Why the fuck you keep deleting pedo threads, niggers?
Why the fuck you keep deleting pedo threads, niggers?
Pedos are banned. Are you one of them?
no, maybe. I dont know what i am
Even discussion ? like no pictures at all?
I guess it's because of the spam
even discussion threads get nuked
I feel you this bored is dead on the water we need are lolis back
one can only wish
How would that help?
more traffic tbh
Yes. Just mention "Children" will increase PPH numbers by at least… oh…. 2?
when pedos were around PPH was 230. And now is what 70? Maybe 65?
Don't forgot the anti as well /b\ was pretty high in that regard
Exactly, and the "fights" betwee, pedos and antis, gave a hell of PPH to the site
poo poo etc etc
but it seems that Dysnomia cares more about the feelings of anos, than giving anons a place to express themselves.
did you miss the bullshit meta thread sticky last week? the one where all the vols larped as the Holla Forums userbase and voted to nuke all things pedo?
She really does care about people
Why doesn't that surprise me?
Its a fucking woman?
"Perhaps"… she dresses like one, that much is obvious
Because quantity>quality, right faggot? Go make your own board for that shit. Or better yet, kill yourselves.
Are you implying that Dysnomia, is also the BO from Holla Forums?
Quantity is what keeps this place alive. And by the way, this is Holla Forums, you retarded cunt. There is no quality control here, hence why the board is called "Radom. You stupid nigger.
random shit, so long as it doesn't offend someone this hour, OK?
"So you say"
Quality is selected and self-policed by the userbase. The userbase decided to evict you cocksuckers for preventing anything other than CP threads from being created. Have a problem? Go fuck yourself. I wish I could kill you. Post your address so I can come by and bash your faggot skull in.
Anons keeps saying that Holla Forums is turning into halfchan or Reddit. But its in fact worse than that. This board is slowly becoming TAUMBLR 2.0. And its scary to watch.
I wouldn't be surprised, since Dysnomia loves to suck Jim's limp dick.
Triggered kike is triggered.
Did they? I wouldnt be so sure.
123 Sesame Street… ask for "Big Bird"
And I'm the kike? Post a picture of the back of your head so I can see your yid hat.
I did not say that, you fucker. I'm saying that vote was biased against pedos as fuck. Basically the only option available, was "remove pedo". Plus, that shitty voted wasn't held by the BO, but by a Vol instead. So, what does that mean? Either BO has lost control over Vols, or he lost his board to Omlet. Who, btw, was the one holding the vote, and is a Vol, not BO.
Yet it's being enforced board wide. Almost as if he's supporting it. Who gives a fuck if it was biased against you niggers anyways? I don't care if I'm biased against niggers and jews because being around them, even in small numbers, is detrimental to my ability to enjoy life. Kill yourself.
Where's the picture of the back of your head, Chaim?
Is that your fetishe, scholmo? Hairy heas?
Classic semetic deflection. Wanna know how I'm certain you're a kike?
Becasue only a kike recognizes another kike?
3 pedo theads now active
Wasted dubs. Kikes always have to steal. You going to kill yourself anytime soon? I'm starting to go soft.
You fucking nigger. I am not kike, you fucking semite lover.
Oy vey, can't let the goyim know, huh?
Fun fact: being pedo isn't illegal.
When did chan moderators become thought police?
Fun fact, 8ch is a privately owned board.
When did pedoniggers start thinking they're more important than the owner of private property?
Thing is, the last owner of 8chh, was ok with pedos being around. Only this new moderation had an issue with us
No different from sovereign citizen retards citing the articles of confederation.
Nobody is implying that my man
Read that again you dumb nigger, nothing about that post implies this
(Check those trips tbh)
What i was trying to say, is that we were here long beofre Jim took over, and we never had problems with anyone. We always had our cyclical and everyone was happy. Ony Jim took an issue an issue with us, for no fucking reason. Its not like we post illegal content. The most we do, is post IG pic of Zhenya and Maise tbh
To clarify further because I know niggers have trouble reading:
this user>>7729745 is bitching that the new owner of a privately owned website is not acting like the previous owner.
Nobody wants you. Kill yourself.
Put yourself in our shoes. Think of a fetish/sexual preference you have. Now, all the sudden, "the private owner" of a site, doesn´t let you post such content anymore. How do you feel?
I would go elsewhere.
like you were encouraged to do you dense fucking faggot
I wouldn't shit up the board and make it a wasteland for everyone else.
Kill yourself, weakling.
I think it has come to the point where we don't care what dysnomia or his volunteers say, we come here to annoy and trigger people. Your response is what we look for, even if you're pretending to be butthurt.
Thanks for proving my point because you can't disprove it.
wrong thread
If pedos are b& (on Holla Forums of all places), is the canary in the coal mine dead?
this. At this point is just to trigger the normies tbh. But a midget thread wouldn´t do us any harm
I'm sure that's going well for you considering you've done nothing more than make yourselves look retarded.
I know you're bored but pretending to be butthurt isn't amusing, well not amusing to me at least.
You're triggered! Thats why you keep bumping the thread, right?
Really, go back to 4chan you stupid fuck
I must be butthurt if I bait pedo's into making themselves look retarded not a difficult thing to do tbh meep meep
Yeah once again, it's still not amusing to pretend to be butthurt.
Just end the trolling. And post midgets tbh
been dead since last year, where have you been?
And filtered.
Reported for requesting CP you sick degenerate.
Filter this too.
There are at least four threads with CP url's on 8ch.pl Holla Forums right now. Looks to you are on the wrong 8ch you grub.
reported for being a little cunt
Thats a Russian honeypot.
Post your address so I can come over and bash your faggot head in.
I don't see them anywhere you liar.
im not asking for CP, you dense motherfucker. I want a miidget thread. Its a different thing.
Are you jewish? Crawl in an oven, Mordecai.
CP is actual child abuse you nigger. No one wants that shit here.
Technically a child masturbating on camera is CP, so you're wrong.
We dont want that either. We want to post IG pictures. Its all we ask, nigger
You know goddamn well that you're baiting for CP you disgusting nigger.
Plus, if that video is posted by the children themsleves, does is it still count as CP?
Literally who?
Technically it's still CP.
Blame the one pedo for ruining it for all of us.
Hitler was right and you all need to die.
being this new.
Yes by law.
its a 4cuck meme sors
Actually, if you ask any pedo here, you will see that none of us wants to see actual sex intercourses here. We have deep web for that shit. We want what we had all this time. The comunity.
Wait for Hex to show up in this thread.
Then how about you GO THERE and STAY THERE rather than shit up our site. Also:
its not yours, tho. Its pedo's site. I'm not trying to fool anybody. I just want a place to post my legal lolis. Thats all
It's still not amusing to pretend you're butthurt. I can see you crossposting in multiple threads saying shit like 'we need a midget thread tbh no homo.'
Kill yourself.
I can see your post history and if we were allowed to post it, I would but luckily for you we're not allowed to.
You should really kill yourself.
i would appreciate if yoou do
It wasn't me, or any of the other anons.
The community always welcome pedos. We never had a problem with each others. Ask anyone The fact that you said this, lets me know you're a newfag.
If i had a place to post and now i don't, of course im gonna fight for it, goddamit.
you do realize that is Dysnomia, right you faggot?
That's why we voted to remove you. Thanks for playing.
My dad works at minecraft too.
That vote was made by Vols samefagging that thread
Did hex cuck you or something?
Maybe you're a pedofaggot because your retard brain was stunted in development, judging by your elementary tier arguing.
That vote was ilegitimate
Because you didn't win, right faggot? I know, it's unfathomable for autists to realize they're despised, but I assure you it's true.
No, because they were trying to fix something that isn't brken, to begin with. Holla Forums always had spam, always had double posting, and repetitive threads. Dysnomia is trying to make Holla Forums something it is not. And no user, should tolerate that.
No you stupid faggot. This is why you stupid pedoniggers will never be tolerated. When the entirety of the catalog is flooded with thinly veiled CP request threads and those that aren't are being spammed WITH CP then it is a problem worth removing. You know how I know you're a pedofaggot? You tell me. Everywhere you go you have to inform others about your vile fetish. It's who you are. You are defined soley by your disgusting attraction to kids. You offer nothing positive, you don't do anything beneficial, for all intents and purposes you are a parasite that slowly kills the host organism. I don't want you here. Nobody wants you here. Kill yourself.
t. pedo
it really doesn't seem likely that there would be a massive thread discussing what people wanted to change if nothing was wrong.
I see your posting history while others do not.
ffs post it then, stop being a retard about and do it.
you should be a bit more careful with what information you give out, user
He's the "meep meep tbh no homo" user and no I will not.
Then post it and out me as a liar, faggot
How convenient that only you can see me public post history, and only you know what it entails. You seem like a fag on top of being a yid.
Aaand filtered. Fucking pedoniggers.
holy fuck range ban that fuck please!
What are you trying to imply, faggot?
that samefagging
you're right, that's so cringy!
fucking lurk more
God damnit user, you've rung the dinnerbell!
Hellooooooo! What's going on ITT
just OWNED some pedoniggers xd #EPIC
Imo we should welcome back the pedos and anti at least they brought interesting stuff to talk about
It's my free speech faggot
i reported you too
You don't need to be a communist to see that owner is irrelevant. A brand is defined by its principles, not by who owns it. What's the selling point of 8ch? The owner? Or the principles? How many people would leave 4chan for 8ch if the selling point was "because Jim owns it"? You, people, are deluded. Even owner can't change brand's core principles – not without undoing it.
What you're saying amounts to saying that 8ch is no more because owner is no more. The problem is that, at the same time, you continue to pretend that 8ch is still existing when all that is remaining is its shell (the software and the domain name) without heart (core principles).
I guess the real question is how to make a chan [great] again without repeating 8ch's defeat. As long as we don't know the answer, various "owners" like Jim will continue to terrorise the user base. In our favour lies the fact that no chan can challenge 4chan's dominance without being fundamentally better.
I don't know what Jim's end game is. Maybe he's not an enemy of free speech – maybe he's just trying to make 8ch survive… by evicting child lovers and by giving the platform to sworn enemies of liberty instead.
That's a double edged sword though – because, once the owner claims the authority to select users, he automatically takes the concomitant responsibility for that selection. With pedos on board, the owner was merely that: an owner. Without them – and with Nazis still on board – he becomes a supporter of Nazis. I wouldn't want that!
Is picture of a pipe the pipe?
Is picture of a criminal act the criminal act?
Forgot picture. Delet post.
This is what anti-pedophiles support.
Because enough people got sick and fucking tired of the same bullshit over and over again. The owners of 8ch do not want to go to prison because a bunch of pedo scum cant contain their disease. I dont like how its now restricted to 5 pages, but it got rid of that garbage for which I am thankful. Pedos suffer from the same delusion people who post their dick pics do, that everyone else thinks its just fucking dandy, they cant hise their disease, and we where sick of seeing it. I dont fucking care one tiny little bit about your dick or your fetish, keep it hidden in your room. Unless you are a pedo, than enjoy prison rape, you'll fucking deserve it, wont you.
t. pedo
Sex is healthy. Impotence is disability. A civilisation which restricts sex and enforces impotence is cancer.
1. So are ill people. It doesn't mean that we should keep them ill.
2. Lies. I was a child myself and I was capable of sex.
Bonafide anti-pedophiles are trying to force their impotence on others. (Malicious anti-pedophiles don't even deserve response.)
Are you trying to say that likeminded people don't exist and don't need each other?
OP hell is your destiny, fucken faggoted moron.
Funny but wrong.
Where do we report terrorism? To global mods or straight to the FBI?
Machine Gun Kelly…… Nigger you want some?
I thought the Donald was our guy.
terrorism? Who cares lol. Its very tame compared to midget threads triggering retards like you
That's his daughter you faggoted moron.
I'm okay with this.
shitposting in a meta thread
I'm going to have to bump this shit at the top so people can bully you.
Look at this pathetic pedonigger. He waited hours for the thread to die, ensuring he wouldn't encounter resistance, to refute everyone else in the thread. This genetic mistake cannot handle direct criticism. His autism cannot allow it.
He cannot grasp the concept of private property, much less the idea that individuals have different means to dealing with a problem. Did Hotwheels have a different policy for degenerates? Of course, but degenerates kept to themselves. Not unlike a well developed tapeworm, pedoniggers are a parasite that weasle their way into everything and anything. Actually, I take that back. Tapeworms can serve a purpose. Pedoniggers are basically bronies.
And just like a brony, af9942 cannot withstand banter. Everything has weight against him, everything is a personal attack. This is partially true, as his inhuman physical appearence is more akin to a melting slug than an actual person, so by referring to him as ugly or anything other is more objective fact than insult.
didn't read lol
you're a pedo so your opinion doesn't matter, not even in the slightest.
I can only imagine how he lives. He must dwell in some shared housing complex, I doubt he holds a job to independently pay bills. Sitting in a dimly lit corner, reeking of feces and semen, he browses Holla Forums on his iPhone praying that there has been a CP dump. Though af9942 is mentally handicapped, he has a basic understanding of consequence and knows not to save the images to his phone. Finding no child modeling, 'midgets', or any other sekret phrases for disguising CP, he grows angry. How dare that meanie Dysnomia delete the 30 seperate CP bait threads! Curse you, Jim! Hotwheels would've allowed us to post child porn despite his firm stance against it! Yes, af9942 suffers from a crippling form of autism and is incapable of empathy. The motivations of other beings are far too alien to him to comprehend. Defeated, he turns off his phone, shits in his adult diaper to keep warm, and curls up into a 400lb ball, asleep.
still didn't read lol
Why are torniggers allowed to post?
post your address so I can bash your faggot head in
Fuck you. This is a Bully Pedoniggers thread now.
This guy gets it
Just a reminder that IDL c00c37 is a pedophile pretending to be butthurt. This is all a ploy to increase board activity. Do not fall for his shitty bait. Thanks.
It's a known fact that pedoniggers are retarded.
Just a reminder that ID: c00c37 is a pedophile pretending to be butthurt. This is all a ploy to increase board activity. Do not fall for his shitty bait. Thanks.
Just a reminder that ID: c00c37 is a pedophile pretending to be butthurt. This is all a ploy to increase board activity. Do not fall for his shitty bait. Thanks.
Just a reminder that ID: c00c37 is a pedophile pretending to be butthurt. This is all a ploy to increase board activity. Do not fall for his shitty bait. Thanks.
Just a reminder that ID: c00c37 is a pedophile pretending to be butthurt. This is all a ploy to increase board activity. Do not fall for his shitty bait. Thanks.
Just a reminder that ID: c00c37 is a pedophile pretending to be butthurt. This is all a ploy to increase board activity. Do not fall for his shitty bait. Thanks.
Just a reminder that ID: c00c37 is a pedophile pretending to be butthurt. This is all a ploy to increase board activity. Do not fall for his shitty bait. Thanks.
Just a reminder that ID: c00c37 is a pedophile pretending to be butthurt. This is all a ploy to increase board activity. Do not fall for his shitty bait. Thanks.
Aaand reported for CP bait.
Does it bother you to know that you've got maybe a year left before I find you and bash your head in?
fuck, i missed the CP, didn't i?
Post your address and find out.
You really shouldn't post pictures of yourself here.
Just a reminder that 'saeg' is a pedophile pretending to be butthurt. This is all a ploy to increase board activity. Do not fall for his shitty bait. Thanks.
Just a reminder that 'saeg' is a pedophile pretending to be butthurt. This is all a ploy to increase board activity. Do not fall for his shitty bait. Thanks.
Just a reminder that 'saeg' is a pedophile pretending to be butthurt. This is all a ploy to increase board activity. Do not fall for his shitty bait. Thanks.
Just a reminder that 'saeg' is a pedophile pretending to be butthurt. This is all a ploy to increase board activity. Do not fall for his shitty bait. Thanks.
Having exhausted all 10 of its braincells, the pedonigger resorts to copypaste spam in a futile attempt to drive away the opposition.
Please note: "No Homo" = Huge Raving'n'Drooling Ass-Eating Cum-Burping Screaming Cross-Dressing Bottom-Dwelling Leather-Clad Faggot
Then this thread happened
This post is Natural and Organic Original Content and if it gets removed for some bullshit reason I will gas myself.
0mlet for global mod tbh
As user was saying