Why do people keep recommending tox when it's shit ?

Why do people keep recommending tox when it's shit ?
It doesn't even have offline messages and not even all clients have implemented a form of pseudo offline messaging like qtox has for example and all clients available are turbo garbage with the exception of ratox.

Is this the power of the autism open source imageboard community ?

Other urls found in this thread:


Tox will leak your IP, do not use it.

I-it's peer to peer..

Tox is compromised by redditors and isn't secure, DO NOT use it.

even Holla Forums logs your IPs btw

It literally works through connecting to IPs, that's not a "leak".

Sure is scriptfag in here.

But they really don't, here have mine.

Perhaps I should call solidia and tell them a worker is slacking off posting anti-semitic hatespeech on a forum for Nazis?

Prepare to get vanned, kid

Look out for my IP which will be knocking on your door:

you do that ;^)

They do actually. You can access someones homephone recorder or router very easily.

Heh, nothing personal kid. But i'm behind a 1337 netmask:
Good luck kiddo

Who cares if it's peer to peer. At least make it so that the messages stay on your hard drive till that account is online and then send them.
Right now if you send some messages, close the client then reopen it those messages are lost.

Works on my machine? This really isn't tha big a problem when you think of it.
Have you tried asking the maintainers of your client?

Well there's this issue but I don't have a gitjew account and the maintainer didn't respond so I doubt he cares.


Then the client wouldn't be shutdown.
Tox has that feature already, you just have to have the client running because it's peer to peer.

Just keep the unsent messages in an encrypted text file or some shit.

They do matter. It's easy to knock someone offline as everyone has shitty bandwidth. I used to flood ping niggers in GTA V from an EC2 box to boot them.

Why ain't i offline yet then?

Because I'm not your personal army, faggot.

I think you're just a faggot who has no clue what he's talking about.

As far as i know that's a client issue, unrelated to toxcore.
If you are to make a github issue for it, make sure you word it correctly unlike the person in the previous link.
He probably just ignored it because he didn't understand the question, just like i didn't understand at first.


Isn't GTA V a standard client-server game? Why would it send you the IP of other clients?

It's P2P. They have something like a STUN server but only a tiny fraction of players use it.

you can use it with tor.

I'm basically a mouthbreathing retard. I'm afraid I'll also get friendzoned by the maintainer.

What the fuck. I was thinking cheating was so rampant in GTA 4/5 because they just don't have proper servers that apply client inputs through physics algorithms like proper FPS games do, but this is a whole new level of retard. Maybe they got their acne faced devs to create a groundbreaking cryptographic protocol that allows uncheatable p2p gaming, but they obviously didn't, I don't even need to look this up.

This is right, they had this p2p bullshit since like initial RAGE release. That is like, since gta iv or red dead redemption? Either way, I think one of the reasons they do this is because of huge coordinates and another one is because R* is full of retarded nigger code monkeys.

It's worse than that, the game has practically no protection at all. You can inject DLLs and edit memory all you want as they won't be detected unless they're in a blacklist (so your own stuff will never be detected). There's absolutely no tamper-proofing whatsoever. Instead, they just swat/ban people with fishy stats, even if they're due to being the victim of a modder.
That's how I turned to a life of crime on GTA V - Rockstar wiped all my real money because modders had dumped fake money into my account. I didn't want it or ask for it or spend it and I had support tickets open trying to get them to remove it as I knew their lazy solution to that huge problem would probably be to just fuck everyone and zero it out and sure enough that's what eventually happened. There was no point to continue playing legit as any legit progress will eventually be lost to misfired punishments so I started modding.
I've not run into a developer running their game as poorly as Rockstar since OSI. It's a blast from the past. But yeah, they do punish and ban innocent players so be careful if you play. I'd not recommend playing it unless you're planning to cheat.

Lol, I know about black list. But it is not common for "anti cheat software" to ban you for injected Dlls. (((League))) Anticheats in cs*, for one, use driver to prevent any tampering but do not ban you. A lot of software injects its own dlls (usually using common Windows's ways), to extend menus and all that. I know VAC (though not present in gtav, i think it's good example of how one could deal with foreign dlls), for example, gets angry on every handle open to the game using OpenProcess or whatever every second or less OR upon thread spawning and then if you happen to be on blacklist it will flag you.
As for playing the game, I never touched that piece of shit game since i moved to Linux. No regrets.

I used to use it, but that thing causes excessive traffic on port 334455 or whatever, and causes major packet loss when I'm gaming (which always ends when I close tox).

Just use a proxy to avoid leaking IP.

That's just a buzzwords FUD shitpost.

Yeah these days the standard for "come hack my IP" baiting is that the IP points to the FBI or CIA or whitehouse or shit.

It only leaks your IP to people you have accepted on your friends list, by the way. No one else should have access to your IP. It's carefully designed to prevent that.

When they called it a meme I said nothing and now there was nobody left to speak for me

those sites are already being constantly DDoS'd. unless you use a huge botnet they wont notice any shit you do.

There's no point in playing any game with rank2win in the first place (never played GTA V dunno if that's the case here) as you're putting in hundreds of hours just to get on a level where you can be a competent player (and helping out the game company by getting farmed by higher level players which leads to more payments for guns and shit).
It's better than joining the Punkbuster botnet or similar, only for everyone to bypass it and rek the game anyway. Games like Crysis, S.T.A.L.K.E.R and F.E.A.R were ruined despite anticheat because they had shitty network code like this, and yep, most of these shit tier games have ways of framing normal players as cheaters. In Crysis (probably the others too), you could make someone kill all the players in the game, and he might get autobanned depending on the server's shitty anticheat scripts. In some other FPS game I rekt, you could make someone throw 9001 grenades per second, or turn him into a ghost. Also most (all the one's I've seen actually) of this shitty games have ways of making yourself unkickable.

Yeah depends on the game. Some wont autoban for DLL injection because supposedly stuff like FRAPS and Steam Overlay relies on it. Other games ban you for merely having ollydbg or some other dev tools open. Punkbuster once had some bullshit where it has a list of signatures of hacks (which were strings of bytes of the data), and it would scan for this signature in each process open on the computer. If you typed the signature into a gaming IRC, eveveryone would get instantly banned. The main thing I know PB does is scan the game's memory to see if anything is changed and kick you if so. You can easily edit the PB code to make it not do that (it scanned itself as well with some other code, which you could edit as well). Most anticheats just have a bunch of d3d bullshit to detect aimbot/wallhack, but I never bother with that when I can just send a packet saying I killed everyone or edit the game code itself to get wallhack.

The core game isn't really rank2win - once I was reset to rank 1 by modders and had to wait a few days for support to fix it and I still had little trouble killing almost anyone. It'd be a great game if it were run by anyone else, but it's like living in a failing eastern military dictatorship under Rockstar. Everything is in a constant state of falling apart, you can't win by playing by the rules, and you'll likely wind up executed for no reason.

why do people keep writing without punctuation marks when it's shit?

name a better alternative if you can. any answer you give will be shred into pieces

baby faggot learns his first fact about how the IP protocol and the Internet works

up to the clients retard. Tox has no business in this

can't i use tox with tor?

Have you tried reading the thread? Like, reading the replies to the post you're responding to?

(Yes, you can use Tox with Tor.)

maybe i should read the thread next time

Have you guys messed around with Bleep? BitTorrent's absolute copy of Tox? Last I heard (apart from being closed-source), it used Google to sync your contact list.


So which is the most secure messaging platform nowadays? Telegram?

SMS. You can literally plan out and coordinate successful terrorist attacks over SMS. Not only will you not be caught or prevented, the authorities will push to make other platforms less secure.


kill self

so not only is it backdoored (the only reason to close source something as trivial as a chat program), but it talks to google

seeing nasa so assdevastated over tox really churns your neurons

ring.cx here. We have video groupchats and are part of GNU. Also peer2peer.

not in portage -> doesn't exist

Write your own ebuild, summerfag.

ok kid.

you can tell who the ringposters are because frogs aren't white


Where can I find an actual technical explanation for how Ring works? Written in english, by people who know what they're doing.


This literally doesn't say how Ring works under the hood. Downvoted.

Here's the actual link about how GNU Ring works.

Worse than useless, suckstart a shotgun

Thanks user.

In the screenshots it seems to look fine, as if contacts were implemented.

Thread literally made by french ringtards
choke on your blockchain

It's really reassuring to know their documentation is out of date.

is it written in Crystal?

wow keep that shit 40 miles away from my computers

l m a o

Yeah, it's similar with other GNU software.

You don't have to use SIP.

sure is alot of fud in here.

When is Tox getting multidevice?
When is Tox getting AV groups?
When is Tox getting custom media messsages?

These are the things currently keeping it from normies. I've visited the issues for these and they seem inactive. I know that Grayhatter is working away at multidevice on his own. What's happening with the others?
The blog hasn't been updated in a while. It would be nice if there were regular posts there at least to give the wider community reassurance that progress was being made on a weekly basis.

I want to contribute. I can volunteer time to post on the blog, and I will soon be able to put up some money towards specific features I think are important. Is there a framework for this? Should I just contact the developers in IRC?

The same time that Episode 3 comes out. Any day now...

I use keybase

Is there anything wrong with it?

yes, it's pointless. it's like the xfire of "security geeks"

The only secure place is in your head. There are multi-trillion dollar funded organizations working to make it so that is not possible though.


I'm sorry for your disability.

I have a $5 wrench that says it's already not possible

I really like retroshare but not a lot of people seem to use it

Offline messages are by default a security risk because of the fact a server has to store the messages. Use gpgmail instead.


I use Discord. Not p2p so no IP leak. And I can even use it in nightly.

Is this bait?

Offline messaging only poses a security risk if you care about muh metadata or you are an OTR LARPer. But you are probably just a shitposter if you recommend using gpgmail instead when it has the same problems.


Ring's UI is horrible. That whole "Settings tabs in the Title Bar" thing is a disaster.
Completely put me off it.

I can't believe this meme is still thought to be funny by some people.

It's not even done yet.
This is like buying a frozen slab of beef, trying to eat it, and then crying "Why is my double bacon lettuce tomato cheeseburger so shitty?!"
It's not done yet.

All that said, I do use Tox to call my eurofag friends and help cut my hair. I have Tox on my laptop and phone. So I called my laptop from my phone and held the phone behind my head so I could see it and give myself a haircut. Werks 4 me(tm).

Yes, in the IRC channel. They are at work a lot, you can also post on the mailing list, or raise a github issue.

Ring is Toxs only competition and it's made by a Leaf corporation and can't even get contacts to work. If I wanted to use things made by corporations, I'd just install Windows and go back to Skype.

This is like finding a big mac in a garbage can, trying to reheat it until it's palatable, and giving up after stoking a barrel fire for 5 days because it defies the laws of thermodynamics and stays cold.

Reading your post was like finding a Big Mac in my ass, receiving sloppy shitbeef paizuri, and then rubbing the shitdick cumburger into my eyes while screaming and urinating aimlessly

Lmao. people are literally this retarded. You know how P2P works right?

Why did you bring this bait thread back from dead?


Browsing websites will leak your IP, don't use them

Last time I tried (q)Tox, group voicechat worked, but if you ended the call, all participants' clients would instantly crash. Does tox have a (working) solution for group voicechat yet? I told my friends I'm never using discord again, and while irc works for text chat, voice chat still has no replacement. I want to believe in tox but I've been playing the "is it feature complete yet?" game for at least two years.

No ones mentioned this?

use Matrix or Jitsi instead

I don't care if this thread is bait, I hate so fucking many of you.

speaks for itself

Is this any good for creating my malware C&C server?

How about you learn to obfuscate your IP through a whonix node you fucking newfaggot

Just KYS

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the discord shilling is real