What are some kinos where entire boards and subreddits get btfo?

What are some kinos where entire boards and subreddits get btfo?

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Based Putin! Jews are based!

wtf I love jews now

It's like poetry. They rhyme.

I'm genuinely asking this but how must someone who genially was on "Trump Train" during the election feel at this point? Do you feel assblasted? Disappointed? Numb? Indifferent?

I remember the vitriol. It has to hurt in a lot of ways. Not even trying to rub salt in those wounds. It must really fucking be a kick in the balls to those that got on board with certain notions of how it was to play out.


actually most of the people on the Holla Forums here dont really like putin since he's imprisoned a bunch of russian nationalists

Putin is also behind the murders of neo Nazi ethnonationalists. There was a video of Russian soldiers beheading one.

Holla Forums - assmad people banned from Holla Forums and random discussion

I think 4chin was meant, but no matter how indifferent you are about Putin and Russia or Stone, the documentary if fact checked really is in Putins favor that he did almost nothing wrong in terms of international relations during the past 16 years, in which many conflicts were instigated by American affairs

This is Holla Forums related, theres an Oliver Stone documentary on Putin, I think this is as relevant as any topic


While Putin is someone who should be taken focus on his well-made decisions, Oliver Stone is after all the guy who sugar coated and defended Hugo Chavez's Venezuela ultra-socialism and cuban refugees, which ultimately caused extreme havoc in the country

he's right

That's all fine and dandy, but it seems being cordial was the essence of getting this documentary even done in the first place and it seemed Putin at least had respect for Stone in this manner. Character can be questioned for things like that as can our of governments involvement in south american and central america but it seemed Stone was doing this purely out of a public service mentality because the Russian issue is such a hot button to Americans and many Americans are surely not informed of all things involved.

wtf I love jews now!

I'll take Chavez over the corporatist oligarchs any day of the week.

Anyone see the episode that talked about snowden? Hearing Putins remarks was very interesting, he bluntly stated he didn't agree with what Snowden did, even though he did agree the NSA was overstepping its bounds, but still praised his character and balls to do it.

youtube.com/watch?v=rKbz5S8yQDw EP 1

Well yeah, did you come here from Holla Forums, /reddipol/, or Holla Forums?

There's really no winning, but at least in one you can eat and plan ahead

I'm satisfied with him so far because, all memes aside, I never cared that much about the Holla Forums stuff and never thought he would be the next Hitler or anything like that. I don't care if he bombs sand niggers in the middle east or if he touches some wall in Israel. He killed the TPP, jailed half a thousand pedos, deported even more spics, got us out of that retarded global warming thing with France, and caused the most hilarious explosion of leftist butthurt I've ever seen. Breddy gud for only six months in office tbh.

He could have jailed a lot


Buddy i lived there, slapping asses on the streets until the (bigger) negro menace came by

Probably working for one of the oil companies that tried to get rid of Chavez, huh?

That's right, just like 40% of the population and 60 something % of the population in the west side, which is the side that ran the country's resources
We were better off with the european oil-controlled towns and cities than with "the people", which were councils made of fresh off-the-boat socialist immigrants, who had their antifa (read: anti-gov) squads armed with the old FALs that were discarded after that big 100k AK103 buy

Never seen a community go up in flames so quickly, and i didn't even see the good part of it because i left before having to pass your fingerprints at the nationalized state-owned supermarkets to be granted your weekly quota of toilet paper and coffee

I'll tell you how I feel. It appears our foreign policy hasn't changed at all under Trump. It's the same old bullshit and it's fucking disgusting. As far as domestic policy is concerned, I think Trump is doing a good job as of now. However, there is a lot more to be done and a lot more promises to be fulfilled. Overall, I'm not very enthused at the moment.

I'm sure you and your bosses thought it was better. And I'm sure they and their mercs did everything they could to make it worse after getting pushed out. Same old story.

At what point did you realize the left is unironically better than the right, morally, artistically and mentally?

your mspaint image makes no sense
were you even on this site when he got punched? everyone on Holla Forums hates that faggot, but it doesnt mean they wont do detective work to put antifa scum behind bars
also your statement is unequivocally false


When the right wing sjws tried to shut down the Trump Caesar play. They don't care about freedom of speech smh. Hilldawg would've saved the west.

I don't even think they tried, i'm not doubting it, but they didn't even lay a hand when the commies did all the job themselves, expropriating all the good there was to share the loot with the low class scumbags
They did, however, try drastic measures to make people react, like chopping gas production and closing the natural gas pipes to the population, so they "could feel what communism is"
The message backfired and people went critical at them instead. Which is weird, those guys were expelled a decade ago, but right now there's no gas nor oil either :^)

Read about it, not to educate yourself but to have a laugh at many occurrences and ironies when real communism happens


Venezuela has never been communist, my corporatist friend.

Yes, yes nothing has ever actually been real communism. We have heard all that before.


I enjoyed the Trump memes during the election and supported his campaign I even volunteered and high-fived him at a rally and I've gotta say, he's not been terrible. He really hasn't broken any of his promises, and he's followed through on a good chunk of them. Then again, I went in having read The Art of the Deal, and knowing that when Donald Trump says he's gonna build "the biggest, bestest building you've ever seen", he really means he's gonna build a nice building and get it done on time or slightly ahead of schedule. Trump explained in Chapter 2 of The Art of the Deal that he uses "truthful hyperbole". He hasn't lied about much, he's just exaggerated what he was going to do. Take the recent Cuba deal, for instance. He said he was going to be "hard on Cuba" and all he changed was that you had to keep receipts for 5 years because you "could be audited" which will realistically never happen and you "can't trade with the Cuban government", which means you can only trade with the casas and private restaurants down there. Not an issue, because you can fake receipts, and most of those places don't give receipts anyway. And you need to travel in a group instead of alone. Again, not a big deal. And that fuck for that, too, considering I'm a Cuban cigar smuggler. I was actually in Cuba when Trump announced his plan

All in all, his presidency hasn't been bad. It's been exactly what I expected. He's still assblasting the media by simply breathing, and kikes don't seem too happy with the situation, but they're trying to manage. Honestly, anyone who expected Trump to be Hitler 2.0 was naive. He's a step in the right direction, not a leap into NatSoc territory.

Putin want to rebuild the Russian Empire within fucking up the economy like the Soviet Union did. He's intelligent and eloquent, but he's still the man who would be tsar.

the saga of the /sp/artans. /sp/ has btfo /int*/ since the beginning, as well as many other foes. Dispute incredible odds, /sp/ finds a way.

Take a look in this very thread and see how many blind Holla Forumsacks continue to defend him as "not that bad" and "he's not Hitler 2.0, but he's a step in the right direction, even though he isn't". Putin was never anything more than a rich, corrupt fuck who has been running Russia into the ground for the past decade and a half while pretending otherwise.

In what ways has Putin run Russia into the ground? I actually have to write a 250 word essay by next Friday on this so I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish it in time.

Are you in high school? Because every single paper I ever wrote in college and fucking aced were by page not words.

Also he hasn't its much better than the 90s

Listen kid, graduate from high school and spend 2 years in the real world before you come on this board. The fact that you can't shit out a 1 page essay means you aren't anywhere near ready for college, let alone this board. Try Reddit or iFunny, you might fit in better there.

so the catholic church never made any art whatsoever? how can you be this retarded

Can't tell if this is some deep ironic shitposting or if it's serious.

>cannot enough sourced material on a major world leader to finish a 250 work report
A 250 word report is one fucking somewhat longer post on here, and takes a few minutes to bang out. Just find some shit, do a standard paper structure, put in your cites and go to bed.