Post the best film which came out the year you were born.
Post the best film which came out the year you were born
what? it wasn't a great movie year
reddit plase leave
Kill yourself grandpa
Cry more, underage faggot.
Take your medicine
I said stop crying, underage faggot.
I hate my fellow old farts. And myself.
i was around for the beginning of SA and halfchan. it's a dark, cold world. stay safe comrade.
No contest. Part III gets a load of shit from plebs (mostly due to Coppola's crippling nepotism), but pic related knocks it out the park.
I'm 30 at body, but 16 at heart
Probably among the youngest here, but at least I got something relatively patrician instead of some of the shit you fags got lmao
Only pure blood patricians were born that year
You are not wrong
Never cared much for Goodfellas was more of a Casino guy
i didn't know we had faggot propaganda that early on
As a kid I went to see this movie because Robin Williams was in it. It's from 1996.
This movie is fun
same fam
Go to bed gramps
The year of absolute kino.
I'm gonna bet, without looking, that a nigger or a Jew is responsible for this flick, in the form of writer, director, or producer. Bonus points if multiple or both. Automatic win if niggerjew.
You are not very sharp, are you
it's shit
Thank you for your valuable input.
no prob fam
I was talking about underageban you fucking newfags.
Only found out that it came out in 1983 a few years ago. I have always considered Montana a chill guy and liked the movie even more knowing that it came out the year I was born.
You sweet summer child
redditpol never is
fuck off, I'm old enough to drink beer in England
Come on now, the movie is against the whole thing. The plot is literally nigger always stays a nigger and ruins everything.
Go check your blood pressure, old man.
This is real?
interracial couples prevent black people from breeding with each other, eventually leading to a black genocide by the hands of the (((whites)))
black nationalism is the only way forward
That would be true if not for the fact that many black traits are dominant or co-dominant, combined with high black birthrate. Then again, selling a black genocide meme would help encourage blacks to keep to their own.
Then again, it would also take away a sure-fire way of telling if a white girl is trash or not
Doesn't this make them genetically superior?
yep, wh*tes were a mistake
non-dominant genes are basically mother nature's way to tell you that she hates you
So basically Holla Forums has built their superiority house on a bed of straw?
Extra fingers, fused fingers, short fingers, and fingers lacking one joint are all examples of dominant genetic traits, while normal fingers (3 joints, 4 fingers + thumb, all independent) are recessive genetic traits. Why haven't you embraced the fucked up fingers yet, don't you want superior fingers?
81 style ;)
Dominance, in terms of genetics, has nothing to do with quality or superiority.
The trait that makes people midgets is dominant, for example.
Still one of my favorite movies. Shame about the sequels. Secret of the Ooze is fun and campy by all means, but it doesn't stack up to the kino of the first film.
Birth of a Nation
Go back to watching antique roadshow, grandpa.
While you're at it, go cry alone about your stupid war butt buddies that got shot or whatever.
35 here AMA
why haven't you killed yourself yet
This tbh
Fievel Goes West
yo wassup 97 bro
Ali was /ourcoon/