Martin Shkreli joining "the Board of Directors of 4Chan"? - -

What will this mean for cuckchan's future and the possibilities of an Exodus that may flood us with cucks?

Martin Shkreli - ( )

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Is he the guy who raised the price of some GRIDS medicine?


If he's interested in 4chan, he could be Holla Forums, and if he is Holla Forums, then maybe he actually did hate gays and wasn't just trying to make money off the GRIDS medicine.

Wasn't the medicine only bought by around 50 people, and wasn't he handing it out for free to those who couldn't get it through insurance?

I don't know. I didn;t pay too close attention to that whole thing.

Yeah, I didn't really pay attention either, I heard that in another thread.

he was a bernie supporter from what i know. hes also into nigger culture. could be 4d chess seeing as hes no doubt a sociopath.

Maybe not. Apparently hes not to familiar with 4chan.
>inb4 go back to cuckchan I only went back to see what is happening with this.

maybe that ship is righting itself after all?

goddammit, nevermind.

He was insulted by Trump.

Now he seems to endorse him, appeared on Milo's show and is trying to be an """""""alt-right troll"""""""

Whatever, he smells like controlled opposition to me, but who cares about halfchan, they couldn't get more cucked than they are.

He was using it to fund research and the only people getting ripped off were the insurance companies, who called their media friends to attack him.

That's the guy who was with Soros

Fuck him.

No he's met up with Soros multiple times. It's very likely that he will try to farm Holla Forums users their data and sell it to governments (like the German government who loves to arrest people for online hatespeech).

and who pays for insurance?

the exodus already started, should be obvious to anyone who's been here for any appreciable amount of time

who gives a fuck about cuckchan? let that whole shithole sink and then brace for the flood of cunt refugees here

The guy is not one of us. He is an Albanian shyster who has a desperate need for attention. He doesn't know how to use chans, has never used chans, and he supported Sanders initially.

He is trying to build followers and will pivot to whatever audience is most receptive to him. Most of his fans are social media addicts who are edgy on twitter by saying "bruh" all the time and dumb shit on instagram.

His only value is entertainment value as a troll.

Never mind. Someone on cuck/pol/ asked him (or someone claiming to be him) and he denied it.


He's posting in this thread right now. ID HTFbL6wU

He's not controlled opposition he's an asshole who thinks too higly of himself, and has a track record of being involved with pro globalist persons.

It will be harmful to what 8pol stands for. 4chan has more outreach than 8ch by far, but it's also less intelligent. But they are good at spreading useful stuff to reddit and eventually to people who don't follow politics much.


100% no. He's one of those "I hate everybody" but he's given Bernie more shit than anyone else. Commies have always hated him because they hate anybody who has a job and earns money.

Still, he's very pronogs, progays, protrannies…

yeah this it could be bad
he might be on the chans, just from how much he's been dogging shillary/propping up trump

from what i've seen though, he just likes attention from muh "alt right" but he'll switch for whoever is trending because muh popularity

he's a massive attention-seeking faggot with a lot of money under investigation for fraud charges, my guess is he's looking for as many ways out as possible

anyways, now i feel obligated to post this vocaroo i made when folks dox'd him on half
enjoy :)


Then maybe, just maybe user, we should get our hands dirty, cut the middle-man and spam normiespace ourselves.

I know, my stomach at the idea of sinking in that sewer, but remeber our grandfathers that digged trenches in mud and shit

Could be good, could be bad. Either way, THIS is home, not that fucking place.

Hmm, actually… isn't he broke now and going to prison? Just keep him away from here.

Why do non-imageboard users do this?

Is it so hard to look at the website, twitter, wikipedia article, fucking anywhere and realize the 'c' is lowercase?

(polite sage for my post being unrelated)

It sounds like a fun development anyways. I mean, it proves that 4chan is literally for sale.

I don't know why that doesn't do shit for me but 4channer makes my blood boil.

I mean, what could possibly go wrong.


The way he explains it is that he Jew'd insurance companies to fund research into other cures.

Yeah sure, he's probably in it for teh lulz amirite xDDD

Grow up.

Why we call that infested with normalfags and cancer site an "imageboard", again?



He had a troll thread a week or two ago where he pretended 'they' were going to kill him; he was streaming. I didn't really see anything aside from him sitting with a butcher knife and feed cutting off.

That's just a band shirt. For a really, really, really fucking faggy social awareness sort of emo band.

If there is one solid fact that has been established about this guy is that his taste in music in complete garbage.

That comic had to have come from the mind of a demented kike.

No, thats how shit work for countries taking resources from others, in countries that are exploited, like LA, thats suicide and the girl will be in the streets and the nig maybe murdered. Without welfare that shit doesnt work.

to fight rich men's wars

He is isn't a Holla Forumsack, but he is a natural born shitposter and pretty red-pilled.

If he gets sucked into half/pol/ and goes full 1488, it'll be hilarious.

This is a fire I want to see started

He just took a call on livestream and swore to


Holy shit this energy is fucking amazing
Reminds me a lot of Sam Hyde.
Not to the same caliber but damn

he's got talent, but no, imho
sam hyde actually thinks about what he says
martin acts like he's got daddy issues


Not really a fair comparison.
Sam Hyde is a performer and is specifically out to get a message across.
Martin's just being himself and reacting.

That entire conversation is very similar to the Buzzfeed interview Sam did, fuck off anti Shkreli shill

I'm calling poe's law.

That's not how you pronounce "Pepe"…


We need a chan that is well known and where the retards and useful idiots are kept to desseminate our ideas.

If they all come here, we'll have to migrate becouse I won't visit if this place becomes the same as current 4chan. Just one look at their catalogue makes you wanna puke.

seems to have triggered the cucks though
>>>Holla Forums957438

He's Albanian, so he's about as trustworthy as a Jew.

I hate to agree, but we actually need to do this. For the greater good.

Sometimes we have to sacrifice the weak.

I look at 8chans catalog and fall asleep
it never moves

Quality > Quantity

not enough pointless shitposting for your liking?

just more proof only the absolute cucks didn't leave cuck/pol/

this is honestly a match made in heaven. Shkreli is a top tier troll and is good with money.

If they don't touch /tg/ and /qst/ I couldnt give less of a fuck.

I hate to say it, but he honestly sounds like the perfect man for the job.

Think it's just banter m8.

I hope it's just banter.

He is absolutely controlled opp.

This is the casus belli to ban chans.

He's based. It would be a good addition.

if he does end up owning cuckchan, they're completely fucked. might as well be a jew buying it.

No shit, this guy is a big pharma kike.
Fresh off the tubes are we?

I don't think it's an attempt to ban chans.
Controlled OP, yes, but shutter 4chan? That makes no sense.

I think the kike is trying to monetize 4chan.
It could be that the big kikes realized that it wouldn't be advantageous to shutter 4chan, so they're bringing in new blood with exposure to the culture to control the flow of information.
The kike is in it for the fame. He wants to be the man that tamed the 4chan beast.

We know he's in it for the fame because of the million dollar nigger beats he bought, along with his livestreams and various "lolsorandom" public activities.

Shiptar* is the correct term.

He may be Albanian but he seems like a pretty cool dude from what I've seen of him. Him yelling at Hillary was pretty funny. He's just an autistic guy that likes to troll. How is he controlled op? Opposition to what exactly kek. I think he would be the perfect fit as owner of cuckchan

Nah, he knows 4chan won't bring him any shekels. See

Why are Albanians worse than the jews?

A jew understands the language of money.

A Shiptar only understands the back end of a club. that hits him.

Think what you just typed
Realise what you just typed
Contemplate >>>/suicide/


That's a huge reason why I hate 4/pol/: threads get deleted quick as fuck

Its actually owned by Israel…
Literal Co-Intel pro

not really
i think they met once and took a picture together
i cant comment on this.

Well he was offcourse born and brought up in usa, its not like you subhuman serbs are any better always complaining.

Alb*nians are on the level of Gypsies, so that you could understand.

Is it safe to use them as the weapons to outjew the jews? I don't know well about them.

They're basically aboriginals who have a home country to be "proud" of.


I jewoogled the pictures to compare the appearance of abo and alb. The Aboriginal make Albanians look pretty alien. I can't edit because I am on my mobile. Are the Albanians slaveable?

He knows 4chan won't bring in money, but he knows that the memes bring in money.
What he could do is rehost 4chan memes on a separate, namefag community complete with Ad revenue.

We can need somebody shameless, and the good Martin looks to be that.

It's funny because the strawman is right.

So… Reddit? They're not making any money, either.

For Meme collection like the coins.

Yea, well, in any case I don't think he would try and do that.

Now that's just blatantly untrue. Important, exciting threads are slid down the catalog all the time. Mods routinely bumplock interesting threads, and shills often sagebomb threads on subjects that CTR, Soros or Tavistock have deemed verboten.
To say that the 8/pol/ catalog doesn't move is simply incorrect. It is constantly moving. In the wrong direction.

Because its an imageboard.


All those fucking evil white taxpayers

Thanks Obongo!

Then why did he have a Bernie sticker in the background on his livestream last night?

Wow no kidding, he has a flimsy excuse to convince stupid people that he's "fighting for the little guy" when he IS big pharma.

That's where the Kardasians come from.


cuckchan topic
discuss it on cuckchan

Hiro told him he's not interested in selling the WHOLE site.

However, Martin mentioned that he might be buying a stake in cuckchan, maybe around 30%. Hiro is apparently really considering it

If he's Holla Forums I'm going to fucking laugh and go check to see sjw butthurt and troll them

He's gonna troll the fuck out of halfchan for profit and newfags are gonna come here. It's all ogre.

You draw?

they're armenians

The exodus is happening. Every other thread is shit.

In his stream yesterday he kept saying that he wouldn't ban for doxing since it's not illegal.
Can't tell if it's just one gigantic troll to fuck with SJW or not.

Shopping porn of her is memes right?

What about the internal threats tho? :^)

Hillary memes are weak milk and will always be weak milk.

Apparently Notch was also considering buying it but he's holding off for now because of gut feeling and that "he doesn't feel like a leader"
But he has been lurking Holla Forums at least, that shows.
In case you wonder, he deleted all his tweets about it but just check 4plebs/desustorage archives for notch threads on /qa/, Holla Forums and other assorted boards.

He's apparently okay with having Holla Forums there but he would contain it so there would be no issues with the whole "delete Holla Forums!" crowd and whatnot. Basically restore it in Moots image before the whole gaymoorgayte thing.
It would also probably make 4/pol/ more like this Holla Forums

Shkreli has a huge ego but given he's a smart guy, it's warranted. He floats ideas all the time, thinks it through, and shares his insights in his videos (check out this investing series, preddy gud bro).

A lot of his followers are idiots who wanna be like him and prob go around name dropping because they got into a conversation with him.

This black chick wants to fuck him badly, it's written all over her face, she wants him BAD.

I do not really want Shkreli in charge of Halfchan, since it would mean that the imageboard would lose even more distinct content and everything would just become a chaotic shitstorm like the media portrays it.

He won't buy it anyway, the guy floats ideas all the fucking time, especially ideas that attract a lot of attention.

why does everyone keep saying aids drugs when he was selling a malaria drug.. and we all know who gets malaria

What do you think the domestic part of foreign and domestic means, numbnuts

That's very nice.
An Albanian will fit in perfectly
