Flash to be depreciated in 2020


Rip newgrounds and all the hentai games.....

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Good riddance.


When was the last time you ran a flash program?


Fucking finally.
So now the question is will flash devs use synfig studio ?
The only reason why flash was still being promoted.
DRMs.... god I wish the people who thought about these would just end their lives.

4 years ago when I was still on MS os.

RIP in pieces

Flash was a broken, insecure piece of shit and I'm glad it's gone. This will only force more websites to finally adopt superior HTML5.

thats not how it works

really makes
u think
how does it work

I think i was messing around with gnash a few years ago.

Bout time.

Flash has been on assisted living for half a decade: finally it's being taken out behind the barn.

It's a shame, because Flash games are far more self-contained than JavaScript ones, at least, that's how I perceive them to be.

Is there anything like flash? If I wanted to make a flash hentai game for a website what would I use.

I meant a game like a flash hentai game

just download the latest flashplayer standalone debugger and you'll be fine:


(replace 26 with the highest valid number)

nice try faggot

some sort of webGL or canvas framework and javascript, probably. The whole reason they made HTML5 canvas was because flash did 15 years ago what canvas does now, but in a proprietary and insecure way.

i hope it doesn't kill off gnash development.

Knowing the Open Sores community it will most likely accelerate Gnash development now that autists only access to old flash games is no longer supported officially.

Goodbye to trash

This tbh, infact it might just bring flash back from the dead

Imagine hoping for anything in this day and age.

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