Crashing an economy with no survivors

Is this type of shit going to stop as Brexit is actually implemented, or is it just going to keep happening?



hope this happens to all cucks and traitors then they kill themselves


no, we're still a loooong way off

This makes me mad. Fucking leftists and their doublethink.
Luckily everything will go to shitter because women and shitskins can't understand the idea of working

At least he swallowed the redpill the hard way.

Slowly the cucks will start realizing that the policies that they are championing are meant to destroy them.

Remember, the mudslime mayor of London said he'd do everything he could to keep bringing shitskins into the country regardless of what people higher than him decide

Brexit didn't fix anything, it just lept it from getting worse

lel and what exactly is the lowly mayor going to do if they disagree with him?


I think he was talking nonsense because the head of the city of london (the independent city state within london) is the Lord Mayor of London, not him
so he simply doesn't have the authority (as far as I can tell), unless the kikes in the city have signed off on this too (possible, but from what I can tell they don't like to shit where they eat)

The sadomasochists among them won't care.

Of course you'd be ok with white men being forced out of their jobs, you shitskin goon.
I'm going to enjoy stringing you up on the day of the rope, nigger.

I support this because it's a simple readpill for normies to digest.

Of course I wish this shit never happened, and that we never needed to dispense redpills in the first place.

Don't worry guys with 18 years of BBC experience Jon Holmes qualified to work at a refugee center as a cleaner or something

you fucking retard

It would be better if they went full redpill, swelling our ranks with bitter, angry, nothing-left-to-lose white men can only help when the time for fighting comes.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
And cucks are practically women at this point.

vote with your wallet

That isn't effective because they are just bringing in new people who will spend the money on the product.

There's no alternative methods to actually fighting a bloody insurgent war of attrition.

Khan would do the same any rapemoon cultist does: have a word with the imams and sheikhs, and whip up an Islamic hate mob to block the streets, disrupt business, and scare the tourists. A tantrum on a massive scale.

There are hundreds of thousands of Rapistanis in London now, and carpet-sniffers as a whole make up one-in-eight of the city.

London Muslim population origin (2011 census):
Turkroach- 250,000+
Rapistani - 240,000
Bangladeshits - 170,000
Skinnies (Somali) - 140,000
Iraqi - 130,000
Nigerian - 120,000
Pajeets - 100,000
Afghantrash - 71,000
Ghanaian - 70,000

Note that these are figures returned by the last census, and don't take into account the half-decade of open door immigration since then. They also don't account for all the illegals (rapefugees, family reunion 'visitors', over-stayers/absconded student visa entrants, etc.).

Jon Holmes is like one of those committed communists Solzhenitsyn described meeting
in the gulag.

to the revolution as I should have, so they're
right! I deserve to be arrested!

Doesn't he know the revolution always devours it's children?