Why is this allowed?

Basically it subverted every image there is and put them behind a wall.
Searching images in any engine will give you a page full of compressed, small and sometimes blocked images from this shit.

And you know what's worst? Nobody seems to have noticed, or given a damn, they're slowly and quietly gathering a forced monopoly.

Other urls found in this thread:


isnt that just a spam site? does anyone actually use it for anything?


Yeah, it's fucking annoying, pages get filled with that crap and trying to follow the links back to the origin often leads to dead pages or deadends.

put -pintrest in the search, it won't include any pages containing the string pintrest

I just block pinterrorist from showing up on any of my image searches.

I remember Photobucket being the shittiest site for images a few years ago.

Then comes pinterest:

I feel like it's a site made for absolute braindead normies with no standards who just want to look up a model or clothing.

At least people can't link directly to these images, which means the garbage is contained, right?

Precisely this.

Not really, instead of the images that are supposed to be showed it shows an ad instead.

The problem can't be solved with just blocking it, the matter of fact is that Pinterest is holding image files hostage to its services. They are gathering crappy versions of images for themselves while the other better versions are being nuked from search, which can be literally kill to competitors.
It also prevents directly finding the source of images if you don't enter their site or maybe make an account.

They made the perfect parasite.

Go to the hosts file on your computer and put
< pinterest.com
At the bottom that should solve your problem, even better block it at the router and call it quits.
On linux its under etc, on windows/microfuck software I want to say its somewhere in system32.
To be fair pinterest, instagram, and to a degree snapchat are all a varying degree of normie cancer killing image sharing.

it dond worked

s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3f/66/87/3f668784d1daff3d6dff85e205ae63db--so-true-true-love.jpg :'^)

I noticed this too.

Also, photo bucket has recently blown up all their old content.

These faggots horde the images and their greatest ally pushes their content infront of even the source they stole from. but don't steal from us

Is the parasite that accuses its host of being the parasite.

The Just Will Always Be Seen As Unjust


The problem isn't pinterest. You're complaining about pinterest when the real problem is GOOGLE. Google's search algorithms have had a massive shit taken on them in the last 2 years. They've totally tanked.The problem is google massively over-representing pinterest in all image searches.

OP I can't see your image, there is a wall in the way

Does something like imgur not show up on search results as much? It has both the image and no registration requirement. Comparing the two, its almost no competition.

Pinterest is 4chan for retarded suburban mums.

This is not true. I just went and looked at a user's profile without an acccount.

Nigga the image is right there. Just like inspect element lmao.

It's huge with women.

Pinterest is a site for women. women wouldn't understand why someone wouldn't WANT to always be logged in under their real name everywhere.

I use it as an online bookmark list
I see more shit on tumblr and meme-whatever than pinterest when I search for images
