I love having my entire cock intact
Who else is not Jewish?
I was circumcised at 5 year old because of muh religion
I still remember the pain to this day
Im not jewish but… pic related
Enjoy your dick cheese under those disgusting flaps
How guys feel about Huge labia is how girls feel about uncircumcised inb4 you like meat curtains
Cut cocks are for manly men, sensitive little uncut cocks are for cute twinks.
I'm not Jewish
says the man with the micro-penis
Let's just rip off all of our finger nails so we don't have to clean them
That's stupid, fingernails grow to protect the fingertips
Gee almost like foreskin grows to protect the cock head you fucking moron
If i eat foreskins will i live longer?
probably not, although Soros is getting to be pretty old now
If y'all wanna get circumcised or not, that's whatever. And you can continue having all the autistic debates about what's best.
Anyone who actually cares about the looks of the dicks of fellow men are faggots.
Similarly for women; If the looks of your dick is what makes or breaks a relationship, that should really not be a relationship worth investing in.
The real problem is the actual act of circumcision itself, specifically how it's done to infants and children.
Under all other reasonable perspectives it can be(and is) defined as genital mutilation.
But just throw some religion or "culture" into the mix and it's suddenly all OK to perform this act on the most vulnerable and defenseless human beings.
And I really do think this is the only reasonable position to take in this debate: If you wanna get circumcised, feel free to do so. But don't force it onto others
guess what you gross worm dicked faggots, less sensitivity means I can fuck your wives/girlfriends twice as long as you. Cutgod ftw! Also, literary all women prefer cut cocks and it doesn't reduce size in the least you damn fools
I have a great trick for you how you can fuck even longer: cut it all off and get a strap-on, then you can fuck indefinitely.
Bitches love it.
Only American girls would ever complain because of their Jewish conditioning, but that didn't happen to me yet.
Dick cheese only happens to a few selected individuals, who don't wash it anyway.
Less sensitivity means also a soyboy like yourself will have problems getting hard in the first place, moron.
I hope you can will yourself a boner otherwise any girl in your life will just laugh at your soft noodle.
You are truly retarded. Do you even know what causes an erection?? If you actually need manual stimulation and "20,000" more nerve endings to get it up then there is SERIOUSLY something wrong with you.
I still come on your wife's back, only difference is that when I'm done she actually came for once. (twice, thrice…)
I think you mean gross normal* dicked faggots
still gross you dumb nigger
Dicks are gross in general tbh
Just to give you an idea just how sensitive the frenulum is:
I used to suffer from phimosis (the one thing all the Jews use as an excuse to cut your junk) and I was doing training to fix it.
Since the training was putting a lot of strain on the frenulum one day I accidentally ripped it slightly, fixing my phimosis permanently.
Now the weird thing was that despite having to awkwardly ask my dad for an ice cube, it actually FELT GOOD and with no pain at all.
Like more nerve endings were getting exposed and came to the surface.
Masturbating after I healed (only a few days later) felt incredible for a few weeks too, because I exposed all those fresh and intact nerve endings.
Yeah, they tried to pull that one on my parents as well. It's bullshit, the foreskin is not meant to be retractable on a child. Forcing it back is like ripping a girl's hymen open.
She's just pretending, hoping you will stop scraping her pussy dry with your unnatural hook dick when she convinces you that she has come.
Welcome, my son, to this world. Before i take you home and take care of you I will have strangers strap you down to a table and chop a part of your dick off. I love you by the way.
she didn't figure it out after the first one?
to be fair my mother lacks intellegence
t. im the first one
i dont think that was in panty and stocking
it was an extra or an ova/bluray thing, wasn't part of the standard show.
I honestly don't understand the debate. There's not a good justification for circumcision.
I was circumcised as an infant and I don't feel any real problems caused by it. There's nothing to compare my dick to and it feels great to me.
But at the same time if you asked me "do I wanna be circumcised", the answer is obviously no because there's no point besides outdated cultural practices. I personally neither understand the resentment people feel nor hold animosity towards my parents, but this is a no-brainer with dubious justifications meant obscure the real reason: outdated cultural practices.
Also, I really don't understand why people are so defensive about comparing it to FGM.
I haven't seen a compelling difference between the effects of type I (and possibly II) FGM and male circumcision. And even if it was less bad, that's like saying cutting off your finger is fine but not your hand. The best you could argue is that they both have different cultural implications, but just because male circumcision has little effects culturally doesn't mean that it should be done.
If you were trying to samefag we have ID's
imagine ,mutilating a newborn
people that do this aren't human
just fuck up my life up for real fam fucking for real holy fucking fam finna ding dong diddly fin to kill all jews
after watching this, i legitimately went right to my sister and said,
'if you ever have a kid, a son dont let them mutilate him. keep him away from the jews' and then walked away.
what the fuck, did your parents forget to cut your penor or something?
the parents probably got talked into it by some kike doc saying he had phimosis, which is normal to have into teenage years.
Bah nice one na she likes the real thing. Good luck competing with ma dick guess we know who the real men here are then when bitch boy wants to get fucked and instacum pleasing no one but himself.
I have a “foreskin” from stretching my skin, and it‘s the best thing I ever did for my dick. I never had a natural foreskin, but everything feels pretty good.
Little boys' penis
I've been stretching I really need to get a tugger and it's a big difference once the skin is loose enough to bunch up when flaccid.
I'm not circumited but my penis looks like this after circumission. That's pic isn't true at all.
America in a nutshell.
I had my mom spend some of my tendie money on this glans protector since she jewed up my cock like a fucking heeb.
There should be no medically unnecessary genital mutilation allowable, it should be punishable by death.
Dicks are gross lol
bumping a dick thread
I recently reached a milestone of my skin bunching up behind the glans after 2 years, and I can definitely confirm there's a big difference. I was suffering from ED, and now I can actually achieve a natural erection after restoring for awhile. It's incredibly liberating.
Hot, user. Do you let your mom see your new cock?
I was circumcised because my parents were (and still are) fucking gullible dumbfucks
my parents weren't psychopaths. feels good
then again, i'm the youngest of four boys, so it may have happened to one or two of my oldest brothers before they got some common sense, and i got to reap the benefits of their trial and error
Cut penis lasts longer in bed. So I'm pretty lucky, can last 20 minutes
All males with circumcised penises need to be executed
Wipe this sandnigger muslim terrorist bullshit off the face of this earth right the fuck now
Circumcision isn't a "cultural" practice.
Circumcision is a muslim cult ritual practiced by the most devout of the islamic faith
Sand niggers circumcise their children because it sais so in the Quran.
Slay all circumcised persons to eradicate islam once and for all.
i'm just glad my doctor didn't botch my circumcision tbh.maybe if that foregen shit pulls through in a few year i'll pay the jews to build me some fake foreskin so at least the keratin shit isn't there
you gay faggot. the JEWS started that shit, mudslimes came around much later
Fucc, It's not like I wanted this shit. I'm pissed off as hell that my foreskin was chopped off. Why should I die for something that I have no control over?