Why is this acceptable?
Why nazis non-whites exist?
What kind of cuckoldry is this?
Why is this acceptable?
Other urls found in this thread:
What even is this logo? Anti communism, anti macdonalds, anti anti-fascism
Anti playboy
maybe against sexualised media and fast food because muh fat degenerates
What are the top two things?
So they're also anti-vaccers it looks like
Also, if they're fascists, why do they call themselves "free people"? Do they pretend not to be fascists or do they think that fascism equals freedom?
that page is a goldmine
Could be. Could also be anti drugs.
Because they literally believe that fascism = freedom
Of course, at the same time, they'll also deny that freedom is important and that duty to one's Nation is more important than individual freedom. But they'll flipflop between the two positions whenever its convenient.
This in every way is hamfisted propaganda. You'd have to be a real idiot to not see it.
B-but.. Zombies have no emotion and are only driven by basic instict.. you know… like the Nazis…
That guy looks 15, he's just being an edgy teenager.
also Frankenstein is the doctor, not the beast
I don't think it was inplying any different.
It's anti-fun
reminds me of this
My money on the McDonald thing being their way to bash Capitalism without bashing Capitalism directly.
You know, C R O N Y C A P I T A L I S M
Esto no puede ser de verdad, un cumulo de cancer y memes rancidos como este no puede existir en la vida real
Te olvidas de
Y lo mejor de todo, y lo que mas le haría rechinar los dientes a Holla Forums
¿Será una cuenta troll, o es de verdad tan rematadamente estúpido?
Harmless teenager, hopefully will educate himself one day
non-Spanish fag here. I feel left out. What are you talking about?
They're saying it's cancer and wondering if he's trolling or stupid.
t. gf speaks spanish
It's either self-loathing cucks with internalized hatred of women or delusional browns who insist they count as white
[The banana guy youtube.com
[Creepy pasts and spooky stuff are a cultural thing and in latin america it goes quiet deep and pretty much your taste in horror tells a lot about you plus we also have a cancerous memesmith: Dross who has millions out of reading crappypastas and telling people minor weird shit is "disturbing". even more "disturbing" has become a buzzword thanks to him. in short this guy is a horror pleb and roud]
This can't be real, a cluster of cancer and stale meme like this can't exist in real life
[That anons picture are the puppets of 31 minutos]
You're forgetting
and the best part that will make Holla Forums grind their teeth
Is this a troll account, or really is he reatardly stupid?
"anuddah shoah" is just the alt-right for normies. It makes the us-versus-them stupidity as clear as possible.
I also want to add that in latin america brown nazis are a joke, actual white people who are white supremacist identify as falangists and use the cross of burgandy as symbol. identifying as a nazi and using a swastika is a hollow statement.
No se que pinta un latino preocupandose por la crisis de refugiados de europa