Yeah, fuck him. Going green.
nice archive faggot
“You’re not denying the report that there are talks about a possible endorsement?” Hayes asked.
Sanders replied: “That’s correct.”
Reformism in action
Lol, he's gone full shill then
WSWS was right again
In the long run, Sanders has Bernie Bros running for every democrat and senators seat, so that is why they still hate and boo the shit out of him at the senate.
I honestly can't believe it. Why would he give in now of all times? Are they bribing him? Threatening him?
Did the years of compromise and cooperation not tip you off that this would happen
I'd say the latter, he has a huge support base.
Well lads I didn't agree with Bernie, but I respected him while he was anti-establishment.
But if he was going to sheepdog why now? Why wouldn't he give in sooner, like after CA or DC? Does he honestly take Clinton at her word?
I mean they have been turning the heat up on him. Is there an email address we can reach him at?
He should not give up.
"Man I can't believe Bernie Sanders is talking about endorsing Hillary if she meets certain standards to help make sure we don't get a Republican autocracy what a fucking traitor"
Trots pls go
Because this is a POSSIBLE endorsement and Hillary is likely to go down in flames between now and the convention and he needs to be in the running to affect issues such as DNC rules to force compromises and keep his delegates bound and all that.
I'll believe it when I see it.
That's some pretty shitty analysis, as usual, from the WSWS.
The "real thing" of socialism wasn't about to emerge in the US, it was not a pre-revolutionary situation, with Sanders diverting the coming revolution into the Democratic Party. This is not what happened. Sanders has begun a political process of a change in consciousnesses in the masses towards socialism. Of course Sanders isn't the "real thing" himself - he's a bloody Democrat!
You're all a bunch of pathetic faggots.
maybe we deserve that one
No one really expected him to grab the nomination, but only the most hardcore idealist Sardenistas.
Sanders is more of an effect of a society sick being abused and exploited by big money and corporations rather than the solution.
Even if an endorsement does happen, I doubt it will change the outlook of many of his supporters.
No shit.
That's exactly what he did by tapping into the frustrations of millions and then diverting that energy into the false belief that the democratic party will save them. Instead of having to face the reality of their disenfranchisement and either find an actual socialist party to support or start their own he instead diverted millions of manhours into his feel-good waste of time campaign, and even more into the subsequent surge of "Berniecrats" running for office in a party where they are overwhelmingly outnumbered and will receive no support at best and outright sabotage at worse.
Maybe not in fantasy Socdem la-la land.
Yeah, it's all thanks to your Messiah, not him taking advantage of pre-existing sentiments and trends in thinking created by the material conditions of capitalism. No, it was all thanks to Sanders, pbuh.
I rest my case.
No, we always knew he was a SocDem. But supporting SocDems can be transitional and necessary in certain contexts.
let's face it we're both gonna lose
never in a billion years
Never did that. Take your meds.
fuck you Shady Businessman I'll sage the fucking threads I want to
Rude sage negated!
Reapplied. Fuck you, Shady Businessman.
He's a libertarian socialist, he's only pretending to be a socdem.
well i liked him a bit
hes dead to me now
Vote Trump then.
We will start Revolution when he (inevitably) fucks up.
The only thing he's going to accelerate is fascism. We need to build a left alternative.
Exactly. No need to prolong the status quo.
Also, Trump supporters are a bit more valuable than Hillary supporters. Making them disillusioned with Trump (and converting left) is a priority.
Are talking vanguard party or Bernie 2.0?
I fucking told you fags for MONTHS that he was a con-artist.
Nice clickbait source. Stop bumping this shitty thread already.
Hopefully he pulls a Corbyn and only halfheartedly campaigns for her.
I always told these sons of bitches to watch their backs. This was predictable.
I think this is most likely.
He doesn't wanna commit political suicide and is probably gearing up for 2018, the election that matters a little more.
kek cucks
Or he ends up restoring the economy like Mussolini did and we just get fascism.
Well, communism loses again today b-but there will always be tomorrow!
Remember everyone, read Marx, communism is inevitable!
Fucking traitor.
It just fucking happens!
How do you feel right now?
Why didn't he?
Is he going to be VP?
Will he run for president when she is finally indicted?
Welcome on Trump's side Anons!
Harsh words might have been exchanged, but you do want a STRAIGHT TALKER right ? One that stands up for the SMALL WHITE MAN that actualluy CONTRIBUTES to society and can make SOCIALIST PARADISE possible.
it was never meant to be. the moment clinton said she was running for president and trump became the nominee, it was all over
I told you mofos.
Toeing the party line, playing the system, now finally joining her.
VP will be a total insider, probably an Obama's man.
Hillary sure felt the Bern today.
It was a good feel.
Well, can I expect any refund?
Nobody here actually liked Sanders or Trump.
Nobody wants any of these candidates or wants to vote. Stop capitalizing your sentences incorrectly.
Back when he had a chance, this board was sucking his dick
hes better than the other choices tbh
go to Bernie Sanders' facebook page and keep refreshing to see how fast the likes go away.
You fucked up Bernie. You fucked up real bad.
how does he not know that literally nobody likes hillary
does he at least say something like "politics isn't just about electing a president. you have to stay organized at the grassroots"?
the only redemption I could see for him is if he just campaigns for her now and then denounces her as a "traitor" once she wins.
he shot her live on stage
someone take the endorsement footage and superimpose this music over it.
thank you in advance
He knows nobody likes Hillary, but he didn't have any options against the threat of a Trump presidency.
It's either save his ideals or save the country.
I love the irony of the first comic.
It's okay to be uncomfortable when faced with truth that conflicts with your personal beliefs.
yes, voting in another ineffectual neo liberal centrist wall street puppet is saving the country.
You can leave now correct the record
This meme needs to stop.
The "vote for the lesser evil" is idiotic thinking. Vote for what expresses you the most or don't fucking vote at all.
Another choice
A Clinton presidency won't save jack shit
Is there anything left for the left?
called it in April.
The people who made that image and yourself can't fanthom why young college educated voters don't want to vote a neo-fascist corporate shill that would give tax cuts to the rich and who would deport millions of people based on race, if you can't get that then you are fucking idiots.
Hillary is more of the same poison, but Trump is cyanide. Nobody wants either of them and the left vs right narrative in America is running thin when neither of the candidates have any ideals they uphold.
We'll need a strong poison to get people active enough to fight for the left.
he is a traitor and sell out
True, it won't save anything, but it will at least preserve the status quo, no matter how shitty it is. This will allow Sanders to push his progressive agenda in Congress with impunity since he'll be instrumental in a Democrat victory. A Trump presidency would destroy that and likely split the party between the neoliberals and the berniecrats, making Trump even stronger.
Yes, it is "the lesser of two evils", but that's how this election is going to be regardless of your feelings. America seem determined to commit suicide here and everything is guaranteed to be trashed after November. Whoever wins will spending their entire Presidency trying to win over an angry and dissatisfied public. This election will go down in American history as one of the worst this country has ever seen.
I can't agree with this thinking. Any president we elect after Trump will be spending all their time cleaning up his mess, meaning we won't get anything but four years of stagnation. It'd Obama 2: STILL FUCKING NOTHING BOOGALOO.
need to cap this shit
hopefully some user makes a compilation of lefty salt with it.
that counts as success in my book, pal.
if that is fascism, i'll take 2 thank you.
"hilllary will get things done so vote for her even if the entire senate and every major form of government except the white house will be controlled by the gop"- correct the record shill
Leave it up to a jew to redistribute wealth in the form of donations from the 99% to the 0.001% in the name of socialism. Topkek. We got jewed real hard, leftypol, time to accept it.
Are you not planning to vote for congressional races? That's really stupid.
WSWS was right AGAIN
And now that socialist jew is supporting the neo fascist candidate wallstreet whore
Yes Goy keep donating money superdelegates don't matter, remember Bernie or bust!
No, that's Hillary
No, see
No, based on nationality and immigration status.
It's treason then.
In the current situation, is the American left capable of "blackmailing" Hillary so some demands could be attended? Something like "give in to our demands, or else we are not only staying home, but we will campaign for everyone to do the same".
Forget for a bit the presidential election for a bit, the left focus should be electoral reform, especially proportional representation in the Congress, primary reform and ending the electoral college. And the current moment seems perfect for this, since not only it has become clear that a left-wing candidature in the Democratic Party is not viable, we are also seeing the implosion of the Republican Party, including the fragmentation of the party in ultra-sectarian groups, the hijacking of the party by a political outsider like Donald Trump, and the electoral failure of their neoliberal "moderate" establishment. For fucks sake, their alternative to Trump were Cruz and Rubio, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if McCain, Romney and the Bush family endorsed Clinton.
I don't think this is FDR 2.0, to be fair.
Serves them right, they trusted a Jew.
Good thing Donald Trump's family is full of them.
Like Trump isn't any better his entire fucking life. Hypocrisy irritates me.
I tried to warn you, Holla Forums
It was fucking predictable. The only thing he did in the process was water-down socialism.
Anyone even remotely aware of actual Leftist beleifs could've seen this coming a mile away.
And fuck off with your racial boogeyman.
That hasn't stopped Holla Forums from being shit up by Bernie supporters who ranged from thinking that supporting him will somehow lead to socialism getting more popular in the US, to literally thinking that Bernie is going to bring socialism.
Trump isn't going to win and you're going to be the same as reddit bernie supporters
Guys if we vote for Bernie Sanders things can change I know it
I tried to warn you, Holla Forums
It doesn't matter who wins. Hillary might even be worse. At least Trump could dig his own grave… or bring another economic crisis…
Noone ever said that. Things don't change with voting. You vote to try and raise awareness.
uuuh…. I don't think Trump's the one at fault. The man delivers.
Oh my god Trump supporters are fucking stupid.
When Holla Forums doesn't know what the fuck to strawman you as
Nobody really thought that, you shitposter.
Do you think Holla Forums has any actual Dems in here? They were chased out a long time ago.
Sanders was always a means to an end in bringing the socialist message to mainstream and young audiences. The prelude to sanders was OWS which of course was completely neutralize by cointelpro an police suppression.
Now that the disillusioned Dems have been let down by mainstream politics they will move more to the left and create new alternatives, possibly even organised insurrectionist fronts like OWS only more organised.
The main thing though is to convince the Bernie fans not to vote in teh elections, don't give any legitimacy anymore to the Democratic party, let it crash and burn from infighting like the Republican will once Clinton wins.
are you against islamophobia or not?
Corruption is about the only thing there Bernie supported.
Anyone who has actually, seriously read Leftist literature and understood it's core concepts would understand that Bernie was never, ever a leftist.
Altright limpdicks and Fascist subhumans just like to misuse the word "Marxist" to refer to anything they disagree with.
I am for Kurdish terrorism in the borders of the United States
Bernie is both economic and culturally marxist. So marxist in fact, I would vote if we didn't have Trump, just for the sake of accelerationism.
they're busy in turkey. and that's not any answer.
The state redistributes wealth all the time (mainly to the Capitalist camp but not always), and your master of the boot you lick all the time is in favor of wealth redistribution by taxing companies who don't pay taxes in the US, furthermore Trump wants to keep most of obamacare.
This is your brain on Holla Forums, where you fucking idiot?
How is bourgeois feminism marxism?
The US northern states always had racial equality and granted voting rights far before the South that was too lazy to work and had blacks to all the work for them.
Everyone advocates those, including your jackboot clown nominee. Or should I link the Florida shooting speech Trump made?
No one actually thought that, what the fuck is wrong with you.
Unless you took memes seriously, we don't believe movements like BLM will bring socialism, but see a opportunity to agitate and radicalize people to class politics.
Gulags? Were a slav thing.
They don't get their "own" rights just equal rights to every one else.
How are average European economics that both the "Left" and "Right" agree on is Marxist? Jesus Christ, you went full burger mode.
Also Liberalism.
You're also a liberal
Why not? He's only got at most one more decade to live. If I was him, i'll go all out.
It's a Fruedean phallic symbol. *sniff*
There is a 5% chance of someone dying within 1.25 years (by 2017).
There is a 50% chance of someone dying within 10.5 years (by 2027).
There is a 95% chance of someone dying within 21.7 years (by 2038).
Probability of a death within 1.0 year: 3.918%
We see revisionism right in action.
Whole board used to support Bern and even called him Lenin.
And now he betrayed them, we just go NOPE, NEVER SUPPORTED HIM.
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