What's the best network card out there, Holla Forums?

What's the best network card out there, Holla Forums?

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It sounds warmer. Because, you know, jitter.

Bet you've been storing mp3 on your drive for years. They must be about 96kbps by now.

kill me

that's even more retarded than a "gourmet" only eating at Micky D's

but then again
that kinda implies retardation, now doesn't it?

A pair of used infiniband cards off ebay for 10 bucks. Multi-gigabit with hardware offload for a fraction of what equivalent ethernet would cost.

The same pattern applies to most of the cash-grab shit you find on consumer-level hardware: Firewire is faster, more reliable, more compatible and ironically less of a fire hazard than USB 3/C, SCSI from 20 years ago is less of a headache than eSATA or USB, IRDA with standard serial UART is a million times easier to set up than the bad practical joke that is bluetooth, PS/2 will never suffer the input lag or key rollover problems of USB, and so on.

Realtek RTL8192CE with drivers from a .tw host who's subnets are hijacked and hosting warez

Realtek RTL8192CE with drivers from a .tw host who's subdomains are hijacked and hosting warez

I'll agree that internal SCSI was never a problem. Using SCSI peripherals was a fucking nightmare.

Plus depending of the implementation.
It was a hell of a road if you didn't want to use it the IBM way.

There's plenty of older Intel cards made for servers on eBay for cheap. I fell for the Linux router meme and it was a huge improvement over the piece of shit my ISP gave me.

Its only worthwhile unless it's on a gaming switch

I got an fxp(3) for liek $10 at a computer swap meet. This was a decade ago. They used to run >$100. (AUD)

Those are probably local network cards

I have a R7000 with DD-WRT and I never have issues whatsoever, it's even overclocked to 1.1 GHz for shits 'n giggles.

Point conceded. Internal though, yeah. IDE is the worst parallel interface ever put into a desktop computer, and I say that having used fucking S3 VLB cards.
I have a laptop where the SATA is stuck in IDE emu mode. I guess that's the modern-day version of "stuck in PIO".

Wow, if I get one of those it will even automatically doubles post?

What is pfsense

A box full of hard drives is still the best bandwidth. If you need to move that much data over a local network, I would use my backup drives to cart the data back and forth, conveniently also updating the backup. I am not a $0 1337 programmer by any means, but I really don't see anyone needing to transfer so much data so frequently as to require something as outlandish as Infiniband.

Can you spoonfeed me the basics? Relevant to my interests.

- Infiniband card for every machine, presumably there are switches?
- How can you link it up with normal ethernet so other devices can talk to it?
- How do you run cable? Do you convert to fiber or use special cables in lieu of ethernet?

I build an 8-disk raid 6 array on an LSI controller and now the dual gigabit is the bottleneck -- two hosts transferring data saturating both interfaces is still onlyt a fraction of what the controller/array can do, not to mention that any single host can never exceed the gigabit transfer rate (meaning 6-8hour transfer times)

Infiniband is a mistake for IP traffic and requires encapsulation and loses most of its features. You can get new 10G ethernet cards cheap. 40G/100G is where the rape happens. Even people that only do MPI now usually go with standard ethernet solutions.

Yeah, rotational velocidensity will fuck you up. Opus is doing promising things with CELT (specifically PVQ) but I'm sticking with lossless for long-term storage.

I've never been able to understand the point of gayman networking hardware. I mean, they offer literally no features over your average soho router/switch. At least gayman keyboards and mice have muh macros/muh no accel sensors.

There is no point, but they can still pretend. Actual latency due to the network card is measured in microseconds.

Remember to rotate your velociraptors every 6 months. Also if you use deskstars, drain the "spindle sweat" annually.

If you did this 5 years ago, good find. But in 2CY, you can get dual 10Gb melanox cards for $40.

1 network card = 1 additional driver you have to trust
Unless it's an FSF approved card, there is no reason to buy it.

Features like Remote Direct Memory Access.


This. PFSense on an old box is literal leaps and bounds ahead of anything out there consumer-grade.


What the fuck!


This isn't new. Holla Forums found it, Holla Forums found it, Holla Forums found it, we found it at one point. No one figured out who's running these weird mirror things and the threads devolved into blaming the freemasonry of Jim

Is there even a performance reason for getting a new network card these days? Outside of getting a gigabit card because your current one can only do 100mbit for instance.

Is there a network card for textfiles?
I'm tired of network-induced ludonarrative dissonance.

why aren't you using leddit yet user?