We need to start exerting our power in the real world

We've spoken long enough in our little corner of the internet. For too long we have sat idly by while our political enemies gain power and move to destroy our rights and our society. It is time to stop idly talking, and time to take action and bring our ideas into the world, make our voices heard.

I plan on starting a new nationalist party, similar to AfD and UKIP, and take action to secure a powerful far-right presence in America. If any of you want to join me, I will be in the Boston area.

Since were all interested in politics and occupy a unique niche in it, would it be difficult at all to begin organizing and imposing our ideas on society? Look at what weve done with our ideas just by shitposting on the internet. The most powerful media companies in the world have buckled and been forced to try and villainize them for an American public that barely understands, so why not just rebrand our ideas slightly, make them more realistic, and break into political discourse?

The first order of business, for those who want to join me on this venture, will be to come up with a name for the party.

if you're going to do this the first thing you have to do is disassociate from Holla Forums
the biggest asset of chans in general is complete anonymity and decentralized structure
if you set a party up and stay true to far right ideals you'll get mematic support from anons for sure, but doing anything with direct ties here is a misstep imo

How about the OPIAF Party?

that's what i mean when i say we have spoken idly for too long.

it is clear now that Holla Forums is compromised and the only option is to put our ideals (at least the more civil ones) into practice and shed the identity of this forum.

There are only two powers in the world:
women (reproduction)/people power

Intelligence only takes you so far.

Jews own both of those. They have your women voting against reproduction of Western men and not supporting Western men. The only way to get them to support Western men is for them to resent the Jew by seeing the Jew for what it really is. This whole board rejected the idea of taking women into the culture, so you're fucking yourselves over. I can't sympathize. You lot literally hate women.

Rssources/tools, the Jew owns money and if you don't change off the standard of money you can't win. You can try earning money to hurt the "money standard" in the long run, but you're at the same rime legitimizing it. It will be too late for you to do anything like monetary implosion.

Basically, the only way for you guys to win is to take in females into your culture. Western females. If you don't, the Jew wins. Time is running out. Pepet is the only solution. Get women to like Pepe.. fast. They will be repulsed by anyone attacking Pepe, then.

But, you can keep holding onto "your neet memes" and rejecting females if you want. It's only the white race at stake, ostracizing the females.

If you've already overcome all the need for white unity, then you're a lone wolf who is expecting a sea of white betas to get behind you without you offering anything to them.

You "alphas" can take on the world of shitskins all alone, I guess. So, have fun with that.

Remember, the Jew is already teaching females, right away, to hate Pepe in school. If they succeed at indoctrinating your females to associate the cartoon frog with hate, you're done.

You have an opportunity here, which Kek/Heqet has granted you. You can take your females back ideologically. You're going to piss it away because of your precious NEET meme.

>>>/meadhall/ exists for a reason you know


Holla Forums is pure tinfoil paranoia, why would we admit to actually doing anything?

Just because we don't blog about it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

The konservativ kounter kultur that has emerged from the depths of the Holla Forumss is most functional in its disunity. It is an open source third position, a community run intelligence service. It is the Culture's Contact. Individuals within it serve it best by social infiltration, not artificial party unity.

We (and I've avoided that word until now) are virii. Spread.

What political experience makes you qualified to start this new nationalist party?

Another spur of the mania thread created by an user thinking he has any idea on supply chains, lobbying, or political activism. Give us your credentials, specifically IQ and education received over the past 5 years alongside current occupation. Since you don't even provide a TOX we can already assume you're just some faggot wanting to bring others into your cult of personality. No thanks OP, come back another time when America's in disarray and you can more easily exploit feeble minds.

ITT: Holla Forums goes LARPing

soooo the nazi party?

Welcome to 4jew home of the 4jew new home of the halfcuck, enjoy your stay goy.

We got the entire American and European media to declare war on a cartoon frog?

Aren't we already exerting influence?

Tail wagging the dog. If you don't get females on your side, you lose.

>I plan on starting a new nationalist party, similar to AfD and UKIP, and take action to secure a powerful far-right presence in America. If any of you want to join me, I will be in the Boston area.

Nigger, there's no such thing as the 'far-right', it's a term designed to be used as a scarecrow by the media. Using the poisoned vocabulary of your enemies is just retarded.

Refusing to drink the Kool-Aid and commit a collective racial suicide isn't extreme, it's just sane and healthy. Besides, no other race would do that so why should we even consider it? Who wants to be part of the grey race under a global government?

OP really means "worship me and let me receive media praise from your efforts anons". Most politicians have failed to resolve emotional conflicts from childhood, assume it's the same with OP. We'll know when the worthy leader of anons shows up as we'll all simultaneously pledge allegiance to his cause, knowing his honor far supersedes that of our own.

Holla Forums's effectiveness lies in its structure. We are essentially a leader-less,nameless, and rank less intelligence agency fused with a think tank. This hybrid allows for mass mobility and research, and the fact that it has people everywhere means we have eyes everywhere, and no one knows who's a Holla Forumsack and who's not. We can run internetOps, social media campaigns, mass aggregate info and research, analyze said research, and maneuver more effectively then any conventional political party could. Assuming you're not an FBI agent looking to find Nazi Frog posters by getting them to concentrate themselves IRL, the you'd realize you'd be better off injecting yourself into the Republican party and overrunning it's infrastructure if your trying to go the legal, political route, and pushing cuckservatives and white liberals to the Libertarian Party. But I'll assume youre not a government agent and simply misinformed.

How does one even go about forming their own party? It seems like a huge task

Colonial minds and slaves don`t have "nation". You don`t have your own culture, traditions or even ethnicity/language of your own.

The best route is not creating a new party, the best route is taking over an existing party, similar to how Trump took over the Republican party.

I think we should all join the Democrat party, and slowly introduce policies that benefit us. Chip away little by little like boiling a frog. Eventually, demoshits will wake up one day to a fully NatSoc Democrat party.

This is how the liberals took over, this is how we will take over.

Sorry OP, you're wasting your time. If Hillary wins parties are completely fucking irrelevant. There will be no "political" solution.

The best thing to do is start pro-white charity outreach to create solidarity among the white working classes. Don't harp on the negative aspects of other groups or races, just focus on helping other whites. Whites owe nothing to the other races.

Another way to bring about real change in the world is to infiltrate our enemy. If somebody here actually has the resources to become a politician, then they could pretend to be mainstream politician. Build up a career as a Democrat, get elected into an important position, and then immediately go full POL on everybody. It would be glorious.

We don't have enough time for that. The world is going to go full chaos soon. It's too late to fix things through political means. Of course, Trump is still a hope, but the economy i going to crash either way, and I bet king nigger will start a war before January with Russia

Electoral politics is just a consequence of the overton window.
The overton window is a consequence of practical politics.
Holla Forums does practical politics.
stick to practical politics.

im with you already started

This is a good idea user, don't listen to these butthurt dweebs who think shitposting online and daddy trump is going to save them. Come up with a name and get a twitter, avoid all ecelebs who will try to co-opt your party. You need a powerful name and logo, look up some sigils.


We should keep pushing the GOP further to the Right and uncuck the party from within. This is much easier to do than forming a third party and building it up from nothing.

This. Kick out the (((neocons))). Trump has upset what has been in place for probably longer than we dare know about. Time for the blue-collars to reform the party gentlemen.

why was this bumplocked?