Looks like a cop got shot, comrades.
Dallas Police Brutality Protest Shooting
Other urls found in this thread:
It's been confirmed two cops have been shot.
Part of me's happy but the rest of me know this'll feed into the self-devouring monster that is the idpol wars.
Is it happening?
inb4 copycats
It starts slow, like with mass shootings but then it builds
how long until we have full-on police state in order to curb these home-grown terrorists?
*assuming shooter is chocolate
Don't care so long as piggy's end up dead.
It's fucking happening comrade
We need a pic of Lenin captioned with "miss me yet?", but the usual crap like Memegenerator is kinda played out. What font would be good for it?
Seems like a dude sniped 'em and the police seem to have an idea of where the shooter's at.
I kind of have a feeling another cop will get shot or the shooter will have small-time explosives or something.
Welp, I'm going to make popcorn, roll a couple joints and settle in for a night of quality entertainment.
Looks to me like there's a non-police dead body. Hope nobody took a bullet for the pigs.
Really? I was just feeling thankful the shooter didn't target civilians. Yikes….
Well, there goes my plans. I guess I'll just settle into bed and try to forget hat I live on earth.
Fuck, yea a transit worker was shot, and apparently the shooter fired into the crowd.
This is why individual terror is never a beneficial thing guys.
Fox 4. Turn on Fox News. They're showing them.
Well, he said Fox 4. It's probably on the news, not a written statement.
I'm using the conflict new twitter account, they're pretty reliable.
History repeats!!!
is it actually confirmed that he's firing on bystanders?
Not by any reputable source, but you can see the transit worker dead in the fox news coverage, and there's various tweets/posts to that effect.
I haven't heard shots fired since the first two cops got shot and I've been watching this since the beginning. The news is kind of unreliable, though–speaking to witnesses and stuff. I can believe a few civilians got shot in the initial shooting, however, though I didn't see them–only a possible third body I was unsure about.
What's with all the cop hate?
Bout damn time.
I don't like this. The state will just come down harder.
Fuck off, bootlicker
Ugh that sucks
More likely, a cop blindly fired at some black kid
Thanks for the input
Does that actually happen? Not american, so i don't know. Seems like you are just using hyperbole user
The fundamental role of the police is to protect private property and the bourgeois state, they are class enemies.
I ain't speaking to the nature of individual cops, I've seen some good guys join up, get chewed up, and quit, but at the end of the day their very function is to retard the progress of the working class, and they adopt attitudes to that effect.
The police are the enforcers of capitalist rule.
For all we know one of the cops lost their shit and started firing randomly into the crowd, unless there's evidence to the contrary. Remember how when Dorner started killing LAPD, the LAPD started killing random citizens?
Yes. No you don't. Not even slightly.
Is it ogre?
Literally just yesterday police shot a man 4 times in the arm because he was reaching for his wallet. They killed him in front of his 4 year old daughter and didn't even attempt to offer first aid but rather restrained his girlfriend and pinned her to the ground.
Fuck these fascist scum, the world will be better off without them.
There was a gun battle. Civilians killed could have been shot by the attacker or by the cops.
Police are the most active manifestation of the state. A major function of police forces is to terrorize people who wish to change the societal order.
meant for
any examples? Because here in my country it's actually the opposite, police incompetence is the number one reason why there's drug wars and poverty
This exactly. Obviously most cops aren't "bad apples", but the very function of the police is oppressive.
you can stop posting at any time
This literally happened at a protest against exactly that kind of police brutality that just went viral twice in a row.
Thank god the woman got it on video
Yeah, most of them think they're doing good work. My dad was a police officer for years and used to tell me stories of committing police brutality as if he was doing a public service.
do you think he's a pol shitposter, or just really fucking delusional?
Why are you so defensive user? One would think that here of all places people would listen to someone who doesn't come from some american middle class muh privileged background. Faggot
Bet ya don't know anything about South America don't you?
Not a tinfoil fag, but several eyewitnesses on Twitter are reporting that the shooter was shooting from the inside of a cop car…
She didn't actually. She just got the aftermath, but that was enough. She was amazingly calm while the officer who shot her boyfriend/fiance/father of her child was screaming his head off like a scared baby.
You're better than this.
Classcucks from third world countries are the absolute fucking worst.
Drug cartels are the best example we have of anarcho capitalism in action. They only exist as they do because the drugs they sell are illegal. As long as there's a black market for those goods, there will be a use for their extreme violence. This isn't even basic economics, it's basic history. See: Prohibition.
Sorry I'm not Rebel, I was just pretending to be him in another thread and forgot to turn off the flag
CNN: Angry Gamer Re-Enacts Grand Theft Auto
What do you mean by classcuck?
Indeed, but to think that countries don't need some kind of law enforcement is really naive. Everywhere there's crime being commited, and there would be more if there wasn't any fear of the cops and jail. Both the police and the military are kind of the praetorian guard of capitalism, but police officers are a bit more than that tbh
Just a fun fact - back in medieval times everyone was law enforcement. If a crime was scene taking place, villagers would immediately form a mob and beat the shit out of the supposed criminal. This isn't a great solution but my point is you don't have to be some kind of genius of leftism to recognize that law enforcement can be socialized.
1 dead, 3 injured but not life-threatening.
It's what you are.
Don't be so sure about that. Cigarettes are legal in my country, but cheaper cigarettes are brought from abroad and sold by gangs that work pretty much as drug gangs. Drugs being legal (not only that they can be used, but sold legally) means the state gets a cut because of tax, so the crime problem attached to drugs doesn't dissapear. Solution to that would be no tax, but that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon
also you guys have some nice flags
Let's hope this is the first of many. Only good pig is a dead pig, ACAB, etc etc
Any heavy/ ultra-bold font that isn't impact should do.
Transit worker(s) shot was/were working for police. It was special transit, basically.
I think a really big change in human behavior needs to take place before we can do something like that
hurt your petit bourgeois fee-fee's? How does it feel to be part of the problem, faggot?
makes me feel a little better
Why the fuck are you posting with that flag?
the liberal tears over dead cops is fucking sickening.
Scrolling through the dallas hashtag on twitter and half I see is #BlueLivesMatter
Fuck your fascist lives.
this kind of shit behavior can only be expected from a subhuman little spic.
What do you think?
Also, what do you guys understand as fascism? I see it being thrown around here a lot, and so it happens in my country, but I think the definition I'm used to isn't the same you have
Why are you so frustrated? Is there anything wrong with what I said? I would really like to know
10 officers shot. 3 dead. 2 in surgery, 3 in critical condition. I think the other was the transit worker?
Schoolbook Depository 2: Electric Boogaloo
At least one shooter appears to be a black guy. He just got peacefully arrested.
Honestly, if you attack their community like this to the point where even pulling our your driver's license could get you killed, do they expect them not to fight back?
I think that you're a liberal cop apologist that has no place here.
you dont even understand what petit bourgeois mean, do you?
what's worse is that the conservatives are claiming that this is either Hillary, Obama, or both's fault.
For fucks sake these cunts are the ones who want to expand police power.
Well now a woman's saying the guy arrested was standing in the crowd and she didn't see him do anything and is now astounded he's been arrested and considered a suspect.
Chief Brown just released a statement saying they have no one in custody yet.
it's a sniper doing it, i don't think the protestors are involved
lol the slave is mad because someone bloodied his master's nose
Gosh, has it been so long already?
liberals are unironically whining about muh war on cops
Sorry, guess it's because I'm a "filthy subhuman spic" or something. Petit bourgeois is a pretty specific term but here people just shout it out at anyone who isn't either working class or rich. Kinda like that middle class guy who studies philosophy and thinks he's hot shit for reading Bakunin. Maybe those guys aren't even a thing in America jajaja
It's just that I don't get what I read as blind hate for cops, now I understand more from what people said, no thanks to you though, racist scum
liberals have never given a shit about police brutality they just try to latch onto the issue for anti-racist brownie points.
"When history is written as it ought to be written, it is the moderation and long patience of the masses at which men will wonder, not their ferocity." ― C.L.R. James
This is fucked up.
Does the US have a history of reprisal attacks against cops like this?
this isnt /liberalpol/. you dont belong here.
Did someone take my advice from the other thread?
please please be bait
god i hope the sniper is from Holla Forums
Can you expect people to not lynch pocs in the streets after their 50 year crime wave?
There is no theoretical reaction image that can express an appropriate level of disgust.
Not to my knowledge, no. There was Christopher Dorner in 2013 who 3 cops. I can't remember if the shooting of the 2 cops (one was Asian, IIRC, just for specificity) in NYC during the Ferguson stuff was explicitly to combat police or just some criminal trying to weasel out of a shit situation. And that's all I know.
Orlando was early June and it was like 10 tragedies ago. What a fucking month.
hell no, cops are considered heroes in America. I've seen police try to recruit people straight out of high school.
What the actual fuck did I say that was racist? I literally never mentioned race in any of my posts.
Tbh, all motivation or whether they shot non-cops aside, that's kind of impressive.
I'm not one of them, let me argue properly. I'm from South America too HUEHUEHUE, I know very well about crooked cops. But ultimately they're only the first armed hand of the State, and who controls the State dictates the laws the police theoretically follows. The drug war and poverty are the material consequences of capitalist/conservative policy, and the cops are disposable pawns.
Sorry if others are shitting on you instead of arguing, I think that's a problem common on just about any leftist community.
Come on, that guy has been defensive since the beggining. Not my fault he's frustrated or whatever
What do you want, it feels weird typing "hahaha"
you should go back to reddit
You retards are taking the bait.
Cops are, for the most part, proles like us. Killing people who may have never harmed any civilians just because of their occupation, and generally justifying it is the exact same as how Holla Forums justifies the killing of blacks.
Them retarding a Black Lives Matter protest isn't our problem, because that isn't our fight. I suggest you fuck off to whatever subreddit you came from if you think otherwise.
I think he had me confused with the nazi who called him a subhuman spic.
this is a good time to look back and honor our anti-police brutality savior
If that's an anti-police attack (as it probably is) the liberals will have to take the anti-Gun rhetoric to the next level in order to deflect criticism from protesters, and since the attacked are well-equiped, well-trained law enforcers the gun rights people will not really be able to play the "if someone else had a gun, there would be no tragedy" card.
I'm starting to think that gun ownership as we know will not really survive a Clinton government lads.
Did you think that I posted this?>>772912
Because I didn't.
It is. Especially in such a crowd. Not one civilian shot so far, it seems. 10-0.
press F to pay respects
If you are still looking, futura bold.
This is Maidan 2.0, you fools.
It will be a Nazi masturbation fantasy rather than a class war.
I guess it's deleted now, but it was the post by a nazi calling you a subhuman spic. Did you think the flags were the same?
Wow absolutely paper thin class analysis.
Guess this isn't my kind of site. It feels really frustrating trying to talk with people here. Should improve my english too. But people seem to be really on edge. At least now I know a little bit more, and I hope everyone else knows a bit more too. Peace BRo also I'm sorry about the last cup, at least you guys beat us everytime we play against you
lel okay pol
Talked to my mom about it. She said it's 100% Obama's fault for always siding with black people against cops.
This is why I don't like flag posting.
This actually.
Yeah every far leftist place I've been to has been like this to some degree, sadly. Takes some getting used to, I guess, but it's fine after that. I hope you'll come back some other time. Later.
That guy called me racist scum for no reason.
Birds of a feather fly together, you underage anarkiddies.
We, with converted cops, are going to throw you into gulags with the piggies and let you have at each other.
Fuck off
Watch The Matrix.
Which is why the material conditions should be changed to create these changes on the superstructure…
well thanks for being honest about which side you're really on at least
"The worker who becomes a policeman in the service of the capitalist state, is a bourgeois cop, not a worker. Of late years, these policemen have had to do much more fighting with revolutionary workers than with Nazi students. Such training does not fail to leave its effects. And above all: every policeman knows that though governments may change, the police remains." -Trotsky
fuck off and die porky
Dallas PD tweeted this photo of one of the suspects. Are people allowed to openly carry over there?
Takeaways from the Dallas PD official statements:
- possible bomb threat on Main Street (where the protest was) is being investigated
- there's a third suspect on the loose
- 11 cops shot; 3 dead, 8 wounded (at least 3 critically injured)
- 1 civilian wounded
Seems like the cops that got shot are just normal fucking subway cops who check to see if you've got a ticket or aren't jerking off on the train. It fucking blows that they got killed and not some real fascist cops.
fucking tankies
Protecting private property…
Why pay respects? Dorner still stalks in the shadows, protecting the good people of this world. A silent savior, a dark knight…
I mean, a black man with a rifle wearing camo? Who does that sound like…
But seriously, I encourage everyone to watch this video about how non violent resistance doesn't work.
That isn't the war thinking that is required of you, please move your coordinates on the ideological map.
It is literally impossible to disarm Americans. There is 1 gun for every person in this country. The biggest problem here is that most people with guns like the police and most people who are even slightly critical of police don't know shit about guns.
If by blows, you mean it feels like getting your dick sucked, then I completely agree with you.
Up to two snipers and eight wounds
So Holla Forums what should our role be? Every day it seems more and more that America is escalating closer to revolution these past 2-3 days are generating large amounts of tension. So what is to be done?
They're just proles, dude. Ain't like Joe the subway cop is going to be the one shooting your ass for being black.
Your role is to receive helicopter rides.
In Texas? I'd assume so.
What created the connection between erotic machismo and violence in you?
hello Holla Forums!
you guys should do what Holla Forums does and post propaganda
In the event of an actual revolution, leftypol would collapse from infighting.
Gonna go full tin-foil here, but wouldn't having some Black Ops sniper take out a few low-level cops be a great way to defuse anti-police sentiments without actually changing anything?
They go for the neck of the system rather than for the drones.
Modus operandi here is entirely counter-productive, and suspiciously so.
He got what he deserved, being a reactionary himself.
This is why I'm butthurt.
They were regular people, and it shows how stupid anarkiddies are that they think they've struck a blow.
When the reactionary, racialist blacks that have done this also blow them away, it will be too late for them.
M8, if the 60's and 70's didn't take America to revolution than nothing of that type will.
Yeah that was weird. But the poor guy was getting pelted.
But isn't it implied that he's aware he's enforcing a very specific anti-worker program? Because the vast majority of America seems to deny class even exists, and it's unknown how many of them would side with the workers, if de-classcucked. As far as they're aware, the poor bastards think they are just "keeping the peace".
Sit here and masturbate to anime like we always do. No revolution is coming.
you are not fooling anyone FBI
very SUBTLE, fox news
In TX yes. Inb4 this guy is totally innocent and gets killed anyway, then the media tries to pin this on him.
The people who did this would probably not be walking among the protestors, much less with a smile on their faces.
Barry was such a qt when he was younger.
This meme needs to end, and quickly
Inequality in America is far worse than the 60s. The industrial sector already collapsed and it looks like we're headed towards another big crash.
If there was ever a chance of class consciousness in America, we're heading towards it.
Babies nothing, I think it's a sad thing but these cops made their choice, it's not like they had no idea before they got shot that the police do totally appalling shit.
requesting videos of cops beating up/ killing Union members. I'm too lazy to look.
Ah yes, I too agree that these poor people deserved death for getting a job where you make sure people don't use fake tickets on a train. Surely the revolution will happen if we kill them. Perhaps we should kill security guards at Disney Land too. Fascist motherfuckers won't let me go on Space Mountain with my beer stein, god damnit, they deserve a few bullets for that.
What is the first thing you will encounter when you break into a mansion armed to kill its owner? Attack dogs and private security, not cops.
We also live in the Age of Information. Everyone has TV, a computer, a phone, or other device where they can access news. Most people have Internet access to coordinate and learn from their fellow proles without the corporate filter of MSM. Videos of police brutality and election irregularities are very common as well. I'm certain I'm forgetting some.
People in the 60's and 70's just didn't have the level of technology we have now, and what we have holds huge potential.
And then who shows up to the mansion?
nigga looks like the rock
That was the age of the boomers, the most pampered entitled shits in the history of the world. This is the age of Gen X and the millennials who were born too late and got to see the boomers pulling up the ladder behind them. Boomers could fall back on comfort. Capitalism isn't stable enough for that now. Gen Xers and millennials are staring into the pit of despair and see everyone else spitting on them from in their ivory towers.
it's not him, you can see him in this video, and apparently the snipers were also shooting at protestors
Serious question to everyone:
What will the death of those cops result in?
They probably wouldn't bother shooting almost a baker's dozen.
You could probably open carry a loaded MG42 strapped to your back.
Who shows up when your mother and sister are getting gangbanged by Lives That Matter™?
The same people busy protecting everybody else. I'm saying that cops aren't doing a good job if their main goal is to protect the rich.
And you reveal your true colors.
Any copcuckoldry in this thread is probably just pol shitposters
Vengeance for those whose only means to it are by proxy.
Just compare the response to crime in a rich neighbourhood and a poor one, some areas the police don't even go to anymore.
Of all the huge corporations you could have picked, you went with Disney? If there was a revolution, Disneyland would probably become a literal kingdom and an enemy to the proletariat.
More gun control->fewer proles with guns->easier to oppress masses
wrong image but still okay
Wait until the war begins, and with a racial narrative within certain groups' minds.
Your ideals are NAP-level retarded.
In all seriousness, there's going to be a scooby doo chase after the snipers, they may or may not catch him. Either way, it's going to lead to a police chilling for a few months like what happened in January before the cops just start cracking down harder by September or October.
It's going to get rolled into more MUH BLEW LIVES MATTR and racial shit before it blows over in a few weeks when the next tragedy/happening/kardashian nip slip comes around to wipe our minds.
fam that's assuming there's equality under the law in a class society
cops don't protect the homeless
They don't really protect anyone.
So what are the odds that these snipers are oath keepers or linked to some sovereign citizen groups?
That's because the idea that everyone is essentially a marxist, or a marxist in waiting, is as intrinsic to marxism as the magical workings of the NAP being to libertarianism. He's functionally retarded.
Someone tell this idiot to drop his gun before the cops fucking shoot him holy shit. Have you learned nothing from the past two days?
I live near East St. Louis and it's literally because of lack of public funding is why the police force is shit.
Yes, police brutality cases happen not that often, it's safe to say that they do a lot more protecting than killing.
Anyone that plays Vicky2 knows that high militancy and consciousness is what causes reforms and revolutions, the US right now is rising in both on all sides. The question is, who will win at the end?
I'm aware. The one that pisses me off most is the ruling that they have no obligation to help, just punish criminals. What was that murder case again where the police operator just listened boredly to people screaming from being stabbed to death and waited an hour to send a dispatch?
meant for
you probably have more then enough threads about this on pol, why don't you consider heading back there?
Wow. Still, I bet he's going to end up dead and blamed for it.
They're wearing bicycle helmets.
Another Maidan.
and when there's not enough money for everyone, who do they prioritise? the rich of course, that's how it always goes
if the cops can mistake two asian women for a big black guy and shoot at them 107 times, it wouldn't surprise me
Fuck off back to Reddit, cunt.
Gangbanging cunts who hate all whiteys won't care about Marxism when they think you're an oppressor.
You won't convince them, either.
o boy the liberals are breaking out their dr. king quotes
inb4 hysteria about 'comrade jamal'
How did the police not shoot him the moment they showed up. Clearly he's carrying an Assault Riflte (TM).
Don't even use it fam. I know it's a favorite hangout of polyps like yourself, though.
Because Holla Forums is stale and known, and because your psychology and ideology are interesting enough for me to feel like I could learn something from it.
It's not that they prioritize a group, it's that they're literally not in the position to serve as an effective police force.
dont worry he was smart
Can you stop pretending to be a leftist, now?
Some word on the guy in camouflage with the rifle (>inb4 tumblr). Can't speak to the validity of it, though.
He has evidently just now turned himself in. It's unknown if he's really a shooter or not at this time.
it's not him, you can see him in a video in the crowd reacting.
I TOLD you motherfuckers, Dorner is back to enact his vengeance on the pigs of this world
He absolutely is not. He just had a gun. In fucking Texas.
God, wouldn't that be great.
I know! I'm suspecting he's not, but can't say for certain. It's TX and he turned himself in, probably to clear up the trouble.
Anyway, a suspicious package has been found.
This guys is pretty lucky he randomly appeared in this video tbh.
Whoa shit I read the comment wrong. I thought it was just him walking around before the shooting, not during out. Dude's so fucking fortunate.
And he apparently has a buddy with him.
He's literally on video walking around doing nothing while the shooting was occurring. It should hardly be surprising that someone had a gun in Dallas, but naturally a big black dude with a rifle will trigger the piggus, so he had to clear the air. There's not only no reason to believe he's involved, but there's exculpatory evidence.
He might still get killed. If not by the cops then by some bootlicker who saw his picture on the news and never checked up again.
See here . I just read the post wrong, is all.
Yeah, that's an open question, maybe the guy who shot a cop in his car in new york a while back?
for some international flavour:
>now it's up to eleven officers shot
and the original classic
This tbh.
four cops dead!
fucking hell, i wish cops would just stop killing people. then nobody would be after them.
Fucking nice. Hopefully a few more join the list.
There's a congressman straight up preaching Nazi masturbation fantasy now, and he's also doing it in a
r4ce w4r I mean
So, apparently Philando Castile was a 4/pol/yp.
Lmfao. What a handle.
>guy who got the video of the shooter name-drops the AR-15, says the shooter was using one "clear as day"
>correctly uses the term "magazine"
Bye. It's just blackface and shitty costumes.
we should report him to the fbi for making threats
Absolutely disgusting
never change liberals/reactionaries
I fuckin wish.
Two suspects are in custody.
remember when liberals were outraged at the police shooting those unarmed teachers in mexico?
while we're posting music
As the body count's gone up, the copcucks have vanished, I wonder why
I know this may sound like idpol but white america literally worships police officers, they believe that the cops are the only thing stopping the feral negroes from coming over and killing them.
The only time I've seen liberals and reactionaries mad at a police officer is when that police officer kills a dog
his twitter handle is seriously @walshfreedom
Or a cat. Or anything non-human, really.
Here's a Tweet that he deleted.
Now imagine if that was a leftist or black activist saying something like that right after the police kills someone. Now imagine if that guy was also an influential talk show host. And now imagine if that person was or had ever been part of the public administration.
They should lock this lunatic up.
there are a lot of whites not happy with cops and a good few classcuck blacks who suck their dicks all day
Why? I'm fucking ready for the war, tbh
this is true, and it's important that those people aren't ignored
Is this still about Trayvon not getting that shuddersome ass cracka?
You can't deny that a great many of them of will if all cops laid down their jobs.
It's not really idpol, cops are supposed to divide people like this.
But I want a class war not a race one
Race is a class. We have to dismantle the race and gender hierarchies before we can address more abstract classes, you woman hater.
Fucking capitalists won't even give us the war we want.
I do to. I just meant that if this Walsh fucker and an army of angry copcucks came to my door, I'd be ready for them.
The worst part, I can't tell if you're the actual anarchafem or a false flagger…
Why aren't you coming to him?
Is mayonnaise a class?
maybe I'll do that, fam
I forgot I had the reddit comments addon for youtube(can be useful, meh), and now I'm angry again
No, it's not.
You actually said this. Is personality a class also?
looking at the dallas hashtag is surreal. Like 95% of the people on twitter are feeling sad for the dead cops and then there's the occasional ISIS guy saying that this is why we need sharia law.
what an awful, awful year
oh, also I converted it for you anti-youpoopers
If I had a time machine I would travel to the future to see just how legendarily stupid they see contemporary Americans.
Guys, I think that's satire.
you could always say fuck it and join the YPJ
lol no, 4 years for either at best, there's no way they will be able to hold the presidency for 2 terms, they will cause so much damage politically and economically people will be begging to get someone new in
A maybe is a yes, that you know to be a no.
Now calm down before the adrenaline rush makes you hurt yourself.
Wait is that the guy from Americas most wanted?
This. They're already doing dubya numbers and they aren't even in office yet. For fuck's sake after the hearing today, the Republicans have tons of fuel to go after Hillary, and the RNC is thinking about ditching Trump again.
It's more likely to be a battle of the J.B.s - Joe Biden vs. Jeb!!!!!1!!1 Bush.
Well this is going to make things interesting. How long before shootings elsewhere?
Comrade, i have some bad news. You're retarded.
he was an elected politician fam
Ehh. I decided awhile ago that I'm going to leave this world through an overdose or a rampage.
THere probably wont be any shootings like this any where else, the protestors said that the attack seemed organized and reports are coming in that these guys are highly trained(and they also have a bomb).
I believe that this a terrorist attack carried about by radical muslims or sovereign citizens
Not him but I have been giving serious thought to fucking off to Rojava. I would already have done it if I had sound mental health.
At least target someone strategic if that's what you're set on. If you wait for a few years you could be a hero of the revolution.
Knock knock, comrade, it's the FBI.
Unlikely. If you're a terrorist, it doesn't make sense to intentionally go after police. That's not how that rolls.
lol ok those guys sure are the types to take real risks
Oh fug. Didn't consider this. What if the shooters were Islamic terrorists?
Islamic terrorists don't seem like the type to focus on police. They like killing all the American scum they can get, this seems rather focused.
Literally why would they only target police, something which is costly with time (the precision necessary to NOT hit civilians) and less deadly than just firing at random into the crowd? Why would they let themselves be taken in alive? It doesn't add up for them to be ISIS members or anything else.
nah some 15 year old pakistani kid attacked a police station in my country a while ago
That seems more like an imaginary emergency exit, build, as their physical versions, to keep people calm.
Try building a fountain instead, they're relaxing too, and try not using the water from this echo well.
Yeah, but an attack like this would be scariest to the people that are normally concerned about Islamic terrorism.
Why would they target police? Their aim is to hit soft targets where Westerners have fun.
i dont think going after police was their plan initionally, there are reports that they were also firing at protestors, this may have been a terrorist attack planned for today but the protests got in the way or this may have been a terrorist attack planned for tomorrow but they decided to do it today to take advantage of the chaos.
they kill cops, and didn't they have a standoff with police in Oregon earlier this year?
more relevant music
AFAIK they just annoy cops.
That was some guys who were mad about eminent domain.
Looks like bacon is on the menu tonight, comrades.
Fucking hell I'm dying. Much like those cops :^^^^^)
but I'm a vegetarian…
Was this actually written by the attackers? If so, jesus christ ironic conspiracy theory setup is pretty impressive.
Is the shooting still going on?
wasn't there a bit of SC stuff mixed in? It wasn't ful blown 'I AM NOT A CITIZEN OF THIS COUNTRY'
I could see it. They were clearly pretty organized given the bodycount and accuracy.
The weird part is what ideology would make that kind of joke? They're obviously focused on popping cops which doesn't seem like standard jihadist MO and they're not right-wing fuckers because they're mocking right wing conspiracies, so who does that leave?
These guys are based in Dallas.
Seems there's a lot of radical gun owners in TX.
If you're against retaliatory cop killing, you're against the Kurdish resistance in Turkey as well.
And you're a liberal shithead or a Holla Forumslack.
FOX footage of one of the shooters taking out a cop.
I would do it just to play with the heads of the Alex Jonesites
Huh. Never knew about that stuff.
I mean probably, but it was very much a response to something specific that community faced.
that's some fps shit right there.
Bout god damn time, lazy niggas :^) pls be true
Looked like calladooty or something lmao
*gregor has entered the revolution*
Is this glorious bastard still alive, or no?
Jesus christ, that guy is trained at a high level to realize that the cop is too scared to pop out of cover like that. This is some serious shit.
What the fuck is that sparking shit? Bullets don't usually spark, they're made of lead…
The shooter? Yes. For now. Two shooters (it's believed that's all there were) are alive and in custody.
are there any /k/ommandos here? Can you explain the sparks?
cops protect the proles too you know?
they act on the ruling class interest, but they also are the reason your country is not somalia
Thank you niglets, your actions today have granted us inevitable victory. Will be seeing you in the gas chambers.
lol that was fucking easy. Like I said in the other thread, cops are completely helpless when they don't have the drop on their prey.
He just fucking rushed him while he was behind cover. That's not even military training.
I'm going to guess steel core ammo.
I thought all the copcucks had fucked off
Someone edit in a video game HUD.
This. We can make a really funny and edgy meme out of this.
Huh. Looks like he was rushing around the side the cop was facing, but the cop was scared so pulled back, then he just circles around the other side. Gotta say this dude looks like he knew what he was doing. I mean the cop is really shitty at combat, but it looks like the shooter had some kind of training. He pivoted immediately to keep cover between him and the cop until he got behind him.
t. porky
This is something you could literally pick up playing video games. Try playing anything on the more "tactical" level like Arma or the like.
It's a shame the shooters got taken alive. They're dead either way at this point, pretty pointless to surrender.
It could be jacketed rounds. I heard rumors that it was an AR15 and it wouldn't surprise me to know that you could get ammo like that for a semi-auto in Tejas.
The sparks at night, are big and bright
deep in the heeeart o' Texas
/k/ is speculating it's bullets with iron cores
When I used to play Counter-Strike I always did the same thing.
If the guy retreated I assumed he was reloading or feeling safe with his guards down, and then I went straight towards him.
People who play video games don't get practice to stay calm and remember tactics when in actual life or death situations. This guy could just be an exception, or he's an actual veteran.
you are being irrational as a polyp right now
there is no reason to kill cops that haven't harmed you
What do you mean "jacketed" rounds? Almost all rounds have a jacket of copper. A few are cheap steel wash. Some of them have steel or tungsten penetrator cores though.
Oh yes please
So a military vet successfully used video game tactics in real life to commit murder?
That is the greatest thing I have ever borne witness to.
Video games are not real life. Video games are not even crappy simulations of real life as far as training goes. You might translate some general knowledge of tactics but it's a whole different animal when you're physically there. Muscle memory for a video does not translate to real life action even slightly, for instance.
they are your class enemy you fucking retard. they are GOING TO HARM YOU the moment you make a move to seize the means of production. retaliatory killing says that their valued comrades will die until they are held accountable for their crimes against the proletariat.
Could get some level of training with paintball or airsoft, potentially.
The very existence of an organized police force is harming me and and millions of other proles.
go lick boots somewhere else
Texas is also a very easy place to find a good ranch for training in, as well as legal gun clubs, etc.
I hope he put them in places that don't harm proles.
I am glad police officers are dying. I hope they continue to die.
You're wasting your time here, it's the same situation where the armchair marxist screams "fuck the cops" but the second shit gets too hot for them to handle they scream "oh shit cops help".
Don't waste your time.
That's more TDKR comrade
This. Vidya is finger muscle memory, not ACTUAL muscle memory
These guys were sharpshooters. They had military training.
what did he mean by this?
Why aren't you celebrating the death of police officers? What's wrong with you?
What made you choose to think in a manner that divides the world into you and an enemy that needs to be exterminated?
This isn't merely ideology, it's pathology.
So, who do you guys think did this?
Like, what organization, ideology, etc?
My money is afrocentric muslim NOI type.
Rushing and circlestrafing is still not a tactic you're likely going to use from military training.
Compare to the Dinkheller murder.
This is where things could get too ugly.
Hopefully he'll be aiming for maximum property damage instead of lives.
It's probably Holla Forums trying out a new flag.
well so far he's only been going after cops. Hopefully no one innocent gets hurt
This little piggie went to the market to get shot
This little piggie stayed home and got shot
This little piggie had roast beef and got shot
This little piggie had none and got shot
And this little piggie went wee wee wee all the way home and got shot
Military training doesn't teach people how to operate on their own. In order to do this, these guys had to learn autonomy and, yes, special forces soldiers will sometimes break cover and very intentionally take risks for the purpose of getting an advantage. That rush was perfectly timed on the part of the militant.
Because I'm not an edgy child.
Nope. They're tooooooo watched and they know it.
It'll be some ex-military brothers who just got "sick o this shit" and decided to go batshit crazy
But wouldn't it be fucking awesome if they were right-wing militia types?
That'd fuck-up the rote-learned media message
I heard that they wounded one civilian. But honestly, with this body count, I don't really care that much.
And both niggers that shot them are now dead, congrats.
But you are an edgy child. You support police officers staying alive. Hallmark edgy child
I didn't know Holla Forums was so against authority, I thought you guys were supposed to be communists, who are in favour of shit like gun control.
Well, at least they took enough pasty piggy bastards with them
I have some friends around that protest…
I hope they're safe…
Holy fuck
Nice meme, here's your reply.
How? What is missing from the tranning to be autonomous?
communists are not in favor of gun control. liberals are.
Who are you quoting?
Why do you support the lives of pigs?
is it bad that i can't tell if this is bait or not
Was there a single communist state in history that didn't have some form of gun control?
Who are you protecting by whining about people on the Internet celebrating the deaths of people who deserved to die?
It doesn't get more reactionary than an American cop. They're lumpens with guns and practical legal immunity that would be the first ones to shoot you or cave your head in the second you partook in any kind of political action beyond sitting in your chair. Needless to say we aren't exactly fans of them.
Oh boy, here come he memes
no because there wasn't a single communist state in history and there never will be
lets hope they get culturally enriched :^)
Standard military training teaches people to be a part of a group. There is no individual, you follow the plans given to you. When you have no support other than yourself, you have to use different tactics. You have to be your own suppressing fire, you have to be the one to flank, you can't wait the enemy out.
meant for
Karl fucking Marx himself made bearing of arms a key tenant of his work.
holy fuck yes
They're black.
If you can't tell, does it really matter?
Didn't Bobby Seale already disavow them
They deserved it tbh
When police officers get shot I laugh
Militaries teach people how to operate in a squad and with support from multiple other groups. You are part of a wider organization and are expected to support one another. Fighting on your own is training only given to those expected to need it.
they did, because there was a ruling class that feared for their life should the workers be allowed weaponry. it makes sense to ban guns when you know that giving people guns will result in a revolt against your empire. many people hold the idea that past communist states do not represent the true communist vision, so while it might be true that states that purported to be communism might have banned guns, does not mean the eventual form communism takes will ban guns.
Dorner 2: Live Free or Dorn Hard
Random guy who grew up on a diet of liberal pity pap about black people, until he snapped. Loosely affiliated with one or two organizations that don't matter.
Almost everyone in this pic looks like they were a rich asshole before getting killed.
Actually this.
lets get the Whiite panther party ready so we don't miss the fun.
NBP is already a party that exists, and it is 100% pure idpol cancer with no real class consciousness. there are MUCH better black liberation groups in America today.
White Tiger Kingdom. Except I guess we'll work with the brown tigers to take down the kings, but eh.
the young genocide deniers just uploaded a video on Dallas.
The NBPP is unrelated and almost entirely missed the point of the original BPP.
This guy clearly knows how to stir controversy well.
White Tiger Alliance, for full assonance.
Are you okay?
They're ex-mil not ONLY because they were sharpshooters. It's the tactics shit, too. You don't learn that shit in urban Dallas.
ASSUMING these guys are black…
… black people TYPICALLY don't have farms to practise sharpshooting
… black people TYPICALLY don't go hunting, so they don't learn shootin' deer… or cops…
… black people TYPICALLY don't own weapons unless they're urban weapons
… black people TYPICALLY join the military as the only way they'll be able to afford a college education
… black men make-up over a third of the military population despite being 10% of the male population, and mostly join the army… where you learn tactics n shit
… black men TYPICALLY don't join the communist militia training grounds unless they ARE Angolan (or Cuban)
Get a fucking grip.
I strongly doubt that SF are going to be doing this seeing as how they're also frequently the ones most strongly propagandized up. I'm aware of the concept of cover breaking to advance and yes, it was well timed, but i'm saying you don't need fucking military training to recognize an opening. You WOULD need some level of practice (which you're not going to get just shooting stationary paper targets) but the concept of engaging someone one-on-one is not some super-elite special-forces skill.
dumb, there's no reason to name it white or any bullshit like that.
3rd worlders need to be gulaged
wait, sorry i just noticed it was a stream.
White panthers were a paralele leftist group not a nazi one
Tigers ARE panthers
Panthers are all the big cats
That baby probably had a cool billion, what a faggot, hope he learned his.
Those police officers probably just shot themselves, just like how those Armenians and Kurds walked themselves into the desert.
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you didn't build a society.
Wealthy White South Africans are leeches. I'm glad they get shot. Like any other pig.
Well, that clears things up.
Another question: If that's the case, why would Holla Forums support Bernie? He doesn't seem to hold the same views and plays heavily into idpol.
I don't think this guy in particular is SF, but I don't think he's just some idiot hopped up on a mix of CoD gameplay and PCP like /k/ seems to think. He's probably spent a good bit of time working this out, since it appears to currently be a two-man operation.
No gulag for you. Just a beating, followed by getting lit on fire, chained to a car and then being dragged around for miles.
what, you seriously think that the colonizers were the ones to build the fields and factories? are you joking? they made the native population do that. the colonizers didn't create anything.
Daily reminder that this is Cenk "Hillary 2016" Uygur
We were hoping he was more radical than he was, based on his past.
bump limit, new bread to enjoy the porkroast
South Africa fucking sucked.
huh neat
The amount of assumptions you make here are mind-boggling.
Of course he practiced this shit. But that was a ridiculously fucking risky maneuver especially given that there may have been multiple others who could have engaged him from the sides.
They built everything for the rich white minority. This whole "colonization made africa better" meme needs to die
he's better than idpol and proving that young people aren't scared of socialism. his use to us is pretty much over now though.
His past was fairly radical, and by American standards, unthinkable. We didn't think he'd welch like he did, but, eh.
niggers are pathetic
SRS showing their true colors tonight ITT. Sociopathic cunts.
Hes a socialist pretending to be a socdem running as democrat, who occasionally dips in idpol, in order to revive the left in America
Go be a faggot somewhere else
Memes are not an argument, faggot.
Which part, the part where people are okay with cops dying? Because I sure am okay with that too, it needs to happen. They are counter revolutionaries.
I don't care about black people in South Africa. I'm just cheering on they murdered families of wealthy people
Those children did deserve to die.
That doesn't need to be proven, it's that young adults have the highest amount of socialists out of any voting demographic.
You're trying a bit too hard to be edgy.
Every single one of those videos or pictures of people running after the first shots have at least one or two young black men chilling while everyone else panics.
it's fact*
Police officers are officers of my anus. They are my prostitues. They eat my poopoo
M8 we've always had those morons around
they're probably pretty used to these sort of events.
Sadly, they're probably used to it.
Some of them could have been raped. What's matter is those children were shot, and manipulative couples of land owners in Africa died. By gun. By mail bomb. By knife.
And not a single one didn't deserve it. In fact, it's a tragedy they didn't commit a genocide against white South Africans and bankers after a certain income.
I didn't tell you to try harder, retard.
You've been trying to prove you're not upset, why can't I make you more?
I should note. I'm not saying that this was in no way military training. I'm saying that for what it was, that would be considered nuts by most military tactics given that almost all infantry are given a much more methodical approach to a situation. I'm saying that no, seriously, that looked more like something someone did learning off paintball. Had the fucker gotten shot when he rounded the pillar you faggots would have said that he was some CoD scrub that decided to try it out in real life.
Continuation of the footage right after that FPS move.
There's a moment where the shooter (apparently) points the gun to the cameraman and my heart stopped for a second.
I don't have shit to prove to you, the hell are you on about?
wena nido xD
mate, don't hate individuals. hate the system. i don't think it's too constructive to hate on whiteys who are born into a certain economic position acting in their best economic interest, even if that includes exploiting black south africans. the truly constructive thing to do is remove the conditions that cause the exploitation in the first place.
Maybe they understand the relevancy of the shootings and are complete calm. Knowing that the shooters would never intentionally harm innocent proles.
I'm just glad cops are dead
He was taking an appropriate risk given the situation. As far as I can tell, he didn't have backup - if that is the case, then the longer he stayed the more likely he was to get killed. He made the right move, and as such he took out the target.
let's fucking do this
bring it white boys
What is that? A picture for ants?
You can benefit from my experience, or you can stick your fingers in your ears and throw around insults like a child. I don't much care. But know that I've got decades on you. Kiddie.
Oh, and I don't play COD. Or Battlefield, or any of the others. Try again.
It's "number", you ill-educated bourgie twat, and that number is ONE… that they are black. All the rest are STATISTICS, or "odds" as you prefer to call them, you libcuck
Go out and kill some yourself, then.
If you really think killings like this will make the change you want to see, go out and practice what you're preaching.
It means he's a sad old low-T that uses imaginary RAHOWA fantasies to make himself feel like a man.
Why don't you quit bitching about black people and deal with themselves you scrawny cuckold
Being in the middle of the street like this is already a piss-poor position.
I'm not bitching about black people.
Ok. Bitching about people laughing at police officers who deserved to die being shot
When you have a small group, you have to keep moving. If they just stayed in a single building they would've been locked down and picked off, no doubt about that.
This thread is a great reminder to all the sane Leftists here on why anarchist and Leninist role-players can't be tolerated, holy shit.
Well if you really think they deserve to die, then get shooting.
come on now, this was the best thread we've had in weeks.
No lmao
nigga shut your bitch ass up holy fuck
there's really only three groups
idpol, neoliberals, or rev left.
if you aint rev you're dead
Have to keep moving where? To what purpose? Why in the fuck would you engage some 30-odd cops in the street when you could just fucking leave the area after a few?
I'm neither, nigger.
Are you gonna cry ?
Because I assume they're looking to rack up the bodycount and making it hard for police to consolidate via movement seems like a decent strategy. I can't give you all the answers, I'm definitely not the guy shooting.
Then they're already taking a gigantic unnecessary risk to themselves.
In the end you're nothing but a coward who talks big behind a keyboard, that's all you'll ever be.
user pls. It's the same reason we don't go out and start armed communist insurrections. Because there is no hope of victory doing it alone and in the end none of us wants our deaths to be meaningless. HOWEVER, it doesn't stop us from admiring those who go and so something about it.
not even the guy you're responding to but holy fuck you're such a faggot.
this fucking bickering among each other is retarded
the only way any of our lives will ever have meaning is once we unify and actually take action in the real world
i'm fucking ready
The bizarre thing is that people seem to think i'm saying that CoDkiddies are just as good at IRL fights as the military when I'm actually saying that it was a dumb fucking place for someone who had the drop on them to be in in the first place.
I swear mudshits and kike-on-a-stick cultists are just as bad when it comes to subsuming and destroying authentic culture
It sucks a lot more today than it ever did back then.
They're targeting their opressors are they? Why are they raping and killing each other in record numbers then? If they're getting even with their 'oppressors' shouldn't they only be raping and murdering whites?
I love this kind of rhetoric though, and I highly recommend you keep it up. Your blatant deeply triggering and problematic bias only drives casual observers over to my line of thinking. That doesn't make it any less disgusting though.
If those niggers were so wonderful and creative why did they need the white man to force them to build? Shouldnt they have done that during the time they spent alone in Africa? A continent with incredible amounts of natural resources. building a mud hut is not the same as building a civilization btw
You have no idea how the Boer's lived, the vast majority of them were hardworking folk who carved a wonderful nation out for themselves in a matter of a few generations. Mastering a harsh climate that was totally alien to them.
Niggers on the other hand were able to ruin that society in less than one generation. The most disturbing part is that they seem genuinely incapable of realizing what they've done.
South Africa provides a harrowing look into the future if America keeps following its current path. While they genocide whites wholesale and slaughter whole families they have the audacity to call the Boer's racist. They'd be trying to pull the same trick in Haiti if they'd not outright murdered the whites therE, It's a recurring pattern.
American niggers will do the same if you let them.
When a nigger yells 'GET WHITEY!' he doesn't care if you're a liberal, communist, fascist or Nazi he only cares that you're white. Dont believe me? You should try taking a trip to your beloved SA. If you're white you'll get treated just like the Boer's do.
I really hope that some of you are capable of if understanding that in the future.
your paranoid m8
me and my black socialist colleagues aren't going to eat you up because you're white
only if you're a propertarian, which you probably are
They're spooked and are not class-conscious. They don't realize that their enemy is not all white people, but fucking rich porkies screwing them over. Just like white-supremacists think nigs, spics, kikes, and muds are the source of every problem.