Alright, so i'm fairly liberal(for Holla Forums user)but fuck do those retards make supporting themselves difficult. People legitimately defending a child rapist because "transagism": for context. Just disgusts me.
I'm out of excuses
Bumping this magnificent thread
You're the dumbass, for going to Reddit tbh
A lot of people saw this coming. First fag acceptance, then transgenderism, then pedophilia. The slippery slope isn't always a falacy.
The sooner, the better tbh
the alt-left is as bereft of intelligence and reason as the alt-right. This is well known
Is there such a thing?
The article the thread in r/The_Donald was about has not even clarified whether there was consent (inb4: Hurr Durr, children can't consent). Also, I think the death penalty is wrong.
the article said that the guy raped two 6year old and an 8 year old
"children" may depending on their intellectual maturity and the teen having reached puberty, be able to consent
but not at the age this troll raped these kids