're literally the same type of person who does retarded shit like calling Antifa fascist, stop that.
nice false equivalence
Believe what you want to believe, you're making yourself look like a fool in front of all others, just remember I gave you honest advice.
yes, that's clear since others have rushed to the defense of your worthy arguments. stay triggered.
Holy shit it all makes sense now why your meme is so low-effort and cringe inducing, why you're so butt blasted about dysnomia, and why you keep coming back just to complain about how awful the board is… You're a lefty!
Please report all torpedos.
Polite sage because off topic.
He's saying you can't just throw back the insult, it doesn't work unless you're arguing with a five year old. Calling us snowflakes, cucks, etc makes no sense (there's a reason we call you that), it'd be like if we were to call you White supremacists.
Leftists can't meme because their memes are not reflected in real life. Memes such as pic related are effective because you can look around and see real life examples of this caricature everywhere. The weak beta leftist is a common trope because it is common in real life. When someone sees such a meme, they instinctively understand it, because they've seen real world examples of it.
When the left attempts to meme, they usually attempt to portray their enemies as people they are not. Regardless of outliers, the average right winger is much stronger and more capable at survival than the average urban left winger who hasn't lifted anything heavier than a sociology textbook and has never run a trotline or hunted from a deer stand in his life. Leftism in general looks down upon strength or individual ability as frightening. The leftist memes have no truth backing them up, so they seem forced.
Jesus. You people really are mental midgets.
Well hey, leftism is far more popular among women and men with low testosterone.
What does that tell you, Holla Forums?