You won't believe what happens when this pig pulls over a black couple for a traffic stop!
You won't believe what happens when this pig pulls over a black couple for a traffic stop!
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Are they black people or niggers?
That's the second time I see a video where a person dies in one day.
Unfortunately, like the first one, this video gives enough room for doubt (I personally always assume the worst from cops, but speaking from the general point of view here) to ensure that the cops will not suffer any consequence.
I'm not really sure if people not into ID politics should be using /pol logic tbqh.
Jesus christ, that fucking cop keeping on his 'I've gotta hold this shit down' voice like he's dealing with a fucking threat.
Curb stomp cops, maybe then they'll know when they're dealing with a threat.
I wonder why a group like the Black Panthers have never engaged in propaganda of the deed when shit like that happens.
Really someone should show the American cops that when they kill innocent people another one of their own is going to die.
While it would be great to see that happen, I don't think it would generate enough popular support right now.
We should kill all cops on sight, tbqh. Not remotely viable strategically, though.
are the Black Panthers even solvent at this point? Thought that they all got fucked by the Feds in the 70s.
On the other hand, I wonder how we don't see more riots and violence in the states. Being on the internet, I could find something to start a riot about every day of the week, but I guess that's the problem, I'm always on the internet.
There's a "new" black panthers movement. But I think they've done away with the socialism bits and are basically just black nationalists.
BLM, with all of its faults, really is the only real group with revolutionary potential; but them being liberals is preventing any real substantial action.
Black people can't risk something like the Panthers today because they have things to lose.
As bad as the general situation can be, there's still a number of institutions and practices keeping them at that level. If they go radical and create enough rage among the population, the authorities and the government, these institutions and practices will be removed and they will sink further.
That's the logic of the welfare state I guess: give them just about enough so that they won't riot
The New Black Panthers are little more than racists and a joke, especially considering how effective the original Black Panthers were. BLM isn't much better, but they have numbers and obnoxiousness which I guess is all you need.
Holla Forums stopped making the distinction long time ago. Beside, i always understood Nigger as Black fitting a stereotype. Is constatation idpol?
Black people only fit stereotypes because their conditions push them toward crime and thuggery.
Someone was killed and your first question is whether or not they fit your understanding of the two types of black people before you decide to care. I'd say that's pretty shitty.
Chocolate Rambo tried that and look what happened. The LAPD started shooting random people to death because they were so scared, and then they chased him to a cabin and killed him with fire.
Black people are like 16% of the population. By that chart they get killed at double the rate of white people.
Clearly black people are being killed disproportionally. A Marxist would probably question material conditions or some such nonsense. Not you though, clearly it's just the media.
The percentage of poors among Blacks is also twice the one in the general population. Really makes you think…
Get a cheap .22 rifle and a suppressor. If you can't get a suppressor, make one with a can (there are a few guides) Shoot them from a distance. Preferably in the neck.
The most disgusting thing about this is that it reveals just how bad American cops are. Most police departments can't handle literally one person who's actually targetting them and go absolutely ballistic over it. They can't actually handle threats when they're not basically taking the role of an ambush predator, they only don't get gunned down more often because they have the drop on people. Not even a handful of people could probably bring even the LAPD to a screeching halt.
the media doesn't promote these stories or make them big, the stories are found by random people, it's posted on twitter, and everything snowballs from there.
I know you want to believe that the media is oppressing white people because they dont promote the stories of white people being killing but you need to understand that the media does not make these stories big.
Radical deeply triggering and problematic black supremacist group BLM tried to make the death of white teen Zachary Hammond a big story but whites and ALM didn't care enough for it(but then they complain about the deaths of white people not being covered)
If you want to see more white deaths covered then find a story, go online, and make your fellow white people care enough to get their name trending for a few hours.
They did it for Cecil the lion.
No shit. Somebody too stupid to understand per capita statistics wouldn't understand nuance like that though.
Literally one man managed to do it, and he only killed a couple of people.
I know, and this was someone who made himself blatantly obvious.
Think what'd happen if they found four dead cops in the same hour across the city. They'd very likely recall everyone and have no fucking idea how to react.
Let's trade contact info so we can coordinate to butcher the pigs! :-D
They'd probably start no-knock raiding random houses to get human shields.
cant wait for Holla Forums to fill the comments lmao
How the fuck do people like this end up as LEOs? That level of jumpiness should preclude a person from being a cashier.
From the other thread about police brutality.
Wow, I guess I couldn't be a police officer even if I wanted to…
Easier to fake being dumb than it is fake being smart.
Holy shit, this is horrifying. Just put yourself in that woman's shoes.
By the way… Why the FUCK are the cops just standing there? Someone's fucking dying and all they do is point their gun around and yell like crazy bitches.
I sure hope they at LEAST called for an ambulance, which they are actually waiting for during the video.
oh god this is really hard to watch, that woman is fucking HARD
Holla Forums will justify this. They justify anything
Tbh half of the time Holla Forums just laughs at things rather than trying to justify them
White supremacists are the biggest ebin memes. We ebin meme colonization. We ebin meme slavery. We ebin meme violent coups. We ebin meme crack epidemic. We ebin meme nuffin, da white man a good boy.
o fug
lol, niggers getting what's coming to them.
They're FBI plants. The original Panthers have disavowed them and I think were even suing them over the use of the name.
I've known some middle class blacks who fulfilled the stereotype, but I always chalked that up to them just being sheltered dumbshits.
tick tock
better do something drastic
Good. I can't wait for BLM to be declared a terrorist group. Not to mention, I'll be happy to join the Trumpzstaffel.
I'll enjoy your disappointment when you don't get what you want.