13 Million in jewels taken
blah blah paris.
nig nog kayne left show early.
riff raff robbers dressed as cops.
yada yada no go zones.
13 Million in jewels taken
blah blah paris.
nig nog kayne left show early.
riff raff robbers dressed as cops.
yada yada no go zones.
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What the fuck is this Reddit-tier tabloid celebrity shit doing on Holla Forums?
fuck off
it's a hilarious story and Holla Forums should be kept in the loop.
it's even Holla Forums relevant because of the fact
a)Happened in Paris.
b)Thieves were dressed as Police
shills piss me off this morning
I aint here talking about her weight faggot.
It's not every day/year someone gets tied up in the streets and 13 million worth of diamonds gets punked.
go back and then kill yourself
Rich talentless pig robbed. "Fans" will probably pour in donation shekels because this is a sad world.
wow, i use spacing your algorithm detected as from another site, better use that as an attack point as per Dan's shilling manual 101
I said Holla Forums should know
I know Holla Forums won't care
lol you want a link to the guardian
As far as I'm concerned, this didn't happen at all.
You're just shitposting.
This damage control is cringe as fuck. I really hope you get banned OP, jesus.
hope you get banned for low effort lad
holy shit it's an actual brain-damaged shithead and not just a ruseman this time
in all serious now
when did duckduckgo go bad, I switched to it when I came here, used to search with google
Go suck leafy's chinless dick
Bet that nigger West arranged it for the insurance money
Go back to 4chan or reddit faggot.