You can change the history of the net, what do you do?
You've been sent back to 1990
Other urls found in this thread:
nuke SF
firebomb bell labs
assassinate Tim Berners-Lee
Hack as many government agencies as possible, spread dozens of zero day viruses, blitzkrieg the mainframe with relentless shitposting.
Destroy it all..
Create a satirical hoax site but sneak in actual tragedies like 9/11, Haiti etc
Create a message board for anime and otaku discussion.
Cuck the Zuck Mother and also roll with my car on the google and amazon founder.
Why Bell Labs?
Welcome aboard, son.
Very classy. I like it.
Interesting, agree on the Zuck part but you'll only create a power vacuum.
As for myself, I would take all the whitepapers from 1990-2017 and publish them through a nom de plume of The Great Messiah. If the aforementioned isn't possible due to the limitations of the thought game then I shall make microsoft burn and predict future disasters in the name of GNU/Linux.
Invent bitcoin, wait til around 2006 then unleash the beast.
Excellent idea
nuke silicon valley
nuke halleywood
www was created in the 80s user, you'd be too late.
-Take the actually git source and doc of gnunet and spread it on usenet/irc, same thing with the ronja, coreboot/libreboot and the hurd.
-Remove the ceo of AOL to slow down eternal September.
-Stop JS browser infestation.
-Make Tim Berners-Lee take a public oath about never having DRMs and JS has a standard
-Leak the snowden NSA documents a the good time.
-Bring a copy of the GPLv3 to RMS and make it like it's the GPLv2.
-Stop from Stallman saying free software and going for the libre software connotation earlier so that the cathedral and the bazaar doesn't use the term open source but libre instead, this will normally result that the funding will go to the GNU project instead of the linux kernel and redhat.
-Give the book NVC to RMS to make him stay cam on IRC, mailing lists and aiplanes.
-Shill for IBM's open power instead of shitty PC architecture
-Spread the Meritocracy work methodology in IT schools t prevent the SJW illness.
-Buy the sports almanac and invest the money gained in different technology to influence network hardware manufacturers into making libre hardware.
-Influence them to make their manufacturing plants in their own country instead of going on commie-land (chine/Taiwan).
Am I missing something ?
Good idea.
Design the net protocols to provide full encrypted privacy from the get-go, so nothing can be censored, intercepted, or datamined.
I become Silicon Valley Biff Tannen early on by abusing my temporal privilege, using my newfound riches and controlling stake in soon-to-be corporate world superpowers to buy up as much of the IPv4 address space as possible to accelerate the shortage. I acquire submarine patents on as many types of DRM as possible and use them mercilessly to ruin would-be content barons.
Meanwhile I seek out the FSF in 1991 and convince them to put the good bits of GPL3 into the GPL2. I grease up Netscape's pockets near the dotcom bubble to ensure their codebase ends up using this GPL Gaiden instead of the tri-license clusterfuck so that it cross-pollinates with KHTML. Konqzilla advances so fast that it becomes The Standard Web Browser on all platforms. As a side effect Norway's economy collapses as the bubble hits them hardest and in 2001 they are bailed out, becoming indentured to Finland which at that point is basically crony capitalism under the control of a certain foreign investor in Nokia. The industries of the two countries are assigned to research random bullshit like geothermal magma fracking or pigeon translators or deep-UV lithography. Whatever.
Back in 1994 I interfere with the upcoming next big version of Perl to ensure it doesn't have gaping security hole defaults for the next 20 years, and also give them a half-assed web framework that's mediocre by modern standards but alien technology at the time. PHP never happens in this timeline, nor does LLVM or anything based on it as Apple were indoctrinated into GPL acceptance from an early age. With more eyes on GCC it advances rapidly, and being as widely available as the browser under the same license terms, the logical step to expose its abilities to web pages is taken. JS is largely forgotten in favor of harder, better, faster, stronger JITted languages. The inherent heterogeneity of this design prevents Microsoft from ever again being able to field a competitive browser since they lack the resources to implement a fraction of the languages. People no longer give a shit about Java and after the dotcom crash Sun is bought by Oracle in a fire sale. I promptly activate several other patent trap cards, rendering their entire acquisition a worthless waste of money. I swoop in and acquire them, because I'm a cunt.
It is now mid-2001. I have the head offices of most of silicon valley moved to the top of the WTC for the lulz. The internet lies in ruins, a total clusterfuck of arbitrary code execution 15 years ahead of its time and CGNAT everywhere. Finway and CERN have succeeded in developing the quantum tether recall device I asked for, and I abandon this doomed timeline to go shitpost about it on a bangladeshi sea snail harvesting bulletin board
How do we prevent it from becoming the way it is now?
Adopt Smalltalk and bake p2p networking. The problem is centralization. Higher level languages allow a smaller code base to do the same thing. Large code bases are the enemy of the open source community.
As long as kikes exist it would always turn to shit no matter how much you fucked with it.
I'm prepared
Buy shittons of MS and Intel stock then flog it all in 2000.
Then flip the rest of you off.
Assassinate Al Gore.
(Half srs-- he who campaigned for ARPAnet to allow commercial traffic, that turned history's 2nd-greatest Scientific tool after Calculus, into something 1000 times more inane that Broadcast Television.)
You'd get laughed at. "You want OSI's 7 Layers? hahahahahahaha TCP's 4 layers Just Works, clueless newbie undergrad."
Thinking back, there were authentication, security, etc. systems around at the time.
But Microsoft didn't care for it.
People were actually bothered about the future consequences back then when MS made the 'adhoc' TCP/IPv4 'the standard'.
I'd probably choose a different job path since the internet was a big part of me wanting to learn how to code. Like electrical engineering
Rinse and repeat history. Porn shapes the Internet. People become slaves to their baser instincts.
some shitty yet very popular software because the alternatives are even shittier.
Kill Bill Gates
Only after it went Mainstream.
1980-1993: 90% of Internet users were subscribed to the comp.sources.unix newsgroup. And could spell.
Everyone would've been happy if the Internet had stayed as a "Ham Radio"-type community. Fucking Al Gore. He should've just Nationalized CompuServe.
The first porn pics I printed off were accessed through Compuserve. People didn't suddenly start craving sex in 93.
dang, beat me to it
what is Compuserve?
"Reeee normies get off muh interwebs!!"
Fuckoff virgins, the internet was fine until social media took over.
AOL = Facebook
CompuServe = LinkedIn
Prodigy = MySpace
Sorry, it's the best I could do.
Thanks that made more sense than the wikipedia article.
Is this bait?
I don't remember anyone using AOL for anything but games and email.
AOL was the wholesome family portal. Tom Hanks stared in a movie titled "You've Got Mail". They mailed weekly 3.5" floppies advertising free hours to everyone with an address in the US. I even installed it briefly to test it out then promptly removed it. It's been dead for decades and my 70 year old neighbor still has AOL as his homepage. If possible, AOL was even more normie than Facebook. Were you even alive?
You really think the net that filled up with the likes of Fred Gallagher and his retard fans was 'fine'? Thank the post-1997 AOL immigrants.
kidchatz groups were big there. The origin of Pedos on the Internet was AOL.
and AIM
AOL was the orignal RP and Pedo center.
I'd invest in tech startups, ride the dot com bubble until it pops, put everything into AAPL and give Bill Gates the middle finger from the top of Forbes' list. Then I'd run for president.
AIM was the main IM application for the longest time. Everyone seemed to migrate away from ICQ for AIM at some point never to return. A few years later clients that supported multiple chat protocols became common and a lot of normies would maintain AIM and Yahoo accounts.
Ross Perot bet you to it.
>develop a secure free meshnet/distributed internet as an alternative to the internet
>Character assassinate Al Gore, Bill Gates, Steve jobs, Zucky Cuck, etc.
I can get behind this
Hi. I'm a time-traveler from 2040.
Do you lamers realize how fucked you'll be for the rest of your lives by posting Edgywords on the PlainNet even now?
Enlighten us plebs
In everything I do here, I do it with the knowledge that it is public information. I don't pretend that I am "truly anonymous".
Inject heroin and start a rock band.
Sell millions by the end of 92.
Time to kill bill jobs
butthurt proprietary code user comes onto board once a week making shit up
I usually post while satirizing different people with wildly different and contradicting mindsets. That way nobody can know if I'm being serious or ironic when all of these posts are eventually displayed publically on your Alphabet Inc Credit Score Credentials page.
I wasn't alive before 1994
Do you even speculative fiction?
So... you're confident that future psychoanalysis will evaluate to a one-dimensional model for single factors...
There'll be other factors that get weighted out and evaluated.
"Oh, it's a good thing I Thought Deep and made only ambiguous ironic postings!"
Disaffected Model #14 gets stamped on your permanent stat.
"And you know... Computers still can't do the network-modelling thing on 300 million people... There was a Olddude who said computer were doing that in the early 2010s, 'Facebook', I think he said as well, but I think he was just bullin."
5RuHL5LQnT9G dvkSqWbW626v
Shoot JFK
That already happened. This Anons is a time travellers.
and you know what that means, don't you?
give stallman the current version of hurd so he can finish it much faster
Give Poettering the current version of systemd so he can finish it much faster
That is the most evil, diabolical plan i have ever heard.
better yet, several stab wounds in the 10 year old Lennart's body
change it from a network for advertisers to a network for the people. the internet would still be good today if it wasn't all about advertising. you can try to ignore it and pretend it's about communicating with others and making things but its sole purpose is to advertise things to the users.
I deploy WannaCry.
"invent" BitTorrent, Bitcoin, and Freenet. Then the next 27 years can pass without (((interference))) from copyright lawyers and similar garbage.
Write malware that checks if a C compiler is installed on the system, if there is, the entire harddrive will be encrypted. C will not have a future.
Kill Hitler!
Register trademarks
Kill myself
Microsoft buys search engine
Convince rms to finish the GNU operating system
Congratulations. So, in 2002, all computer users had to get an apparatus licence, and it's illegal to operate or own a computing device that doesn't have a Clipper-2 chip.
There are people around with the skills to build their own computers with pre-2002 hardware and run it secretly, but it can't connect to the Internet because it lacks the security keys, and have problems with Junkies dobbing them in for the reward money.
Kill Steve Jobs so that the iPhone is never invented.
You'd have an easier job trying to convince him that free software is stupid and pointless than trying to squeeze actual work out of him.
get Matthew Prince v& for some delinquint shit
get self v& to same jail
shank him with my shiv
That alone is worth traveling back in time for.
CERN holds copyright to the WWW and online communication remains limited to USENET and newsgroups. The Web itself is limited to academic and government use.
The WWW will destroy mankind. We're children playing with loaded handguns, and the safeties' off with the barrels right on our foreheads.
Prevent ISO from standardizing C
Write a free OS in Pascal
Americans were the internet
user, I...
Smoke weed with stallman.
ur jaw is two big
I have a collection of AOL CD's packed away somewhere. Towards the end they got more and more gimmicky, with all sorts of crazy designs and packaging. I remember one day I got home from class to find an AOL CD packed in a metal Tin waiting for me in the mailbox.
I miss AIM.
Aimlessly swim around inside of my dad's testes.
I'd spend a couple of years adding lots of neat security features to the Linux kernel and add needed fixes and improvements to the GNU userland to make it better for desktop use. Then in late 1994 I would kill Brendan Eich to save the world from the nightmare of PajeetScript. I'd also kill Zuckerberg too if I had the chance.
I'd invest in AMD, short the housing market and buy a lot of bitcoin.
I kill whoever came up with lobbies
Have you ever considered that maybe this current timeline is the result of someone from the future of another timeline meddling in their past?
make meatspin go in the opposite direction
When does World War 3 start?
Bring the current state of riscv and have it developed further to compete with other isa during that time. Have an open isa much earlier.
Push for distributed network meshnets on colleges and unis across my country to try and push through the new era of Internet service
keep all the normies out. prevent widespread smartphone use. reduce the rate at which consumer data transfer rates increased, so shit like youtube takes longer to become viable. extend the overall lifespan of the BBS scene so that its peak was higher and lasted longer.
Promote gender and race diversity in the proprietary software market
they've been through this you idiot, 2015