Why is Holla Forums the most reactionary board? It really baffles the mind...

Why is Holla Forums the most reactionary board? It really baffles the mind, it wasn't always a subset of Holla Forums hivemind.

Other urls found in this thread:


because of how GG was taken over by reactionaries

Because Holla Forums is pretty much the only non-SJW moderated place left to talk about vidya.

It's probably just a reaction to the perceived threat of muh sjws ruining muh hobbies

Now don't forget why you're here and not on reddit, your natural homeland.


Didn't the Falange start out decent enough, if authoritarian?

They were perhaps more towards the syndicalist side of National Syndicalism than say the Italian fascists or the nazis, but they were certainly highly authoritarian, nationalist, anti-communist, clerical, and imperialist from the beginning. Keeping in mind, the Falange itself never came to power on its own so it never had to actually govern a country, they could indulge in as much workerist rhetoric as they wanted.





GG was doomed from the start, a "consumer revolt" is an absurd idea. Only made made worse that the man childern of Holla Forums have a memetic knowledge of leftism, worse than the general public.

Video games are the perfect example of how capitalism degrades art and entertainment. Second only to the cesspit of anime

you can't tell me what I'm allowed to enjoy you fucks

There were a dozen times where the gaming community could have spoken up at once, like the Dorito Pope incident. The only reason most of Holla Forums actually cared this time was because some men at Gawker were having sex and they weren't.

who thinks like this in le 2016? i mean i am 25 now, and i probably spent most of my free time in life gaming and so the others i know, including normies.

The Dorito Pope thing was wildly mocked throughout gamer sites, what are you talking about?

It's sad you're still that kid you were in highschool :^)

You're joking, right?

Where is Red Orchestra on that?

reactionaries are paranoid people who live in constant fear and have to battle it to alleviate said fear. When there isn't anything to fear, they simply make something up to feel better.
This has even been even been mapped down to brain structure

Sure, sjws are annoying as fuck, but "gamer" as an identity is just another side of the same idpol coin. Agitated trench warware without tackling the real issues.
Also video game journalism is corrupt, but that's no different to tech or literary or any other kind of journalism dealing with critiques of products. It's simply capitalism in action.
Nothing on it constitutes a personal threat from which someone has to defend themselves.

You disgust me.

This makes me depressed about the future of humanity, tbh

Almost all boards are reactionary. Even the more leftist boards (halfchan's /mu/, /fa/, and /lit/) have become Holla Forums infested shitholes.

What the fuck does pol do with /mu/?

kek ok

There was a wild uprising the time of the dorito pope, the problem is that geoff was male so the corporations couldn't play the hatred of women card to defend him and instead decided to keep quiet until the thing boiled down.

haven't been there in a while but I recall a few years ago when the Holla Forums contamination was in full swing you couldn't have a jazz thread without intensive "nigger noodling" shitposts all around.

I keep hearing about this "Dorito pope" in this thread. Who or what the fuck is a Dorito pope?

Don't you have some books to burn, Tipper?

Halfchan's /sp/ is starting to get fed up with the constant french NT niggerposting.

It used to have some mild racism as banter, but half the threads are now people calling each other muslim, BBC memes and IQ charts that add nothing to either banter of sport discussions.

Google Geoff Kingley and enjoy

Also special treat youtube.com/watch?v=fr7u1tWsGBk

Some game(Halo 4) was released and was being heavily advertised on Mountain Dew and Doritos. Some games blogger or personality did a thing where he talked about it sitting next to product placed Doritos and Mountain Dew. He got a ton of shit and was dubbed the Dorito Pope and there was another example of games bloggers being shills for publishers.

fuck me wrong link



Looking back, it was incredibly blatant how GG was being co-opted.
All the scum of the internet was trying to pander to it, even the creator of the /cow/ tier comic Shredded Moose wanted a slice, hell, Return of Kings made a site called Reaxxion to pander to GG.

Since Holla Forums started dying because of several issues like post quality dropping or the site shitting itself, and GG's losing their purpose, GG and Holla Forums started becoming about their own brand of idpol instead of video games, since normal users leave and Holla Forumsyps get more free reign.

I saw some Holla Forums around brexit, but I still think both /a/s are mainly neutral, weeb boards tended to not like politics on their animus.
/vr/ is also neutral/left leaning, there is Holla Forums template thread tier shitposting on the catalog more often that not, but it tends to get called out, and the doom general hates moonman.wad (unironic racist mod from 8/v/ made from the parody mod pol.wad)

Gamer nerds tend to be quite reactionary. They see leftism (SJW in their minds) as normies.

Hey, nothing wrong with folk music, pal.

It has nothing to do with sex or whatever. There have been other scandals involving men and women over the years. The Mass Effect scandal involved women too and was one of the first times the journalists tried to deflect criticism by calling gamers sexist homophobes. Unlike Gamergate that situation died down. So I hardly think gender was a major factor. I think gamegate became so popular mainly because of the censorship across the web and probably the perceived hopelessness of the situation. Even on Holla Forums which was cynical to a fault there was this great hope that indie devs would keep gaming alive as the mainstream industry became more corrupt and money grubbing. When everyone found out that the indie scene might be even worse then the triple A industry a lot of people really lost their shit. Even with the outrage I think it still would have blown over like the other dozen controversies if the games journalists didn't act like a bunch of spoiled children.

Sup reddit

The only reason it blew up the way it did was because Quinn got her cronies involved to censor discussion of it everywhere. If it weren't for that it would have been just another bit of meme gossip like doritopope.

Holla Forums's /a/ was bombarded at the beginning with Holla Forums faggotry of the checkers variety. There was always some thread made by some autistic Holla Forumslack trying to "recruit" /a/ in the fight against degeneracy. Luckily the BO and the janitors were having none of it. /a/ leans right as is typical of most online animu clubs but it's not the Holla Forums shithole that Holla Forums turned into.

Are you a conservative from the 80s?
Smfh tbqh fam.

A thousand times this.
We need to be flooding vidya boards with agitprop about this.

Makes sense.

It's been a long time since I last cringed so hard.

How do neo-Nazis punks even deal with the fact that rock music (and even punk rock specifically) actually has its roots in Afro-American musical practice?

Yeah, but they got most of their ideas from western hymnal music, so the whole "who invented what" thing is kind of irrelevant.



I heard a great argument the other day.
"I don't like the fact that games are filled with microtransactions and pander to casuals, but that's what the free market dictates!"

It's trully baffling how people will accept anything, as long as their ideology isn't messed up with. And as vidya is the ultimate form of escapism… it's only normal for V to be valnurable to nazis.

This graf is shit, though

gonna need the sauce on this


Capitalism isn't the issue, everyone knows SJWs are not a profitable group to pander to, but they fear the consequences if they don't. People lose their jobs for speaking out against this shit, you can't tell me there's no threats.
To say that's there's no real threat to SJWs is to ignore case after case of needless pandering and censorship which nobody who is actually interested in games asked for.

I know it's nice to categorize everything into neat little buzzowrds such as "reactionary" or "idpol" and write it all off, but you're ignoring reality.

see, there's a difference between people who love playing games and are pationate about it
and then there are SJW and GG who think it's an important political issue
these faggots need to be gulagd and learn how to multiplayer IRL getting quests of hard physical labor. it's an epic adventure for sure.

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya (2013)
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! (2014)
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei Herz! (2015)
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 3rei! (2016 - not aired yet, coming out just this month iirc)
There are other "Fate" series (Fate/zero, Fate/stay night…) but you don't have to watch those if you just want some loli magical girl yuri fun times


Thanks famrade. Also glorious get

while I'm at it

all videos in order
Jun 22, 2013 to Sep 7, 2013
Specials S1
Sep 27, 2013 to Jan 31, 2014
Mar 10, 2014

Jul 10, 2014 to Sep 11, 2014
Sep 26, 2014 to Jan 30, 2015

Jul 25, 2015 to Sep 26, 2015
Jul 25, 2015

Jul 7, 2016 to ? (none up yet)

have a nice weekend

based comrade

Typical commie

Right? The traitor should just get them from IRC like a real fan.

Streaming is undialectical and bourgeois.
S1, extras and Ova
2Wei! (has the specials) (S2)
2Wei! Herz (S2 second half)
2Wei! Herz OVA (Where the webms of come from)
3rei!! (S3, ongoing, the latest episode came yesterday)

Along with the Loliservice, it also does a better job at fighting scenes that the combat-focused adaptations of the VN this is a spin off from.

Is it? i feel that most boards one halfchan only has a small extremely loud /r9k//Holla Forums population that frequently gets called out for their bullshit.

My view exactly. Early on in the GG movement, the majority of supporters were on the libertarian left, I don't have the graph right now but there was a mass polling of GG supporters back during GGs inception. Hell the graph was even used as an argument against SJW/Cultural Capitalist types as a way of showing that the movement wasn't a collective of right-wing extremists. But, it would seem that that has changed and that anything or anyone remotely left wing is a part of the SJW horde. If you ask me, the majority of current GG supporters are a bunch of 90s kids with a reactionary attitude and a warped knowledge of Left/right wing politics. The have this rose tinted vision that games and gaming were somehow better in the 80s and 90s because there was no SJW bullshit. A viewpoint which in itself is partially bullshit as capitalism with a human face has tried working itself into videogames for a while now, first it was the religious and parents groups, now its the SJWs.

The Mary Whitehouse brigade has taken many forms over the years, but their puritan rhetoric stays the same. Muh degeneracy, muh representation and muh children are all a part of the same end goal. To restrict the ideas that are seen in entertainment and force a single rhetoric on the populace. The rhetoric of Cultural Capitalsim or capitalism with a human face, whichever you prefer.

Honestly. "Gee, it seems like games that sell well and games that are actually good fundamentally diverge" was how I became a lefty in the first place, way back.
Do we have any drawfags?

Sounds to me like capitalism IS the issue, comrade.

And these retards wonder why they are seen as children.

No, it's the SJW's ideology. The "bossman" fears the consequences of pissing off SJWs, I won't say that this hypothetical person is absolved of guilt, but he's not the direct cause. So no, it's not the issue.

Also in a non-capitalist system, the result would not be much different. In any case, the person who caused the company to receive endless harassment from SJWs would be removed to appease them.

Because its board owner is a piece of shit who wants it to be his own personal funhouse.

And on at least one occasion, I have seen a perfectly on-topic video-game-related thread about capitalism ruining vidya get moderated just for being critical of capitalism ruining vidya.

As much as I love video games, I feel that the method in which they are produced, combined with the types of people who produce them leads them to generally being either rightist or centrist in nature.

Bourgeois don't fear SJWs, its really all about wealth, any type of bad press is bad for business, they also love SJWs because idpol allows them to keep their power and wealth.

If people only focuses on idpol then rich liberals would not have to talk about class and keep their capital.


This article is for you.

You don't know much about socialism do you or why SJWs love capitalism so much?

That's why I included "or tactical decisions."
Officers complicit in the whole "gas the kikes" thing under the Nazi state defended themselves at Nuremberg by saying they were just following orders. They didn't necessarily agree with genocide (or at least, and moreover, it is irrelevant whether they did or not.) The problem was an authoritarian, coercive superstructure that gave Hitler's ideology teeth and forced people in positions of any power to choose between using that limited power in service to this ideology, and defying orders/becoming an enemy of the state.
So while you can say Hitler's ideas themselves were the root cause, this is fairly ahistorical. There always has been and always will be at least a handful of people who believe roughly and essentially as he did. Whether they are taken seriously and whether they present a serious threat is dependent not on the existence of their ideas but on the nature of power.
I agree with this completely. Expecting devs to resist SJW nonsense is a bunk-as-fuck Kantian CI. But here's the thing: so is expecting SJWs not to agitate as they have in service of the ideology that consumes them. It's on par with expecting business to pay a decent wage out of the goodness of its heart, damn the competitive disadvantage.
The only real solution is dismantling the structures that let SJWs and others get this critical mass and coerce others into doing their bidding.

There were some leftists in the video game industry. Were

Holy fuck, are we the same person?

Oh, did I beat you to it? lel

I find this language auwfully excellent tbh



They don't.

Of course they do. Social justice warriors are just trying to make capitalism more comfortable for their favorite little identity group. Even when they claim to be anti capitalist they still push to the backs and spend all their time taking about tribal identity issues.

They are literally some of the most capitalist people on earth, their Ideology is anti-socialist as you can get. Their actions speak more than their words, just like when rich liberals say that they care about poor people when their actions prove otherwise.

Oh shit, we are the same person.

I don't think videogames are anymore right wing then any otther form of media. I can think of plenty of left leaning games like F.E.A.R or Fallout New Vegas. I think capeshit is the worst in that regard superheroes spend all their time defending the status quo.

I think most people here have similar feelings about SJWs friend. We've all seen how full of shit they are.

Shit, tbh. All yuri is shit if it isn't hyper-realistic and it doesn't cater to my exact preferences.



To me, yuri is fine wine, the Internet my wine merchant, and my hardrive my pristine cellular, stocked with only the greastest examples of the art the human race has to offer. If it's anything other then the best, it's garbage that isn't worth more then a moment's attention.


fuck u bitch illya is hot eat dick niggaaaaa

Well, I suppose you do have a point then.
what yuri do you like famrade?

Be a good sommelier and provide us with a sample.

What does hotness have to do with anything?

Geh raus fucking roastposters

Here's a decent manga, personal favorite of the admin of a large yuri forum, and written by an actual lesbian.

It's run-off-the-mill otaku pandering. Now take it to /a/ or /u/ OR use it constructively rather than derailing threads.

Oh ye of little faith.

You really do have shit taste, fam

Superman Red Son was pretty great


Do you have a job? Because the shit coming out of any given company's HR department and tumblr SJW rhetoric are 1:1

It was all right until the end IMO

And I guess I'm a little annoyed that it follows the typical >IT LOOKS GOOD ON PAPER BUT with socialism but what do you expect from burgerclaps

My god, I love that game! Thx 4 reminding me. There should have been a KotOR 3, amirite.

But to be honest, Revan kind of reminded me of Lenin.

(vid not related)

The series is in the clutches of EA, so if we were to ever get a KoTOR 3 it would be developed by Bioware who are mired in idpol.

Well, the first one was developed by bioware and it was fairly well done. In any case, I don't see what's wrong with being able to fuck everything in a game like what bioware is tending to do…

I liked the route that 2 took, in that any romance options available were dangled in front of you unfulfilled and you new if that romance ever did develop it would be terrible and hurt both the exile and whoever their interest was. I felt it reinforced the theme of how the Force is something that causes severe wounds regarding emotion.

Yeah, but like you gotta get your character's dick wet in an RPG like for real though you know.

You brought on yourselves by making ironic holocaust jokes and the impending assrash from its fallout. The Chans have nobody to blame but themselves

Industrial doesn't though

I like 2 as well, since both sides of the force had ambivalent endings or rather interpretations of what happens when you're unwilling to admit you may be wrong about your moral foundations. "To believe an ideal, you must be willing to betray it." — Kreia

There's Nadsi industrial now?
Rammstein are gommies, so they don't count.


Obsidian is also filled with idpolers and bowing to the arbitrary demanda of social justice warrior. It's funny that just a few years ago Sawyer use to laugh people like that off when they tires to get him to apologize for controversial subjects in his games. I really don't know what happened to him.

The thing with art is, it doesn't care about colour of skin, race, culture…
You take something and something else, add your own thing to it and you have a new art style.

And then you have faggots like us saying "Panty and stocking is anime, cause it's made in japan, even if the art style is mostly american".

So, in the end, we could all enjoy art.. but that would require seeing past our ideology.

Well, at least it's not bioware…

What exactly SJWish have they done, though?

Notice that KotOR 1 was developed by bioware before they bought by EA. If gamergate had any guts they would have talked about the negative effects of capitalism on art.

Now you fuck right off.


I don't know what that poster's referring to, but I saw this guy getting butthurt over the fact that there's no boobplate armor in pillars of eternity(which I was happy about).

If you play pillars, and the boob armor is what you worry about, you shouldn't be playing pillars…

Fucking reactionary pigs, all getting the rich man's coin while good people starve. Fuck 'em.

What the fuck are you talking about? This the first I've heard about a boob plate. Although I am a fan of sexy fanservice but knowing Sawyer that's more of his love of realism then appealing to sjws. I'm not a big realism fag myself but Fallout New Vegas is much more grounded in that way then Fallout 3 when it came to that kind of thing anyway. It's really not surprising and certainly not something I'd be "butthurt" about.

One of the more famous writers, Chris Avellone , they had working on Pillars had most of his stuff written out of the game presumably because it was too controversial. They also pressured a fan into removing his joke from the game about a man killing himself after getting drunk and sleeping with a guy in drag. They aren't is bad is Bioware is now but things do not look good. Pillars of Eternity was generic and had extremely lack luster gameplay anyway. It was incredibly tedious to play. I enjoyed Divinity Original Sin and the new Wasteland game a lot more. I really don't have faith in the studio delivering another standout like New Vegas.

Rightwing retards flocked to GG simply because centrist retards calling themselves leftists flocked to defend a domestic abuser. Given the status of American politics as an idpol cesspool, this outcome was inevitable, and ultimately irrelevant. Everything GG says about the vidya industry and its press is absolutely true.

Holla Forums is not that much of a Holla Forums shithole, there are times a soviet cartoon thread shows up on Holla Forums; then there is the fact Pavita Pechugona from Cuba is one of their waifus.

Hitler and Kek stand side by side smiling down on us.

Yep thanks to the MSM and then the bush years. Politics is treated like some kind of team sport where you have to accept all kinds of arbitrary policies and defend guys on your "team" regardless of the stupid unethical shit they do.

You were already too late smh

They removed the joke and let the man who made it replace it with a middle finger towards the original idiot who complained, and Avellone removed his own stuff of his own free will seeing as he outranked Sawyer at the time and could've just said "NO I NEED DURANCE TO HAVE RAPED AND TORTURED GRIEVING MOTHER THIS IS CRITICAL TO THE STORY"

Seeing how Chris left the studio it's clear that there was probably some creative disagreement. As I recall the game was kind of Sawyer's baby so I doubt Chris wanted to step on his toes. Also if that retard complained a few years ago Sawyer would have just ignored them. I don't like creators stifling themselves like that. The game was absolute dog shit anyway. It was way too cookie cutter. Some of the worst lore I've ever seen. It would have done much better with some of Chris' stuff left in because the writing was extremely bland and uninteresting in the actual game. I really don't have high hopes for that company. I'm looking forward to Larian Studies studios stuff more. I mean when it comes to social justice crap they aren't Bioware or Gearbox but their game wasn't good. The other stuff is just salt in the wound like I said I don't expect them to out out another New Vegas.

you, right now

Oh no.

I'd be a beautiful vampire baroness, summoning all the frightened young lasses from the surrounding lands to to be a part of my collection in the castle dungeon.

No embeds?

Yuri is a trash fetish


videogames are the opium of the people

The USSR had videogames too.

tfw even /fa/gs are fascists now

Children and teenagers like video games the most.

Most people who weren't like that moved their interests into music and politics and philosophy. Mostly music.


You can. I'm just saying. Video Games are in a sorry state and people realized that, and moved on. You can like older ones but there's a point where all that's said can be said. Plus the nature of polyps is to alienate.

It's a combination of factors of freaks alienating former posters and people just growing up into different interests they find more thought provoking. You'd be hard pressed to find people who liked to praise Morrowind for its non-western fantasy years ago, there now, for example.

People saw other interesting ideas elsewhere.

Victoria and Hearts of Iron are so far down and to the right that they fell off the graph

Even Yanderedev got fed up from the Holla Forumsyps on Holla Forums.

vomit inducing

YandereDev has some problems of his own though.

Let's not forget that Stormniggers are already infecting various furry imageboards, most notably lulz, but that one was always cancer.

EvaXephon is a sad sad man, his new dislike of 4chan/Holla Forums is more about due to his thin-skin than it is due to the Holla Forumsyps tbh.

This made my day. The first two are spot on.

Were all those posts him?

Yes, EvaXephon is Yandere dev.

This looks like the same animation style as that Moobeard pilot.

Speaking of, there's also that north Korean cartoon called hedgehog and squirrel I think? Furries like that one.

The funniest part of this was the quote from the BF1 thread.

I wonder if anyone's told them yet that blacks actually did serve in WWI.

This is why we need new blood

There were even mudslims!!!!!11!

That feel when vidya is in the toilet.
I grew up on games and still play some, but capitalism has pretty much ruined the artform.

That's why they're the best.
You don't listen to lectures and documentaries while playing autism simulators?

I'm not sure whether you're making fun of me.

but it's exactly because art styles evolve that you MUST call Panty and Stocking anime- because the term must indicate geography, not art. Otherwise things like Masaaki Yuasa's work would not be considered anime, which is stupid. It'd reduce "anime" to "stereotypical art style" and that way leads us to things like "My Life Me" or whatever that show was named.

You sure you're not just thinking of half/co/? Don't recall our Holla Forums caring much for Pechugona. And I'd guess any attempt at making a thread about her now would be 50% porn, 50% shitposting from that bunch of anons who take any dissention as a chance to go "HAHA THIS IS A Holla Forums ATTACK ON US!"

Let's just say we stole it, just like we stole the Pyramids and math.

A number of Spanish speaking anons made the move from halfchan, our Holla Forums subbed ICO with help from /Pone/ and one of Holla Forums Spanish board (forgot which) last year, a few months ago there was a thread on the Rekiso shorts from communist Poland and except for some shit posts about Poles it mostly stayed on topic.

That's not really the problem to be honest. The real problem is that Holla Forums's owner is a worthless self-serving piece of shit with inconsistent rules and a love for Holla Forums shit. Naturally, when you let people talk about whatever they want on a board, the community itself will slowly slide away from what the board is about until it reaches a point where it drives out people who came there to discuss X thing originally. This is the real reason Holla Forums is dying and will continue to die.

Or to put it another way, when the high-quality posters no longer feel compelled to make high-quality posts because they go unappreciated in a cesspool of constant off-topic crap, they stop making them. Then all you have left is the meme-spewing Holla Forumstards wallowing in their own filth. Maybe lulz will be had for a while. The underage will continue to recycle older posters who get tired of the Holla Forums shit and leave, because frankly everyone grows out of Holla Forums eventually.

… YandereDev got fed up because every time there was criticism given to him, he ignored it and his fans made a shitshow of it. There was escalation, but it's not about Holla Forumsyps but about the shitshow he himself was. This is the stupidest example possible you could've gotten to make a right point. It's pretty much the same thing as if some wannabe Zizek came here, kept fawning in the positive attention and ignoring any negative attention except to strawman it, and then acting very outraged when that just caused an escalation on the negative attention.

As one myself, I see liberalism as normie, not leftism. You can be leftist and not be liberal

You obv never heard of power electronics dude

Have any of you been following that CSGO thing going on? The greed and corruption is just unreal.



Ever since coming here I've stopped going to Holla Forums so I'm out of the loop on gaming news. What's the happs?

first video sucks, second video pretty informative


First video is not that bad, I edited down so it can be posted as a webm

We've know that games and games journalism has been fucked up for years, but it was the SJW straw that broke the man-child camel's back.

Guess who didn't read anything after that?
Me. I didn't read anything after that.

Yandere simulator fell victim to the youtube meme culture where every popular streamer and his mother played it to death and reacted to all its content. This is while its still in a basically embryonic stage but every update gets raped to death.

He tried though. It was always a 4chan thing and they turned him down. If it ever gets rucking made it will be to dev's new appreciative audience

If the jewlumimati is real they probably had a hand in it

Better than the first one, dont care what plebs say.

Valve is getting sued for essential running a gambling site that children can use. Due to the open source nature of their api hundreds of gambling sites have popped up based on their skin system fro CSGO. These gambling sites have and zero regulations. Recently, two owners of these gambling sites that were prominent youtubers essentially were stealing their customer money live on streams to convince a bunch of 13 year olds to spend their pocket change on their site. It's a prime example of what actually happens in the unregulated free markets that lolberts want.

It sounds like they should change the name to "CSGO Fuck Yourself."

Thanks for the update user.

I want SRS to leave.

Modern CS is basically the Xbox Live of Steam, it draws in awful people like a vacuum and milks them for easy money.

I regularly browse halfchan's Holla Forums and I've noticed two groups of people recently: people who get sick of Holla Forumsshit, fighting back neonazi shitposters, calling them out, memeing on them using Holla Forums stuff, etc. and people who try to distance themselves from both sides. If the first group of people had a more organized backup, we could beat back the Holla Forumsyps

For some reason, I think the first group are plebbitors and I'd prefer the second group.

You know.. Talking about Vidya without the need to make everything about politics.. Still, talking philosophy, ideologies, politics IN vidya, not vidya ABOUT politics.

Sure enough, threads that devolve into Holla Forumsposting get deleted after a while.

Still, there are topics where you do need to have an opinion. Like, there are cases where you can't have a comfy vidya thread without first beating back neonazis who dare shit up the most sacred of videogames, like they did with Age of Empires and that asinine "KINGZ N SHIT" meme.

Video Games are one of Porkys favorite tools. It disgusts me that they have any support here.


It's actually A L I E N A T I O N and the Spectacle.

Eh, that too. Thanks for correcting me.

Just adding. Not correcting.

Video Games are mostly just a commodity to the bourgeoisie.

Holla Forumsirgin that doesn't care about politics here. At least Holla Forums can be funny once in a while, the only thing I've ever seen from Holla Forums is complaining about Holla Forums or whatever other board. Just get the fuck over them and start your own shit.

Good riddance. To hell with all this micro-transaction shit.

Also, the Youtubers in question were not properly disclosing to their viewers the fact that they are co-owners of these companies they were advertising, and thus could rig the results.

This is, of course, all HIGHLY illegal. The FTC has made abundantly clear, especially after the XBM013 thing with MS & Machinima (for which Mach was fined & sanctioned) that you will disclose, both in the vid description & the video, the fact that a video is promotional material. The YTers involved are now practicing some good ol' historical revisionism by adding in these disclosures, but they seem to have forgotten about archival services like the Internet Wayback Machine. WHOOPS.

And for at least one of the YTers involved, this isn't the first time he's been caught doing some sleazy shit.

That cancer already spread from CS and TF2 to the rest of the industry.

Don't get me worng, I don't say they were doing the right thing!
Am only saying they didn't do something others don't. They just were stupid and got caught.

Care to inform?

Looks like good old capitalism to me.

Wasn't arguing. Just fleshing out a few things that weren't covered in


Long story short, Machinima & Microsoft entered into a promotional deal where Machinima content creators would be paid to create vids advertising the XBone and titles such as Ryse:Son of Rome "in a positive light". There was no disclosure of the fact that these videos were paid endorsements, which was already illegal. The FTC has since clarified and expanded the requirements of proper disclosure.

I like all of those and I'm 34


I wouldn't even know about SJWs if Holla Forums didn't make them popular.

And so, nowadays, certain games are simply covered and promoted that much, that you cannot afford to not give it prositive light. They dn't even need to pay you!

You know… .. Like XCOM 2…

Holla Forums didn't make SJWs that cancer is just the result of the latests trends in yellow journalism and neoliberal identity politics. Holla Forums simply took advantage of the situation.

What's wrong with Xcom 2?

Bump this topic can be expanded upon further.

To be fair, artists (not just musicians) push idpol like it's going out of style.

Reminder that boobplates in heroic fantasy are sexist. Remove boobplates now.

SJWs always existed in some way or another, but it only got out of control because retarded kids and manchildren simply couldn't ignore it like we used to do in the past. All the rage against it are actually used as a fuel for them who then gets their convictions reinforced by the "undeniable" evidence that "bigots gonna bigot".
I wish kids could understand that sometimes the best weapon against your enemies is simply indifference.
