Anti-pedo jews will be BTFO in your lifetime


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Meant that as a reply. Please delete.

t. Anime fan

I'm so fucked up I keep making topics inside threads and topics instead of threads. I took a bunch of gabapentin and kratom and I'm feeling super light-headed.

prove it

Last time I took pics some people tried to dox me from my EXIF data, so I don't think so.

the mega autist on 4chin doxxed me


I am.

Yeah, probably. And then we'll get real backlash.

If only OP would only follow the path of Ripper to the end the board would improve.

something doesn't add up here



True love is the natural state of man, Shlomo.

love is not something that withers away when the kid's voice deepens or they grow body hair, so you can pack your bullshit and take it somewhere else


laurabphobes are the worst tbh

not an argument

They only get older.


9, you say?

He was a Muslim so it was fine

>always the same one example to back his argument
top kek

Though the argument is surely a solid one with a single anecdote, you're missing several crucial details that ultimately destroy it in the long run:

Time to report back to your rabbi, mohel.

It wouldn't be a pedo thread without a obligatory Eunice Johns post

That or abuse the kids they produced until those kids have kids and then abuse them

OP here.

Personally, I don't want people to marry 9 year olds, or pedophilia to be legal. All I want is for them to remove the draconian punishments for CP. That is all. You do more time having a 1's and 0's video file on your computer than you do for actually raping a child. Dudes are getting like 30 years for .mp4s and .avis.

young jazz is 8/10

Agree with you OP, its really a mess. I got a 4chan ban for posting picture of lolita.

Yes, I'm permabanned just for posting pics of Ziegler girls in bathing suits.

I know the feeling, i posted this picture

Well yeah she will be used up and old then.

Assuming you're not allowing her to get dicked by other men, the "used up" part wouldn't be a problem.

Wouldn't that make her 13 when she got knocked up?
Plus there's no saying he didn't diddle her before that.

It's all very creepy regardless of your notes

Yeah, this is the part I don't fucking get.
Why would you even look at CP instead of just raping a kid, then? Nothing to keep you from doing that if you get LESS time.

Because most pedos are utter cowards at heart and can only passively consume cp.

da heck is wrong with that pic? pic related is practically rape in comparison…

Why ?

Tbh I want all pr0n to be illegal, punishable by BLAM