Why didn't they just mail the ring back to Mt Doom?

Why didn't they just mail the ring back to Mt Doom?

Why didn't Sauron just make a new ring?

Real talk if they just flew over the mountain, just called up the eagles to fly them over the mountain and even anywhere near mordor, the fellowship wouldn't have broken and boromir wouldn't have died

Why were we never shown that Samwise Gamgee probably always had diarrhea stemming from his poor dietary habits?

Better question : Why is Samwise still such a fat fuck after walking all the way from Hobbiton to Mt Doom?

because USPS sucks. they'd probably lose the ring, or one of the mailmen would steal and sell it

Lambas bread

Why didn't just Sauron guard Mt. Doom with his best men? If that was the only place in the whole world where they could destroy the ring, it seems awfully stupid to not guard the place.

why didn't they just catapult the ring into mt. doom's pit?

So the Jedi council was like

At that rate they could have gone with pretty much any plan

And about 400,000 other people. Not counting disadvantaged orcs.

Half of the council was ready to fuck off from the whole continent, so it's understandable why they found it hard to bother at all. Elrond didn't even send any of his people, just some random guests that happened to be visiting his retirement home/holiday resort.

They couldn't afford the insurance for shipping a priceless artifact.

Besides the postal delivery would have probably dropped it off at the black gate and have some clueless troll sign for the receipt.


was he talking about the prequels?

does it matter? reddit wars is reddit wars

But the Eye would have seen them and they'd be up to their asses in orcs and arrows by the time they landed to enter the mountain.

Orcaphobia is racist and needs to stop.

Couldn't they just exchange it for good money at a pawn-shop instead? If they were so scarce of money.

I thought Tolkien was supposed to be a good christian boy?

Didint nazguls have their own flying fighters?
They could have just intercepted eagles

I meant not anywhere near Mordor, they just had a trouble getting around the mountain and decided to go through Moria as their last effort when they should have tried the eagles before that

-Radagast runs away (a better fate than what the hobbit movie did to him)
-Blue wizards ….no one knows

I think Tolkien should have had the Blue wizards join Sauron and have them fight Gandalf but that's just my opinion.

or come up with a contingency plan at least?

This, no matter what Mt.doom area should have been an impenetrable fortress.

What if Middle Earth just welcomed the Orcs? Why are they so racist?

I remember as a kid wondering why that asshole didn't go with them

When you kill the orcs, they win.

Already happened fam, this is one of those deleted scenes from the first film.

Sauron would have never had his army if the rest of middle earth put aside bigotry and learned to live with orcs and goblins in peace.

you want fucking white mails to do everything?!

Because it's a trial to prove the current world is worthy of being saved. The eagles are a miracle, they won't save just anyone.

/christian/ will tell you that he is and defend it vehemently. Christians for that matter are like niggers who claim to be the ones responsible for inventing whatever they want to claim ownership for. The similarities are startling.



why didn't fredo threw the ring into the shire's well?


tolkien was quite openly christian, and fedoras belong on reddit

Fredo would have given the ring to Gollum and expect him to drop it in mount doom then spend the rest of the movie crying about it.


No hands.


They were headed roughly toward the Eagle's home. And Gandolf's last words are "Fly you fools." It may have been his plan all along. Because one does not simply walk into Mordor.

Mostly a myth. The church would in some cases confiscate what those inventors made. Edison learned from this tactic and did the same thing hundreds of years later. He would hire inventors, confiscate and claim ownership of what they made, and people associate his workers' achievements with what he made. Working with the church was like working with a racket. You were better off on your own.

And they would dictate what kind of art they could make. Popes used the money they plundered from the crusades to hire famous artists who in turn would make works that acted like propaganda. Raphael and Michealangelo only worked for the popes because it paid well. Suggesting that the church supported them like a modern day Patreon is sophistry. The church constantly dictated changes to whatever the artists would submit and that led to the famous instances of artists sneaking in things as a way to get back at the popes.

Being openly christian in a time where that was the norm is not an achievement.

All people who notice problems with christianity are a fedora from reddit? So then all of Holla Forums is reddit/fedora? I guess the reddipol screechers were onto something.

Gandalf is known for speaking in riddles. His own speech habits worked against them. They took it to mean, "Run, you retards!" Instead they were being told to use the eagles.


tolkein was christian, yes, but he stated many times his books aren't an allegory for anything and that he hates allegory. It was a point of debate between him and C.S. Lewis too, they talk about it in a few letters they wrote each other.


It wasn't the norm in either the literary circles or the academic circles that Tolkien was apart of(well, Catholicism wasn't( and hadn't been the norm in England since the middle ages.) They were mostly inhabited by atheists and, at best, vague Protestants.

The luddites did nothing wrong.


Not sure if kike or fedora or both.

A conservative cuck triggered by historical facts? I'm shocked.

Christianity is as alien to Europe as Islam is.

Technological advancement is all fine and good, industrialisation isn't. It's also kind of funny because African mud huts seem to be the target destination of your progressive ilk anyway.

t. Varg Vicucknes

Industrialization is fine and dandy, it's how you achieve higher living standards, and if it wasn't for yids and their greatest allies, Christians, flooding the West with subhumans, we would also enjoy low population density and the boons of automation.

Staunch Christians were the ones that voted against Hitler.

Better than a Semite worshiper.

It's funny how you kikes keep inventing new historical facts all the time.


Jesus was a Jew. You'll never live that one down.

So did Marx. Didn't stop him from being one of the filthiest yids ever.

What is it about christians that makes them love kikes? Trump's a christian for example.

Yup, it's those pesky Christians that are the problem. I think you're right, Goldberg.

They're the ones going down to Africa and preaching to the niggers and telling them to breed like mad and it's your Pope that is calling for no borders.

How precious.

not this shit again

Henry VIII, as ordained by God, broke ties with Catholicism and the UK has been anti-catholic ever since going as far as persecuting Irish catholics and at times the opposite happening in persecuting protestants under Mary I, daughter of Henry VIII. Dividing and conquering is a typical kike tactic, not surprised it's also true under christian monarchies.

Holy shit this made my day. I love Fredoposting.


And look at how great the Anglican church is now. Caholicism is pretty sad, but Anglicanism is the Anthony Burch of religions.



Why not worship the Roman gods you kike?

Okay. I hope you enjoy seeing the same thing done to you by Arabs.

Funny how you leave out how Christians killed kikes in the crusades.

Yeah, because Julius Cesar prayed to Odin, right?
You fucking retard.

Yeah, because Jews never made up tales of their plight.

and Hitler killed kikes too, haha. get fucked.

all of you fags are rapidly approaching fedora tier levels of pathetic tbh

geez, fine

Yeah, but Christian Europe prespered for centures
Nazi Germany lasted barely 12


Truly, a mystery.

*Fredo draws sting to protect himself and the hobbits*
*He fumbles it and drops it while the Nazgul kill his friends*
*He starts crying*

you got me there, chaim.

Well ok then, tell that to this cuck here who wants to import a "mediterranean nigger" religion in Europe because nordic paganism is not edgy enough for him

But jews were never in power in Christian Europe
That's the thing, Christian Europe kept jews at bay for centuries, before the french revolution, led by enlightened fedoralords like you, emancipated them and gave them the power they have today

this doesn't even make any goddamn sense anymore what the hell happened in this thread


He could be a kike you know, I'm not sure anyone on Holla Forums could be dumb enough to unironically be a fedora. Nobody hates Christianity more than kikes.

why bother hating something thats been dead for centuries?

It's not dead yet. As long as it remains it is a threat to the kikes because should it rise again it would mean an end to their rule.

Kikes only hate white christians but they don't really hate christianity as a whole. When christianity was in its early days, it was just jew versus jew. Christian-jews employed every jewish tactic that their competitors relied on. The main difference between them is that Christian-jews would recruit whites and make deals with them for political power which began the tactic of "converting" whites to what was then still seen as a form of judaism. This process eventually lead to the downfall of rome, which jews of every sort (even the christian-jew) saw as a good thing and symbolically another fall of Babylon.

When christianity became nigh-white, that's when they invented the vow of celibacy, which says a lot for the christian-jews to do then and only then, not before. Soon after they canonized the bible. Canonization meant heavy rewrites of existing books so as to finalize their form of christianity and its stories. Christianity basically became a golem in the form of a religion and jews still control it.

Overall, defending and devoting yourself to christianity because kikes dislike the whites who follow it is like defending a poisonous institution just because your enemy dislikes it. Besides, jews truly hate whites who have a wholly european religion free from their influence because it lacks all semblance of their kikery. You'll see jews defending christianity just so they don't have to deal with an all white religion and that means something that they themselves cannot participate in. There's nothing worse to them than something they cannot infiltrate. Infiltrating and controlling christians is easy and second nature to them, while infiltrating and controlling something that by its very essence they never had is "anti-semitic."

It's the same thing. Varg worships the mighty Muslim cock now. Haven't you heard?


"Fredo! Fredo! How'd you find out about this place?"
"Grima Wormtongue told me about it!"


Tolkien should just fucking admit it was an oversight on his part.

I don't want to sound like a person just tossing bait for kicks but it bears mentioning. Christians will say anything just to attack their critics. Anything. It doesn't matter if what they say makes any sense, they will say it and will not try to be the least bit responsible because the thesis of their religion is that as long as they hold their faith they're saved. Subconsciously to them that means they have the right and the ticket to do anything in the name of their religion.

They strawman all critics as fedoras or pagans even though the critic they're in the midst of debating could easily be an ex-christian who is fed up with the charade of that religion. They claim jesus is white even though it's painfully obvious and essential to the origin of that religion that he was jewish - that's how being the messiah works. They over-exaggerate all positive examples of their religion being helpful while ignoring the countless negative examples of what the spread of christianity did, has done, and continues to do.

But it doesn't end there. Then you have the christians who have taken baby steps towards disowning it but still cling to its various flavors - specifically their made up one. These people defend christianity because in their head they're defending their ultra specific form of christianity and conflate their version with christianity as a whole to rationalize its existence as being positive. So as long as in their head christianity is edgy, badass, benevolent, and more, they will state it as such and then like the rest of them never stay to adequately handle the ensuing legitimate criticism.

No one said it doesn't. But it doesn't matter right? Because it's a LARP?

There's a reason why faith is required for jewish religion to function while other religions have always been blatant LARPs. Christianity is sold on the basis of "good faith" because it relies on the ultimate promise of salvation that of which cannot be verified - it's all about faith. Jews exploited one of the greatest unknowns, "Life after Death," and built three major religions out of it and then formed countermeasures for naysayers and people leaving the jew religions in the form of heresy doctrine. Jew religions carry penalties for leaving and criticizing. White religions never did because they were always LARPs.

He was bangin' wood elves two at a time! Dwarves couldn't get a drink at the table!