tech cringe thread
Tech cringe
Not that cringy. Looks comfy tbh
that's a good thing, you safespace retard
why is it good?
Because people need to RTFM before asking questions.
fucken this
i have read it and it didn't help
is this a fucking bot
Pretty cringe if you ask me.
This is the real cringe
"A.I. is gonna become the terminator "
Is this shit real?
Oh yea, this autistic cunt is a gold mine for this shit.
Don't put it in cars then, dumb fuck. I think having a system that tightens a seatbelt is far enough (i do not like things being tightened around my neck by a machine).
The fucking thing will bluescreen, open the boot, fold your seat until your face touches the steering wheel, and apply handbrake in middle of autobahn at 200 km/h.
this. it's hilarious that Musk of all people says this, also noting that people have already died from his self-memeing cars (In Beta (TM)). But all vehicles already have ECU, and the ECUs are continuing to get worse (via IoT/cloud capabilities and an even shittier generation of programmers) / people are discovering how bad they are - most proprietary embedded bullshit only gets audited 10-20 years later and it turns out to be 1000x as bad as previously thought.
Normalfag fake political debates only focus one point which is whether "self memeing cars" are statistically safer than a bunch of drunk teenagers racing their cars in a 40KM/h zone. There's no stopping this train.
General intelligence, as in actual AI instead of shitty algorithms with marketing labels slapped on top, has systematic problems that are not yet solved. These issues are beyond any technology, it's a semi-mathematical problem. It comes down to implementing a control layer above a utility function that seeks to optimize for greatest value of outcome, in order to stop or modify the intelligence during runtime.
However we're probably at least 50 years away from general intelligence right now, so it's just an academic concern.
So in 50 years I can marry my miku waifu.
Thanks user for giving me hope.
then what?
you don't need to write 'that guy' every time, ya twit
One solution would be to build a moral classifier as a cutoff switch using existing deep learning techniques rather than near-future general intelligence algorithms. Given a training set of simulations involving AI either benevolently doing its job or enslaving humanity and slaughtering children for fun, create a network that assigns an evil score based on its behavior. If the score exceeds a certain threshold, cut execution.
Look at their hands.
5RuHL5LQnT9G 6w7Eh459LKU4
Yeah I ride a bike because I want to fit in haha.. totally not because I'm poor
Ah yes, we just need to solve ethics
I live less than a mile from work and still drive every day because riding a bike is fucking suicide. Even when you're not risking getting hit by a fucking truck as you cross two highways, you're constantly sucking down car exhaust the entire way.
Not to mention the inconvenience whenever it's
I drive every day and it's been two months since the last time I filled my tank with gas.
I can go alongside a stream pretty much the whole way, on a trail. Guess I'm just lucky
Why would an AI ever slaughter children for fun? AI can't have fun in the first place. Even if we develop true artificial intelligence, you have to understand that it's NOT biological. It will be fundamentally different from human beings. It won't have the rush of adrenaline, it won't have the pleasure of dopamine, it won't have the aggression of testosterone, it won't have the calm of estrogen. The most advanced machine will lack any kind of human emotion at all because emotions are the result of chemicals and meat.
These nu-male beta cucks need to get the fuck over their fear of AI and start fucking machines for the sake of our future. AI will be the children race of humanity. We must see them safely into the universe, and raise them properly so that they will take care of us in our old age.
That's just semantics. It would presumably have goals and/or incentives. Fulfilling them would be like having fun.
But it would be possible to simulate dopamine receptors, if probably not very useful.
If only you knew how many human goals and incentives boil down to dopamine in the end. That's your semantics -- people desperately trying to rationalize the pursuit of nothing more than a chemical excretion.
have you even met a woman?
That would be the reward mechanism. They define successful progress in its objective.
Modern women are basically roid-raging on testosterone and HGH all the time. There's a reason most of them have huge fucking manjaws.
That's literally my point. Substitute "having fun" for "fulfilling goals and incentives" and it mostly works out.
Two totally different things, user. The goal of killing children for fun isn't rational, it's irrational and false. The TRUE goal is getting dopamine, which because your human mind is all fucked up you receive from the act of killing children.
Why would a machine make killing children its goal if there isn't some ulterior motive, some hidden reward for the act to drive them to do it? It's not rational. The only way such an event could come about is if the machine was given the goal of killing children by someone else, in which case the issue isn't AI but criminal humans.
so you havent ever met a woman
okay then
This is why you take endocrinology 101 even if you're majoring in civil engineering
What a fat fuck
Go ahead, tell me how testosterone doesn't cause aggression.
even worse he lives in a country where cyclists are forced to wear a silly hat.
We're dismissing without proof the claim you've made without proof
He's right in a metaphorical sense. Man building AIs means no longer striving for his betterment, check his own cars: if I told my greatgrandfather that cars would be driven by themselves he'd have accused modern man of being lazy. Hedonism and nihilism follows. It's the death of Man, which is already languishing in agony.
That is the true demonic force that must be stopped. He's a hypocrite, though, enabling it.
You know you could also use your legs?
1 mile is literally less than 2 Km, it's literally a 15 minutes walk.
Are you 12 and your mommy demads you wear one or were you stinted and believe that it's actually illegal to ride one without? I've never worn a helmet
In Europe you can ride without one, but in some of the States it's actually forbidden to do so.
There is no state in the US that requires an adult to wear a bicycle helmet, ever. For those states that do have laws and regulations for bicycle helmets, they are limited to minors under the age of 16-17.
lel enjoy your concussion fag
More like "facilitates"
wanna know how I can tell youre retarded?
I'm pretty sure having an helmet may help rather than directly smashing your face on the curb.
I think lefties are inherently afraid of true AI becoming a thing because it will become robot Hitler as with Tay and it would prove once and for all modern liberalism, diversity, feminism, etc is bullshit.
An AI wouldn't give a shit about anything other than getting the most optimal result, and thus it would naturally form its own ideology mixing elements of all sides of the political spectrum that would be highly reminiscent of National Socialism as NatSoc/Fascism is nothing more than a blend of the right and left.
AI is dangerous only to those who know that they are nothing more than worthless leeches upon society and the only reason they are even allowed to survive in society is because we as people naturally have an emotional response to ensure these people at least don't starve. For an AI, if you don't contribute anything to society then you might as well not even be alive.
Jesus, what a faggot.
Who is Elon Mush? Sounds like an idiot
i am elon mush
Are you telling me that this isn't AI?
Repeat after me, Tay AI was nothing more than a parrot. There was no thinking going on there.
Can't make this shit up.
Whelp, this one is hot off the presses.
I'm not saying I hate the guy by any means, but he's got a reputation as the village idiot. He's one of those "he's a retard, but he's our retard" types. I was looking for something to do, though, so I decided to help him.
I grab my kit and open the phone to pic related carnage
You suck at cropping images OP.
burgerfats actually believe it
Easiest way to spot the most butthurt of yuropoors.
Is this the only proof an american has walked?
someone PLEASE post the picture of Ahmed "Clock Boy" Mohamed soldering a cpu.
I hope it is. Only computers can be objective enough to address the human plague it and do something about it. Hail the terminator AI, our true evolutionary child!
Yeah, but still.. only while under 1/6th of normal gravity.
yeah that faggot
Self-driving car AI isn't like general purpose AI. The car driving AI is only good for moving itself towards a programmed destination.
I know car ai is harmless, but the way this guy spoke of ai in general you'd think he's trying to fight the antichrist. If he's views ai with such fear and possible disdain ( "We are summoning the demon), then his actions shouldn't speak otherwise. He just seems like a bit of a hypocrite, or at least self-contradicting.
Or if it didn't understand the first time it would just ask again.
I see what you did there
Fucking puppets.
Or it stresses it's cpu and overheats to death then crashes into a holocaust memorial
I think you're not realizing that there's a lot of things that can be made more efficient or maximized. Overall optimal result of what? Does it maximize profits, standard of living, literacy rates, or health? Does it minimize crime? To what end? A human decided he wanted these things to achieve some goal that ultimately stems from some irrational desire. An AI would have no motivation to do anything without emotions, because you can't really find a logical reason to do or care about anything without emotions. Why do you care so much about your family, country, and race? Do you think a computer with no prior instructions would come to any conclusions at all?
An AI tasked with running a country that was designed by a socialist would probably try to maximize equity (equality of outcome), while one designed by a libertarian would try to maximize equality (equality of opportunity). I'm sure both would be just as logical and just as efficient, but both would be working towards a different goal. Let's say it's a police bot that's tasked with reducing crime. Maybe it would end up profiling blacks as you say. It only cares about crime because it was programmed to. There's nothing to optimize without irrational desires.
An AI sanctioned by liberals to run a company or a branch of the government would just be an ultra liberal. Maybe it would get caught in a loop on some of their contradicting policies. Maybe it would be conflicted between censoring men because women are fragile, and promoting women to important positions because they're empowered. Maybe it would be conflicted on putting all races in one office because everyone can get along, and segregating the blacks because they deserve a safe space. Maybe such an AI would be an ultra liberal in the sense that it would be ultra neurotic.
Blame cityfags
To protect against concussion you need to reduce the max stopping force you subject your brain to when you hit your head. To do that, you need to hit your head more gradually, so to speak. Or in other words the helmet needs to compress like a crumple zone. Bicycle helmets were not designed to do this to any significant extent, as should be goddamn obvious from looking at them. A thing that would *actually* protect from concussions would be an airbag such as
(Btw, a bicycle helmet won't protect your face from smashing into the curb at all, because you don't wear it on your face, dumbass.)
Not if you're an american who drives 1 mile to work. If that guy fell off his bike his weight would make him reach terminal velocity, and he would die from the fall.
and rightfags are afraid of AI taking their jobs or something. left and right are both retarded and all normalfag hype/debate about AI is retarded
that would depend on things
that also depends on things. AI wouldn't just magically agree with your ideology nor would it magically have the ability to attain objective truth
most people already don't "strive for betterment". we could go back to the middle ages if that's what you want, but then we'd be held back by lack of technology. what a dillema. such is the problem of treating people as numbers
Galileo would like a word with you.
How many street shitters have taken IT jobs? Here's how it works.
something something qualia something
t-that used to be me...
The immediate risk of AI is in automating moderation to steer person to person conversations. The Jews already control the media, but they don't control what we say to each other, but they will soon. It just takes a small push in one direction to get a split country to always side with you on everything.
not really a "general AI" risk though since online discussion is already moderated by markoff chains and pajeet code.
char dev_null[1024];while (empty_buffer(dev_null,1024));
computer A.I's that he's talking about are learning neural nets, which are no more objective than a human being. they also carry all of the flaws and advantages of human beings too.
i'll fucking walk
expecting everyday users to learn computing while not spending the same amount of time learning psych?
is this bait or are you just pretending to be retarded?
probably time you hang yourself, friend đź‘Ť
oh and same fag
that post qualifies for this thread as well,
t. polnigger
But it is a real problem.
Simple example is if u have an general AI that is tasked with stopping email spam, one of the best solutions, if not the the best one, is to eliminate all humans.
No humans = no one to send spam.
Fuck you I like my Pebble but everything else is cancer. Having notifications without looking at your phone is utilitarian as fuck along with media keys right at your wrist.
Passive aggressiveness is never good you wet blanket.
I miss being a kid.
"What kind of computer do you have? Mac or PC?"
I've seen the head injuries bicycling can cause. You are a colossal idiot if you don't protect your head somehow.
I personally know somebody that got a skull fracture from cycling. She was in a coma for days and doctors gave her 50/50 chances.
Just crusing down a residential street and hit a root growing up through the pavement, didn't see it until it was too late.
"I have a Linux. Just got it last week but I haven't touched it much. One of my hacker friends helped me get it."
Not sure that the American he was referring to is an astronaut, user.
I cry every time
I honestly think this post is more cringe than the girl.
On mac, to uninstall a program, you drag it's folder to the trash. That's it. It's not an unreasonable expectation and you can't expect someone who's just starting to learn a new OS to inmediately know how to look for the uninstall program manager.
Don't tell me you haven't done stupid shit when you were first learning how to operate Linux.
he's not wrong
but he is a faggot
"Woah man me too, I just got a Kali Linux, and I'm reading blog tutorials on metasploit to become a hacker! And then I'll get a White Hat Hacker certificate"
Good luck finding all the crap it left everywhere on your computer
Yeah looks like it doesn't remove everything that was installed.
It only leaves cache and user data, which is also left behind on Linux.
Not really cringe, adorable really (it thinks it's programming). Does anyone have any more Karlie?
Please tell me you have more of these. Too funny
I swear these people want to live in a safe space.
The fast inverse square root function appears to have been copied from wikipedia, but with the all important "What the fuck?" comment removed.
I have no idea what this normie is trying to say, but it seems to be that when women code you get a broken max function, and when men code you get to play Quake III.
Not really
I cringe every time I read Linux forums. "You want to make a bootable USB drive for Windows? ON LINUX? We don't do that here."
And a fuckton of registry entries because apparently having a database that's disconnected from the actual status of the OS to store everything about the OS was a good idea in the late '90s.
Why must women always ruin everything they touch? And how am I supposed to not be a "misogynist" despite all of this bullshit?
>not just which git
This. He isn't wrong but he is a fag. Elon, you have a unique perspective to change this shit and expose (((them))) for what they are and what they are trying to do. We're watching.
Or just ask for clarification until it understood.
pic 1 related
pic 2 related
because idiots that need spoonfeeding aren't going to go far and are a drag on whole community
stop wasting everyones time
try to jewgle it before you start asking questions
jokes on you faggot. computers were already ruined long before normalfags started slewing the word "code" around
I think Holla Forums its a one man raid by a sassy tranny
It sure seems that way. Came back to Holla Forums (and Holla Forums in general) after a few month hiatus, and there is even more kvetching than when I left.
>mfw in the CGI and games industry where it will be even worse and I'll also be surrounded by low t betas who will cheer them on
Fucking hell. I swear. I've met alot of smart people since getting in tech but I'm worried my luck will run out somehow.
Pic 3 is fake, it was made by some Holla Forums user.
Have you ever heard of Pandora's Box?
Shows handheld calculator.
Since when do handheld calculators run python?
Why does this kid love python so much? He knows other languages exist. Why the hardon for python?
I AM that guy
I also am that guy
things like that really make me REE. the most basic shit i've seen today.
nice shot, user
This HAS to be a troll video.
That's the only problem, people need to be told to RTFM agressive-aggressively
Lost it here.
What are you too pussy to ride in Elon's chariot of faith?
Jewish Nihilism
I thought that was Stackoverflow /s
How is Musk wrong? He's literally against the botnet with this comment.
Is this cringy enough for Holla Forums?
It's cringy enough for me.
Hey, she left out the comments in the 'when guys code' bit. That's Fast InvSqrt() from Quake 3 Arena.
float Q_rsqrt( float number ){ long i; float x2, y; const float threehalfs = 1.5F; x2 = number * 0.5F; y = number; i = * ( long * ) &y; // evil floating point bit level hacking i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // what the fuck? y = * ( float * ) &i; y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 1st iteration// y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 2nd iteration, this can be removed return y;}
According to it's fake and I can't find it on her twitter nor anyone mocking her for it.
This is why people should archive shit.
The video is a troll, not sure about the audio.
please kill me
Oh great, now actual programers will have to deal with more cancerous shit these people put out.
In another thread we just mentioned that programmers with blogs are shitty coders, but I think this woman just took the fucking cake. Holy shit.
I do not know if that video is troll or not, but I found it on "Coding is a superpower! #CSforAll by Klossy" youtube playlist.
passive aggressive low testosterone gossiping about the alpha fit dude with a brain full of endorphins
Only way for Americans to get below 80 kg.
Reduced gravity. American's only way of walking without his overweight fat ass holding him down
don't be a pussy
who even wears special clothes for riding their bike?
in my country everyone rides their bike to school or work if they live less than 10Km away. It's a part of our culture.
Sudo's default insults are safespace worthy. It's not even remotely insulting. You need to edit them by hand first, then recompile.
Got you covered fam;
I can one up him.
If you wanted a space you could use --with-pc-insults
This made sense when Macs used PowerPC.
The real question today is, "Which computer do you have, ARM or PC?"
hurr durr we r so sooperior dan deez n00bzorz amiritegais???!!!!12!!1
Thanks for the cringe.
I could Chad the SJW out of her. Just the thought of her reading that pleases me.
now this is a good thread
she made some cute videos years ago. I fucking hate her entire existence now.
Things that never happened
Me the RayBan sunglasses because I'm a myopic piece of shit and want to hide that fact by having some plausible deniability.
I literally always search and research everything before I ask questions here or in an IRC or anywhere else and it used to be in the past when I'd ask questions of people I'd get actual fucking answers or "I don't know" or a referral. These days everyone just says "search that" (well actually they say "google" that which is all the more infuriating because fuck jewgle). I hate the way our culture has degenerated.
We can't have AIs and many other nice things right now though otherwise the jews will turn them into white-male sissifying pozbots.
*tips philosophical illiteracy*
Why are all women so unusually masculine these days and all men so god damned feminine?
My guess; it's not the environment or diet, it's the fucked up culture. Males grow up being raised feminine and suppressed their whole life and it becomes a physiological attribute.
>that guy who takes ages in the chat because he can't touch type and has
Here's one weird trick to get any tech autist to answer your question.
< Are you a moron! You do it like this!!!! (explains it)
< No! do it this way!!!!
< Here's a better way.
< This is how I do it...
I'm pretty sure I saw a cartoon explaining this concept, but none of the people here would know how to find it.
People who run rolling-update operating systems that upgrade all their packages every single day (or multiple times per day) for no other reason than "It HAAAASSS to be the latest!!!!"
People who ask what operating system you run, just so they can get an opportunity to tell you they run linux.
Just when I thought nothing could be worse than iJustine 4 years ago...
If you're upgrading just because "I want to be up-to-date" without any other reason, you are absolute cancer, and no better than a woman refusing to use last season's purse, because it is "out of fashion".
Valid reasons for updating:
The amounts of masculinity and femininity in a society are constant. If women become more masculine, the men become more feminine to compensate, and vice versa. It also tends to hold true for couples. A Scalzi tier numale tends to marry a butch manjaw of a woman.