Be Youtube
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I wonder how long before they disable comments and hide the rating?
It's not fair bros! G-d help them.
I could have sworn it was "World Refugee Day" just last month as well.
Refugees should be evaluated for their work skills, trained if unfitting and put back to work rebuilding their home country with development aid programs.
That would help them.
It would require a eugenics program for some of these shitholes. One competent nigger in a sea of stupid niggers is never going to get much done.
I hate the politicians who support this more than the refugees themselves. An official who would openly and knowingly put the well-being and interests of a foreigner ahead of one's own citizens is a traitor.
Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!
How about no.
Do you want them festering in your country or somewhere else?
Seems like the goyim are waking up in some areas.
Although, for YouTube being as big and popular as it is, 1.5m views seems low. I'm guessing most normalfags don't actually give a shit either way about refugees and just say they're okay with them since they're told that's the normal answer.
It's all about the empty promises of socialism, user. The west is broke. The (((banks))) are running on fake money now, but they need real laborers to support their aging populations. Enter the muslim 'youth.' Though they don't work or have any interest in doing so, politicans think Muslims will work to support their aging populations and fix the demographic ruin that homosexuality, abortion, and contraception have wreaked upon the west. It's no coincidence that the leader of almost every country in the EU is childless.
The truth of course is that the Muslims want to blow things up and rape white women or german boys in public pools, but the politicans are delusional and believe with enough candlelight vigils and footwashing the muslims will start putting on suits and working as wage slaves to keep elderly homosexual Belgians with AIDs living lives free from want. And the thing about third world populations is that they are easier to steal from and expect less from their governments. Replacing whites with muds means you get to live in a palace while everyone else lives in hovels.
how cucked are you?
Member when Drumpfsperg was occasionaly funny?
Have you ever gone to the trending page of that cesspool?
They are deleting comments in this video faster than ever
I never expected so many people to actually not be brain dead. There are a TON of comments being deleted left and right, and all the upvoted comments are shitting on the video. I have some hope, at least. It's just that when the media and youtube starts censoring us, deleting comments and messing with the dislikes, it makes you think you're in minority with your beliefs. That's what they want you to think.
fuking bigots, THIS is why we need a woman president
Nobody ever needs a woman president. For anything, ever. Not even as a joke. Never.
Is that real?
Yes, its real-news™®.
That's it completely. It's psychological warfare, trying to make you feel alone or like you're pissing into a wind. Far more people are aware of it than it looks too.
It's like they learned nothing from East Germany and how little of their propaganda actually took hold despite arduous effort to control public opinion.
thats called a woman my son.
lads let that sink in lads.
youtube comments thread? where the fuck am i?
Fuck off and die, Muslim.
For a crypto-Jew, Kikero was a cool guy.
>>>Holla Forums
I like the kino adaption of that quote a lot.
where the fuck are these people in real life
not the refugees, I mean the people disliking this and leaving the negative comments
everybody i know in real life is pozzed as fuck
What does the HIV virus have to do with anything?
Authoritarian progressives keep them quiet much like they did in marxist regimes back in the day. The more they suppress people the bigger the blowback will be eventually. We may have our DotR yet, user.
Kikery is very similair to AIDS.
Marxism is mental HIV basically.
yeah, that's what i always say: niggers, muslims and shitskins are just a fever, but kikes, kikes are fucking HIV
We live in a totalitarian state where it isn't safe to speak. You could lose your job or family or friends and be ruined if you got caught saying shit (((they))) don't like.
Most people are lying in public.
In the United Caliphate of Britain, Sweden and Denmark you go to jail for wrongspeak. In London they don't have the police manpower to monitor 400 possible Muslim radicals but have enough to arrest 20 people for the crime of posting wrongthink tweets.
oh i agree fully. it's sad that leftists/anti-caps have to keep their heads down & hide from the establishment, while the violent conservatives can do as they like, protected by the establishment authorities.
post-truth, feels before reals. typical modern conservakid.
You're silly.
>literally no u
Why can't you have an original thought?
What will conservatives do when the establishment stops coddling them? Their feelings are hurt so easily.
Capitalist SJWs need their segregated safe spaces to keep their butts intact.
stop trying to push this meme
it's not going to work
even if it takes off it'll die within a month like all other forced memes on this board
In what world do you goons live where the state is against mass immigration and dindu rapesquads? I want to live in it.
stay wrecked, idpol cucklet
ive been wasting time trying to debate with facts. this is the most efficient way to argue.
was this shot in fantasy land?
our governments and the mainstream media are overwhelmingly pro-rapefugees
nobody falls for your weak attempts, reddipol
You are just making statements that aren't even remotely fact-based, simply echoing what conservatives say about liberals.
The difference is conservatives actually can back up their statements and they're based on observation: liberals are coddled because of people like pajama boy, or safe spaces, or getting people fired because they believe there are only two genders. Liberals shoot up congressmen because they are angry and unstable. There's no conservative equivalent because conservatives aren't that insane: they are sedentary and prone to inaction, or prone to screaming about double standards or claiming 'the high ground.'
You are being contrarian most likely just to troll, considering a (you) to be some kind of victory or something because it means…something. But this is what you don't understand: when someone says you are retarded, it is because you are retarded, not because they are angry. It is because you spend day after day on a board that isn't Holla Forums trying to argue with Holla Forums, because Holla Forums banned you when it determined (rightly) that you were retarded.
The days you aren't here are the days Holla Forums is actually good. Not because you trigger people, but because you are boring. You generate post after post of the same shit in every thread, ad nauseum.
We have gone past the event horizon.
reddipol was always leftypol, because they literally recruit people from reddit
if you don't want to be called that, stop being reddit
Fake news crisis actor
Damn you drumpcucks are su gullible
youtube is the enemy
so all the bleedings where special effects?
Exactly, fake blood for fame drama
wow the alt-right is so brave on the internet.
i spit on a trumpcucks car today, he leaped out of his car & shouted at me to stay put while he called the police. i just kept walking. fucking pathetic.
That spits name? Martin Luther King Jr.
Holla Forums was so much better when it was movie shitposting instead of politics shitposting
movie shitposting has fun behind it, politics shitposting is fueled by resentment for other people, so it comes off more bitter than fun
I care not how the shitposting flows. The shitposting must flow.
And then Einstein emerged from the passenger seat and started crying about the six gorillion
It's just leftypol raiding board again, it's happening to other boards as well.
t. frustrated kike
When you open the floodgates, you get flooded.
With shit.
no it wasn't, fuck off back to reddit
STFU kike!
This guy gets it!
All my comments from yesterday were deleted. Better post some more.
Partisan politics are a smoke screen and 8ch is a psyop ran by a mason. Trump was elected because of a meme. Companies like applied memetics stole our minds and convinced us to have faith in the system again. Now America, Saudi Arabia and Israel are continuing the genocide in the Middle East and encouraging the Muslim crisis. People are just too thick to look past the bones trump throws out once in a while to still seem like /ourguy/. Jim does the same shit with his right wing virtue signaling through the Goldwater. This site is trying to convince you to stay enguaged with the phony political system. I won't support trump lining up NATO troops at Russia's doorstep, I won't support America providing cover and support to Isis through Saudi Arabia and Mossad and third party contractors. This website is a fuckig psyop and it actually convinced me to vote for trump.
Quit the web, destroy the media, destroy infrastructure that keeps the web operational, destroy cable lines, destroy satellites.
I would cum on OP's thumbnail if this helps them ;)
Blame Holla Forums for bringing reddit to Holla Forums during the US elections.
funny how trumpcucks are totally unable to see the spectacle, and instead take everything at face value. probably why they're so easily led around by the rich.
and the police was also in it too, considering they arrested the guy who did that?
please stop
need some help understanding it? lots of reading to do
Holla Forums has literally never been good
Kinda this
USA elections were last nail in the coffin of this imageboards, the influx of newfags and redditors was just too much
why yes i think so
please enlighten us
Conservatives in the U.S own most of the guns. If they were violent, you'd know all about it.
Yes, that's why he said they're violent.
Are you fucking retarded?
They should be mowed down with high-caliber weaponry and artillery fire at the border.
"objective violence".
also most terrorists & spree killers are conservatives.
Everyone else has moved on, how come you're still obsessed with Trump? Were you on the Apprentice once and he fired you? Afraid he'll send your bull back to Africa? What's the deal with you and Mr. Trump?
Is this all the left can muster anymore? "no ur butthurt"?
I keep seeing it from them on social media
"b-but h-he said covfefe, brumpf BTFO"
It never was but nice try at making it funny liberal.
I don't know if you've noticed but the democrat party is in the worst shape it's ever been. Case in point - Georgia.
You may fuck off back to your 1 room studio apartment in fagtown.
+5 SorosBucks have been deposited in your account
Assad main goal is to nuke Africa, those little girls are 7 foot tall negroes Mohammad warned us about! NUKE Africa, save the UNIVERSE!
That looks like the final boss from Half-Life 1
Racist detected!
That girl has a really tiny head.
it's the white cock that is really big