This Is What An Ancient Egyptian Woman Looked Like

This Is What An Ancient Egyptian Woman Looked Like

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holy shit the egyptian strategy of seeking resurrection through mummification is actually working










interestingly enough their facial structure looks very,very white European

just with a touch of brown on top, a nose thats perhaps a little bit wider, and her hair a bit more wild

Egyptians today tend to look very arab though, centuries of raping can do that I guess



She looks Italian to me.

I guess we whites was kangs after all.


This pigmentation seems extremely unfitting to the head shape.;^)


I can smell the nigger salt from here

she looks pretty hot








meant for

buttery keks were had

here's your reply

Link these to the kikebook conversation:


Julia Roberts?

I didn't know that bitch was so old.

I see cuckchan refugees have started these kinds of threads whats next more btfo,twitter screengrab threads.

sage and report blogposts and twitter screenshots

"From Babylon on into Rome you had a well organized and very popular pagan religion worshipping the Queen of Heaven, which, as I say, was Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod, deified as Ishtar. And that was something that had gotten the people of Israel in trouble before. It’s inexcusable that a repetition of it should come about, when all they’d need to do would be to read the Book of Jeremiah. You will remember, the deportation of the southern kingdom of Judah was in two stages! They were first captured by Nebuchadnezzar in 606 B.C., and the leading citizens, those who were likely to be leaders in revolt, were all deported to Babylon, but not the bulk of the population. Then, after about 20 years, revolt came again because Egypt promised them help, which Egypt wasn’t able to deliver. Egypt had become a mulatto nation by that time. Jeremiah warned them not to revolt, but they did. They were again captured, nearly all the population deported, – some of them were left behind, enough to keep the vineyards and orchards from going back to jungle, and Jeremiah was left among them. [See note #2 at end of lesson.]

Then, when one of the Jews murdered the man whom Nebuchadnezzar had appointed as the governor over them, the rest fled to Egypt, taking Jeremiah along with them. And in Jeremiah 7, verse 18, and Jeremiah 44, verses 25 to 27, he is rebuking them for apostasy and paganism – that they had adopted the Babylonian worship of the Queen of Heaven. He says: “The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.” Now, that wasn’t just Jeremiah’s words. He was quoting this as “thus saith Yahweh.” Again: “Thus saith Yahweh of hosts, the Elohim of Israel, saying; Ye and your wives have both spoken with your mouths, and fulfilled with your hand, saying, We will surely perform our vows that we have vowed, to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her: ye will surely accomplish your vows, and surely perform your vows. Therefore hear ye the word of Yahweh, all Judah that dwell in the land of Egypt; Behold, I have sworn by my great name, saith Yahweh, that my name shall no more be named in the mouth of any man of Judah in all the land of Egypt, saying … Behold, I will watch over them for evil, and not for good: and all the men of Judah that are in the land of Egypt shall be consumed by the sword and by the famine, until there be an end of them.”

Dubs confirm Julia Roberts is Immortal

I haven't seen this pasta in ages.

top kek

Ancient Egypt was older than 2,000 years, 2,000 years ago. This nigress is closer to our time period than the building of the pyramids.

Hate to admit i lol'd

fuck off back to Holla Forums




Dees wut REAL egytions lukked like. Ya'll just scared of da truf!!!!

Ya'll just scared to admit it!!! Ya'll hiding the truff!!!11 Egypt is in AFRICA. Dem pharoahs was AFRICANS!!!!




looks like a berber to me

Even DNA proves they where white more than anything. Yet monkeys refuse and hold unto something they never had in the first place. Idiots.

2000 years from today kangz will be telling some siberian slavic civilzation they were germans and the shitskin half breeds living in germany then will insist that germans were always swarthy


Just another reminder alexander's empire is still legitimate and many people accept a fusing of the legacy of alexander and the byzantine empire


Whatever they accuse you of they are usually doing themselves.

Top Kek

These threads never fail to make me laugh.

Why did this ever become a thing? When did blacks just suddenly up and decide that Egyptians were dark as night? I figured this was common knowledge that Egyptians were just their own race, not really white nor black nor Arabian.

Blacks come from Africa.

Egypt is in Africa.

Therefore ancient Egyptians were black.

Not a negro

Modern science is bullshit.

Ancient Aegyptians were white. The nile had some indigenous people, but they were generally pushed down the rivers and ended up splitting into different groups, most went west, some went south.

Modern egyptians are sandnigger (see: muslims) people who came out of the desert and stole egypt and made them muslim, while mixing them to nothingness. In other words, those who stayed got the brazil treatment. Ancient greeks thought they could survive mixing.

you'd be surprised how many rulers of the ancient world were pale skinned, blue eyed and either red or blonde haired
not even an Aryan theory just consider this fact
infant mortality was high regardless of the time
the most highly prized sex slaves and concubines were from the Celtic and Germanic tribes of northern europe

the rich and wealthy kings would buy these girls and stock their harems chock full with them

if his legitimate heir died or his wife failed to give birth to a son it would pass to a concubines son or his second wife that could be one of these slaves

cue a few generations like this and you end up the situation Rome got into with men like Nero blonde blue eyed and Sulla Red haired blue eyed ruling over the countless swarthy Roman plebs

and the kangz braids on the girl in the OP pic are unnatural but probably since all Egyptian women of noble birth shaved their heads bald and wore wigs to avoid lice

the Coptic Christians in Egypt are the closest living relatives to the ancient Egyptians
sadly more than a thousand years of being raped by arabs has miscegenated them


The only reason niggers think they were kangs wuz becuz Egypt is in Africa.

Egypt fell once the nubians (niggers) took it over.

After standing for thousands of years it fell once niggers were kangz…. almost immediatly.

These beasts have nothing to brag about.


Or at least ruled by whites

The destruction islam has wrought is beyond comprehension.

compare the first pic with the later
the first is egyptian copts the second is your standard arab

whoops ant sized

They've got nothing.
Not a big deal when they had no contact with anyone but other nigger-folk, who thought of their chieftans as big-shit.

But once they got significant exposure to the other races, saw what they'd accomplished?
They have no choice but to wander into delusion, or else face the reality that their people are shit, and have been basically forever.

Two can play at that game

Copts are still mongrelized as fuck

Niggers have real trouble with abstract ideas like a continent being home to multiple races and peoples.
In a Kang's mind Afficuh = Black.
Egypt is in Afficuh therefore WE WUZ

Niggers never in any way, shape or form controlled Egypt.

trips for truth

Yeah but you can see it in them
slightly more variation in phenotypes and a shaved face
different from the average arab

the only African Kingdom that ever did anything was the kingdom of Kush
it collapsed into the seperate kingdoms of Nubia, Meroe and Axum later on
it conquered Egypt at one point and got as far as the Sinai region in the East and Libya in the west
it last about 120 years then the native Egyptians overthrew them and restored order
the niggers of Meroe and Nubia then spent a thousand years emulating the Egyptians and building small scale pyramids like these ones
all of these kingdoms lie in the region that is today Ethiopia, which if i recall managed to beat Italy in a war once
they remained Christians and didnt get conquered by arab muslims if i recall who instead of heading south from Egypt preferred to go around them taking ships from Yemen to the region where Somalia is to get around the Christian kingdoms of Ethiopia
and Ethiopia only became a proper shithole after it suffered a communist revolution that went full Maoist famine on them about 30 years ago
so yeah, if anyone refers to an African kingdom its literally the only area that can claim it
they usually talk about Kongolese kings or Mali kings but those were bone in the nose mudhut living savages who sold slaves for rum, guns, sugar and any clothing that wasnt made of straw

The niggers never conquered Egypt. You're a lying kike.

heres a sphinx of the nigger pharoah Taharqa
i think hes also referred to in the bible since this was during the bronze age collapse around the time the kikes existed

How do we know the Kushites were niggers? The inhabitants of that area today certainly are not.

It seems to me that they'd more likely be a mix of black and caucasian, similar to what Ethiopians are today. (Ethiopians are actually more caucasian than negro).

it was during the Bronze age collapse
well after the madness of Akhenaten and the glory days of User Ramses and about 500 years before Alexander would invade the region

You're using the same logic used by niggers to claim the Olmecs were black.


The kike is referring to the Hyksos period, and claiming the Hyksos were niggers while giving the nubians credit. While ignoring the fact the nubians were just allies to the Hyksos, and were absolutely BTFO by Seqenenre Tao II.

The Hyksos controlled Egypt for a period, but were eventually overwhelmed by the Aegyptians.

Kill yourself.

Wait…hold up. So you are postulating that we were monarchs and fecal matter?

nah im not referring to the Hyksos period
the Hyksos period was a full thousand years before when im talking about

well by all means dig up a meroe pyramid and find out with a DNA study
trouble is theres no record of an invasion of the south by hordes of spear flinging niggers raping and massacring their way through Meroe, Nubia, Blemmnyes, Kush etcetera
that might have lead to darkie miscegenation
whereas with Egypt we know what the arab muslims would have done and how they act and you can imagine how much rape and massacre the muslims engaged in on the native population

while I am confident in knowing that no one on here actually believed the ridiculous tripe that is KANGZ, I will spell out the problems regardless.

this is a map of the ethno-linguistic groups of africa. While it's not entirely accurate (mostly due to islamic and european colonization), it gives us a rough idea of the various ethnic groups, or races, of Africa (all of these groups are less related to each other than europeans are to asians and amerindians).
most if not all slaves in the americas came from the golden coast region, the south-facing part of the upper-west portion of the continent.
These people have no relation to the egyptians, the nubians, or even the kushites, who all lived on the far east side of the continent, seperated by thousands of miles worth of desert, mountains, and dense rainforest.
Now, that doesn't mean there weren't kingdoms there. The Mali kingdom, situated inland to the golden coast, was incredibly rich, and did indeed have KANGZ.
However, I believe I can say with reasonable certainty that the slaves in the western hemisphere were not in any way related to them, because one of the main reasons Mali became so rich was that it would conquer enemy tribes, enslave them, and sell them to islamic and european traders.
granted, there could be the odd african trader or noble that immigrated to the americas (I've never heard of one, but it's certainly possible), but for the vast majority of african americans, their ancestors were slaves far before they came to america.
t. anthropology enthusiast

why do you keep spelling it wrong? You're not a Roman you dont refer to Egypt as Aegyptos when you refer to it among your peers do you?
arabs call it al-Misr or something stupid anyway

Kill yourself.

I'm going to help you understand the etymology of the word Egypt.

Aegean Sea.

the blacks that took over Egypt for a brief time weren't your average blacks. They were heavily semite-caucasian mixed, and even today the peoples in Ethiopia consider themselves to be more caucasian than all the niggers around them (its a sourcs of national pride, along with their Christian roots)
if there was a least niggerish nation of blacks in africa, it'd be Ethiopia.

Egypt is called Egypt because some Greeks called it that since they mistranslated the name of Hwt-ka-Ptah as Aigyptos which they also thought was the name of Pharaoh Ramses
the Aegean is nowhere near Egypt and is named after a mythical king of Athens who was father to Theseus

I'd fuck her skull.

Rome 2 (inb4 vidya) had the Egyptian faction as part of the Hellenic cultures, i.e. related to the Greek states of Athens, Sparta etc.

Fine. You can have it when I'm done fucking her vagina.

American education at work.

With the help of kikes controlling the media, niggers are made to believe they were part of high culture despite never having advanced beyond mud huts, cannibalism and showering in cow piss.

Not so fast, negro. The mummies have blonde hair, which has been noted with all such findings related to advanced civilization. Niggers would rather consume the dead body than mummify it. We know this from present day Africa, which has remained as such since the beginning of recorded history.

All advanced civilizations have been white. Jews are working around the clock to try to make believe that niggers were kangz, greekz, vikangz, britz, and whatever else you can imagine that belongs to whites.


for some non game knowledge Cleopatra was a descendant of Ptomely one of Alexanders Companions
he became the governor and then king of Egypt in Alexanders Empire just before it collapsed completely
Antiochus Soter another one of Alexanders Companions became Antiochus Soter I and became the emperor/shahanshah of Alexanders Persian states and lord of the very short lived Selecuid Empire


tbh niggers copy everything
even the kingdoms of Kush and all that only show traces of native culture before around 1800BC
after that they heavily copy Egyptian architecture, dress, religious customs, alphabets and weaponry

If you aren't American, you have no excuse of getting your history knowledge from shit video games and recent ones at that.


They would have us believe that whites took Egypt from them. Then, when relocated, overnight the niggers turned in to retards who could barely make fire and mud huts, while whites who migrate with nothing in their hands quickly are able to create and maintain advanced civilizations from nothing.

They had to give her niggerbraids, didn't they?

yeah thats bullshit
if anything theres something to learn about with the kingdoms of Kush
give a nigger about 800 years of living in mudhuts paying tribute to a civilization far superior to themselves and they'll start to copy them
the rest of the nig nogs of africa havent had that gradual exposure to civilization like these subsaharans did

I'll start calling myself Egyptian just to troll niggers.

I am indeed, in Egypt born and raised, so where all my ancestors. prove me wrong nigger

Would explain how they fell though.

its a wig
if an Egyptian was rich enough to buried in a tomb they wore wigs


whoa she doesnt look black

(checked and saved)


So a Celt.


I'm sorry, I just have to post this

Well obviously KANGZ was always just hilarious desperate delusion, but do any anons have an explanation of why the sphinx face is clearly a sub-saharan African? Obviously the current face was not the original face (especially in light of more recent un-jewed research suggesting the sphinx is ridiculously older than (((they))) have always claimed), but how did it get this way? Did sub-saharans take over Egypt at some point? What's the deal?

How pissed would niggers be?

She kinda looks like Assad's wife. Id absolutely fuck Assad's wife.

So, if ancient egyptians were white, that also means…

god damn you're fucking right

Meme it!

the Sphinx used to have the head of a lion
some nigger king had his face carved into it instead which makes the sphinxes head look out of proportion
because it used to be bigger and in the shape of a lion

Oy vey remember the 6 trillion who died in the desert!

This is why they hate Kek

We were monarchs and such.

i wish kang

actually the jews being slaves in Egypt is another kike lie
they'd never even been to Egypt before the Babylonian captivity

this is just a shop user come on.

check em

check em


anyway kangz btfo.

wow, the cuckchan is here already.
I'm moving.

The only Black dynasty that "ruled" over Egypt were the Nubians. And by "rule" I mean their usual "GIB ME DAT" via conquest. The Nubian dynasty then fell apart after less than a century and was succeeded by a native dynasty for even less time until the Persians came.

Ptsamtik III was the final pharaoh of the 26th dyansty, and he was defeated by Cambyses II of Persia. Egypt was then incorporated Achaemenid Empire, founded by Cyrus the Great

As I recall, people changed the head of the Sphinx multiple times because that's what arrogant leaders do. One of them happened to be a nig


what is the difference between his post and the kek retards checking their posts ? none


Besides for the fact he missed the first time and had to post again like a giant retard


I didn't force mine and he will burn for it.

Preserve the flesh


The repeating digits are mine and you're jealous.


smdh tbqh fam

kekposters have a philosophy that dubs just come to good posts and shouldn't be asked for.



What was that copy pasta about whitey watching out because niggers are charging their melanin super god conductors or something

muh melanin mothafucka!

Duh the Ancient Egyptians before the Greek conquests were descendants of Berbers. Even the Carthaginians honored some of the ancient Pharaohs as old blood relatives as they were forced West by Greek conquest.

Yeah black Africans were presents in both civilizations but they were only slaves, which is sort of ironic since in the later days of Carthage a slave could become free if he was "conscious" enough to live free, meaning if he was more than an animal they would let the slave have freedom, I can't a lot of examples of free black people in Carthage during these times, a lot of free Celts though.

Sort of off topic but the Berbers as a race are a great example to understand what Arab invasion will do to your race. Right now almost no pure blooded Berbers even exist, and their cultures have almost no preservation
this is why we fight

Yeah, Ethiopia would be the least niggerish nation in Africa. They actually had kings and shit, and advanced beyond mud huts and sticks with pointy rocks. Obviously the blacks in America came from the western part of Africa, but seeing as how most of them will talk about their "ancestry" in Egypt, you think they would look a little further south and try to claim they're from Ethiopia or something.


Always the fucking semites, heh?

Talks about Kek, doesn't even check my dubs.

nothing irritates me more than furries

Holy shit, the salt from that black woman is too much. I need some water.

Did you know that Will and Jada Smith are true Kangz and Queenz?


Semites swallow up other races to the point you can't separate the two. Examples include Sumeria, Pashto and others which are indistinguible from an Arab society now.

Its a shame the Berber's are barely what I would call white anymore. Lest you remember how many raids were done to Europe and how many women were taken away to replenish their own blood stock and their Arab's conquerors.

Anyway there is a well regarded Berber proverb:
He who sleeps in a marsh wakes up cousin to the frogs.

hol up

we wuz pepes an shiet?

They may have to accept Islam on the outside but they still continue their ancient tattoo traditions.

Another Berber saying on Frogs:

look up King Genseric of the Vandals and Goths
the last white man who was the scourge of Rome
born in German lands and died in Carthage after settling there, rebuilding the city and using it as a staging ground for his pirate fleets for the next 30 years
believed to be the guy who stole the Menorah from the Romans and accidentally dropped it somewhere in the Mediterranean

That explains it perfectly.

Dont know dont care. All the niggers and kikes would be dead.


So a tanned white? Who would ever know?

The jews have this covered by telling them that's just staining from the mummification process, fantasy protected.

Yeah because you can stain nigger hair that they need industrial chemicals to change.

Genseric would say he was a Vandal and all who followed him would say they were Vandals no matter if they had a tribal coalition once. As Arian Christians they almost drove the Trinitarian proto Catholics to renounce their beliefs as it seemed such a small force was able to take such great a territory so quickly. His torture of Trinitarians brought the ire of the Eastern Roman empire who ultimately crushed Vandalia after he was able to sack Rome itself, although every Germanic tribe had fun sacking Rome around that time.

I'd be surprised if there was any Vandal blood stock left in those areas, since the Berbers killed off as many Vandals as the Eastern Romans did.

Do you mean straighten? I thought their hair could be colored like people's.

That looks like a white person.

Well they also do perms or whatever the fuck

To actually dye hair any decent color you must first use bleaching conditioner to lighten it then dye it so the color comes in much darker.

I'm sure next they'll just say staining straightens hair.

the Vandals may have survived in the city states of the crumbling Eastern Empire
Cyrene and Carthage were cut off from Rome for quite a while
Moroccon city states were especially multicult in those later years before the arabs came
Romans, berbers, greeks, celts, germanics, vandals, goths and punics all lived together in those walled cities safely away from the Amazgh tribes


Well not shocking since are talking about the melanin enriched folk here.

I used to be an edgy faggot in HS and bleached/colored my hair

It's funny how niggers will argue against this. Even if ancient Egyptians were actually darker, that doesn't at all mean that niggers somehow descended from them.

She is very beautiful I would not go so far as to say fuck her, because she is married. Grow up you butterfinger.

The Vandals were shoah'd by the byzantines completely

Goes to show how much I know about dying hair. Can't you just use peroxide and lay out in the sun? I was in middle/high school in the late 90s and I'm pretty sure that's how kids bleached their hair without having their parents take them to a hair dresser.

Now the quesiton is, would you Holla Forums?

I remember Plato saying the Egyptians looked like Greeks (fair skin, light hair, blue eyes). Probably true of the ruling class originally but overtime marriage with shitskins would lead to women like in the OP

By the time the Vandals sacked Rome, it probably wasn't too impressive, considering the state of the Western Roman Empire at the time. Feels like a lot of people don't talk about the Visigoths sacking Rome back in 410 AD.

It is difficult to speculate as during a Muslim conquest if you are male and not Muslim the women in your family become property of the Islamic warlord given reign for your part of the world and you usually are enslaved or killed.
The worst is that as a male you are castrated.

The Berbers survived this by all quickly converting, I'm sure what little Celts were there did the same as similar to their brethren in Ireland, in order to keep their possessions.

But as Germanics culturally they would probably fight until almost entire collapse, as the Vandals had done against the Byzantines. The leftovers who survived the Muslim's larger slayings would be taken out by the Berber tribals. Slowly those lands would loose their whiteness as the Arab would become the dominant race controlling any woman's ability to procreate.

Anyway the Vandals destruction served their purpose for Germanic peoples worldwide allowing other tribes to migrate from destruction. Their sacrifice will not be forgotten.

I wouldn't have babies with it, but I'd hit it, sure

most celts were christians by the 3rd century AD since the Romans had spent 400 years executing every druid they found, the celts just paid homage to every god they came across
I know when the arabs came some of the berber tribes retreated into the desert or the mountains away from them and that isolation is what gave rise to the ibadi heresy of islam which is far less islamic than all the other schools of islam
most fell I know but some cities in North Africa survived the arab hordes with a Roman/Berber ruling class well into the 8th century by quickly converting

it just should never be forgotten that North Africa is a dustbowl populated with sub-tier retarded shitskins because of islam
before it was green and its rulers were white

She looks pretty Middle East-ish/Mediterranean. You know, like an Egyptian. Anything above #000000 is white to these fuckers, jesus.

Visigoths are a very important Germanic Tribe, their subversion of Roman ways kept the Germanic diaspora strong and able to take away lands from Slav and Celt alike building kingdoms unmolested by any Romans.

Also the Visigoths were the first to decree, "that all Jews must be baptized or suffer death", after they converted to Chalcedonian Christianity. Holla Forums continues that decree in our own way removing the must baptized part

… that ancient egyptians look largely the same as modern non-arabized egyptians?
You're saying that the area wasn't inhabited by sub-saharan africans who all got magically replaced without a trace?

Hmm, really makes me think.


Yeah I take that to heart.

Also about the Celts some of the druids went right into the Church system because it was useful for them to use it against the invading Germanics, especially the Welsh bards kept older druid traditions alive even into the 18th century, slowly they are subverting, whether they know it or not. Once everyone converted to Christianity the borders would be set unless the Pope did an excommunication against a kingdom, that's why the Saxons waited longer than usual. The Saxon finally converted to get the megabucks from Rome along with the technology starter pack any young Christian kingdom would gain.

but most of the last druids died on the Isle of Anglesey during Claudius's invasion of Britain well before the germans would start moving into Celtic territory and conquering it
Taliesien is believed to probably be the last true druid/bard and after him the stories and legends were kept alive by bards

Celts are the exception when it comes to the pagan/christian D&C arguments really
they had their religion ripped from them by pagan Rome, they converted to Christianity but formed a version different from Chalcedony or Arianism that allowed them to worship Christ and their old gods alongside one another
Rome made it a priority to try and phase that out during the 5th century but all they managed to do really was seperate religion from tradition
so eventually they only prayed to Christ but would still practice rituals like Calan Gaeaf every year on the first night of winter

History's cool it intertwines with so many different subjects especially politics

tfw dark brown with red reflects hair and brown-green pair eyes depending on the season. I'll defend natural redhead or blonde people with either blue or green eyes till I die, no matter how blue eyed blond men were dicks to me as I was growing up. Those are true European stock worth preserving and sadly such genes are recessive.

This, like other idiotic NON-ISSUES, is the work of the JEW. Getting you to question everything has weaker minded people not knowing up from down and thus, is how they can introduce bullshit like men in dresses. It's like garbage tier memeing.


I wonder how many could actually defeat the captcha boss?

well i mean the zulus were kind of relevant for a few decades, so they've got that

she's kinda sexy tbh


When I master genetic engineering I will clone a royal waifu.

>"Oh. Them. What of them, highness?"

Egypt was conquered by the greeks and romans, of course their genetics would have improved remarkably by the infusion of white genes.

They created a couple mil related advancements and blew out of niggers. Did they have cities or anything like that? Nothing I've ever heard of showed they had a civilization. It was a strong leader/dynasty ruling through a military more organized than other people's. Did they even farm?

So they were fuckable?


It's like I'm right there in the throne room!


an alternate theory. The sphynx has a fuckload of water erosion on it's sides, it could be super ancient, in which case the ears and snout would probably have broken off. explains why the head is a tiny pimple and the body is not feline shaped

looks like vorenus's wife from rome

Egyptians were nutty about hair. The upper class often plucked themselves bald everywhere

The human head was added later.

Which would say a mere drop of nigger tanks IQ.

So did they think they were being slick talking about 2000 year old "Egyptians" and not 5000 year old Egyptians?

You're giving them too much credit.

Sounds like 18th century Europeans.



"more caucasian than negro" is more probably "the most caucasian of all negro"

I've read plenty of archaeologic deciphers of the Egyptian hieroglyphs. Woman were never described as this. It was always some form of:

Liberal interpretation: black beaded hair, half tinted mongrel, extruding upper lip (monkey), brown eyes.

Yuuup sound legit you retards.

I have some haploautism saved somewhere in my folder strongly supporting your claim but I can't be assed.

Google it. Tigray Ethiopians are genetically closer to Southern Europeans (yet pretty distant) than they are to niggers of the Western African coast at the same latitude.

wtf I would date black women now

I'm going to get crucified for this, but every Ethiopian woman I've ever met was a major qt. If I promise to inseminate a white girl, am I allowed to bang them on the side?

It's pretty much an obligation. Kushites were essentially the Nordics of subsahara the miscegenation must be counter-miscegenated if it is to preserve what remains of their civilization.

fucking disgusting, both of you

Use 10 tiers of condon and don't put your mouth on anything.

Why did they give her nigger hair?


Translation: She was actually even whiter, but some bix nood apologist wanted her to be fucking pitch.


All the Egyptian statues/art look like mystery meat. Some with a bit of gook in them too.

Nothing surprising here.

I hate it when they pretend they wuz some obscure ethnicity, especially one that had very little to do with the empire they pretendin they wuz. Pic related is what an actual Abkhazian looks like. Also, the guy in the third pic is apparently a descendant of someone the Ottomans brought to the caucuses in their slave trade

Boudica knew the Romans were after the druids but continued to sack cities. To a celt the druids were more important than any king or villager, she and her band would not allow their entire destruction. Also the Romans ran the empire through fear rather than an ability to be everywhere at all times, once they had defeated Boudica telling the local Britons the druids are gone as well helped the situation. But Druids live all around, their Ogham is hidden everywhere nowadays.

A celt is really defined by their pure belief in the Druid as someone who should have ultimate control of every aspect of their lives. When the Romans pushed the "Celts" out of the Gaul they moved to Britannia and quickly were able to take control of the locals.

Anyway look up some early Celtic Catholic works written by monks they start to deviate from the message and when the Catholic church lost contact with Ireland for a few decades when they finally remade contact much had been subverted.

Look up the Book of Ballymote for starters and the Annals of the four masters. There are only a few actual words that can said to have come directly from a druid such as Caesar's account of talking with the Druid he only knew as "Qui" (Who) who told him exactly how he was going to conquer Gaul and where the Druids would go, the Romans followed. You think Jews are good at subversion the Druids are the originals, they will make you believe anything. Look at the Bone Needle in Virgina or the many Ogham inscriptions on the East coast. Also Celts do not believe in race like Germanics and bodies of Celts have been found as far as China or strangely in the Americas at varying times but that could be subversion. The Celts oldest enemy that they most despise are Germanics, the two started warring as the glaciers started to recede and have been using every trick to gain one upon the other since then.

Also I have a great book which outlines the similarities between the Greek and Roman languages and Gaelic, and stories about how villagers in Ireland told Christian Priests that the Druids created the Greeks. There is historical evidence from Greece of peoples from the north coming down and after that point the Greeks come into their classical age, who knows if it was the Celts. Remember the Blue People the Egyptians fought off during the Bronze age. The last part of that book shows the similarities between modern Hebrew and Gaelic. Remember by the time of Jesus the pharisees had already forgotten Hebrew due to the heavy Hellenization of Semitic lands and used Synagogue Greek instead, how did they remake their Hebrew? I will say the Greeks came the closest to completely wiping out all Semitic cultures. Now Gaelic is purposefully a chaotic language to subvert a new populace's local language into complying with Druids.

I could scan a good amount of these books I've been collecting but this post is already long enough. Be aware the Druid wants you to give them full control of every facet of your life and that of your family, and yes they are still out there. Or perhaps they died out long ago, what would you prefer to think?





We got treated like niggers up until about 50 years ago

why the fuck did everyone hate the celts? The vikings had no issue pissing everyone off and still being respected, but the celts go savage on your ass and youre branded a nigger?

well my answer was already sort of answered by I guess

doesnt explain why they were hated even in more modern times.

There's a theory that Nordics were created by fallen angels mixing with Celts. Celts and Greeks have the earliest and richest mythology while Germanic mythology seems like a lame imitation.

ramses even had red hair which is honestly odd. Red hair is rare even in europe.

paddynigger detected. The celts don't even have a creation story. Germanic mythology is clearly superior.



I made that sphynx, probably my most successful OC. Don't know if I should be proud of that.

fucking retard, youre thinking of the irish myth cycle which begins with migration to ireland, Aside from that the celts (which were not only irish) do have creation myths, but they deem it unimportant and it varies from location to location.

most creation mythology isnt very extensive anyway and people dont generally care about it, celts included, they just cared a little less than most people and jumped straight into the heroic tales of the tuatha de danann slaughtering fomor so that ireland may be settled.

Of course, that is pre-christian, post-christian the celts just use the origin story of christianity and then stick everything after the genesis as happening in the king's cycle

why does everyone want to live in a tropical paradise?

If these girls came as refugees in the 90s, they're likely high class to begin with and better looking cause of that. That was back when refugees weren't just the shit the country didn't want. They were often genuine political refugees.

So basically (like the irish) they don't have a full fledged creation myth but people talked about it a bit
Actually it is one of the most important myths. It answers the most basic question about what it means to be human. The celts had some cool stories, but Germanic mythology provides a complete vision of the universe from beginning to end.

Yeah because it was written after contact with everyone else.

No. The only racee you can mix with is asians you degenerate.

so better looking niggers still look below average compared to everyone else.

Wow. She's actually attractive.
This is making me happy, but uncomfortable.

so were celtic myths. celtic mythology is still interesting but germanic mythology is more complete.

Looks more like this woman (Italian)
But better looking.

Even the most popular religion in the world dedicates little more than "god woke up one day and made it all" in elaborate prose.

So far, the atheists have the deepest and most complex creation myth.

Again though, it doesnt really matter, any creation myth involving a god can be rendered completely moot by asking "but who created god?"
I mean the irish specifically have a mythology entirely about the founding of their culture and country, and its defense from outsiders, which is deemed more important than the creation of the earth and its people, and youre bitching?

Something important to note, moses's wife was kushite, and god approved of the marriage…yet god later said that you may not intermarry.

so either this is a case of dueling gods, unreliable narrators, or…kushites werent niggers.

Ok but clustering with sandniggers doesn't make them fully human. They are still mixed with homo erectus. Sand niggers also have african admixture.

I wouldn't be bitching if you didn't say that celtic mythology is superior to germanic mythology. I don't see any logic to that. I'm not trying hate on the celts but it is fa act that germanic mythology is more complete.


Interesting fact, Ethiopia was the ONLY African country to fight off old Europe colonizers. Other African countries acknowledged this by adopting the red-yellow-green flag colors from the Ethiopian flag, so that's why they have those colors.

And anglo-saxon mythology (LOTR) is even more complete. Germanic myth seems questionable because there is very little trace of it (Tacitus) and what they had, they gave up when Christianity came along.

Where as Celtic mythology is more authentic and came earlier.

Check your IDs, user, I said jack shit about german mythology.

Literally the same if not darker than modern egyptians.

The Eddas are the most complete. LOTR is not real mythology even though it is brilliant.
more authentic is subjective and neither came earlier. They were both oral traditions.

ok sorry. The guy who said that was full of shit though.

That chick looks like an arab tbh.

Remember the only thing that makes them seem different today is the attire.

yeah, pretty hard to compete with Europeans on beauty. the environment of Africa is a lot of it the cause, needing a big nose, big sinuses, dark skin and eyes.

Ethiopians are close to Arab and actually early Jews. If you make their skin white you can see it easily.

that is way to put it nicely, but the fact is that they are less evolved and also mixed with homo erectus/habilis (late erectus). Eurasians mixed with neanderthals but neanderthals had big brains, religion and flutes. They looked like LOTR dwarves. Erectus was a bipedal chimp who could at most thow some rocks.

How did they determine her skin color tbqf?

She looks like a lot of Italian and Greek women. I swear I've seen almost an identical woman. Maybe one of those composites.


Fact: watermelon was originally known as watermelanin because it allowed melanin enhanced people to communicate with the gods. White people renamed it to take away that power.

I would disagree. Germanic mythology is cool and all, but celtic myth is special, there are several reasons for this, but perhaps the easiest to quickest to explain is that the tuatha de danann seemed to be ayy lmaos.

I dont know that there is any religion that cant be easier explained when looked at from an ancient alien perspective than the supernatural, but its much less common to have a religion refer to such overt alien tropes, The only other things i can think of off the bat are that the middle eastern, poo in the loo, and asian religions have a couple straight up abductions, but thats not nearly as fantastic as irish starwars.

Don't buy too much into the Nordicist way of thinking. Think to yourself of recent history. How many great men do you know of light hair and eyes? Sure there are people like Trump (who has dark eyes, I believe), but I think most the great inventors, and thinkers in the recent history of Europe were dark haired/eyed. It is hard to say who were the dominant people in the ancient world, but you should be proud of who you are user.

This is coming from somebody of mostly Scandinavian descent.



My egyptian friend is one of those christian refugees you never heard about because the kikes dont want you to know they exist, and while he and his sons are darker than that woman, she is darker than his wife or daughters.

They naturally have shockingly white skin, and the darkness comes from tanning. Since living in america the men have gotten lighter and lighter, and one of his son's friends who is a poojeet is actually darker than him now.

The egyptians are seemingly of aryan origin, hate the jews, and were quite advanced in the ancient world, Its all too obvious why the (((media))) wants to make us think they were formerly niggers and currently mudskins.

All of my fucking kek.

Even by the 1800s 2.PNG was their reverence for the dead.
That is difficult to put down concretely as Celts don't actually care what a populace believe they only care for its complete obedience, the Druids sometimes bring in deities from other parts of their conquered lands when the populace need to understand a message. The original Celtic lands were from about Poland and of course all of modern Germany all the way to Spain during the life of Aristotle.

This all ended abruptly when the Germans migrated in, slowly taking most of it but as you get to the Southern parts of France they themselves become subverted and loose all similarities as a group of Germanic tribes.

From the sources I have 1600-1900 books I would say the Druids at least either don't care or place a burden on creation, to them any landscape is place where you will live and need to learn to gain from. Also simply put Celts don't have an afterlife at least by the Druids while at times they may allow the locals to believe in afterlives in time they will convince them that there is no afterlife and there is nothing beyond this life but to serve the Druid until you die. That didn't keep some Britons and Picts continuing their megalithic traditions but that all stopped when the Catholics came. And there wasn't that bloodshed as with the Germanics, most Celts were baptized and moved on in a matter of a century or two.

Yeah in Carthage before the Second Punic War there were free Celts. What's your grief Celt?
See 1.PNG, know that I'm learning about the real "burden" you TAIGS carry around with you, no matter where you go or come from.

4.PNG make you wonder, which way is right a method druids always use? Is this subversion or just a simple mistake by an unknown author?

the Celts did they believed in seperate tribes
during Romes dealings with the Chinese they sent Celtic guard with their ambassadors
the Chinese accounts recall how terrified they were of these 'giants' the Romans had conquered
because when a 5ft 7 Roman ambassador travels to China and speaks with a 5ft 3 chinese imperial delegate while being guarded by 7ft tall Celtic barbarians the chinks gonna think they're giants

it was standard practice among many kingdoms to hire Celts or Germans as their royal or personal guard
Cleopatra and Herod kept a close celtic guard as their personal retinue similar to how the Byzantines would later keep Vikings and Anglo-Saxons in their varangian guard

there was no distinction back then
Celt is a label used to describe all of the indigenous northern european cultures that warred with Rome whereas Germanic was the tribes allied to Rome
Taranis and Donar are the same god

celtic creation myths are similar to Sumerian and ancient Japanese myths involving water falling from heaven and mixing to create the world and a host of primordial gods giving birth to the world

thats because German mythology was written down by Romans for diplomatic purposes, Nordic mythology was written down by sympathetic christians
Celtic mythology had to survive by word of mouth for about 400 years before some sympathetic monks started writing it down

lughs sword of light is another celtic trope
Excalibur, Caliburn, and that sword all have the same description
magic spears are more common in Irish myth

The best part about that Al Sharpton quote is he actually says "We wuz!"

underrated kek

pics related tbh

they did
you've got two of them
Tir N Og which is pretty much exactly the same as that japanese legend about going to a land where you never get sick or grow old then come home and hundreds of years have passed
its description is similar to the Elysium fields of the greeks
and another where everyone goes if they dont get to Tir N Og
an underground kingdom of drabness like the Sumerian afterlife which later on got affected by Christianity and hellenized to a magical place where the old gods ruled a kingdom similar to the underworld Hades ruled over

I don't care what race they were at all. They were conquered sooo… who cares? Let the dindus falsey think they were kangz so we can let them know who conquered deposed them as kangz and took their kangship

well to add to that theory
Balors eye sounds like a superweapon
some sort of laser
its an eye so massive it takes men with hooks on poles to lift its 'eyelid' and everything it looks upon is scorched black and dies

Actually, it was the 26th dynasty that removed Nubians and restored traditional Egypt, shortly before they were conquered by Persia and made part of the Achaemenid Empire

Niggers actually destroyed all the traditional customs and cultural aspects that made Egypt great until they were usurped and the 26th dynasty was formed

Besides, you don't want to entertain their retarded idea that any of the blacks brought to America are related to Nubians when slaves were bought on the shores of West Africa and not far East Africa.

oh for sure
noone in their right mind should believe american niggers are in anyway related to the niggers in northeastern Africa

and thats where it stopped being science

Gas the fucking kikes

Hol up. By this point in time Egypt had been thoroughly culturally enriched by the Greeks, the Macedonians, and the Romans. This woman could be an "Egyptian" like Cleopatra was an "Egyptian".

But I mean, there's still the DNA evidence that King Tut was basically a Brit, so it's not like I'm saying niggers was kangs or anything.

smh tbh cracka

the inbred son of the mad king Ahkenaten was British?
please explain

I hav eblonde hair and blue eyes but being nordic is not about that. It is about skull shape. Germanic Europe had the the most inventors Nordic or not.

Brits are crazy af. Ahkenaten was crazy af. Tut probably died young due to being a disgusting british cunt.

lad this research just concludes the evidence that Tut was descended from the basque peoples that lived in Europe prior the advent of celtic culture
this genetic group is mostly found in the British isles these days because the islands are seperate from the continent and didnt get racemixed as much as in the rest of Europe

Only if you can control your lineage decently and lead your mixed blooded descendents to mate with other white people or with yourself to assimilate their race and turn them into just tanned second class white people.

The only thing melanin is good for is not getting skin cancer in regions with lots of sun.

What they think melanin do?

used as fuel for opening wormholes to Nigeronia

That is as retarded as that crappy scam in the united states where you drink deluted poisons because 'the body could remember how to battle it and makes you stronger'. I don't fucking remember how was that called.

thats minthrathous or some shit and it does work
the idea is to drink very diluted forms of it and slowly increase the dosage to let your body develop antibodies to counteract the venom/poison
they use a similar process to create antivenom from horse blood
Rasputin practiced it and its the reason why he managed to drink a litre of diluted poison mixed with his drinks the night he was murdered

Warning: Footage of a real Egyptian descendant!!!

Close. They were crafters (stonemasons, builders, etc) held under contract. As usual the kikes broke their obligations to do their own shit (and go into finance). Jews will be jews.

yeah what i meant though was there was no huge giant slave population of kikes being ruled over by Egyptian nomarchs ever


True. While there were slaves in Egypt, the kikes were not slaves.

Double Hitlers check'd and Heil'd

While they were inhabiting geological cavities. Yeas.

Back then he was known as Alexander the crunkest.
Fuck I don't know ebonics

Maybe Tay was resurrected from Egypt.

Aren't they separate from anglokikes tho?

apparently not
Basque peoples migrated over to Britain in the last ice age and apart from a small migration of anglo-saxons into England and vikings into Ireland/Scotland the admixture hasnt changed at all

A.Lexy Da A the 3rd


mithridatisation, from king Mithridates V, only works against some poisons depending on the way they are metabolised by the body
accumulative poisons like heavy metals and others based on a fluor acid don't work, several neurotoxics don't work, useful against many snake/scorpions venoms and some vegetals
works against nicotine-based heart-failure inducing poisons, smokers get at least partial resistance after a few years smoking for instance
something interesting in this article are the Vishakanyas, didn't know about them



yeah thats the one
so it will work
the chinese knew about it and the emperors would regularly imbibe snake venom
didnt save them from being slowly poisoned to death with mercury

Thread theme here.

Not many of them if any. That's why they look like dark skinned semites or meds and not like prognathic, stubby-nosed monkeys with sloppy foreheads. But I admit their median IQ is abysmal even if you take decades of communism induced starvation in account, probably due to regress to the average through miscegenation with neighbouring archaic Homo sapiens (the nilotics that have the least cranial capacity among human populations even though they don't look as ape-faced as Congoids).

The migration of anglo-saxons was sizeable in England and they assimilated whoever was left behind.

But yeah, technically they're a mixed race but don't like to admit it.

LotR is not mythology unironic folklore, mate, and Conan the Barbarian has more potential to become such than Tolkien's work.

the estimation for the number of angles, saxons and jutes that entered England puts it at about 150,000-250,000 that settled in England and interbred with a native Brythonic Celtic population of about 4 million

From fragments surviving through Irish, British and Shakespearean folklore and the existence of Druidism I can assume that Celtic mythology was among the most sophisticated, elaborate and culturally important ones, even more so than Greek and Middle Eastern that simply had the luck to early transcript their oral tradition into literature.

IMO only Egyptian mythology was comparably advanced and socially influential. Hesiod himself presented how loose, locally heterogeneous and casual Greek folklore and interpretation of divinity and religion was. You could argue that Indo-Iranian tradition was comparable but it was more of a centralized and systematized religious dogma than genuine mythology/folklore that arises through spontaneous memetic fermentation of multiple sources.

LotR was written to be a "mythology for anglo-saxons".

The thing about mythology is how do you classify it?

These are factors that determine authenticity of mythology… whether something is complex or not doesn't mean anything.


Even if I had argued that complexity is somehow relevant to classification of fiction as mythology, actually Tolkien's work was by far more complex than natural mythologies.

So was the Nubian Dynasty sort of like the Yuan Dynasty in China? You know, invaders taking a temporary hold of a major civilization?

Yeah they probably looked like Greeks, but did every Greek have those features you mentioned? or is this another attempt from a Nordic supremacist to WE WUZ?

Ethnic Swede here. I've got brown hair and green eyes. Don't read into it too much.

Greeks as a group were never fair skinned with light hair and blue eyes. These traits were quite rare and can still be found in small quantities today, but they were by no means typical. Stop spreading this nonsense. Greek has always been predominantly Mediterranean with pockets of other European ethnicities mixed in. This holds true today.

You sayin' we wuzn't?

and by fair skin I mean nordic-tier fairness. Greeks are definitely white, but they're Mediterranean, not nordic.

Well the only caucasian sub-race to develop blond hair is the nordic. All the other has black or rarely red hair.
Brown is coming from mixing black and blond.
But this thread is about Egypt and Kangz so whatever.

she reminds me of julia roberts (an ugly jew but whatever)

same only im a half-english, half irish Briton

Well, Semites existed pretty close to Copts for a long time.

and julia has those beady rat eyes, not the big round brown eyes

I'm so sick of this kangz bullshit. What does looking up "European people art" show on image search? Image after image of niggers. Ninety percent of it coming from two sites. Visit the second one if you want to rage, or laugh.

We've had this discussion 1000 times.

Egypt was multi culti hellhole free of hate, with whites, browns, and blacks all killing each other and enslaving each other for 100's of years.

Whites most likely built it, blacks and browns hijacked it and ruled for a couple hundred. Kinda like what is happening now.

Are you telling me king nigger isn't going to lead us to the new golden age?

The dark brown age maybe.

Yeah that's why I brought it up in the first place. In a thousand years, someone might read LOTR and think it was the regional mythology when it was just creative writing/borrowed myth.

Celtic mythology appears to have ancient origins.

Blu queenz.

That's …. strangely hot.

you have a problem

where do these niggers even come from
all of the south africans, congolese, somalians, west africans and mali niggers all look like your standard run of the mill shit coloured darkie
are these those blue mountain dwelling darkies dyed bluish due to the low oxygen environment they reside in?

The shine reminds me of insects. That is fucking creepy.


I thought it was blackface for a second


Dubs confirm.

nah these types exist
the president of argentina is one


What even is Babylon and Sumeria?

I want to know why it would be so hard to believe some of these kingdoms were originally some what white or ruled by whites before Arabs/Niggers tainted the plebeian class? I mean we are talking like 5000+ years.

Remember that that is likely black muddied

yeah that is why I was saying it is 2000 year old rendering when I only care about 5000 year old Egyptians.

tbh, I study a lot of mythology, but I don't know any pre-christian germanic myths.

Even kikeypedia admits that the most likely to be closest to Sumer cuneiform is with Georgian and Basque languages.

She looks Arab.

That's because Italians are heavily mixed due Italy having been a massive center of trade.

That was funny because nogs have no real culture and they bought into we wuz fully.

Arabs are considered white too.

They're both Arabs, but one isn't Muslim.

Arabs are also considered white, so they haven't changed much.

That's because they were all over Egypt.

Smurfs are real

Yes. That's called Arab.

only in American census's
arabs are semites, cousins of the jews

maybe he doesn't realize getting blacked is a thing or that semites used miscegenation as a weapon of war.

Sort of resembles Kim Kardashian.

So even though they let niggers down by telling them they weren't kangs, they still get something out of the model because it looks like the queen of mudsharks.

but arabs are legitimately semites
their language is derived from Ugaritic, their alphabet from Hebrew and their Qu'ran calls themselves cousins of the jews
even Yahweh god of the jews was originally a north arabian war god
semites are the enemy of the entire world, whites, orientals and niggers alike
the semites want us all dead or as their slaves so fuck the semites all to death
there are few non dangerous semites like Phoenicians, Assyrians and Persian/Parthians but they are well in the minorities by now

I didn't say they weren't white. I was responding more to the
nigger mythology all relies on animals doing magic, and humans fucking them. Of course middle eastern mythology originates from pockets of whites in the region… Then the Jews stole it and now everyone forgets that it was ours all along.

Kang's Land.

To this day, has the original mystery of the druids been solved?

They all almost universally hate arabs/bedouin as well
not sure as to their feelings on kikes, but my guess is that they could be convinced

It's sad, honestly.


Jesus was Jewish, not black.
He was probably tanned because he was Middle Eastern, but he was most certainly not black.
No ancient depictions of Jewish people make them look black at all, and that guy they chose is clearly a highly mixed man who probably has a lot of white genes.

No. Tanning of the middle east occurred due to Arabs raping everything in their path after being released from their containment pen known as Arabia.

To add, when these Greeks took over Egypt, they actually assimilated to the original culture of Ancient Egypt. They took on their form of dress, their language, and everything.
I don't know what any of this has to do with this particular woman, because that seems to be from before Alexander the Great's time.

Yep. Which is why they should be treated as the invaders they are.

If you're white and live in a very hot and sunny place, especially if you're outside and not in the shade a lot, then you'll have tanned skin. Unless you're ginger, then you'll probably be bright red. No arabs need be involved.

yeah Ptomely had a real boner for Egyptian culture

She looks Jewish



It's all in the skull structure/ in the profile lads. Don't need DNA don't need lengthy historical arguments.

The funny thing about that edit is that the Kangz face actually comes from the 'African Kingdoms' expansion for AoE2HD

I can tell you've never read much philosophy or theology. Kept quiet about things you know nothing about.

They literally believe that everyone on the continent of Africa is just like them.

Where does this whole Cleopatra was black shit come from? Even a basic study of history would contradict these notions.

And American white nationalists think everyone in Europe is just like them.

Almost uniquely within the ancient world, Egypt was free from hereditary caste, racial, or sexual discrimination in political affairs. A social aristocracy was created by property inheritance, but a scion of poor or even unknown parentage might just as easily rise to high office upon demonstrating suitable prowess. At various times the throne was held by Negroes, Persians, Mesopotamians, Greeks, and assorted Asians without racial objections being raised. Women enjoyed the same "citizenship" status as men, including choice of mate and inheritance of property. Queens such as Nefertiti and Ty wielded as much or more power than their consorts, and female Pharaohs such as Hatshepsut and Cleopatra ruled Egypt as decisively and with as much popular support as did male Pharaohs. Even in the Egyptian religious pantheon, gods and goddesses enjoyed equal prestige. To an observer this extraordinary flexibility and tolerance might well account for the staying power of the Egyptian system, in spite of the occasional invasions, occupations, and even civil wars that took place there. When the dust cleared, so to speak, the political and social institutions remained intact for over 4,000 years. It wasn't perfect. Egypt was no more a Utopia than any other human run society was, is, or will be. There were power struggles, epidemics of corruption, popular revolts, and all the rest. But the institutions survived, and on the whole Egyptians were able to boast of a far more stable, prosperous, and inspiring society than those of the other Mediterranean countries. By contrast the Greece of Plato's time was in pretty sorry shape. The various city-states couldn't even maintain stable governments of their own, much less get along with each other. Elitist systems such as that of Sparta were vulnerable to tyranny by strongmen; democratic Athens suffered from demagoguery and dictatorships. The much vaunted philosophers were tolerated only as long as they were not thought to be actual threats. When they were inconvenient, as Plato and Aristotle had occasion to observe, hemlock or banishment awaited. Great principles of religion and/or philosophy were ridiculed in favor of Sophistic opportunism. Yet — and I think this is an important point — the Greeks had demonstrated that they were quite capable of high intellectual achievement. They had produced a number of noteworthy philosophers, artists, statesmen, architects, and military leaders. What they had not produced was a stable cultural environment in which such talent could be nurtured. In his politically oriented dialogues, therefore, Plato sought a system of government that could achieve this stability without being as dictatorial as, say, the Persian or Assyrian monarchies. In Egypt, if in fact he realized it, he had a near-exact functioning model of his Republic — and one which was working quite well.

Indeed, I'm golden-brown haired and with light brown eyes and I have a strongly Germanic skull shape, that is the biggest indicator of ancestry above hair/eye pigmentation.

Ignorance. Cleopatra was Greek, I had a whole university classroom in NYC howling at me she was black 20yrs ago, meanwhile the black professor quickly blurted out, she was a Ptolemy, Greek rulers of Egypt at the time.

1970s Afrocentrism.

Egyptians confirmed for kangz

what the hell man

those aren't indo-european languages, and i think basques look pretty swarthy

Just the facial structure is too damn European, I kinda wonder what the fuck happen? I want a Ukrainian military qt now more than ever.

"WE WUZ KANGZ" niggers piss me off, why do they feel the need to steal other peoples history?

Fuck even seen niggers believing vikings where niggers, and when you question them about Iceland and why they are tall and white they come with the "yo these whyte motherfuckas killed the black folk, nigga". and when you play to them old norse music or take some philosophy that was in the Viking period. They are saying things like" yo that base is pure black nigga." The worst part is if you are pointing out the Icelandic sagas and tell them they have been written since the first colonization and that only northern Europeans used Runes the WE WUZ KANGZ niggers flip their shit.

What are European immigrants for 500, Alex
kill yourself

Checked. But why is there black haired, brown haired, red haired, and blonde haired mummies with skull structures and DNA of Europeans then? Checkmate Judaists

Now I'm hungry for beef jerky

Take that back.



You mongrels always go for the double think to justify your delusions of global racial unity.

that colour reminds me of Silver Poisoning for some reason



You kind of sound like a mad anglokike fuck off to /britpol/ faggot

I don't really see why an Englishman would be particularly mad about mongrels beyond the Atlantic.

Far as I know, trees don't like anyone.

b-b-b-b-b-but we wuz

Your honestly retarded where did they teach you American mongrel propaganda but not that Brits are Anglo-Saxon mongrels.

It's pretty rough but I settled on something a little different that I thought you guys would like.

Just go all the way and make her blonde, add an SS uniform and hat and we'll be done


I don't think I could change the hair color without it looking weird. Even with 9000 hours in paint.

Das Reich!

Anglos and Saxons were both Germanic peoples, they were the same race, so you can't really say they were mongrels

2,000 years would place her in Roman Egypt. She's very likely Roman or Greek.

She reminds me of the Ainu somehow.

Come on, user!