>In the opening scene of Transformers: The Last Knight...

>In the opening scene of Transformers: The Last Knight, we are presented with the spectacle of King Arthur and his knights locked in an existential battle for the survival of human civilization, even though we’re not really told who or what they’re fighting for. No matter, because this after all is a Transformers movie, so soon we’re faced with

>fiiigjhkwetwnwwwjsahafajhwfohofoehaoowofoeoicioeciaqidjFaerlaeaffjgjlje XGRSXSsfdsmfjjjsomuchrandomstuffsomuchegjwogpjwd bldklhjitslikeyouthoughttheearliermovieswereeconfusinghahahah mfjff7ga98fhfhfplwxczchowarekidssupposedtounderstandanyofthisVSSH gmnskglactuallyhowareadultssupposedtounderstandanyofthisjskjjlvr lmnkrjsljrjsaywhatyouwillbutonceuponatimejsogrjdvpvarivpaeimp grfggjsfsfpoemichaelbaycouldbringbeautytoanactionsceneeeevgrhcgg oiwxgamanicpoetryfilledwithkineticgraceandheroismgjvbbp mnfwdwdwkpad3dkkalikewhateverhappenedtoTHATguydzxwqs szmtheguywhomadetherockandbadboys2andeventhefirsttransformerswzns hmnffrqerqrqpainandgaintoothatwasprettygoodhahqqxjpq3Oirgaraaem hjsxsmvermavrbutnowhesbecomeaselfparodykljekwjkjjjejhar grmfagafafmmfhkjasxxandthecrazythingisheknowsitjcejjdagmfflrlrl 3jq3aefrabutdoesntseemtoknowhowtoescapeitzklWSCMC

The legacy media…
clanks spoon
is going the way of the dinosaur.


is 8ch slow for anyoneelse ore just me

That's about all, peace out.

I'm sad this didn't do well. I wanted an age of kino bayformers films

Not even a Transformers/Bay fan but RT strikes me as highly Jewish.

Transformers is shit thats always been rated higher than it should be, it should get a 0

At the same time though, had they get away with rating a nigger movie so low

Because it just was poorly made. But some movies in the 10s 20s 30s 50s and 60s are great and a lot of movies that get 80s and 90s are shit

It's almost as if, the enjoyment somebody gets from a movie, is completely subjective.

Doesn't follow. Get Out was complete shit and got almost perfect score.

Who cares? The whole thing is retarded since the Decepticons could have just sucked up the energy from the sun and kill the humans without them ever noticing or having to go to Earth.

How in the name of fuck can anyone not get bored with the exact same movements and action sequences over and over again? I mean : THEY ALL LITERALLY LOOK THE FUCKING SAME IN EVERY MOVIE.

Ritalin, Prozac and Xanax.

Looks to be kino.

Thanks for the tip ;)

It's actually pretty funny

What did he mean by this?


Because it's about muh reverse ray-cism and muh black people, and them ebil white people. You can't give a low score to that! It's like giving a low score to a movie about the 6 gorillion! Impossibru!



Why do all these YouTubers have giant dicks??