TIL Hitler, Trotsky, Stalin, Freud, Tito and Ferdinand all lived in Vienna in 1913


There can be no doubt that while in Vienna, young Hitler studied anti-Semitism, among other matters. The four politicians who may be called his political models -Schönerer, Lueger, Wolf, and Stein- were radical anti-Semites. Many newspapers which Hitler read in Vienna, and many pamphlets he perused for his self-education, were anti-Semitic. Even when he was already Reich chancellor, Hitler's way of expressing himself had a Viennese ring to it when he elaborated on "the Jews." This proves that he mastered the anti-Semitic vocabulary of his Vienna period with all its characteristic cliches perfectly. Therefore many later observers, such as Albert Speer, initially took Hitler's anti-Semitism "for a somewhat vulgar byproduct, a relic from his days in Vienna …and only God knows why he couldn't shed it."


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The question is did they know each other ?

And, if there was any communication ?

Also, at that time in vienna there was publication of newspaper that influenced some of opinions of adolf hitler.

He was encouraged and supported mainly by his "paternal friend," the writer Dietrich Eckart, to whom he erected a remarkable monument at the end of Mein Kampf. Eckart was a link to Hitler's Vienna years in that he was a member of the Thule Society, which in turn was connected with the List Society and List's secret order HAO. The early artificial image of Hitler as Germany's future leader who as a modern-day Messiah faced the public at the age of thirty can probably also be attributed to Eckart. Hitler described his decision dramatically in Mein Kampf: when he was in the military hospital of Pasewalk in Pomerania, almost blind from a gas injury, the news of the November revolution and Emperor William's II abdication arrived. His immediate response was to blame "the Jew": There is no making pacts with Jews; there can only be the hard: either — or. I, for my part, decided to go into politics.


One shall remember that the swastika- and fascist movements are basically offspring of Ostara

Ostara or Ostara, Briefbücherei der Blonden und Mannesrechtler ("Ostara, newsletter of the blonde and masculists") was a German nationalist magazine founded in 1905 by the occultist Lanz von Liebenfels in Vienna, Austria, and in which he published anti-semitic and völkisch theories.


Adolf Josef Lanz a.k.a. Jörg Lanz, who called himself Lanz von Liebenfels (19 July 1874 – 22 April 1954), was an Austrian political and racial theorist and occultist, who was a pioneer of Ariosophy. He was a former monk and the founder of the magazine Ostara, in which he published anti-semitic and völkisch theories

Lanz became a monk in the Cistercian order in 1893, assuming the name Georg and living in the Heiligenkreuz monastery. In 1894, he claimed to have been "enlightened" after finding the tombstone of a Knight Templar, and began developing his theories of "blue-blond Aryanism" and "lower races". He left the monastery in 1899; although Lanz claimed that this was due to "growing nervousness", the official documents recorded "carnal love" as the reason.


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Key regulars included: Peter Altenberg, Theodor Herzl, Alfred Adler,[2] Egon Friedell, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Anton Kuh, Adolf Loos, Leo Perutz, Alfred Polgar and Leon Trotsky. In January 1913 alone, Josip Broz Tito, Sigmund Freud, Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Lenin, and Trotsky (the latter two being regulars) were patrons of the establishment.


Theodor Herzl - was an Austro-Hungarian journalist, playwright, political activist, and writer. He was one of the fathers of modern political Zionism. Herzl formed the World Zionist Organization and promoted Jewish migration to Palestine in an effort to form a Jewish state (Israel).


"The Viennese intellectual community was actually quite small and everyone knew each other and… that provided for exchanges across cultural frontiers."

This, he adds, would favour political dissidents and those on the run.

"You didn't have a tremendously powerful central state. It was perhaps a little bit sloppy. If you wanted to find a place to hide out in Europe where you could meet lots of other interesting people then Vienna would be a good place to do it."

Freud's favourite haunt, the Cafe Landtmann, still stands on the Ring, the renowned boulevard which surrounds the city's historic Innere Stadt.

Trotsky and Hitler frequented Cafe Central, just a few minutes' stroll away, where cakes, newspapers, chess and, above all, talk, were the patrons' passions.

"Part of what made the cafes so important was that 'everyone' went," says MacNamee. "So there was a cross-fertilisation across disciplines and interests, in fact boundaries that later became so rigid in western thought were very fluid."



Remember lads, this time we take no prisoners.

Mandela Effect?

Indeed. We need a white galaxy.


So far there is nothing to suggest that they all knew each other.


Anime when?

Thread discarded.


Wien 1925 - 1935


Vienna, in the late 1920s and early 1930s, Wien


TIL OP was a faggot

Would you fuck it? It has no higher brain functions, but it has holes…
It`s like a fleshlight with a heartbeat.

No, but there is also no facts that they did not know each other.

But, that is not important. This is the place where the ideas started.

For 3 reich..israel…CCCP…..

and a way how to make it happen with propaganda.


could make some kind of sitcom with flashes to the future

you made this exact thread a year ago, either that or you sills arent very creative.

He read works from all kinds. Even commie shit so he could understand the enemy. Hitler was well read


No. But you are welcomed to find it. Maybe there is some intresting information in it.

The Café Central was opened in 1860, and in the late nineteenth century it became a key meeting place of the Viennese intellectual scene. A frequent visitor was Stefan Zweig who wrote the "Schachnovelle", the most famous book in world literature with chess as theme. Other key regulars included Vladimir Lenin (front) and Leon Trotsky.

Leon Trotsky, who spent much of his time during World War I playing chess in Vienna’s Cafe Central, was regarded by his acquiantances as simple, harmless, even slightly pathetic. During his exile Trotsky was known under his real name Bronstein. In March 1917, the Austrian foreign minister was notified by an excited subordinate that a revolution had broken out in Russia. “Russia is not a land where revolutions break out,” the minister skeptically snorted. “Besides, who on earth would make a revolution in Russia? Perhaps Herr Bronstein from the Cafe Central?”

Until 1938 the café was called the "Chess school" (Die Schachhochschule) because of the presence of many chess players. Café Central was closed at the end of WW2, after being bombed. Originally the café occupied the building's glass-covered inner courtyard.


I'm not sure why this should surprise anyone, Vienna has been a pretty happening place for centuries.

I wonder if we could get in contact with some nip-nop animators to pitch this idea.

There isn't really anything to be found. Vienna was a huge hub at the time. All you have are vague implications you are trying to use as an excuse for a thread.

checked & cucked

Thus it seems to be clear that Hitler's anti-Semitism developed in a straightforward line, especially if one reads Hitler's description in Mein Kampf of how he had become an anti-Semite in Vienna: For me this was a time of the greatest spiritual upheaval I have ever had to go through. I had ceased to be a weak~kneed cosmopolitan and became an anti~Semite. Vienna, he said, had significantly contributed to his becoming anti-Semitic: At the time of this bitter struggle between spiritual education and cold reason, the visual instruction of the Vienna streets had performed invaluable services.

As the decisive event of his transformation into an anti-Semite, Hitler mentions-in 1924, to be sure, in Mein Kampf- an encounter with an Eastern Jew. The apparition in a black caftan and black hair locks merely made him wonder: Is this a Jew? was my first thought. And : Is this a German? Once again, he says, this experience caused him to read up on the subject: For a few hellers I bought the first anti-Semitic pamphlets of my life. What happened then, he continues, was what may be called a radical anti-Semite's typical obsession : Since I had begun to concern myself with this question and to take cognizance of the Jews, Vienna appeared to me in a different light than before. Wherever I went, I began to see Jews , and the more I saw, the more sharply they became distinguished in my eyes from the rest of humanity. The upshot of this dramatic development, Hitler claims, was the realization regarding Social Democracy's Jewish character: When I recognized the Jew as the leader of the Social Democracy, the scales dropped from my eyes. A long soul struggle had reached its conclusion.


Hitler's paintings always reminds me of pic related, so infuriating. But in the end, it happened for good…

This is the kind of writing you seem the grade schools.

Have never seen the amount of normies getting redpilled at this rate. Communists are doing the work for us by censoring and trying to clamp down on information control on a platform such as the Internet that isn't censor-able. They are redpilling them for us.

The fire rises!

Makes you wonder about Hitler…

Thank you guys

Not really. It was great place for ideas. Memes if you want. Memes are ideas…

Herzl, hitler and stalin created same system in different versions.

Freud helped with implementation.

And hitler used ideas from ostara (and that school)

While lenin and trotsky used marx and that type of stuff.

also, before

After news broke of the February victories in Paris, uprisings occurred throughout Europe, including in Vienna, where the Diet (parliament) of Lower Austria in March demanded the resignation of Prince Metternich, the conservative State Chancellor and Foreign Minister. With no forces rallying to Metternich's defense, nor word from Ferdinand I of Austria to the contrary, he resigned on 13 March


I don't believe in being anti-semitic, but I do believe you should be at least wary of them.

This was used latter. But in beginning there was ostara

Der Stürmer (pronounced [deːɐ ˈʃtʏʁmɐ], lit. "the Attacker") was a weekly tabloid-format Nazi newspaper published by Julius Streicher (a prominent official in the Nazi Party) from 1923 to the end of World War II, with brief suspensions in publication due to legal difficulties.



Being aware of the jew is enough in their eyes to make you a threat. The knowledge itself is anti-semitic.

Germany is Amalek


Stop bumping retards.

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mods confirmed kikes for bumplocking this.


Kill yourself kike.

yeah keep sliding you nosed fuck.

Do you breathe oxygen? I heard redditfags breathe oxygen. Better kill yourself if you breathe oxygen, faggot.

Yea bro, mudslimes breathe oxygen too. So thats why we should welcome them here

Oh so you DO understand what a false equivalence is? Then why are you fucking making one about OP as if it proves something? Apart from trying to derail the thread, of course.