table_add2 :: (table: *$T/Table, key: table.Key_Type, value: table.Value_type)
jai is absolutely awful. discuss
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What the fuck is this. Discuss.
Looks fine to me.
He signs comments with his name and date sometimes for archival reasons, I think that's what that is.
Oh wait, I thought he meant the code, not the text.
wtf is *$T/Table
One day you'll be smart enough to use languages other than Rust
Pointer to T(generic) where T is a subtype of Table.
why is it so ugly though?
Because *($T extends Table) would be even uglier. Unless you have a better alternative?
how about something that isnt as ugly?
no other statically typed language has syntax as ugly as jai.
im not though
it has even uglier syntax than rust
literally who/what?
literally who?
I thought this was rust until I read some of the replies
No one's expecting you to know what this is. If you're interested familiarize yourself using the provided links. If not, go memepost somewhere else.
It's good form to provide enough basic information in the OP to let people judge whether following the links is worth their time.
just go back to /g/ the imac threads you are looking for are there.
all those salty jaifags
jai is just another memelang. a memelang with a closed source compiler LOL
Jonathan Blow, orchestrator of such enlightening works of art as Braid and The Witness was tired of sepples being shit so he decided to make his own language. He is developing
it alongside his new game to come up with and test features in practice before adding them to the language.
I am memeing? It is a meme to be an SF Bay Thought Leader and make a new shitty PL or library, and yes, OP is expecting us to know what this is.
i posted a link to the unofficial jai primer. read it or dont post nigger
JAI and Rust are so ugly, they're going to make people want to use C++
what about nim though? it compiles to c so it has to be good right?
From nim tutorial:
5RuHL5LQnT9G U7I1cG4zzD8Z
The sintax looks really ugly. But coming from someone deep into dod I wish je succeeds(even if he is a pretentious douche)
Honestly he seems pretty cool. His talks are very interesting and the anti-OOP game dev brigade seem like genuinely good programmers who want software to be better.
I think Jai might end up being a very good language since it's written with real use in mind rather than an academic thought project.