Let's see where you faggots stand, these are usually mildly interesting threads

Let's see where you faggots stand, these are usually mildly interesting threads.


Other urls found in this thread:


datamining thread do not reply

Aww shit, fuck. You caught me, no one post in this thread.


The fuck is it talking about?

The fuck is it talking about?

It's as if this thing was written by /mu/

It's french, it's from an entire nation of smelly commies.

Are french people really this level of cuck?

I kinda figured


Also why is french grammar so absolutely retarded?

Like what the hell? I thought English was convoluted and not well thought out.

Every language is retarded in someone else language
e.g the English way of saying "My children are alive!" would transliterate into Sanskrit as "I am alive, and Childed!"
This is why tourists and ex-pats anywhere always seem utterly retarded

And typos don't help to clarify the issue.
I R Shame.

I hate this web page. I just spent half an hour trying to make heads or tails of what they were asking, and now I can't do any better at seeing the results


Here you go user

hmm, let's see if I can interpret this.

It's better to be essential than to construct it. I honestly have no idea what this means.
Throw the book at the criminals, unless you can rehabilitate them but honestly that never happens so …
More than half the time I'm a tranny-hating republican but there's a one-in-three chance I'll look the other way if one sucks my cock.
Them furriners especially, they should go somewhere else. Preferably wherever my fellow citizens are going because I don't like them either.
Yay capitalism! Except for one in four times when they're dicks and I glare at them until I stop wanting to buy their product.
I hate when the government puts limits on me, but I ALSO really hate it when I see corporations with no limits. Won't somebody please think of the limits?
Ditto for the trees.
"change" … sometimes requires setting fire to things, knocking them over. Other times requires writing a letter to your congresscritter and hoping some people agree with you. But mostly you should just know, you're screwed.

Change the language to french. Just by knowing spanish I'm having an easier time deciphering it than the english.

الفرنسية ليست أسهل لغة في العالم.

ich kann ein paar woerter Deutch. Kein Franzosich.

That communism/capitalist axis is a little off. I don't support communism, I'm all for capitalism. I just think that social aspects should have priority over reckless profit.
Otherwise pretty true.


Thinking there exists such a thing as "reckless profit" certainly is a communist idea.



Well, doesn't it?
Profit under any circumstances, no matter what it costs doesn't exist?

Remember the industrialization? Workers were basically treated as expendable slaves.
No regard for their safety or well being.

Purely focused on reckless profit no matter what.
I support capitalism, as long as reckless profit isn't the number one priority.


In a free market, consumers have the freedom to not do business with companies whose actions they find morally questionable. That's why we have a free press.

And in a market in which those actions are illegal, companies won't even come to the idea to do such things.

I prefer regulations.

It was said best in Men In Black … a person is smart. People are stupid.

There's a balance, somewhere, and regulations are, I agree, needed to achieve that balance.

Yeah, I mean I don't say that everything should be regulated into every little detail.

Like I said, I don't support communism, I just say that workers rights are important and as long as they are considered more important than profit with any means necessary I support capitalism 100%.

This is a working class board, no fash allowed.

This is Liberalist™ propaganda.

These actions tend to become illegal only after they've become unfavorable, by which time the company committing the offenses has already gone under. For fear of this happening to them, companies generally don't do these things unless they have a monopoly over a particular industry, which is only possible if there are regulations on the industry to begin with.

You might want to consider supporting communism, because the language you're using is dead on.

Not to mention that "profit by any means necessary" is something only done in movies. If your product is good you don't need to use any means necessary.

I like the little flags, but unless you know the political symbolism of the individual aspects, then it's kind of lost. There should be a guide for the flag like there is with the opposing criteria.

A trigger warning?

This is the ideal political profile.
You may not like it, but this is what peak utopia looks like.

I pt in the polar opposite, more or less, of everything i actually think, and got this bit.

The only correct choice, all other choices are wrong and punishable by death.

been reading about some nuances on strict punitive efforts. i find myself more conservative than this finds me but /shrug.

oh yeah, and here's my thing. you dirty dataminer you.

oh my you were very consistent shit


French are pathetic, it's well known.



Here you are, Mr. FBI-kun. But I already knew these results and you already knew these results so I don't know the point of this exercise. My only regret is that the communism score is greater than zero, but Ill chalk that up to the poorly-worded questions.


r8 me, Holla Forums

shit didn't post the other one.

I thought that language issue was going on in Morocco or maybe Algeria, where they use french as second official language.
In France, people can barely even speak english, so a language change isn't going to fly. It's not at all like Germany where everyone just about tries to speak english, and some even prefer it to german.

Long ass quiz

Fatherland - Family - Order





Note: My “religion” is atheism.

And the link: politiscales.la-commune.net/en_US/results/?m0=17&m1=43&b0=24&b1=17&e0=7&e1=33&j0=38&j1=24&p1=74&p0=7&s0=60&c0=19&c1=38&t0=26&t1=43&femi=24&reli=100 . “Work · Liberty · Justice”.

wow you guys are faggots


You are a socialist/communist with nationalistic and conservative tendencies who believes in a conspiracy. More or less the opposite from me.

Yee yee Bo Bo.


not that bad I guess, I would be open to communist ideas as technology makes capitalism unusable, due to no one being able to work

i hit 'absolutely agree' on every question.

I refuse to be called a communist, just because worker's rights are more important to me than profits.

If you think it's part of capitalism to exploit a person, with no regard for their safety or well being then there is something wrong with YOUR definition, not mine.

You're either a communist or a literal 14 year old that has been watching too many hollywood movies. How do you think companies make money in the first place? Do workers piss out gold when they get whipped?

Will somebody please look at all the data in this thread and tell me what patterns or trends show up? I don't know anything about statistics.


I have no idea what politics even are and I don't care to know.

I don't know what any of this means, I have little knowledge of politics, and I'm not sure what reaction this would get out of anyone here.
I just wanted to play video games

I think I like this test better than the political compass.

mein volk

If you don’t agree you’re not a man

A great thing would be to take the raw answers and apply some data mining techniques like PCA kmeans and other type of clustering. PCA could give insights about correlations between different question's answers and define the principals left right axes. Diverse clusterings could show how opinions can be grouped. It could be surprising

Did I win? Can someone analyze this?

Justice Socialism Fatherland



Socialism · Fatherland · Revolution

You believe people are mainly born the way they are. It's a nature vs nurture thing. Basically, you believe that having a penis and male hormones makes you a man. In general, you believe in science (biology).

Maybe you think people commit crimes mainly because of their environment and the majority can be given a second chance. Maybe you don't like more punitive approaches to justice cause they are fucking expensive.

You are scared of progress, but not too much. A rather large grey are shows that you don't give too much of a fuck.

Cultures and ethnic groups do exist. Nationalism really is a social construct that didn't exist before the 1800s (or late 1700s) and is just an excuse of the local elites to legitimate power.

You should try learn some economics. Communism is just not compatible with how human action works. If you want to know what happens when you try it none the less, then learn some XX century History.

Private companies earn money through trade. Trade is the voluntary exchange of goods between two people. They both take part of that trade agreement because they gain something of it. Again, you maybe should learn some economics.

I'd say that humans are way more important than trees and ants. You seem to give them somewhat equal importance.

Changes better be mad right and slowly. Even better: don’t change anything at all.

Overall, I'd say you are conservative and really authoritarian. Together with a pinch of communism and nationalism, you may be a national socialist or some other kind of fascist (not saying that as an insult, mind you; fascism is basically socialism + nationalism). Specially your high scores in communism and regulationnism show that you rather trust a central authority than your fellow citizens.

I have no idea what most of that means but it sounds promising.

I'm just not that edgy, honestly. Also I had a lot of uncertains because a lot of the wording of questions was quite mystic to me. Might be reflective of my ignorance of politics in general, then again might be cultspeak intended for communists.

what does mine mean?

Found the faggot of the thread.

I have bad news for you user.
You might be a heterosexual and not a filthy thief.

My brothers

Fascist/National Socialist here.
Rate, I need validation.


You're in good company. Although you need to work harder. The ecosystem should be included in the fatherland.

It really depends how you define nation. The nation state is a very modern invention. But if you can define nations more broadly, then obviously you can fit a broad description around any group.

Anyone with Communism (theft) higher than Capitalism (trade by consent) is not welcome in a white world.

I got this little feller
And my gommie status is gigantic, what did i do wrong? Did i hesitate/neutral too much?
Also it tagged me as a conspiracy loon, the frog yid bot

How much do I win?

How much do I win?

I could never forget Mother Nature and the wonderful boutny she gives us. Thats why Viktor Schauberger is my hero.

Capitalism is the Same materialistic cancer as Marxism, to stand against Marxism under the Capitalistic banner is to proclaim the sunset to be the opposite as the night, we must repudate capitalism that defiles man to greed, and the bleakness of Marxism that turns man into another cog in the machine


Also, check'em

You live in an entirely material world, and you have chosen to stand with thieves rather than honest men.

French being the official language of France is in the constitution. Most French people wouldn't accept having it replaced.


Why can't the right meme?

Two-digit IQ on display.

nigga i just told you i hate both capitalists and marxists, I stand with god, im so sorry you fell for the materialistic meme

Hotwheels is that you?



I've been here for months

This is me.

Libertarians and capitalists can suck my police-state cock.

Justice · Socialisme · Ecologie
Almost needless to translate
I don't think like most poltards here, but does they think anyway?
I'm french, and voted Macron against le Pen although it was not my first choice


"Travail Famille Patrie" in a different order. Petain was not unlike the incompetent military who lost the war, old ideas not fitting modernity, and was accompanied by some of the french old right wing which where against republic and for Nazi Germany's victory, they would have wanted the ridiculous failed coup to succeed some years before, to become a facist dictatorship like the neighborhood

More left-wing would have been better, i hesitated between socialists, a left wing socialist candidate, and the left of the socialists. I'm from the south west of France where which traditionally votes more for left, look at the map. In America I would have voted for Bernie Sanders and then for Hillary Clinton.
Speaking frankly looks like a trollbait for you

You are a disgrace to your country, you deserve everything you'll be getting.

So in other words you hate not just thieves but all honest men who are trying their best to live as well.
In other words you hate everyone.
Completely consumed by hate.
Then you presume to lecture me about God after going over your hate.
You ever even read that book?

More left-wing would have been better, i hesitated between socialists, a left wing socialist candidate, and the left of the socialists. I'm from the south west of France where which traditionally votes more for left, look at the map. In America I would have voted for Bernie Sanders and then for Hillary Clinton.
Speaking frankly looks like a trollbait for you

What actually is it that makes you hate people who work?

Realitically, in France the situation is not about socialism vs capitalism, because all candidates are basically socialist. Ironically the one that was voted in is the least socialist. So they vote for him and then wonder why he's trying to change laws so workers have less rights. Heh. This is what happens when brainwashing/subversion kicks in, you have tons of people reacting emotionally and voting against their own interests.

Macron was less socialist than Le Pen? Good one.

It's the Jews

My flag looks pretty cool

Jesus fucking christ…


WHITE Nationalist reporting in

am i good?

Thanks for the analysis user. Something to think about.

What's with this literal shit-tier toilet coloured flag

Someone tell me how much of a cancerous faggot I am.

hopefully that tranny is gentle with him
or else "her" boner could end up being bonebreaker

Nice try, that image has clearly been passed around more than a white woman in Sweden.

Commies, pls…

I hope you don't have a wife.

I like you guys.

really the only valuable information here is internationalism/nationalism and revolution/reformism
if you have less than 88% nationalist tendencies i've tagged your identity profile with "commie"
if you have less than 66% revolution, i've tagged your profile with "cuck"
the rest are minor details and themselves so prone to bias both of the questions as well as interpretations that i consider them essentially meaningless. besdies that, some of them are just plain retarded. for example, how could you possibly be largely "communist" but have a strong belief in "nationalism"? these are inherently exclusionary things

nice blog

I see you have never ever heard of the USSR.

LePen didn't work for Rothschild bankers, and wasn't going to try and fuck over workers by changing laws to favor capitalists. Everything Macron stands for is big business and banks. If you haven't figured it out by now, you're a hopeless case. But I know there's a lot of french people like you…

So making him still slightly less shit than any real socialist candidate? Well, given this is your pet theory, why did you vote for him given you're a socialist?

I'm not hating anyone, and not the ones doing useful work. Some work doesn't do any other good that enabling someone to earn money , the consequences of these work can be bad for everyone else. Does crook and thieves money does any good?
Market's invisible hand get things to an equilibrium, but this equilibrium is often unjust and globally bad for all


"Nation" was a concept that liberals back then defended (note that 1800s liberals wanted liberty, not communism). The conservatives of that time considered themselves subjects of a king, not members of a nation. For them, the Nation was just an invention, a way to strip the king of his holy rights. The conflicts in post-Napoleonic France and the Carlist Wars in Spain are clear examples of that. Hech, some of the Carlists mottos were "God. King. Fatherland" and "Down with the Nation".

That's a joke, right?

Are you one of the users cripplewheels brought from reddit? I'm surprised someone with your views can survive here.

sage cause double posting

all communism is inherently globalism. muh "foreign states will act against us so communism must spread to all nations" is a meme inherent to the system. another is the appraisal of all people as equal, to some large extent. this means that borders which historically were based to a fair extent on racial differences are redundant
of course, you would know this, but you like to espouse your communism anyway because you're paid to do so, samefag


Le Pen is more national socialist than socialist, Philipot turn to advocating a social policy and some openness to societal change ended not long ago after Le Pen defeat, he got excluded from the party and the FN started wanting to return to a more traditional extreme right, not trying anymore to seduce by a social program
The video is from the debate, which she failed miserably

USA often act like on the old times of the original bananas republics, changing elected government to defend capitalists monopolies and rents. Nationalization aren't always a bad thing when private interests go against the common good.

A true National Socialist here.

Results: Fatherland. Family. Work. Sadly my Commie meter was 19%. Liked this little piece at the bottom "Complotism : the biggest problems of our society are the work of a small group of people. It is then essential to find them, inform the people of their objective and neutralize them." Any help with the term 'complotism'? Noticed a few spelling mistakes, figured this test was of another language and translated.

If you're a nat soc your commie meter should be fairly balanced in this test imo. The creators seem to equate any redistribution of wealth or collectivism as pure communism when in reality it's just a small part of both systems.

You're more a disgrace to your country than anyone else. You're of the ones who'd get cucked on the next long knives night

Minarchism is the way to go

forgot to post a link


Not a socialist. I don't belong to any party or side, and don't even care very much about the economic model. If anything, you can consider me an anarchist, but not as part of any "official" party with such name. The only thing I actually care about is removing the illegitimate EU/NWO government, and LePen is only one to mention FrExit referendum possibility.
Of course, taking out the central banks too would be great, as they are gateways to control by the NWO. But one step at a time. Right now I'm not even sure France can uncuck itself by next election. The odd thing is people who got angry at Macro for trying to fuck them over wrt worker laws don't even realize that if they keep voting for candidates like Macron, they'll one day no longer have the ability to avoid such laws. They'll no longer have any recourse at all, and will simply be slaves, much like the soviets who could only realistically vote for one party.


mercedes best gril

Fatherland. Socialism. Justice.
Whatever that means.


Basically you're a Nazi

I never really saw myself that way before.

enjoying waging at walmart faggot?