Meet karen my wife

meet karen my wife

Meet reality. You can't marry a cartoon.

Meet this burger. It looks delicious



karen has some meat..


karen has some meat on her..

She's like 14 you sicko

What's the age of consent in the 2nd dimension?

Meaty pixels.
Meaty cartoon.
Meaty drawing.

400 tbh

hello burger, I'm user


That's my wife actually.

She's 18 so 100% legal.

paper and ink have no meat

You are not in the 2nd dimension and neither is that cartoon. You and that cartoon exist in this 3D world, and no matter how hard you want it to be otherwise it will never be….unless you lied down in front of a moving steamroller and let it smash you flat. Only then would you exist in only 2 dimensions, but even then you couldn't have sex with a cartoon.



